Paul Anka Claims 'This is It' is a Rip-Off

In the latest video, Anka said he is getting 50% of the whole project...??WHAT? Is he getting 50% of the song this is it...or 50% of the whole soundtrack?

Gosh, this whole thing is turning me off against the project. MJ is getting screwed once again by incompetency.
Anka is an idiot. There is absolutely no way he would be getting 50% of the whole "project" (as in the soundtrack). He will get 50% of the royalties for the "This Is It" track only.
Why does McClain have to put Michael down in order to placate Anka? That is just some wrong ish there?!

Everyone and their mother is claiming that TII/I Never Heard is a mediocre song, but love Michael's vocals on it. What does that say about Anka's songwriting skills??

Anyways Michael wrote the best of his repertoire anyway. . . why don't they also say that MJ wrote Billie Jean or Beat It, some of the the most popular songs of the last century?


Something else that sucks big time now is that if you buy the TII sndtrk, not only are you putting money in Sony's pockets, you are putting money in Anka's pockets and he insulted Michael. Sorry to say, but no thank you.
can someone give an email address. I need to contact Mcclain now, if not give me his address I will pay him a visit if he is in LA..
Anka has also been misquoted - not that it matters much. McClain didn't say that it wasn't the type of song that Michael "could" write, but "would"'s a completely different context.
Why does McClain have to put Michael down in order to placate Anka? That is just some wrong ish there?!

Everyone and their mother is claiming that TII/I Never Heard is a mediocre song, but love Michael's vocals on it. What does that say about Anka's songwriting skills??

Anyways Michael wrote the best of his repertoire anyway. . . why don't they also say that MJ wrote Billie Jean or Beat It, some of the the most popular songs of the last century?


Because they never want to give MJ credit for anything. Most people outside of Michael's fans don't even think he's ever written any of his songs anyway, which is sad, but i've seen it many times. People always say, "Michael's a good singer and dancer, but that's all he is. Just an entertainer. He doesn't even write his songs".

Ahh, it drives me crazy when people say that.

But I don't think anyone here is upset that Anka wants to be compensated for the song. He co-wrote it and fair is fair. He deserves credit absolutely. However, why did he have to take a cheap shot at Michael with the songwriting bit and call him a thief? Really disgusting of him to do.

I have no respect for Anka.

Just another loser looking for a way to get their name in the headlines by using MJ.
he won't retract anything he said , most probably he will do the rounds REPEATING that mj stole the song from him , when mj infact did not even rename it or release it .
Well, the estate will receive 50% instead of the 100% yes, the estate will lose too.

And now there are reports all over the web that MJ "plagiarized" his final song.

Give him the freakin' 50% but don't need to belittle MJ's songwriting talent.

Is McClain a friend or a foe...or just a jackass? Is he someone that will help keep MJ's legacy? Why is is talking sh!t about MJ's songwriting?
MJ is a great songwriter...He wrote Stranger in Moscow...and tons of other great songs.

who can we really trust to keep MJ's legacy?

No one, it seems. :cry: At least until Prince and Paris turn 18. McClain is highly questionable now. Worse than Branca, imo. How dare you be in charge of someone's estate and belittle them and their work...the work he's about to make a percentage of as executor of the estate? Michael trusted him to do right by his work and he belittle's his talent?! Right now I'm thinking Joe, Randy and Jermaine can't possibly do worse than this? Or have I bumped MY head? Ehh, let's take Jermaine out and put in Latoya. At least she won't drag Michael back to Nevy. :worried:
Anka has also been misquoted - not that it matters much. McClain didn't say that it wasn't the type of song that Michael "could" write, but "would"'s a completely different context.

actually, it is the same context, because McClain is putting Michael in a box. and apparently, Anka thinks that could and would are the same word, because he thought it was a compliment.
they better get their 'would' and 'could' straight. Michael plagiarised the!!
this is even getting better. Cant wait for his New album to be released in 2010 how many more will lay claim to fame for writing the songs?
Anka is an idiot. There is absolutely no way he would be getting 50% of the whole "project" (as in the soundtrack). He will get 50% of the royalties for the "This Is It" track only.

well, the way he said it (and he hesitated for a split second, that is what caught my attention) made it sound like it was a better than normal deal.

I agree they should split royalty 50/50..but he put the emphasis on "the whole project".

I am so sick of everyone's shenanigans. Anka calling Michael (a dead person who cannot defend himself) a thief. instead of contacting his buddies on TMZ, he should have contacted the estate.

MJ's name is being dragged in the mud once again. The family, especially Randy, won't be happy about this. Even though he would have probably do a lot worst.

I expect him to make an issue of this and use it as a ploy to remove Branca.
actually, it is the same context, because McClain is putting Michael in a box. and apparently, Anka thinks that could and would are the same word, because he thought it was a compliment.
Sorry, but it's not the same context at all.

"Could" implies that Michael couldn't write the song if he tried, and "would" implies that it's not the type of song Michael would term implies ability and the other implies interest. There is a big difference.
Oh please this is not a big deal. Why are some of you mad at McClain for somehting Anika said he said? Is this not the same guy who just a short while ago said Michael stole a songh he co wrote? Gee
What I also hate is how people are saying MJ "stole" this song from Anka as if he was the sole writer behind it. Michael co-wrote the song as well. Are people forgetting he helped to write it? He didn't even release it and I doubt MJ ever had plans to release anyway this so where is the controversy? Blame Sony, Not Michael. Michael is not around to defend himself anymore and this wasn't his choice or decision to release this. Ugh, the whole thing is sickening. I'm glad they aren't releasing "This Is It" as a single afterall.
But I don't think anyone here is upset that Anka wants to be compensated for the song. He co-wrote it and fair is fair. He deserves credit absolutely. However, why did he have to take a cheap shot at Michael with the songwriting bit and call him a thief? Really disgusting of him to do.

McClain should apologize immediately , he should release a statement . he is an ASSHOLE if he indeed said that.
*Shaking My damn head at the brouhaha*:doh::no: I knew that this was gonna happen, I said that in the other thread except that somebody in the media would make it look like the YANA incident.

I like both songs though. :) But since it's resolved, I don't have anything to say anymore
Paul Anka -- I Get Half

Posted Oct 12th 2009 8:13PM by TMZ Staff
It's the quickest resolution in Hollywood history -- Paul Anka says the special administrators of Michael Jackson's estate gave him a 50% cut of "This Is It."

Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."

Anka said he was humbled by the compliment.

Read more:

WTF??? that song is the stupidiest song Michael ever sang!!!!!!!!,

can you imagine michael stealing tapes haha he must have been pissed
Anka must retract that or he can get SUED, thats defamation!

hahaha! I got to laugh here. 'Why the song was so good' It wasn't the type of song Michael would write..damn!! I mean. DAMN!! lol! WTF.
Am i the only one here who thinks This Is it song is dumb!!! and that Michael would have never EVER approve it????

not the sound track just the stupid song. The worst on the Album..
yeah the soundtrack is great but "this is it song" its crappy as paul anka and safire:yes:
for once I want Randy to go after the executors publically over this issue , what is Mcclain email please post it here so we can give him our thoughts of him , which are not nice at all
shimar said:
Personally - I think that's Paul Anka's very exaggerated tale.

There was no theft


From what I can gather Michael took the tapes with him after the session at Paul's home, which is a big nono. They were recorded in Paul's studio, they stay there. Paul has that legal right because they were recorded in HIS studio, if they recorded it in a studio owned by Sony, the tapes would stay there too. If I'm wrong on that then correct me please. You saw him laugh when he talked about Michael stealing the tapes, he was making a joke about the story.

If the same thing happened with the song Eaten Alive, and Sony had put out Michael's demo and not given any credit to Barry Gibb, he would complain about not getting credit too. Musicians should still get credit for their work, it doesn't matter wether or not Michael is no longer here with us, people deserve credit for their contributions. Paul said it was an honest mistake, leave it at that. The Estate was very quick to rectify the situation.

Besides, it is very difficult to steal a song you co-wrote. lol
McClain should apologize immediately , he should release a statement . he is an ASSHOLE if he indeed said that.
Totally agree, he totally belittle Michael songwriting skills:bugeyed, and he was saying "this is it song" is GOOD?:bugeyed wtF??:bugeyed is the crappiest song i ever heard!!!!
Sorry, but it's not the same context at all.

"Could" implies that Michael couldn't write the song if he tried, and "would" implies that it's not the type of song Michael would term implies ability and the other implies interest. There is a big difference.

well, then why did Anka consider it a compliment?

MJ, himsself, said songwriting is not something he could control..the song wrote him, instead of him writing the song. the spirit behind the compliment for songwriting is the same. it implies that MJ would write Billie jean, but not this. so, in that context, it is the same. many fans have been surprised at the new stuff MJ would come out with, thinking MJ WOULD never write this. in the arena of songwriting, would and could are the same thing. it's like saying MJ WOULD be inspired to write Billie jean, but he never would be inspired to write a ballad that sounds like This Is It. besides..McClain said 'no wonder the song is so good'..implying that MJ would never write a GOOD song.
McClain should apologize immediately , he should release a statement . he is an ASSHOLE if he indeed said that.

And this is why I feel the Jackson Family found the Holy Grail to usurp what Mj left to his three...


How the F*ck can they risk the well-being of the MJ3 this way????

So far, Branca saved it for now.
McClain and $ony can only create a mess. This is disgusting. The song is a demo, obviously something Michael never intended to release. How lame of $ony.
And McClain, to make that statement, pfft....poor Michael. Well, brace yourselves, he's no longer here with his perfectionism, or to fight
What I also hate is how people are saying MJ "stole" this song from Anka as if he was the sole writer behind it. Michael co-wrote the song as well. Are people forgetting he helped to write it? He didn't even release it and I doubt MJ ever had plans to release anyway this so where is the controversy? Blame Sony, Not Michael. Michael is not around to defend himself anymore and this wasn't his choice or decision to release this. Ugh, the whole thing is sickening. I'm glad they aren't releasing "This Is It" as a single afterall.

I totally agree.

All the campaign to have Sony release the song as a single...I am glad it failed.

I don't want to give a big chunk of money to Anka after he accused MJ of STEALING a song that he co-wrote. Knowing full well, it wasn't MJ's decision to remove his name.

Now, I liked that song but has too much drama around it. I cannot even listen to it anymore.

I cannot believe McClain is belittling MJ's songwriting skill to flatter Anka. McClain is getting 3% of MJ's estate deals to do right by the estate. how dare he said something like that??? If his own executor don't believe in his talent, what the hell is he doing on board?

Paul Anka -- Michael 'Stole' from Me

Posted Oct 12th 2009 8:13PM by TMZ Staff
It's the quickest resolution in Hollywood history -- Paul Anka says the special administrators of Michael Jackson's estate gave him a 50% cut of "This Is It" ... after he said Michael "stole" the original recordings from his studio back in the 80s.

Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."

Anka said he was humbled by the compliment.

Read more:
Well, the estate will receive 50% instead of the 100% yes, the estate will lose too.

And now there are reports all over the web that MJ "plagiarized" his final song.

Give him the freakin' 50% but don't need to belittle MJ's songwriting talent.

Is McClain a friend or a foe...or just a jackass? Is he someone that will help keep MJ's legacy? Why is is talking sh!t about MJ's songwriting?
MJ is a great songwriter...He wrote Stranger in Moscow...and tons of other great songs.

who can we really trust to keep MJ's legacy?

Absolutely, and that's a very good question. That's the problem Michael found all the time isn't it, this scam is just so blatent and disgusting. Conspired against him in life, in death and it's clearly business as usual, is there anyone out there who hasn't sold their soul to the Devil?