Rescheduling Of Opening Shows General Discussion Only

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The residency won't be cancelled unless due to unforeseen circumstances (life is full of them).

true. especially the bolded. hate me for saying it. that won't change a thing. i just thought we all knew that.

in the end..this is still just entertainment
Why did they postpone these July dates all the way to 2010? It would have been okay if it was just a few days, but almost a year later?! I don't get it. That is so inconvenient for people who booked flights, hotel rooms, etc. or who might have taken time off from work. What is the reason for such a big gap between the dates? I don't think fans would be as upset if it was only a few days, but almost a year? Come on now.
I Love MJ but honestly it does'nt surprise me that there would be some sort of drama attached to the concerts. If the entire thing got cancelled it wouldnt surprise me either, only time will tell.
.... had this information for weeks and weeks now and Michael's camp didn't bother to speak to the fans about this weeks and weeks ago. I think that is unfair.
That's the thing that bothers me most. I did calm down driving home from work, and somehow I will find the money to work around the date. But after the person you talk about (I think I can respond like this, because the initial post is made by Mod1) said twice this was going to happen, I made inquiries. Also twice. And twice it was bluntly denied. And now it happens excactly as described. If they had informed all of us in that earlier stage, many people could have saved their money on plane tickets and hotels.
I was also going to see Lady Gaga on July 14th....goodbye to that one too :sad:

i just hope I can get to see another great concert in London on March other than MJ's (not that he isnt the most important one, of course)...
I can't hear the station its says that i'm not from uk.Guys please post another link.I'm very excited.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

yes. i am a human being. i got pissed off at fans. and i'm sorry for that. but can we at least consider this...

this whole thing is unprecedented. no artist was ever this big, on this big a scale. but right now, he is going through something that artists have gone through for years. cancelling concerts. rescheduling them. cancelling albums. rescheduling them. artists getting dropped from their label because of unsatisfactory product. this has happened to so many artists on a lesser level for so many years, so many times, it's not even funny. time has never been the friend of the music industry. the only reason why there is such an explosion over the Michael situation here, is because, for the first time in history, this redundant practice is now on a GRAND scale. but in the end....what kind of product do you want? what kind of product made us a fan?

Quincy Jones was ready to put out Thriller as is. Michael screamed and cried and told him to put a Stop to it, because he didn't feel it was ready. the rest is history.

we're just not in a practical society when it comes to the music industry. execs have lost their labels because they were so interested in a 'timely' product. but, as a result, they got a sh***y product. and the music industry started its decline.

it's something to learn to get used to, but if you want good music, the clock must be thrown in the garbage. music doesn't listen to time constraints.

in the end, if the finished product was worth using the time, and the resulting haterade to get it right, it's worth it. cus either way, you lose money, if the product sucks, or if the product is moved back one year.

the question we have to answer is, which do we prefer? cus there is no third choice in music.

this situation is a glorified version of old hat. the only way we wouldn't feel all this pain, is if Michael was not this big an artist, and the whole world, therefore, was not watching.

it's better to have cancelled a whole year and deal with the fallout, in order to have a show that no one will ever forget.

for an artist this big.....this is the only solution. the other solution should've been that MJ never listen to all the cries for him to perform again, because he's to big for it to work out in a pragmatic way.

I really really love this ... I agree.:clapping:
remember Michael is perfectionist and he has his own standard.
He is the model, idol of the popular present artist his concert should be bigger and better :)
That's the thing that bothers me most. I did calm down driving home from work, and somehow I will find the money to work around the date. But after the person you talk about (I think I can respond like this, because the initial post is made by Mod1) said twice this was going to happen, I made inquiries. Also twice. And twice it was bluntly denied. And now it happens excactly as described. If they had informed all of us in that earlier stage, many people could have saved their money on plane tickets and hotels.

I agree with you, but I also think this is one of those situation where MJ's people are just stuck between a rock and a hard place. Since they are his people and attached to the event, they won't mention anything that puts a negative spin on something, it just won't happen, no spokespeople do that. The person that has reported on this before doesn't have that restriction, he can post rumors or info whenever and however he wants.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

I know. I am cringing at telling people who know I was going in July that shows have been rescheduled. Are you from Australia? I do believe Michael will tour the world. Maybe the way to look at this is to enjoy the trip and catch a show in your own country later. I do hope that Michael will allow tickets from London to be transferred to other venues or give those who had tickets for the dates that were shifted a first chance at dates elsewhere if it happens.

Maybe you will get to have your cake and eat it too. If I can't change air tickets you can bet I am going to ENJOY London.
I'm from Canada. I will enjoy the trip regardless because I am going to visit a friend of mine who is really special to me, but my kids don't know her. They were happy for me to get to visit, but they really didn't want to go to London. They keep hearing how it is boring for kids, from the friends of theirs who went. I have been showing them the good about it but they would much rather go somewhere else. This is the only vacation I have ever taken them on and I wanted it to be exciting and fun for them but the truth is, I really don't know how I can make it fun and exciting when the thing they were most looking forward to was the concert. That was the excitement for them. For me, I am fine, though of course disappointed at missing the concert. I still have lots to look forward to.

I just seriously don't know how I'm going to tell them. They weren't all that into MJ before I told them I got tickets to his concert and you should see them now. I can't get my son to listen to anything else. I actually am tired of listening to his music because that's all that gets played around here. Though not all that tired of it. But they have been converting all their friends to becoming MJ fans. They have been learning about him, and watching his videos, and dancing to him. All this because I got us tickets to the concert. They were more excited about that than I've seen them about anything lately. Now I just don't know what to tell them. I actually don't want to tell them. I don't know what to do. If it were just me then fine, but I am letting down my children and I have done that enough in my life. I really didn't want to let them down this time.
All I gonna say is, we have to wait for the announcement thatz goin' to happen tommorrow.
Iwonder what the real reason is.. It sounds too weird for me. 5 days is nothing, and why isnt the 14th the opening night instead of the 13th.
I can't hear the station its says that i'm not from uk.Guys please post another link.I'm very excited.

excited? :O

they are just going to tell us what we already know.


Michaels got some girl up the duff and shes due on the 8th July.
im sorry i normally support Michael in everything but this is unacceptable, the people being pushed back to march are the ones who wanted to see him at one of the early dates, now we just have to wait until march and hope that he managed to finish all 50 dates this is so unfair its unreal
this better not have something to do with the Allgood entertainment mess. I'll be seriously pissed of if my dreams of seeing MJ live are destroyed because of that mess!!
The show's director Kenny Ortega took the decision yesterday, with a spokesman saying a clash with Madonna, who is also performing at the venue at the beginning of July, had left Jackson with no time to rehearse at the arena.*****-fans-thrilled-troubled-singer-cancels-week-concerts.html
APE, you should try to bargain with someone who has tickets for the 13th. How about checking ticketmaster for tickets to the 13th?
Undeniably, this is a major convenience. I really honestly feel for the many many fans around the world who have paid an arm and leg to get themselves to London (because afterall, Michael has not announced any other worldwide dates other than London). Then after the ticketing fiasco we now find that dates in July are being moved all the way to March.

This shouldnt be happening.
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