Project for Michael's Family

I started as I said, now lets wait for the response :D.

Keep with your good vibe people it's working!!! :D
Go Danny!! Good luck!

You're a doll!!!
Unfortunately a lot.

I've only gotten $40.00 from members and a staff member gave $50.00. I've already purchased the material, pattern, stuffing, eyes and all items required to make the huge teddy bear, a bear necklace, a decent collection of comic books ranging from Star Wars, to Marvel heros like X-men and Spiderman and a handful of small to medium lego sets and drawing pack. This was almost $300 so far.......

Hi MJJC Momma

Can you confirm for me if u received my transaction on paypal please? As not really used to using it so not sure if I had done it correctly.

i'm in too shannon :D

i got song i can give for them is call NEVER FORGOTTEN i love to give to them and anyother song call MICHAEL IN CLOUDS :yes: :D
MJJC MOMMA what do you what me to do cause i love to do something for the Jacksons Family :) so let me know thanks :)
Rockstar post your song in the other thread. There's a link in the first post :yes:
what first posting :scratch:

is it in this tread or different :scratch::doh: can you give the thread of it :D

Momma gave us the link for the submissions on her first post. I quoted to you.

Here's the link for submissions and photos

*I'll also need donations to help purchase the other items like the legos, the frame and the cost of making the book. What actual items and how many are purchased will depend on the amount I have to work with. I've already purchased everything for the teddy bear myself and many comic books as well as one lego set but there's more that is needed. Donations can be sent to via paypal if you don't have paypal and want to join in please pm me.
..............I just sendede my donation!
very happy to be able to help out!
Thank you fror this oppt!.
I reigestered to paypal today, but it said that it might take up to 3 working days for my money to show up on my account.
I just donated, sorry it took so long. I hope I did it right? I don't use paypal much.
I'm new here- never knew this place existed! Anyway, I sent a small donation as well. I would like to submit art but I'm such a perfectionist I dont know if I'll be done in time- I'll try though!
This is a wonderful idea!! I had not seen this thread before today so I know time is running out but I will be sending a contribution for sure. Thanks for organizing this effort!!
MJJC Momma, I've written a letter/story but I prefer sending it to you in a that alright?:)
I'm starting to get the responses!!! I already have some pics and text!!! Hope to get more this days!!!
I posted mine yesterday night, hope the photo wasn't too big. :bugeyed
I posted mine yesterday night, hope the photo wasn't too big. :bugeyed
I absolutely LOVE your drawing! It's amazing, and the poem is great too!:angel:

MJJC Momma, I've sent you my contribution in a PM...did you receive it?

And more people need to be participating, there are only 2 pages on the submission thread! Come on peepz!:cheeky:
you need more help, do you need more people to help :yes:

i can help :yes: :) what do you need i can help :) let me know
I'm working on it! I didn't forget! I made something really nice to print out but my printer is acting crazy. I wanted it to be in color but it's just not happening for me. :(
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I just sent some money via paypal... I have never used it before so I hope it worked!