Project for Michael's Family

Shannon, I'll be sending you my poems on 9th-10th. PLEASE DO INCLUDE THEM. Let me know that you will, please. I hope its not too late. Thanks so much! God bless!
Ankita that should be fine.

** To the one that this applies - Do not attempt to high jack my family project thread for your own purposes. Get your own thread.**
Well, I've had to disassemble the bears tummy to fix his leg but once I'm done with the bear I'll be doing the book - if you want to add something to the book now would be the time to do it - don't anticipate the bear taking me much longer - almost there :lol:
I'm not the best writer. I've seen better here. Is it too late to make a donation?
lol all donations money or words are welcome - no matter how well written or not as long as it's from the heart it'll be good.
I've e-mailed a couple more things to you Shannon, specifically as comfort for the children--up to you whether you include them. Thanks for all you are doing.
Yes, I've gotten them all :yes: Thank you everyone :yes: This is really going well.
I have read everyone's posts so far. :) It would appear that Shannon needs money just as much as everyone's enthusiastic creative ideas, as without the 'funds' our contributions will be reflected by the money available to make this happen. :)
I'm going to give up luxuries for a week, ie alcohol, and scrimp and save where I can to give to help make this happen! :)
As for my own contributions will send money tomo ( Friday) after adding funds to my pay pal account. :)
I'll also work on a poem, inspirational, and positive, reflecting the love and life changing ways Michael has touched my heart. :)
Hope to send poem with donation as would like to be included in this extremely touching and amazingly beautiful idea.
Thanks Shannon- your idea is fantastic. :)
Photo of teddy when made would be lovely to see! ?? :)
I have just submitted something................:)
Titled- Your mother's beating heart. Dedicated to Katherine. :)
Wanted to add photo of me and my son Rob. Can I Plz? Thanks! :)
I have just submitted something................:)
Titled- Your mother's beating heart. Dedicated to Katherine. :)
Wanted to add photo of me and my son Rob. Can I Plz? Thanks! :)

Can you plz add this photo to my contribution? Thanks!
I'm working on something, not finished yet, is it too late. Also - how do I make a donation?
Get them in quickly I'll be working on the book this week. Money donations can be send via paypal to

Thank you everyone :yes: We are getting there.

We can't link you to a youtube video that we didn't post on youtube can we? That's like stealing from the person who posted the video? Please see my pm to you. :(
I don't understand about the youtube thing? Videos are not being used in this project.
Hey Shannon! I just emailed you two drawings for the project...please let me know if you have any problems opening the file. Thanks for doing this :)
Hey Shannon, I have a drawing that I'll be emailing you tomorrow. I finished it earlier today, but wasn't able to send it since my scanner isn't working, so I'll have to go to the library tomorrow when they open again. Hope it won't be too late!