Rescheduling Of Opening Shows General Discussion Only

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Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

MJJC president should feedback to AEG live of fans frustrations and have the shows kick off at scheduled date 8th July instead of delaying it for stage production and design that fans never wanted to see!!!!! LET MJ KNOWS IT!
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

Yeah... but it is not fair for all of us , for Mj , FOR THE FANS.I haven't even thought that will happen ... its shocking.And depressing.

Well, they can be disappointed - I can understand that.

But why to talk like this? it's not fair either.

Michael is coming back finally, and this how his fans welcoming his return?... :/
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

I don't know.. I think I would have rather had my kids and myself see an imperfect show than no show. I don't know how I am going to tell them. What do I tell them? Anyone?

I truly am saddened..its not right...
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

My account on ticketmaster says i dont have any tickets for any upcoming event:S I do have an e-mail that ive bought 2 tickets and got my ticket number and all that. So why i can't see my tickets on ticketmaster?? Anyone know?
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

I think that this puts the whole thing in the balance. No one's tickets are safe!!!
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

We gotta be realistic here. Michael makes the final decision about his shows. He decided to reschedule them, ok? Ultimately his decision and unfortunate for me to say, his fault. I hope Michael, AEG and everyone involved thought about fans who are traveling from around the globe. That is the truth and it's a bitter pill to swallow. What is also a bitter pill to swallow is that Roger Friedman had this information for weeks and weeks now and Michael's camp didn't bother to speak to the fans about this weeks and weeks ago. I think that is unfair.

I imagine they still hoped they wouldn't have to reschedule dates and now they are certain they can't make the schedule. I think of the time Michael's scaffolding fell with him on it. It sounds like they are doing some in-the-air work again. I want to make sure everyone will be safe first. I'll figure out a way to deal with my rescheduling somehow. I truely hope fans will stick together and trade tickets with those like the folks coming from Australia who can't rebook. Their are a number of people who had multiple tickets and could still see one of the first shows even if they gave up a July 13th ticket.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

i am SOOOOOO P'ed off its not funny. I mean seriously, be REALISTIC, I didn't think MJ would do any concerts past August. I thought they would have been cancelled from then to be honest. I mean he may be Michael Jackson but with a days rest in between each show, I couldn't see him making all 50 dates.

And now to make matter worse, the people who were going to see him on the 10, 12 and 14th are being basically told theres a risk you aren't going to see him at all. I mean seriously what if he does the one concert or a weeks worth of concerts and then goes, 'oh i feel tired, i cant do any more lets cancel the rest'; what then? the people who originally had tickets for the opening shows are being stabbed in the back PAINFULLY hard

But why to think like that???

We will wait and see.

You need ALWAYS to think positive.

Why you need to add more worries?...

Think about that.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

My account on ticketmaster says i dont have any tickets for any upcoming event:S I do have an e-mail that ive bought 2 tickets and got my ticket number and all that. So why i can't see my tickets on ticketmaster?? Anyone know?

What???This is really bad.Call them.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

aaah f**k this I'm gonna go and let some steam angry!!
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

So Roger Friedman is actually a credible source!
I've never believed what the PR persons said cause they are there to deny any negative rumours and not telling the truth!!
And told you MJ might really be suffering from some illness!!! but you see they are not going to make things clear!!!!
There might not be a tour!! It might even be cancelled!
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

and here i was thinking i was lucky my tickets were at the beginning of the concerts, i always feared and talked with my partner about being on the tail end of the concert, because michael will be getting tired if hes still doing it and everything. and now one of the ones we were going to has now been put at the end of the concerts. ......... great..... um NOT!
i dont know what to do about those tickets now that have been rescheduled, i dont know what im doing in march next years, and whos to say i can afford to stay in london for another few days when i need to. sorry but absolutely ridiculous and surprised a lot of you people have the belief that he will still be doing the concerts by next year. i commend you for believe in him so much.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

This thread is sad to read...
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

But why to think like that???

We will wait and see.

You need ALWAYS to think positive.

Why you need to add more worries?...

Think about that.

why think like that, because it's reality. even i at half michaels age would not be able to perform for 2+ hours every second night for months on end. unless your an elite athlete
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

We gotta be realistic here. Michael makes the final decision about his shows. He decided to reschedule them, ok? Ultimately his decision and unfortunate for me to say, his fault. I hope Michael, AEG and everyone involved thought about fans who are traveling from around the globe. That is the truth and it's a bitter pill to swallow. What is also a bitter pill to swallow is that Roger Friedman had this information for weeks and weeks now and Michael's camp didn't bother to speak to the fans about this weeks and weeks ago. I think that is unfair.

yes. i am a human being. i got pissed off at fans. and i'm sorry for that. but can we at least consider this...

this whole thing is unprecedented. no artist was ever this big, on this big a scale. but right now, he is going through something that artists have gone through for years. cancelling concerts. rescheduling them. cancelling albums. rescheduling them. artists getting dropped from their label because of unsatisfactory product. this has happened to so many artists on a lesser level for so many years, so many times, it's not even funny. time has never been the friend of the music industry. the only reason why there is such an explosion over the Michael situation here, is because, for the first time in history, this redundant practice is now on a GRAND scale. but in the end....what kind of product do you want? what kind of product made us a fan?

Quincy Jones was ready to put out Thriller as is. Michael screamed and cried and told him to put a Stop to it, because he didn't feel it was ready. the rest is history.

we're just not in a practical society when it comes to the music industry. execs have lost their labels because they were so interested in a 'timely' product. but, as a result, they got a sh***y product. and the music industry started its decline.

it's something to learn to get used to, but if you want good music, the clock must be thrown in the garbage. music doesn't listen to time constraints.

in the end, if the finished product was worth using the time, and the resulting haterade to get it right, it's worth it. cus either way, you lose money, if the product sucks, or if the product is moved back one year.

the question we have to answer is, which do we prefer? cus there is no third choice in music.

this situation is a glorified version of old hat. the only way we wouldn't feel all this pain, is if Michael was not this big an artist, and the whole world, therefore, was not watching.

it's better to have cancelled a whole year and deal with the fallout, in order to have a show that no one will ever forget.

for an artist this big.....this is the only solution. the other solution should've been that MJ never listen to all the cries for him to perform again, because he's to big for it to work out in a pragmatic way.
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Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

WTF???????? This is a joke, right?? I have my hotel booked and flights booked that I can't change or get a refund for. Ain't no way I'm going to pay all that money for flights and hotel AGAIN in March 2010!!!!! :doh: Who knows what will happen THEN....if they get cancelled again I've paid huge amounts of money for nothing. I'm not gonna be a happy camper if this is true. Then again...I wasn't looking forward to being at the back rows at the concerts....but this seriously sucks if this is true. Someone needs to fire some people and hire more professional people who can handle organizing such events with realistic schedules. This is rididculous! :doh: I love you MJ, but....sorry....I'm not a millionaire. Guess I'll get try to get a refund for at least my concert tickets...This is such a joke if true!!! OMG! :doh:
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

5 Reasns I'm very ANNOYED (my tickets aren't affected, but I'm so upset for those who are):

1. I don't understand how 5 days can make such a huge difference to the production. I sense there's probably some other reason.
2. People have bought non-refundable flights to the UK because they were led to believe they would be the only shows. We've since heard its more than likely now there will be more in other countries.
3. Many people have booked hotels and at the least will lose their deposit.
3. People spent over-the-odds on opening night tickets through Viagogo. These now means nothing.
4. People keep saying we should be grateful that Mike's performing for us, like it's a favour. Please remember he's earning £400 million - paid for by us.
5. I very much doubt MJ had no say in this (even if they were unforseen circumstances).
Shame on AEG. It was a rushed job and we're all paying for it.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

I don't know.. I think I would have rather had my kids and myself see an imperfect show than no show. I don't know how I am going to tell them. What do I tell them? Anyone?

I know. I am cringing at telling people who know I was going in July that shows have been rescheduled. Are you from Australia? I do believe Michael will tour the world. Maybe the way to look at this is to enjoy the trip and catch a show in your own country later. I do hope that Michael will allow tickets from London to be transferred to other venues or give those who had tickets for the dates that were shifted a first chance at dates elsewhere if it happens.

Maybe you will get to have your cake and eat it too. If I can't change air tickets you can bet I am going to ENJOY London.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

if it's somehow a help... my last MJ-concert i've been to was also pushed back (it was at the time when Diana died... but it was all worth the wait... trust me... rescheduling doesn't mean you won't see him doing his thing... Shamone!
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

This is shit
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

Well how ever unfortunate this is, it can be as ordinary that those who do one thing is delayed then the next persons who need X amount of time to build the set will also be late, then Michael and the crew needs X amount of time to rehearse and so on. So if one is late everyone else suffer.
We should wait for a pressrelase.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

This is a horrible sign of things to come. Sorry to fans getting screwed here! I hope they f-up the August dates too!
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

Jesus Christ, for pushing only 5 days back I have to wait until March to see him in concert, I bought tickets for those three first dates and I booked flight and hotel between July 6th and 13th, which means that I have to leave the city when the first concert starts! Talk about godd*mn annoying! Please God, I hope this isn´t true :(! We must start an petition for doing the concerts as planned on those dates!

That might sound like a great idea. But fans who do that and force MJ to do it will have no one to blame but themselves when the better shows start rolling out and they realized they would have rather waited. And again, I think inconveniencing nearly 60,000 versus nearly one million in shifting ALL the dates had to be a decision MJ and AEG agonized over.

I think we should make a separate thread with all relevant information with no comments allowed.

Sounds like a good idea. :flowers:

We gotta be realistic here. Michael makes the final decision about his shows. He decided to reschedule them, ok? Ultimately his decision and unfortunate for me to say, his fault. I hope Michael, AEG and everyone involved thought about fans who are traveling from around the globe. That is the truth and it's a bitter pill to swallow. What is also a bitter pill to swallow is that Roger Friedman had this information for weeks and weeks now and Michael's camp didn't bother to speak to the fans about this weeks and weeks ago. I think that is unfair.

I think the issue with RF could have been a situation where a FINAL decision on whether the need to reschedule hadn't been made. It's possible they had an idea they might have to do this but were waiting for other information to come to their attention before actually deciding. So to be fair I don't think it's possibly to suggest MJ and AEG withheld this info for no reason. I'm sure there must have been a good reason for them to wait til now.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

The thread should be closed and only updated with latest news and actual news!!!!!
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

You know? now if some evil reporter from some ridiculous magazine / site
read the things you are saying in this thread - he will be with a BIG smile on his face!
To see the fans of Michael Jackson talking about him bad things.
This is what we need right now, huh???

Don't be surprised if you'll see in the next few days a headline who says: "The fans of Michael Jackson got tired of him".

Well done!!! :/
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

if it's somehow a help... my last MJ-concert i've been to was also pushed back (it was at the time when Diana died... but it was all worth the wait... trust me... rescheduling doesn't mean you won't see him doing his thing... Shamone!

Unfortunately, it may very well mean just that for some people. Some people have jobs they had to schedule their vacation around. Many have unrefundable air tickets, hotel reservations, or both. I am sure there are many people who will now be unable to attend any of the shows due to these circumstances.

Yes, that's a risk many people were willing to take when buying a concert ticket, but it doesn't take the sting away from people putting their faith in their scheduled dates coming through.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

WTF!!!! Sorry but I am soooo angry! I have bought non-refundable flights to London so I will loose my money!!! This is so unfair!!!
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

is it me or is alot of the negativity coming from fans who joined after the press conference?

People need to calm down, breathe and wait for MJ/AEG official statement which ticketmaster said would be coming. Maybe that will explain further etc.
For all we know MJ may have set up a thing where ppl who have non refundable flights etc can get sum of their money back.

I guess we just wait to hear from the man himself
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

Maybe the delay is because Madonna goes on stage on the 4th and that would leave Michaels team 4 days to build the stage and test it to see that everything works fine. Maybe they feel that they need more time, because the stage and the show itself is so high tech that they need more time to check and recheck everything.

I know some of you don't give a shit about the production. But Michael does.

Anyway, there is a perfectly good explanation why this has happened, and I seriously doubt that anger is going to change anything.

I understand the rage, but at the same time I want to stress that no one here knows how to put together a show like this and how much effort and time is needed. It takes alot more then you can imagine.

The European Jackson Event, wich was a fan event only took almost a year to plan and get ready. Michael offcourse has alot more money and contacts to help him prepare, but still it is a massive effort to put together, and how talented Michael is or how many tours he has done is irrelevant.
Re: Ticketmaster Announce Rescheduling Of Opening Shows [All threads merged]

why think like that, because it's reality. even i at half michaels age would not be able to perform for 2+ hours every second night for months on end. unless your an elite athlete

So why he planing to do 50 shows if he already know that he can't handle that?

Do you really think he want to disappointing his fans so badly? I don't think so...
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