Paul Anka Claims 'This is It' is a Rip-Off

I don't blame paul i blame the fools that decided to release the single with out doing any research first. It really feels like they can see the money that can be made from the Michael buzz that is around now and they are rushing everything to cash in. The song (which i like) doesn't even sound finished and it looks like Michael was never going to release it. They only picked it because it had the same name as the concerts, this might teach them a lesson and maybe they will start to be more careful with Michaels legacy.

TMZ is Michael a song thief poll is very stupid indeed seen as they were the ones who broke the news on june 25th yet now they appear to believe Michael is still running the show.
They have a poll? geez, Get a life TMZ!! Well this is news for the week for them. Michael is making headlines again, as usual it is all lies and innuendos..Wonder what Et and the other stupid useless people will say?..don't want to know and wouldnt watch..

So lets get on that poll & get it the other way!
Michael is in heaven conducting things here on earth!! lol Tmz. just as stupid as they come.
He Blame it on Michael not Sony?
Okay, so? MJ's lawyer agreed that Paul co-wrote it and i'm sure he'll be compensated, so why the need to make this public? Just so Michael can look bad? Please. Paul Anka is just tacky.
Well in case the song does make it to the Oscars, at least Anka will collect it and say that Michael stole it from him..hmm! Paul Anka is not a young man and he should stop making ridiculous statements without thinking. Bringing down a fellow artist is BAD BUSINESS.
Anka has a right to his money but now he should shut up. No more interviews. Michael stole it, my foot!! At Least he did not write any songs for Thriller.

The song is not eligible for an Oscar as it was not written for the movie. Songs must be for and inspired by the movie in question in order to be eligible for Original Song.
Shimar, remember you posted that you couldn't find 'This Is It' in the BMI catalog? But you found 'I Never Heard'.

How come a 'This Is It' is registered under the US Copyright office in 1984?

Hmm. . this is getting really fishy!!!

And. . . isn't it interesting that the Date of Creation is 1980?????? Where does Paul fit into this?

What if there is a different song out there called TII, but some nutjob put the wrong cassette in the wrong case or whatever. . .

The song was recorded in 1980 but not officially registered until 1984. Here is the info from the US Copyright Office:

This is it / Michael Jackson.
Type of Work: Music
Registration Number / Date: PAu000668598 / 1984-11-16
Title: This is it / Michael Jackson.
Description: 1 sound cassette.
Copyright Claimant: Mijac Music
Date of Creation: 1980
Authorship on Application: words & music: Michael Jackson.

Names: Jackson, Michael
Mijac Music

or the direct link:


Paul Anka -- I Get Half

Posted Oct 12th 2009 8:13PM by TMZ Staff
It's the quickest resolution in Hollywood history -- Paul Anka says the special administrators of Michael Jackson's estate gave him a 50% cut of "This Is It."

Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."

Anka said he was humbled by the compliment.

Read more:
We are not overacting we are venting, we are ANGRY Anka called Michael a thief and now there is a bloody poll!
Ok Trish, Thanks.
The estate will not lose money - but Sony will because they were SLOPPY.

Well, the estate will receive 50% instead of the 100% yes, the estate will lose too.

And now there are reports all over the web that MJ "plagiarized" his final song.

Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."
Give him the freakin' 50% but don't need to belittle MJ's songwriting talent.

Is McClain a friend or a foe...or just a jackass? Is he someone that will help keep MJ's legacy? Why is is talking sh!t about MJ's songwriting?
MJ is a great songwriter...He wrote Stranger in Moscow...and tons of other great songs.

who can we really trust to keep MJ's legacy?

I can't explain that either.

I know that BMI's registrations are LEGIT as per whatever is going to be released on Radio.

Because if they aren't correct, then BMI won't be able to collect royalties off the radio play.



Shimar, remember you posted that you couldn't find 'This Is It' in the BMI catalog? But you found 'I Never Heard'.

How come a 'This Is It' is registered under the US Copyright office in 1984?

Hmm. . this is getting really fishy!!!

And. . . isn't it interesting that the Date of Creation is 1980?????? Where does Paul fit into this?

What if there is a different song out there called TII, but some nutjob put the wrong cassette in the wrong case or whatever. . .
Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."

Anka said he was humbled by the compliment

told you so


Paul Anka -- I Get Half

Posted Oct 12th 2009 8:13PM by TMZ Staff
It's the quickest resolution in Hollywood history -- Paul Anka says the special administrators of Michael Jackson's estate gave him a 50% cut of "This Is It."

Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."

Anka said he was humbled by the compliment.

Read more:

that was a cheap shot, John McClain...who somehow wants to work for Michael Jackson. if that's true, how come it took 26 years and the hearing of MJ's voice to bring that song from the dead? MJ made an AKON song sound good. so, i think Paul's fake humility is unwarranted.
can you imagine michael stealing tapes haha he must have been pissed
hahaha! I got to laugh here. 'Why the song was so good' It wasn't the type of song Michael would write..damn!! I mean. DAMN!! lol! WTF.
Well, the estate will receive 50% instead of the 100% yes, the estate will lose too.

And now there are reports all over the web that MJ "plagiarized" his final song.

Give him the freakin' 50% but don't need to belittle MJ's songwritign talent. Jacksass.

Yeah he's an idiot. The lyrics in "This Is It" aren't even that great lol so give me a break. Michael's written songs himself that were 1000x times better lyrically than "This Is It". "Billie Jean" alone kills that song lyrically.

I don't have a problem with Anka being compensated, he should be, but I don't respect the way he's going about this. Not even in death can MJ get respect. Anytime he has new music out, someone always has to come and try to ruin it for him. People are so jealous of MJ's talent, fame and career I swear.
can you imagine michael stealing tapes haha he must have been pissed

Personally - I think that's Paul Anka's very exaggerated tale.

There was no theft

MJ is co-owner of the song and had the right to shut it down when he did.

Now, when Safire released it, 7 years later, MJ HAD to give permission since SaFire at the time was also a Sony artist when she released the song.
Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write.

...whatttt the hell? That's such a ridiculous thing to say. I mean is that a joke? Cuz it's so far from the truth it almost made me laugh.

And I still find it weird how he keeps insisting Michael "STOLE" the tapes. And he definitely said "my" song in there. :\
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that was a cheap shot, John McClain...who somehow wants to work for Michael Jackson. if that's true, how come it took 26 years and the hearing of MJ's voice to bring that song from the dead? MJ made an AKON song sound good. so, i think Paul's fake humility is unwarranted.
I was surprised by that statement, too, but look at how quickly this idiot Anka has jumped on the bandwagon. I wouldn't be surprised if he was just talking shit to hype his own ego.

I would be surprised if one of Michael's musical partners, like McClain, would actually say something like that.
TMZ has all the updates on this. Anka has resolved his issue with the estate. He is getting 50% royalties on the This Is It song. It was a big mistake and Branca was very humble and gave Anka the money he legally deserved. More updates at
hahaha! I got to laugh here. 'Why the song was so good' It wasn't the type of song Michael would write..damn!! I mean. DAMN!! lol! WTF.

John McClain is SHADY!!!

Like, "oh yeah, that was a throw away song, like DUH!"

Sorry, but Branca saved this.

McClain is a risk to the estate if he continues like this.
Yeah he's an idiot. The lyrics in "This Is It" aren't even that great lol so give me a break. Michael's written songs himself that were 1000x times better lyrically than "This Is It". "Billie Jean" alone kills that song lyrically.

I don't have a problem with Anka being compensated, he should be, but I don't respect the way he's going about this. Not even in death can MJ get respect. Anytime he has new music out, someone always has to come and try to ruin it for him. People are so jealous of MJ's talent, fame and career I swear.

precisely. how else do you explain fellow millionaires hating on MJ?
In the latest video, Anka said he is getting 50% of the whole project...??WHAT? Is he getting 50% of the song this is it...or 50% of the whole soundtrack?

Gosh, this whole thing is turning me off against the project. MJ is getting screwed once again by incompetency.
If I had a song, that has been anticipated to come out by another artist. Listen to it and, it's a song I helped write, no matter who it was, I would raise hell. It's part of the industry, Sony and everyone else has been rushing to get This is It out, no one has triple checked everything. It's a sloppy job, all of it. This song is supposed to be in the credits, that's money to Paul right there. All of this is Sony's fault. It's been repeated over and over that they just found this song in a box, yet no one thought to check on the orgin? Another reason why I'm sure Michael didn't like about the industry, it's all about their money, not about the people they hurt while getting it.
In the latest video, Anka said he is getting 50% of the whole project...??WHAT? Is he getting 50% of the song this is it...or 50% of the whole soundtrack?

Gosh, this whole thing is turning me off against the project. MJ is getting screwed once again by incompetency.


Not the movie.
Paul Anka got the 50 % he wanted(good for him), BUT he was the one saying Michael stole the song!!! he used that term!!!, he ACCUSED MICHAEL OF STEALING A SONG!!! thats defamation!!!!! he knew Michael and him BOTH wrote it, why he had to say Michael was a song thief??? i mean HE MUST RETRACT THAT; i cant stand the poll
"Michael Jakcson... song thief? yes -no, and of course the michael thief is winning, its all Ankas fault! he called Michael a thief when he damn well knew it was a co written song, he got his 50% but what about Michael's name and the stupid poll, its all defamation!!! he has to say he did a mistake saying Michael stole the fraeking stupid silly song, which im sure michael would have never ever wanted to record, thats why it remain an old pourly worked DEMO

ANKA MUST CLEARFY MICHAEL JACKSON'S NAME!!!! he called Michael a thief! and it was a LIE!!!!!!