Project for Michael's Family

This is to the family right? I'd like to dedicate my submission to Katherine Jackson.

To Katherine Jackson -

woman of beauty, nurturance, unconditional love
it is your DNA that helped to create those eyes
those angelic faces and radiant smiles
that have delighted the world!
you comforted the baby souls of our heroes
you carried 10 babies in your womb
even as you cried and strove under
impossible weight
you suckled them and made them strong
and as you held their tiny bodies on your bossom
your heart communicated the message
that they in turn shared with the world
you made your humble home a castle for
your princes and princesses
a Mother

woman of humility, patience and understanding
you gave them a sure foot to face the world
no matter where they went in life
they always remembered your worlds
they always will remember
the ways of compassion
no matter where they go
they always know where home is, through you
and you stood strong when the weight seemed impossible to bear
when evil attached left and right
when your heart was broken, you never broke
and through your moral uprightness, through your actions
and your world
your children heard and witnessed

the light of your love shines to the world
no matter what anyone says
history will show that there is none other like it
its from God and its through you
through you, it is through your children
through your children, we the fans, have known joy like
no other, we have felt your love, we have felt your beauty
we have felt your harmonies, and we have felt the Source
and only God knows why there has to be so much pain
and the true outcome that we all gain
but God chose you to head the throne
thank you for loving them so
thank you for being so strong, never giving up
thank God for you and your family
thank you for sharing your beautiful babies with the world
We will never forget your sacrifices
the love you give has multiplied
it is royal, it is eternal, it is You
A Queen
I sent my donation few days ago and I hope that I could write some lines for them If u extend the time ofcourse. Thank you shannon.
I haven't started the book yet so that's fine - I had to step away for a bit so I really need to get moving on the bear and then I'll tackle the book. But until I start it I'll accept more thoughts and poetry and what not.
Hey, hope this isn't too late.. here's a message for the fam:

To the Jackson family,
It is hard to think of comforting words to say in a time like this. We have lost one of the world's greatest -- a man who truly cared, an artist and humanitarian who spread a message of love and peace. Michael was truly an Angel of Music, who had passion and dedication for the art of music and dance.
Michael had shared himself with the whole world since a young age. However, you, his family, had the chance to know this man on a personal level that millions around the world have wished for. You smiled with him, laughed with him, played with him... Those are the memories that you will cherish, and that will bring you comfort in times of sorrow. Be grateful that you were one of the lucky ones who knew him.
Prince, Paris, and Blanket -- you are probably the luckiest children who ever lived. Even people who have not met you, or your father, know that he raised you lovingly. I am
Finally, I leave you with this beautiful quote from a poem by Christina Rossetti: "Better by far you should forget and smile, than that you should remember and be sad." Remember the wonderful man your father was.
- Stephanie Tamara T.

:cry: OMG that is so beautiful :cry:
it's a wonderful idea. count me in~~
i will help in anyway if i can...
i got some in pics and poems=]

RIP Michael
I just sent you a pm Shannon. i hope you receive it. Could you pl. wait for my submission, I'll send it to you by 6th. Its a couple of poems. thanks.
I will see how my payday treats me on the 16th, but I owe $2000 on my Visa right now, and a $250 phone bill from L.A so I'm a little short on cash. LOL. I would like to add a letter, and depending on how I feel, I will probably write a poem of some kind (I'm rubbish at artwork.) Thanks again for doing this :)
do you need anyoneto help with getting stuff put together? not sure if we can do anythign to help.. but being all up in teddy bear all the time can be time consumming.. just hollar if you need some hands to help,, if thats possible for us to do.. im there to help:) :)
Should be fine I'm still in purple bear everywhere mode :lol:


I'm back. Please tell me how can I help you, that's a lot to do by yourself, so I'm here, as well the other volunteers I read over here :)

I have contributed with a drawing a think, but I received these news from another comunity...
Well, and how is it going? how are you going to give these presents?
Not sure how anyone can help at this point - anyone know how to make a seam do what you want it too :lol:

Raffles will be giving the packages directly to Michael's family.
Oh noooooo...!!! I missed the deadline... can I still add something?? I'd send it in tomorrow... is it okay??
I'd like to add a note too, but I'm afraid I'll sound as lame and uneducated as I did the one time I was recored to say *hello* to Michael. Let me tell ya, it wasn't pretty. Thankfully, it was just my voice.

can t be any worse than what i posted
Ok if I can get a volunteer with Word?

lol I need the submissions put into word format. They are both in this thread and in the submissions thread. I'll add the ones sent to me via pm and email afterwards. But if someone could help me with this I'd much appreciate it - it'll be one less thing to worry about once I'm done the bear :lol: and I'll be able to put it together that much faster. Just let me know if someone can do this.

And I just wanna say a big thank you to everyone who has helped out so far. I haven't been able to pm and email everyone back to say thank you but :hug:
Ok if I can get a volunteer with Word?

lol I need the submissions put into word format. They are both in this thread and in the submissions thread. I'll add the ones sent to me via pm and email afterwards. But if someone could help me with this I'd much appreciate it - it'll be one less thing to worry about once I'm done the bear :lol: and I'll be able to put it together that much faster. Just let me know if someone can do this.

And I just wanna say a big thank you to everyone who has helped out so far. I haven't been able to pm and email everyone back to say thank you but :hug:

I'll do it!!!

You want images and text in this file, or just the submissions that are text, like poems and songs?
Wait then's our deadline? I'm late with the video project as well. Oi! I'm useless :p
I'll do it!!!

You want images and text in this file, or just the submissions that are text, like poems and songs?

You can include the pics cuz I know some are with the text. I'll figure out how to place them as I organize it and put them together into the pages. Thank you!

The deadline has passed but I've let others add still - don't want to leave anyone out - but please hurry because I'm almost done the bear and want to get the book rolling.
You can include the pics cuz I know some are with the text. I'll figure out how to place them as I organize it and put them together into the pages. Thank you!

The deadline has passed but I've let others add still - don't want to leave anyone out - but please hurry because I'm almost done the bear and want to get the book rolling.

OK working on that...
The deadline has passed but I've let others add still - don't want to leave anyone out - but please hurry because I'm almost done the bear and want to get the book rolling.

I will write my letter/poem today and send it. Should I just pm it to you or send it to an email address?
What photos are people sending? Ones of themselves or ones of Michael?
You can include the pics cuz I know some are with the text. I'll figure out how to place them as I organize it and put them together into the pages. Thank you!

The deadline has passed but I've let others add still - don't want to leave anyone out - but please hurry because I'm almost done the bear and want to get the book rolling.

It's done, do I sent it to you or wait a little for mos submissions?
guys shammon!!!! :D give your art, your support, your inspiration!!! I thought we had mooore!!!
You can go ahead and email it to me at the :yes: Thank you - please post in the other thread where you ended just in case anyone else adds to it :hug: I have a bunch to add from my email and pm too - hadn't really looked to see how many there were.