Paul Anka Claims 'This is It' is a Rip-Off

For the life of me, I can't find contact info for John McClain. Does he still work for Interscope records? I think we should ask him first to verify these comments. McClain may not even know that Anka is speaking for him on his behalf.

I am really hoping that Anka is blowing hot air in terms of McClain's comments. They are coming directly from Anka right?

As a long time friend of Michael and the Jackson family, I just can't see McClain putting Michael down so blatantly like that. I think Anka is just a very cocky and full of himself guy and combine that with TMZ, you get sensationalism.

From what I can gather Michael took the tapes with him after the session at Paul's home, which is a big nono. They were recorded in Paul's studio, they stay there. Paul has that legal right because they were recorded in HIS studio, if they recorded it in a studio owned by Sony, the tapes would stay there too. If I'm wrong on that then correct me please. You saw him laugh when he talked about Michael stealing the tapes, he was making a joke about the story.

If the same thing happened with the song Eaten Alive, and Sony had put out Michael's demo and not given any credit to Barry Gibb, he would complain about not getting credit too. Musicians should still get credit for their work, it doesn't matter wether or not Michael is no longer here with us, people deserve credit for their contributions. Paul said it was an honest mistake, leave it at that. The Estate was very quick to rectify the situation.

Um, once again, who here is saying Paul doesn't deserve credit? No one here is saying that. The problem some people are having is Paul's comments. Why did he call Michael a thief? Joke or not, that's not cool because MJ already gets so much hate and the media will run with anything negative about him whether it's true or not.

The fact that Paul wants to be compensated is definitely not the issue here. He should recieve credit of course, it's just that he's very tacky imo. Why did he need to go public with this? All to make MJ look bad to me, just look at the timing of his claims. Why didn't he ever mention this before? And for him to even have made that comment about Blanca supposedly saying Michael could not write a song like "This Is It" just shows how petty Paul Anka is. A classy individual wouldn't have even mentioned that. Paul was just trying to belittle MJ's talents to make himself look better. Really not a nice thing to do.

As I said before, Paul like so many others are insanely jealous of Michael's talents and fame. I'm not saying that 'cause he wants credit for the song, i'm saying that because of his condescending comments about Michael. Clearly jealous.

When is the last time he made the news anyway? Please. Gimmie a break with this guy. He can have "This Is It" anyway as far as i'm concerned. Michael has written and recorded much better songs. That song isn't even up to MJ's usually near perfect standards imo, so let him have the song. Let him record it. Do whatever. I'm sure MJ never wanted the public to hear him sing this song either way (though he sounds beautiful of course).
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well, then why did Anka consider it a compliment?

MJ, himsself, said songwriting is not something he could control..the song wrote him, instead of him writing the song. the spirit behind the compliment for songwriting is the same. it implies that MJ would write Billie jean, but not this. so, in that context, it is the same. many fans have been surprised at the new stuff MJ would come out with, thinking MJ WOULD never write this. in the arena of songwriting, would and could are the same thing. it's like saying MJ WOULD be inspired to write Billie jean, but he never would be inspired to write a ballad that sounds like This Is It.
Because McClain still said that it's a good song and he gave Anka credit for it. As well as that, you can see that Anka is loving all of this attention, so it's no surprise that he'd take what McClain said as a compliment. Quite simply, it was.
Paul Anka -- Michael 'Stole' from Me

Well here's an attention grabbing headline brought to you by TMZ. lol I think this is what is pissing everybody off. TMZ did this headline to bring attention to their article, big misquote here. Paul never said Michael stole the song from him, he just said he "stole", walked out with, the tapes. LOL
Mike I love you!! Missing you now..come back and sort these imbeciles out..


Please, MJ, can you please get Bruce Lee on their asses????

Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."

Please reference THE BOLDED part. Sounds like a game of telephone to me. Unless you SPECIFICALLY HEAR McClain say this OUT OF HIS OWN MOUTH, it's purely speculation. Everyone needs to relax on this. It's the same thing as saying "well I heard from my cousin that McClain told him that Michael Jackson said that so and so had a big head." YOU didn't hear ANYTHING.. all you have is he said/she said.

If there is anyone that ppl should be upset at it's Anka. NOT because he asked for a songwriting credit which is fine, but because he accused Michael of stealing tapes and stealing the song. He could have been WAY more tactful in this situation, but clearly saw an opportunity to make a very large amount of money and grabbed at it, tarnishing Michael's name in the process. Shameful and unnecessary.

The other ppl u should be upset at is SONY for choosing an OLD song, and NOT reseraching who wrote the damn thing so they could have sorted this out months ago instead of it turning in to a TMZ spectacle. Clearly they wanted to rush the song out to make money and never bothered to find out who actually wrote the damn thing and compensate Anka accordinly and maybe have him sign some kind of agreement to keep his name AWAY from this project. Now instead of this being a Michael Jackson epic movie and song, it's Michael Jacksons This Is It co written by Paul Anka. Womp womp.
McClain sure threw MJ in the mud right fast on this one. . . . He is really disgusting to me and definitely not looking out for MJ's nor the estate's best interests. What a shame!

Michael Jackson is one of God's greatest gifts says John McClain; 'This is It' song to be revealed
September 23, 10:50 AMPop Media ExaminerKatrina-Kasey Wheeler

Producer John McClain of Interscope Records who worked with Michael Jackson on his 'This is It' album says that by listening to the new single 'This is It' it is evident that 'Michael is one of God's greatest gifts.' As fans eagerly await the moment to watch Michael Jackson in 'This is It' which opens worlwide on October 28 for a two week engagement - can now look forward to hearing a new song of the same title which will be revealed on October 12. The This Is It, soundtrack (two-disc set) will be released internationally on Oct. 26 and in North America on Oct. 27.

According to ET Online:

The first disc will include original masters of some of Jackson's biggest songs arranged as they would be in the film, while the second disc will be comprised of unreleased versions of some of the King of Pop's classic songs.

John McClain, co-producer of the album, said of the new single, "This song only defines, once again, what the world already knows -- that Michael is one of God's greatest gifts."

ETA: I'll give McClain a chance if he releases a statement that his comments to Anka were misconstrued by him. It sounds like McClain is just pissed that he made this monumental of a mistake and is taking it out on MJ indirectly (by saying those comments to Anka).
Well here's an attention grabbing headline brought to you by TMZ. lol I think this is what is pissing everybody off. TMZ did this headline to bring attention to their article, big misquote here. Paul never said Michael stole the song from him, he just said he "stole", walked out with, the tapes. LOL

It's not the headline. I posted a few pages back exactly what Anka was to have said. It wasn't the title that pissed me off. lol And saying Michael "stole" the tapes and he had to get a lawyer to make Michael give them back sounds a lot like THIEVERY to me. But hey, I could be wrong. If it was a misunderstanding with the tapes then he should have said it that way and not make out like Michael ran off with property he shouldn't have.
Because McClain still said that it's a good song and he gave Anka credit for it. As well as that, you can see that Anka is loving all of this attention, so it's no surprise that he'd take what McClain said as a compliment. Quite simply, it was.

yeah...and...while McClain complimented Anka, McClain threw MJ's songwriting skills under the bus.
We CANNOT allow McClain or Branca to make these comments when Michael can't defend himself. These fuckers are going to butcher MJ. I agree with Cris, MJ was a perfectionist and these guys are in big bloody trouble if they keep on with these antics. I'll fly to LA myself. What the hell McClain?

Wonder how much cash they are skimming?
Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."

Please reference THE BOLDED part. Sounds like a game of telephone to me. Unless you SPECIFICALLY HEAR McClain say this OUT OF HIS OWN MOUTH, it's purely speculation. Everyone needs to relax on this. It's the same thing as saying "well I heard from my cousin that McClain told him that Michael Jackson said that so and so had a big head." YOU didn't hear ANYTHING.. all you have is he said/she said.

If there is anyone that ppl should be upset at it's Anka. NOT because he asked for a songwriting credit which is fine, but because he accused Michael of stealing tapes and stealing the song. He could have been WAY more tactful in this situation, but clearly saw an opportunity to make a very large amount of money and grabbed at it, tarnishing Michael's name in the process. Shameful and unnecessary.
Very well said! :clapping:
I dont trust John McClain, he was the one who chose that crappy song!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!! imagine him selecting this kind of crappy demos(i imagine they are the leasts), im wondering if he's doing it on purpose to make Michael look bad, cause that song its just so basic and silly and boring, nothing like Michael original style!!!!!!NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! someone has to take john McClain OUT!!!!!!!!!!! i want Michael's creativity, not with old people like paul anka!!!!!!!!!! look whta mcClain thinks its good!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
gotta go to class now. Please someone get you get me McClain's phone #, email address or something..Thanks..
Love everyone here..guys you are great!!
rickd;2274401[b said:
]we cannot allow mcclain or branca to make these comments when michael can't defend himself. These fuckers are going to butcher mj. I agree with cris, mj was a perfectionist and these guys are in big bloody trouble if they keep on with these antics. I'll fly to la myself. What the hell mcclain?[/b]

wonder how much cash they are skimming?
Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."

Please reference THE BOLDED part. Sounds like a game of telephone to me. Unless you SPECIFICALLY HEAR McClain say this OUT OF HIS OWN MOUTH, it's purely speculation. Everyone needs to relax on this. It's the same thing as saying "well I heard from my cousin that McClain told him that Michael Jackson said that so and so had a big head." YOU didn't hear ANYTHING.. all you have is he said/she said.

If there is anyone that ppl should be upset at it's Anka. NOT because he asked for a songwriting credit which is fine, but because he accused Michael of stealing tapes and stealing the song. He could have been WAY more tactful in this situation, but clearly saw an opportunity to make a very large amount of money and grabbed at it, tarnishing Michael's name in the process. Shameful and unnecessary.

The other ppl u should be upset at is SONY for choosing an OLD song, and NOT reseraching who wrote the damn thing so they could have sorted this out months ago instead of it turning in to a TMZ spectacle. Clearly they wanted to rush the song out to make money and never bothered to find out who actually wrote the damn thing and compensate Anka accordinly and maybe have him sign some kind of agreement to keep his name AWAY from this project. Now instead of this being a Michael Jackson epic movie and song, it's Michael Jacksons This Is It co written by Paul Anka. Womp womp.

I agree with you. But if McClain didn't say this, he needs to clean it up....cuz he's getting thrown under the bus right along with Michael, the thief. If McClain didn't say this, then Anka is on a roll throwing ppl under buses.
yeah...and...while McClain complimented Anka, McClain threw MJ's songwriting skills under the bus.
According to Anka, yes, but none of us heard McClain say that.

You know what I don't understand? We, as Michael Jackson fans, should be completely aware of people talking rubbish. People lie. Nobody knows that better than us. All though Michael's life, we saw the liars and the cheats talk about Michael in negative terms just to get publicity, and we never believed it. People said "Oh, Michael Jackson said this..." or "Michael Jackson said that..." and we never believed them because we knew they were just cashing-in on Michael's name. How is it, then, that the two men Michael trusted most in the world, John Branca and John McClain, don't get the same trust from us?

Paul Anka has said that McClain said this and said that...why should we believe him and not someone who's been Michael's friend and close adviser for years?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, to trust in Michael is to trust in his decisions. Michael hand-picked these two men to guard his estate and we are doubting Michael's decision when we doubt Branca and McClain.
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CNN article on the whole shebang:

By Alan Duke

(CNN) -- The Michael Jackson song "This Is It," released Monday, was co-written and recorded in 1983 with singer-songwriter Paul Anka, Anka and the Jackson estate confirmed Monday afternoon.

Interest has been running high in "This Is It" -- the song, the two-disc album and the movie.

Jackson's estate and Sony Music Entertainment did not realize this history when they picked the song out of boxes of tapes in their archives, leading to a big surprise Monday when Anka called them, Anka said.

Jackson, who became busy with the success of his "Thriller" album, never finished the duet recording that was intended for Anka's "Walk a Fine Line" album, Anka said.

Latin hip-hop singer Safire recorded and released the song in 1990 -- under the title "I Never Heard," Anka said.

"Somebody just innocently found this tape and did not know somebody recorded it with him," Anka said.

Estate spokesman James Bates acknowledged to CNN that the "song was written with the legendary Paul Anka."

"We picked the song because the lyrics were appropriate given the name Michael gave his tour," Bates said.

It was just a coincidence that the song's first words were the same as Jackson's last planned tour, Anka said.

Monday's release of the lilting love song was part of the promotion for the Sony movie "Michael Jackson's This Is It," which comes out in two weeks.

Anka said it was "an honest mistake" that the estate's special administrators quickly resolved Monday.

"They realized the mistake," Anka said "They apologized and they've given me rightfully what I own. It's 50-50, right down the middle."

Rob Stringer, chairman of Sony's Columbia/Epic Label Group, was quoted in The New York Times on Sunday as saying he did not know the origins of the song.

Anka, who is heard playing piano on the song, said producers did a beautiful job of completing it.

Backing vocals from Jackson's brothers and orchestration were added to the spare voice and piano track recorded 26 years ago in Anka's studio.

The original version, with just Jackson and Anka, will be included in the two-disc soundtrack, along with the orchestral version, Sony said.

The orchestral version will play at the close of the film, which will feature Jackson's career highlights and last rehearsals, Sony said.

The CD will be released on October 27, coincidental with the debut of the movie, Sony said.

"Disc one features the original album masters of some of Michael's biggest hits such as 'Billie Jean,' 'Smooth Criminal,' 'Human Nature,' and 'Thriller' arranged in the same sequence as they appear in the film," Sony said.

The second disc includes "early demo versions" of Jackson classics "She's Out Of My Life," "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" and "Beat It," Sony said.

"This disc also features a recently discovered spoken word poem from Michael Jackson entitled 'Planet Earth," the company said.

The just-released song got widespread airplay on radio shows across the United States Monday, according to Nielsen BDS, a company that tracks music airplay. It the 21st most-played song on the 1,300 stations monitored by Nielsen, with at least 680 "spins" by mid-afternoon, the company said.
gotta go to class now. Please someone get you get me McClain's phone #, email address or something..Thanks..
Love everyone here..guys you are great!!

If you can't reach McClain (I've been looking and found nothing), you have to do it through John Branca.

1801 Century Park West - Los Angeles, CA 90067-6406 - Tel 310-552-3388 - Fax 310-553-7068
According to Anka, yes, but none of us heard McClain say that.

You know what I don't understand? We, as Michael Jackson fans, should be completely aware of people talking rubbish. People lie. Nobody knows that better than us. All though Michael's life, we saw the liars and the cheats talk about Michael in negative terms just to get publicity, and we never believed it. People said "Oh, Michael Jackson said this..." or "Michael Jackson said that..." and we never believed them because we knew they were just cashing-in on Michael's name. How is it, then, that the two men Michael trusted most in the world, John Branca and John McClain, don't get the same trust from us?

Paul Anka has said that McClain said this and said that...why should we believe him and not someone who's been Michael's friend and close adviser for years?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, to trust in Michael is to trust in his decisions. Michael hand-picked these two men to guard his estate and we are doubting Michael's decision when we doubt Branca and McClain.

you know what..i would soo agree with you. the only thing is..the only one who is chief amongst ones being thrown under the bus is always MICHAEL. that's the only consistency here. as several fans on here already said... if more people would clean up their statements that threw MJ under the bus, fans wouldn't be up in arms. McClain needs to bring attention to what he actually said, and make sure we know it wasn't negative toward MJ..and Anka needs to deny he said anything negative about Michael.

so far, i've seen threads about all kinds of people who have said negative things about MJ, and none of them came forward to say they have NOT said those negative things. everyone from McClain to Quincy Jones to Paul Anka.

the only one who i know of who was considered having said anything negatively controversial about Michael, but whose last heard statement about Michael was positive, was Paul McCartney.
According to Anka, yes, but none of us heard McClain say that.

You know what I don't understand? We, as Michael Jackson fans, should be completely aware of people talking rubbish. People lie. Nobody knows that better than us. All though Michael's life, we saw the liars and the cheats talk about Michael in negative terms just to get publicity, and we never believed it. People said "Oh, Michael Jackson said this..." or "Michael Jackson said that..." and we never believed them because we knew they were just cashing-in on Michael's name. How is it, then, that the two men Michael trusted most in the world, John Branca and John McClain, don't get the same trust from us?

Paul Anka has said that McClain said this and said that...why should we believe him and not someone who's been Michael's friend and close adviser for years?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, to trust in Michael is to trust in his decisions. Michael hand-picked these two men to guard his estate and we are doubting Michael's decision when we doubt Branca and McClain.

Thank you. I call this selective filtering. Anyone saying anything "bad" about Michael seems to get almost a public stoning without a fair trial so to speak. McClain never SAID ANYTHING! At least not to the press or to TMZ or to anyone here. The only two ppl who know what was said are McClain and Anka. The rest of us only have heresay.

If you can't reach McClain (I've been looking and found nothing), you have to do it through John Branca.

1801 Century Park West - Los Angeles, CA 90067-6406 - Tel 310-552-3388 - Fax 310-553-7068

Do it! If you want McClain publicly say that his words were taken out of context, or perhaps DENY that he even said them at all then I'm all for it. But to e-mail him accuse him of saying something none of us know if he actually DID say is wrong.
CNN article on the whole shebang:

By Alan Duke

(CNN) -- The Michael Jackson song "This Is It," released Monday, was co-written and recorded in 1983 with singer-songwriter Paul Anka, Anka and the Jackson estate confirmed Monday afternoon.

Interest has been running high in "This Is It" -- the song, the two-disc album and the movie.

Jackson's estate and Sony Music Entertainment did not realize this history when they picked the song out of boxes of tapes in their archives, leading to a big surprise Monday when Anka called them, Anka said.

Jackson, who became busy with the success of his "Thriller" album, never finished the duet recording that was intended for Anka's "Walk a Fine Line" album, Anka said.

Latin hip-hop singer Safire recorded and released the song in 1990 -- under the title "I Never Heard," Anka said.

"Somebody just innocently found this tape and did not know somebody recorded it with him," Anka said.

Estate spokesman James Bates acknowledged to CNN that the "song was written with the legendary Paul Anka."

"We picked the song because the lyrics were appropriate given the name Michael gave his tour," Bates said.

It was just a coincidence that the song's first words were the same as Jackson's last planned tour, Anka said.

Monday's release of the lilting love song was part of the promotion for the Sony movie "Michael Jackson's This Is It," which comes out in two weeks.

Anka said it was "an honest mistake" that the estate's special administrators quickly resolved Monday.

"They realized the mistake," Anka said "They apologized and they've given me rightfully what I own. It's 50-50, right down the middle."

Rob Stringer, chairman of Sony's Columbia/Epic Label Group, was quoted in The New York Times on Sunday as saying he did not know the origins of the song.

Anka, who is heard playing piano on the song, said producers did a beautiful job of completing it.

Backing vocals from Jackson's brothers and orchestration were added to the spare voice and piano track recorded 26 years ago in Anka's studio.

The original version, with just Jackson and Anka, will be included in the two-disc soundtrack, along with the orchestral version, Sony said.

The orchestral version will play at the close of the film, which will feature Jackson's career highlights and last rehearsals, Sony said.

The CD will be released on October 27, coincidental with the debut of the movie, Sony said.

"Disc one features the original album masters of some of Michael's biggest hits such as 'Billie Jean,' 'Smooth Criminal,' 'Human Nature,' and 'Thriller' arranged in the same sequence as they appear in the film," Sony said.

The second disc includes "early demo versions" of Jackson classics "She's Out Of My Life," "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" and "Beat It," Sony said.

"This disc also features a recently discovered spoken word poem from Michael Jackson entitled 'Planet Earth," the company said.

The just-released song got widespread airplay on radio shows across the United States Monday, according to Nielsen BDS, a company that tracks music airplay. It the 21st most-played song on the 1,300 stations monitored by Nielsen, with at least 680 "spins" by mid-afternoon, the company said.

That kinda says it all, most people here are actually just arguing because of TMZ, i hope in the future they research their decisions better.
you know what..i would soo agree with you. the only thing is..the only one who is chief amongst ones being thrown under the bus is always MICHAEL. that's the only consistency here. as several fans on here already said... if more people would clean up their statements that threw MJ under the bus, fans wouldn't be up in arms. McClain needs to bring attention to what he actually said, and make sure we know it wasn't negative toward MJ..and Anka needs to deny he said anything negative about Michael.

so far, i've seen threads about all kinds of people who have said negative things about MJ, and none of them came forward to say they have NOT said those negative things. everyone from McClain to Quincy Jones.
That's true, although at the same time, not everyone scours the Internet for these articles and these quotes. Although to all of us here, this seems like a big deal, there's an enormous fact, it's probably more likely than not, that McClain doesn't even realize this quote is out there - whether it's accurate or not.

Don't get me wrong, if McClain did say what Anka said he did, and he meant it the way it's coming across, he should be shot in the town square for it, but we should give him the benefit of the doubt.

Also, I might also add that Michael never responded to every rumour that came out about him - why would anyone else? If Branca and McClain had to spend their days responding to confirmations about every quote they give, they wouldn't have time for their job; protecting Michael's legacy and protecting the future for Michael's kids.
CNN article on the whole shebang:

By Alan Duke

(CNN) -- The Michael Jackson song "This Is It," released Monday, was co-written and recorded in 1983 with singer-songwriter Paul Anka, Anka and the Jackson estate confirmed Monday afternoon.

Interest has been running high in "This Is It" -- the song, the two-disc album and the movie.

Jackson's estate and Sony Music Entertainment did not realize this history when they picked the song out of boxes of tapes in their archives, leading to a big surprise Monday when Anka called them, Anka said.

Jackson, who became busy with the success of his "Thriller" album, never finished the duet recording that was intended for Anka's "Walk a Fine Line" album, Anka said.

Latin hip-hop singer Safire recorded and released the song in 1990 -- under the title "I Never Heard," Anka said.

"Somebody just innocently found this tape and did not know somebody recorded it with him," Anka said.

Estate spokesman James Bates acknowledged to CNN that the "song was written with the legendary Paul Anka."

"We picked the song because the lyrics were appropriate given the name Michael gave his tour," Bates said.

It was just a coincidence that the song's first words were the same as Jackson's last planned tour, Anka said.

Monday's release of the lilting love song was part of the promotion for the Sony movie "Michael Jackson's This Is It," which comes out in two weeks.

Anka said it was "an honest mistake" that the estate's special administrators quickly resolved Monday.

"They realized the mistake," Anka said "They apologized and they've given me rightfully what I own. It's 50-50, right down the middle."

Rob Stringer, chairman of Sony's Columbia/Epic Label Group, was quoted in The New York Times on Sunday as saying he did not know the origins of the song.

Anka, who is heard playing piano on the song, said producers did a beautiful job of completing it.

Backing vocals from Jackson's brothers and orchestration were added to the spare voice and piano track recorded 26 years ago in Anka's studio.

The original version, with just Jackson and Anka, will be included in the two-disc soundtrack, along with the orchestral version, Sony said.

The orchestral version will play at the close of the film, which will feature Jackson's career highlights and last rehearsals, Sony said.

The CD will be released on October 27, coincidental with the debut of the movie, Sony said.

"Disc one features the original album masters of some of Michael's biggest hits such as 'Billie Jean,' 'Smooth Criminal,' 'Human Nature,' and 'Thriller' arranged in the same sequence as they appear in the film," Sony said.

The second disc includes "early demo versions" of Jackson classics "She's Out Of My Life," "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" and "Beat It," Sony said.

"This disc also features a recently discovered spoken word poem from Michael Jackson entitled 'Planet Earth," the company said.

The just-released song got widespread airplay on radio shows across the United States Monday, according to Nielsen BDS, a company that tracks music airplay. It the 21st most-played song on the 1,300 stations monitored by Nielsen, with at least 680 "spins" by mid-afternoon, the company said.

Okay, now see THIS is how it should have gone down. No muss no fuss no foolishness about "big heads" and stolen tapes. Gotta say I appreciate CNN for having the class in their article Anka may have lacked when he spoke with TMZ....that's IF the quotes TMZ attributed to him were accurate. There was no need to go there and smear Michael's name in the process of correcting an "honest" mistake.
That kinda says it all, most people here are actually just arguing because of TMZ, i hope in the future they research their decisions better.

tmz does like to blow things out of proportion.

Let's just be happy it was resolved quickly and move on :) who cares what paul anka says that McClain said to him. It doesn't really matter anyway, it's just one mans opinion.
That kinda says it all, most people here are actually just arguing because of TMZ, i hope in the future they research their decisions better.

now see? just five seconds after i posted that people who seem to be throwing MJ under the bus aren't doing damage control on MJ's behalf, i see this post. fans are just trying to protect MJ, and like any of those fans, i'll be the first to say, i'm glad to see Paul Anka straigten out the controversy on Michael's behalf.
That's true, although at the same time, not everyone scours the Internet for these articles and these quotes. Although to all of us here, this seems like a big deal, there's an enormous fact, it's probably more likely than not, that McClain doesn't even realize this quote is out there - whether it's accurate or not.

Don't get me wrong, if McClain did say what Anka said he did, and he meant it the way it's coming across, he should be shot in the town square for it, but we should give him the benefit of the doubt.

Also, I might also add that Michael never responded to every rumour that came out about him - why would anyone else? If Branca and McClain had to spend their days responding to confirmations about every quote they give, they wouldn't have time for their job; protecting Michael's legacy and protecting the future for Michael's kids.

well..i guess i'm used to Michael not responding much..but i've seen plenty of other celebrities take media to the cleaners. and i mean take them HARD and OFTEN.
Can you believe how incompetent those people at Sony are? It took MJ fans all of 15 minutes to figure out the connection between "This is it", "I never heard" and Paul Anka, but they couldn't do it?

I guess one mystery remains : why did MJ register a song titled "This is it" to his own name in the BMI catalogue? Is that song different from "I never heard"?
Can you believe how incompetent those people at Sony are? It took MJ fans all of 15 minutes to figure out the connection between "This is it", "I never heard" and Paul Anka, but they couldn't do it?

I guess one mystery remains : why did MJ register a song titled "This is it" to his own name in the BMI catalogue? Is that song different from "I never heard"?

"This Is It" may have been the working title of the song at the time it was registered. I'm under the assumption this is the tape that Sony found in their vault with that title still on it.