Paul Anka Claims 'This is It' is a Rip-Off

I guess one mystery remains : why did MJ register a song titled "This is it" to his own name in the BMI catalogue? Is that song different from "I never heard"?

I'm guessing it is and I hope we'll hear it someday :)
tmz does like to blow things out of proportion.

Let's just be happy it was resolved quickly and move on :) who cares what paul anka says that McClain said to him. It doesn't really matter anyway, it's just one mans opinion.

But I gotta give TMZ credit - they did follow up with the story & interviewed Paul Anka personally.

Paul Anka -- 'Honest Mistake'

Posted Oct 12th 2009 8:10PM by TMZ Staff
Paul Anka says he's all square with Michael Jackson's estate over the release of "This Is It" -- a song Paul helped write -- saying the special administrators realized "there was a wrong here" and they immediately "made it right..." as in 50% of publishing rights. Can you say BONANZA?

Read more:
According to Anka, yes, but none of us heard McClain say that.

You know what I don't understand? We, as Michael Jackson fans, should be completely aware of people talking rubbish. People lie. Nobody knows that better than us. All though Michael's life, we saw the liars and the cheats talk about Michael in negative terms just to get publicity, and we never believed it. People said "Oh, Michael Jackson said this..." or "Michael Jackson said that..." and we never believed them because we knew they were just cashing-in on Michael's name. How is it, then, that the two men Michael trusted most in the world, John Branca and John McClain, don't get the same trust from us?

Paul Anka has said that McClain said this and said that...why should we believe him and not someone who's been Michael's friend and close adviser for years

I've said it before and I'll say it again, to trust in Michael is to trust in his decisions. Michael hand-picked these two men to guard his estate and we are doubting Michael's decision when we doubt Branca and McClain.

That is why people want to contact Mcclain to verify this statement.

it is th ebig headline on he did not say it, I am sure he will contact TMZ to get it rectified.

Anyone found Mcclain contact info yet???? Last time, it said he was with interscope records.
Mj named his tour "This is it" because it was going to be his last tour ever, it has nothing to do with the song " this is it" ,MJ stored the song in th vault with the title "I never heard" , its sony who changed it to "this is it" without giving anka credits since they heard Mj singing the words -this is it- in the beginning of the track they decided to change the title , stupid decision on sony's part, Im sure there are more superior songs and greater songs stored in the vault, its mindlowing that they chose this mediocre makes me sick
Mj named his tour "This is it" because it was going to be his last tour ever, it has nothing to do with the song " this is it" ,MJ stored the song in th vault with the title "I never heard" , its sony who changed it to "this is it" with giving anka cridets since they heard Mj singing the words -this is it- in the beginning of the track, stupid decision on sony's part, Im sure there are more superior songs and greater songs stored in the vault, its mindlowing that they chose this mediocre makes me sick

Mj named his tour "This is it" because it was going to be his last tour ever, it has nothing to do with the song " this is it" ,MJ stored the song in th vault with the title "I never heard" , its sony who changed it to "this is it" without giving anka credits since they heard Mj singing the words -this is it- in the beginning of the track they decided to change the title , stupid decision on sony's part, Im sure there are more superior songs and greater songs stored in the vault, its mindlowing that they chose this mediocre makes me sick

Well, I just came from this thread where it's now being stated that the song was given to Sony by the Estate and it was titled This Is It when Sony got it. True or not, I don't know. This, however, is the latest chapter to the song's story.
That is why people want to contact Mcclain to verify this statement.

it is th ebig headline on he did not say it, I am sure he will contact TMZ to get it rectified.

Anyone found Mcclain contact info yet???? Last time, it said he was with interscope records.

I don't see it being a headline anywhere :scratch: maybe I missed it.

But in any case who cares!! you think people in general are gonna pay attention to what McClain - a guy most people have no idea who is, has to say? I don't think so!
Besides, it's an opinion, not an actual fact.

let it go.
I'm just going to say it.... Michael would have NEVER, EVER released an unfinished song. Michael was a perfectionist to a flaw - that is why he didn't release too many albums because of the sheer time it took to record them. Michael recorded and recorded until he got it right. He used the BEST sound engineers and the BEST recording equipment. He believed in putting his best foot forward and would have never sanctioned this release. I'm sure of it. The song is unfinished and not even recorded in a STUDIO - Michael's vocals aren't even tracked. Michael would have never wanted this.

With that said, I hope it gets sorted for Michael's children sake. Sony has thousands of unreleased music from Michael. All Sony needed to do was contact the estate and get permission. Whateva...

I agree
But seriously -

With the 45 year kick ass track record MJ has - as being one of the most, if not THE MOST, innovative recording artist in recording history...

WHY would he ever dare to steal from anybody?

It just isn't "Michael Jackson" to do that.

People steal from him? YES.

But Michael steal from others? NO.

And the MJ estate & Paul Anka reached their agreement so ...

THIS IS IT. (pun intended, LOL!)

So any moderator wanna close this thread?

Cuz this issue is DONE.
If you can't reach McClain (I've been looking and found nothing), you have to do it through John Branca.

1801 Century Park West - Los Angeles, CA 90067-6406 - Tel 310-552-3388 - Fax 310-553-7068

Thank you.

guys let's not rush and bash McClain. i think we should do this through the MJ legacy project.

I am a member and I will PM the lead "Thechosenone".
please do not contact MCClain until we all come up with a good strategy.
Well, I just came from this thread where it's now being stated that the song was given to Sony by the Estate and it was titled This Is It when Sony got it. True or not, I don't know. This, however, is the latest chapter to the song's story.

Notice what the article said....the song came with other 50 songs but read this from the article...

""The song was picked because the "lyrics" were appropriate because of the name Michael gave his tour," McClane and coadministrator John Branca said

the lyrics not the song title, anka himself said that the song title has been changed ,who changed it, sony of course.
Under MJs catalog listing under BMI, there is not one song called "THIS IS IT" - just "I never heard."


so my question, in light of what's happened today, is how many OTHER LIES are Sony going to tell about MJ?

he's no longer here to stick up for himself. and he kept a lot of these kinds of things to himself. so who's gonna stick up for HIM? who's gonna be in HIS corner?

makes you think.
Why does anything having to do with MJ involves bullsh*t?!

well..full disclosure..i watched the video on TMz. i hated going there..but this stuff was really grating on me. In the video, Paul Anka is unapologetic, and DOES say that MJ stole the tapes. Anka says that Anka wrote the WHOLE song. and that he PRODUCED the WHOLE SONG.(a production we have yet to hear) and he does not attribute the word 'stole' to McClain. that's Anka's OWN words(as far as tapes are concerned). and Anka..standing in front of all his platinum records does not appear HUMBLE at all. there's spry and anger there, but he does say the issue is resolved. he also admits that the PRODUCTION that WE hear has NOTHING to do with Paul Anka. many fans said...whether or not MJ helped Anka with the composition..the composition is NOTHING without the magical voice of MJ. so fifty/fifty is fair. AT LEAST half that production that we hear is comprised, simply of the magical sound of MJ's voice. just like the original 'I'll Be There' before Mariah Carey and others did it. Mike's voice is a special case..and..what he has done with it, in a song, is the same as whether an instrumental producer adds a keyboard, takes one away, colors a keyboard sound..adds strings...etc. that makes MJ a PRODUCER.
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Notice what the article said....the song came with other 50 songs but read this from the article...

""The song was picked because the "lyrics" were appropriate because of the name Michael gave his tour," McClane and coadministrator John Branca said

the lyrics not the song title, anka himself said that the song title has been changed ,who changed it, sony of course.

Other part before that one:

McClain told him, he said, that the estate had presented Sony with 50 songs and "This Is It" was the most distinctive—for good reason, so it turned out.

To me, it sounds like the song was already titled and that's what first caught their attention... and of course, the words were in the lyrics so that made it a perfect fit.
This is just another "SHM @ Sony" moment, because it sounds to me like Sony didn't clear with Anka before putting out this "MJ song", which really is just a reworked demo.
Great way to uphold Michael's "legacy" to put out a demo as a "single".

same old feck ups.

Because Sony must seek permission from Michael's publishing company to release the track. Much like how The Beatles must seek Sony/ATV permission to release a Beatles song and vice/versa.

Permission must be sought by the publishers and songwriters before anything is released. Sony can and more than likely will get sued, but MiJac will be held accountable too.

The way Sony is acting, you'd swear they just started in this business!!
Or are they intentionally trying to cause all this
un-necessary drama? :rolleyes:

Yeah, it's a wrap Shimar.
Yeah, I am totally wondering whose idea it was to get TMZ- Anka's or Sony's??? You know I wouldn't put it past Sony to create this brouhaha because they know that the song they hyped up isn't up to par with what MJ usually releases.

I am sure that there are dozens upon dozens of other exclusively written MJ songs in the vault that are probably not as boring or comes with as much baggage as TII/I never heard came with.

And you guys are right . . I only like the song purely because I get to hear Michael's beautiful voice sing it. If it were anyone else, I probably would have changed the station after the first couple of verses.

hey elmari, should we make a poll? ;)
that's not this This Is It from what I've been gathering. apparently, it was another one MJ was actually working on more recently.

don't quote me on this, though, 'cos I can't tell you where I read it. probably here on this board.

Googled it and found a thread about the topic on this very board. lol
well..full disclosure..i watched the video on TMz. i hated going there..but this stuff was really grating on me. In the video, Paul Anka is unapologetic, and DOES say that MJ stole the tapes. Anka says that Anka wrote the WHOLE song. and that he PRODUCED the WHOLE SONG.(a production we have yet to hear) and he does not attribute the word 'stole' to McClain. that's Anka's OWN words(as far as tapes are concerned). and Anka..standing in front of all his platinum records does not appear HUMBLE at all. there's spry and anger there, but he does say the issue is resolved. he also admits that the PRODUCTION that WE hear has NOTHING to do with Paul Anka. many fans said...whether or not MJ helped Anka with the composition..the composition is NOTHING without the magical voice of MJ. so fifty/fifty is fair. AT LEAST half that production that we hear is comprised, simply of the magical sound of MJ's voice. just like the original 'I'll Be There' before Mariah Carey and others did it.

mcclain said the song was great that they doubt MJ could have written it alone . :smilerolleyes:
Yes - very true.

What happened is that - and this is MY THEORY - that Anka was PISSED when MJ and Branca took the track back from his album, as it would've broken his contract with Sony/Epic Records.

Make no mistake, MJ and Branca did the right thing at that time to pull back.

BUT - here comes Anka, giving the song to Safire, who MJ gives permission to sing.

Anka is a FOOL.

The song is 50% Michael's and 50% Anka's.

It always was.

Anka just wants to make a bigger fuss since Sony didn't ask him for the mechanical license (that we know of, since Sony is very sloppy with those kind of things.)

Anyway - THIS IS IT.

well..full disclosure..i watched the video on TMz. i hated going there..but this stuff was really grating on me. In the video, Paul Anka is unapologetic, and DOES say that MJ stole the tapes. Anka says that Anka wrote the WHOLE song. and that he PRODUCED the WHOLE SONG.(a production we have yet to hear) and he does not attribute the word 'stole' to McClain. that's Anka's OWN words(as far as tapes are concerned). and Anka..standing in front of all his platinum records does not appear HUMBLE at all. there's spry and anger there, but he does say the issue is resolved. he also admits that the PRODUCTION that WE hear has NOTHING to do with Paul Anka. many fans said...whether or not MJ helped Anka with the composition..the composition is NOTHING without the magical voice of MJ. so fifty/fifty is fair. AT LEAST half that production that we hear is comprised, simply of the magical sound of MJ's voice.
mcclain said the song was great that they doubt MJ could have written it alone . :smilerolleyes:

Just to please Paul Anka's ego.

MJ wrote sh*tloads of songs 1 BILLION times better than "This is It/I Never Heard" with his hands tied behind his back, climbing up a tree & doing the moonwalk underwater.
Yes - very true.

What happened is that - and this is MY THEORY - that Anka was PISSED when MJ and Branca took the track back from his album, as it would've broken his contract with Sony/Epic Records.

Make no mistake, MJ and Branca did the right thing at that time to pull back.

BUT - here comes Anka, giving the song to Safire, who MJ gives permission to sing.

Anka is a FOOL.

The song is 50% Michael's and 50% Anka's.

It always was.

Anka just wants to make a bigger fuss since Sony didn't ask him for the mechanical license (that we know of, since Sony is very sloppy with those kind of things.)

Anyway - THIS IS IT

This is not it, because all over the web MJ is being called a thief. It is all about MJ's final song being plagiarized. That is sick.

Someone has to take the blame for this mistake, because MJ shouldn't be thrown under the bus by his own estate co-executor.

this is really upsetting to me. I find the whole thing sickening. MJ did not deserve to have his name dragged in the mud for a song that he never released himself.


Paul Anka -- I Get Half

Posted Oct 12th 2009 8:13PM by TMZ Staff
It's the quickest resolution in Hollywood history -- Paul Anka says the special administrators of Michael Jackson's estate gave him a 50% cut of "This Is It."

Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write.":bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed

Anka said he was humbled by the compliment.

Read more:

I need to start slapping people!
This is not it, because all over the web MJ is being called a thief. It is all about MJ's final song being plagiarized. That is sick.

Someone has to take the blame for this mistake, because MJ shouldn't be thrown under the bus by his own estate co-executor.

this is really upsetting to me. I find the whole thing sickening. MJ did not deserve to have his name dragged in the mud for a song that he never released himself.

True - and you have a point - but trust me, the best of the best of public relations (and $$$) will make this go away.

How about making a bet ANOTHER song be released from the MJ vault - better than "This is It/I Never Heard" to mitigate the mistake?

The other negative I see from this is Joe & Randy & Jermaine & Brian Oxman proving incompetence to the judge presiding over the MJ estate case.
Prior to the Anka mess, McClain and Sony execs were ooing and ahhing over this song because they thought it was exclusively MJ's and got lucky they found it in a box of old recordings.

So now these supposed comments made by McClain to appease Anka by throwing MJ under the bus is because he made the mistake about not doing enough research on the song, so he was made to look like a fool. But he's probably secretly blaming MJ for not labeling the cassette right for all we know. . . fool!

But Anka is the ultimate a-hole in this for his disrespectful comments and for going to TMZ to air out dirty laundry. He's a bitter old man because MJ yanked his song off his album for some reason!
Just to please Paul Anka's ego.

MJ wrote sh*tloads of songs 1 BILLION times better than "This is It/I Never Heard" with his hands tied behind his back, climbing up a tree & doing the moonwalk underwater.

:lol: Classic!!! If someone could put this on a t-shirt and mail it to McClain that would be ace!

This is not it, because all over the web MJ is being called a thief. It is all about MJ's final song being plagiarized. That is sick.

Someone has to take the blame for this mistake, because MJ shouldn't be thrown under the bus by his own estate co-executor.

this is really upsetting to me. I find the whole thing sickening. MJ did not deserve to have his name dragged in the mud for a song that he never released himself.

This is what has left a bad taste in my mouth as well. Last night and this morning was damn near perfect. So many ppl loved the song, and I'm sure many will continue to. But it sucks that we can't seem to have ONE good thing go out to the public without some bs either preceding it, piggybacking on it, or following it. Seriously, I think the last thing that went off without a hitch had to be the T25 release and Ebony interview.