Post your photos of your tribute magazine collections :)

I went to the newstand today to pick up Rolling Stone, which is supposed to be out today. They didn't have it yet, but they had Billboard, which is supposed to be out tomorrow. I also picked up a French magazine because I loved the cover. Maybe it will motivate me to bone up on my French. :)

This ad was in Billboard for iheartradio and ClearChannel Radio.. I also saw two ads from Sony and an ad from BMI, and I haven't even gotten through half of the magazine.

I also saw a magazine called Word Up. I think it was in the teen mag section. The whole magazine was devoted to Michael. It had a lot of pictures, and I did not see anything negative. There were a lot of full page colored pictures of Michael that you could hang on your wall, if you are so inclined. There were also a lot of nice pictures of Michael with his siblings.

Which magazine is better - the top left or the top right 'cos I meant to get the top right one when I saw it, but STUPIDLY didn't then when I went to get it they didn't have any anywhere - so I got the other one instead. Only 20,000 of the right one were released
Alright, I´ve had enough. You who live in the US are lucky. You can just walk in and get whatever you want, here I have to check every other day which MJ tribute magazine they have. I have TIME and Newsweek, enough already. I´ll get Rolling Stone too, but then enough. I want Billboard, but there´s no way in hell I´ll find it.

I saw that NME tribute btw and looked through it quickly, but there didn´t seem to be much about MJ in it? Just a few pages so I didn´t buy it.

Which website did you order from? Link? Do you live in USA?
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Which magazine is better - the top left or the top right 'cos I meant to get the top right one when I saw it, but STUPIDLY didn't then when I went to get it they didn't have any anywhere - so I got the other one instead. Only 20,000 of the right one were released

I didn't know they only released 20,000 0.o
Anyway they are both good but I liked the pics in the right one better :)

I got People mag today...and my local Borders said they WILL be getting the Ebony and Rolling Stone tribute's just that because we are in the UK we get them a few weeks everybody keep checking Borders in the next couple of weeks!!!
I thought the Jet special issue wasn't coming out for another week or so.

Dunno if it was *the* one if if they're coming out with another one.. I only flipped through it quickly and saw lots of ads:) and not enough Mike.

I went to the newstand today to pick up Rolling Stone, which is supposed to be out today. They didn't have it yet, but they had Billboard, which is supposed to be out tomorrow. I also picked up a French magazine because I loved the cover. Maybe it will motivate me to bone up on my French. :)

I also saw a magazine called Word Up. I think it was in the teen mag section. The whole magazine was devoted to Michael. It had a lot of pictures, and I did not see anything negative. There were a lot of full page colored pictures of Michael that you could hang on your wall, if you are so inclined. There were also a lot of nice pictures of Michael with his siblings.

How much was the Paris match? Was it in the foreign mags section? Where did you get it from for that matter? Love that pic. Is it worth getting on the whole though, did you get to look inside much?
Heres a pic of me taken a couple of hours ago with my MJ Tribute mag

How much was the Paris match? Was it in the foreign mags section? Where did you get it from for that matter? Love that pic. Is it worth getting on the whole though, did you get to look inside much?
It was $4.95. I got it at a magazine store. I'm in NYC so there are news and magazine stands all over the place. About 45 pages are devoted to Michael. It has a lot of nice, full page, color pictures, but it also has a two page spread of the "last photo." There is also a spread about the allegations, but it appears to a very basic recitation of what happened in the two cases. My French language skills are poor, and it will take me a while to read through it so I cannot really vouch for the tone of the articles. For me personally, I think it is worth it.
It was $4.95. I got it at a magazine store. I'm in NYC so there are news and magazine stands all over the place. About 45 pages are devoted to Michael. It has a lot of nice, full page, color pictures, but it also has a two page spread of the "last photo." There is also a spread about the allegations, but it appears to a very basic recitation of what happened in the two cases. My French language skills are poor, and it will take me a while to read through it so I cannot really vouch for the tone of the articles. For me personally, I think it is worth it.

Thanks I'll try and look for it, I'm mainly interested in the pictures as long as the articles aren't tabloidy..

Speaking of which, don't buy Rolling Stone guys, I looked through it today and thought it had an offensive tone and was portraying Mike as this sad failure after Bad... Then they were saying smth about Invincible being a flop, selling 2 mil copies and him blaming his record company...
You'd think for a 'reputable' music mag they'd get their numbers straight..:doh:
Don't wanna waste my money on it.
Speaking of which, don't buy Rolling Stone guys, I looked through it today and thought it had an offensive tone and was portraying Mike as this sad failure after Bad... Then they were saying smth about Invincible being a flop, selling 2 mil copies and him blaming his record company...
You'd think for a 'reputable' music mag they'd get their numbers straight..:doh:
Don't wanna waste my money on it.
Too late. :(
I went to the store today and picked up 6 magazines. I haven't read any of them yet, I think I'll start on that tomorrow. :)

Here they are:

So NME is not worth it?? Argh, I went through all the trouble of tracking it down, finally got a place to put it aside for me because I thought it had lots of Michael in it! :( Misleading cover, then!
I have one cover from Greece but i don't know how to put the photo inside the message.
I saw OK magazine today when i was shopping and with my hands over my eyes I turned it round so no one could see the pic when they walked into the shop :(

Imagine if his children saw that!

^ I always put other mags over it to hide it... It is horrible..
Would someone be so kind to scan some of the UK Hello and OK magazine pictures? I went today to buy them but Hello has the new version (with the kids at the memorial on the cover). I was looking for the old one, as hello had some reeaally nice rare pictures of Mike! It's not there anymore. Please someone?? :flowers:
^ aaaw man I just came from a shop that had both! if i'd seen this earlier!
i really want it too.. i hope someone esle cn post pics.
i know at work one of the residents have hello mag with mj and his children on front. So i told him to not throw it away. So tonight i'm hoping its still there.

At the mo i am looking on ebay for the times one, rolling stone and ebony when its out i'll go in town and get it.
i think ive got something like 12 now plus paper specials. Got them in UK and US. I will try and post some pics later x
Right ive had the chance to take some photos so heres my collection...









Individual Mags:


Rolling Stone


USA Today


American Media






TV Guide


People Tribute


Memorial Booklet




Mirror Publication




National Magazine Company



I know theres more, but i thought some were not very good or worth the money, so i only got the ones i liked. Ive also got Q somewhere but cudnt find it x