Rescheduling Of Opening Shows General Discussion Only

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Come on, no-one's writing 'hate' messages. People have a right to be annoyed if they have lost loads of money because of this. It's hardly going to come as a surprise to the media & their readers that people aren't best pleased. We shouldn't have to censor our opinions.
How about checking ticketmaster for tickets to the 13th?

I think all tickets for the 8th will now be transferred to July 13th. So I don't think much will be available.
beautiful thought. and in my honest opinion, i bet five days isn't enough. and i wish people might sympathetically consider that possibility.

You may be angry, but you know better!

He was forced to delay for reasons OUTSIDE of his control. He can be 'hands on' with everything... but ultimately he needs everything else to come together in time. i.e., If a piece of stage can't be manufacturered in time, he would be forced to delay the show.

Performing is HIS thing. It's what he does best. If he can't put out his best performance, he will fix it. Maybe he was told the stage wouldn't be ready until 20 shows? Maybe he paid an extra $3 million to make sure it is done as soon as possible (july 13).

We really don't (and likely won't) know the details on WHY it was delayed. But, don't start believing that Michael somehow willingly CHOSE to delay them. If he did have any involvement, it must have been one of the hardest decisions he had to make.

He still loves everyone. He loves his fans. He even wished Tom Sneddon a 'Happy Birthday' during the trial! Why would he 'turn on his fans' and decide to 'ruin' it for them? He wouldn't. He loves his fans... even the ones that 'hate' him... and he has NEVER returned the 'hate'.

To those who think he's "screwing" his fans over, whether 'carelessly' or 'on purpose'... it's pathetic.

Remember the ambulance driver (who probably got paid handsomely for lying)? Remember Raymone? Remember his Neverland staff? Remember the Auction? Remember his lawyers? Many times we don't find out until YEARS later that 'Wait, it wasnt Michael's fault after all!'

Give him the benefit of the doubt. We already know the media won't. He's not going to say "Let's postpone the first 3 dates" without thinking long and hard over it.

Exactly...on both posts. We don't know how much has been done just to get it down to ONLY a 5-day delay. That could be the best they could do, lest more dates would have been rescheduled.

I sympathize with everyone who is affected. Don't think becuz some of us have later dates that we aren't afraid of something like this happening to us for some ungodly reason. It's a risk we're all taking...especially those of us who don't live in London or nearby...not to suggest ppl in London shouldn't be upset. I'm just saying the amount of money lost compared to those coming from abroad has to be vastly different due to flight costs alone.

My hope is that when this is all over with (after the last London show), we're going to look back at this and laugh...and and be thankful that the decision was made in the end. :) *fingers crossed*
A little advice for life:

Don't expect for anything!!! if you will not expect - you will not get disappointed.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

I'm from Canada. I will enjoy the trip regardless because I am going to visit a friend of mine who is really special to me, but my kids don't know her. They were happy for me to get to visit, but they really didn't want to go to London. They keep hearing how it is boring for kids, from the friends of theirs who went. I have been showing them the good about it but they would much rather go somewhere else. This is the only vacation I have ever taken them on and I wanted it to be exciting and fun for them but the truth is, I really don't know how I can make it fun and exciting when the thing they were most looking forward to was the concert. That was the excitement for them. For me, I am fine, though of course disappointed at missing the concert. I still have lots to look forward to.

I just seriously don't know how I'm going to tell them. They weren't all that into MJ before I told them I got tickets to his concert and you should see them now. I can't get my son to listen to anything else. I actually am tired of listening to his music because that's all that gets played around here. Though not all that tired of it. But they have been converting all their friends to becoming MJ fans. They have been learning about him, and watching his videos, and dancing to him. All this because I got us tickets to the concert. They were more excited about that than I've seen them about anything lately. Now I just don't know what to tell them. I actually don't want to tell them. I don't know what to do. If it were just me then fine, but I am letting down my children and I have done that enough in my life. I really didn't want to let them down this time.

i know it's hard, Ape. i know. and by the way, you are their mother. there's no possiblity of them being let down.

this is what i'd like to inject. we have now been reminded of an aspect of Mj that made us a fan. his perfectionism. a product of patience. one of the paramount reasons why your kids can't listen to anything else. the reason why his music can be blocked from radio, making room for many others, but in the end, his music sells out 50 concerts.

from the beginning, MJ was hesitant to perform, and his mother had to goad him into doing it. the Victory Tour, etc. he was always afraid of not getting it right. from the very beginning.

it's like a car. if you take of your car, your car will take care of you.

if you take care of your music, your music will take care of you.

it's been a bellweather and apex of the Michael experience from the beginning.

and it's something we must adapt, if we want MJ's music to continue to be what it always has been.

because of this care, MJ's product has been recession proof.

this is a life lesson for all of us.

perhaps you can tell those close to you, that you won't stand for an inferior product.

neither will Michael.
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I suppose the best thing would be for some to exchange tickets maybe? If some fans don't mind going next year or can't make it until then. Or maybe AEG can work out something with the airlines so fans don't have to pay or at least get a discount? I think that would only be fair.
My hope is that when this is all over with (after the last London show), we're going to look back at this and laugh...and and be thankful that the decision was made in the end. :) *fingers crossed*

True - a good way of looking at it
I have a ticket for the 14th it's a little hard to have to wait 9 months to see the show and lose some money and what could happen for the last show. They probably could try to do 2 concécutive show by month. So I will wait and hope it won't have any more bad news
The show's director Kenny Ortega took the decision yesterday, with a spokesman saying a clash with Madonna, who is also performing at the venue at the beginning of July, had left Jackson with no time to rehearse at the arena.*****-fans-thrilled-troubled-singer-cancels-week-concerts.html

I guess someone didnt do the necessary check-ups before they went ahead of themselves and gave out dates. It can hardly be news to them that Madonna is performing there in july too.
I'm so sick of the few here that believe we shouldn't voice our displeasure about this situation. For whatever reason, people are being screwed out off hundreds or thousands of dollars and have every right to be pissed off and voice it here in the forum. If not here then where? We all love Mike but he is no God and he is no above reproach. People are being screwed out of their hard earned money because of poor planning, if not some other reason, by people who are supposed professionals. So let the folks here get it all out if they need to.
Why couldn't they do 3 shows in October?? Is there overlap with other artists? I just hate waiting for almost a year for the shows...
How can they do this. We purposefully booked for those dates because we thought they would be least likely to be cancelled and because he would still be full of energy and excited about the shows. We were up early for the presale and got the tickets for the 12th as soon as they went on sale. It's so unlucky that its just those few dates that are affected. We now have to wait 8 months, during which time something else could happen and those end shows could be cancelled.
Im crushed.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

I'm from Canada. I will enjoy the trip regardless because I am going to visit a friend of mine who is really special to me, but my kids don't know her. They were happy for me to get to visit, but they really didn't want to go to London. They keep hearing how it is boring for kids, from the friends of theirs who went. I have been showing them the good about it but they would much rather go somewhere else. This is the only vacation I have ever taken them on and I wanted it to be exciting and fun for them but the truth is, I really don't know how I can make it fun and exciting when the thing they were most looking forward to was the concert. That was the excitement for them. For me, I am fine, though of course disappointed at missing the concert. I still have lots to look forward to.

I just seriously don't know how I'm going to tell them. They weren't all that into MJ before I told them I got tickets to his concert and you should see them now. I can't get my son to listen to anything else. I actually am tired of listening to his music because that's all that gets played around here. Though not all that tired of it. But they have been converting all their friends to becoming MJ fans. They have been learning about him, and watching his videos, and dancing to him. All this because I got us tickets to the concert. They were more excited about that than I've seen them about anything lately. Now I just don't know what to tell them. I actually don't want to tell them. I don't know what to do. If it were just me then fine, but I am letting down my children and I have done that enough in my life. I really didn't want to let them down this time.

I am so sorry for you. I have raised three sons through hard times and know how you must feel. I do believe Michael will come to North America. It would be so much easier if Michael was able to let folks know about future dates in other countries and allow ticket trades to those venues. Do you think you could afford to come down to NY if he played there? You could tell your kids you would try to make that happen. That way they can still look forward to an MJ concert. Then for London, I guess you just have to look around ahead of time. I can't believe their is nothing their for kids to enjoy. Have they ever traveled. I traveled alone to Europe the first time at 16. It is an awesome experience. Every kid/teen should have a chance to do that. When I go, I will probably spend 2 days just taking the $20 day tours that let you transfer from one bus/train/walk to another all day long. I am an architecture 'student' however and for me that works but even as a teen, seeing the old architecture, palaces, etc. was quite an experience.

If I can't tranfer my plane tickets I am just going to tour like mad. If I can transfer them maybe by March time I can afford to stay longer than 4 days and visit family in Denmark.
I still think AEG should try to work something out with the airlines to cover costs. Fans deserve more than a simple "we're sorry". This is costing people hundreds if not more. They should really do something here. Some of you should maybe try to get in contact and voice your displeasure about the whole situation. I know that's what I would do if it was me.
BAD NEWS is spreading fast!!!! while
Good news is never picked up by the major news outlet.
I aint buying the Madonna reason, she pegged that date long ago. Incredible mismanagement is causing major major issues for fans, Im just seething about this. And March, why on earth March????? Hopefully we get some answers soon.
I'm so sick of the few here that believe we shouldn't voice our displeasure about this situation. For whatever reason, people are being screwed out off hundreds or thousands of dollars and have every right to be pissed off and voice it here in the forum. If not here then where? We all love Mike but he is no God and he is no above reproach. People are being screwed out of their hard earned money because of poor planning, if not some other reason, by people who are supposed professionals. So let the folks here get it all out if they need to.

I couldn't agree more!
All those life lessons.....
The fact it's been rescheduled doesn't make me feel better at all. Like.. I feel like it's been canceled and that's that.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

5 Reasns I'm very ANNOYED (my tickets aren't affected, but I'm so upset for those who are):

1. I don't understand how 5 days can make such a huge difference to the production. I sense there's probably some other reason.
2. People have bought non-refundable flights to the UK because they were led to believe they would be the only shows. We've since heard its more than likely now there will be more in other countries.
3. Many people have booked hotels and at the least will lose their deposit.
3. People spent over-the-odds on opening night tickets through Viagogo. These now means nothing.
4. People keep saying we should be grateful that Mike's performing for us, like it's a favour. Please remember he's earning £400 million - paid for by us.
5. I very much doubt MJ had no say in this (even if they were unforseen circumstances).
Shame on AEG. It was a rushed job and we're all paying for it.
Great post
All the way to March '10? So ... none of the other days in between the first group of shows and the second grouping were available? What about those "insurance" days in between the shows they scheduled?
i can't believe i'm on the side of the media here, but it's not being reported as fast as people think. it's not on msn's home page.
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