Paul Anka Claims 'This is It' is a Rip-Off

Sony were too busy hiring security for the song. What a mess...

Now, the estate will lose money...they will have to split the song earning in half. I hope it comes out of Sony's profits. MJ should not have to pay for this mistake.

So does that mean Anka will go on talk shows to plug the song????

The estate will not lose money - but Sony will because they were SLOPPY.
I wish Sony could revert the song name back to "I never heard" so one day when the real This Is It gets released we won't have two songs with the same name.
Saw this at Hits Daiiy Double:

Singer Threatens to Sue to Get His Name on Credit

October 12, 2009

The N.Y. Times is reporting Michael Jackson’s just-released new single, “This Is It,” bears a striking resemblance to “I Never Heard,” a 1991 track by the R&B singer Safire, credited to Jackson and Paul Anka.For a YouTube comparison of the two songs, go here.
Anka told the Times he had not been contacted about the use of the song, and has not been given proper writing credit on the track.

“They have a major, major problem on their hands,” he said. “They will be sued if they don’t correct it.”

The song will play during the closing credits to the documentary film Michael Jackson’s This Is It, which is due out on Oct. 28.

Anka said that he and Jackson wrote and recorded the song in 1983 at his studio in Carmel, CA, and that it had been intended as a duet for his album Walk a Fine Line.

Shortly after it was recorded, Jackson took the tapes and Anka threatened to sue to get them back. He now has the original multi-track tapes in his possession, along with documentation that the copyright for the song was held by both men.

“It’s exactly the same song,” Anka said. “They just changed the title.”

“This Is It” was based on a tape that Jackson left behind with only his piano and vocal. John McClain, the longtime record industry exec who was named a co-executor on the superstar’s will with music business attorney John Branca, put a full arrangement around it, including backup vocals by Jackson’s brothers. Aside from a few major differences in the lyrics, the composition of the song is almost identical to that of “I Never Heard.”
this is it is only listed under MJ's name, I remember someone posted the copyright listing here a while ago.

But not under BMI - which is one of the songwriting performance organizations that collect royalties based on radio, TV & satellite radio airplay.

ASCAP & SESAC are others organizations are others that collect royalties based on performance royalties.
Calm down folks! you're all making this bigger than necessary! I'm sure things will get worked out real soon :) no need for drama.
Originally Posted by elmari
Why can't anything associated with Michael be scandal free?!?! It's so frustrating and Anka has to know it's all Sony's fault. Also, the source IS TMZ so they could have embellished that Michael 'stole' the song. That's what's going to reel them in!

Well, now MJ is not here, they cannot blame here for their own mistake.
Based on past copyright lawsuits, we know MJ keeps good track of everything he records so I am sure there must be some background information on the song's origin.

Nothing goes smoothly for MJ...
Originally Posted by shimar
What's F*cked up is that Joe & Randy & Jermaine can use this against the "Executors" capacity to handle MJs estate.

Just WAIT for the Jackson Family lawsuit against Branca & McClain with Oxman heading the charge in 3...2...1...


I hope they do that , then Branca will prevent them from using MJ's name to get $$$$$ . maybe the estate finanlly would sue the jacksons and shut them up .
SERIOUSLY... Sony didn't foresee this ? Branca didn't foresee this??

What is this an immature hour?

Watch by morning the media will be blaming Michael for this foolishness....

anyways..... everybody can STFU and GO AWAY.... Especially ANKA (how do you co-write something and act as if its solely yours)
If the title "This Is It" were an official title that MJ wanted to put on an album, then it would be listed under under BMI's songwriter's credits page here, this is MJs list "page 6":

Songwriter/Composer: JACKSON MICHAEL

Current Affiliation: BMI CAE/IPI #: 523553664
There are 182 Work Titles

Work Title BMI Work #
134. STATE OF SHOCK 1405123 135. STAY 1405606 136. STRANGER IN MOSCOW 2059689 137. STREETWALKER 5940447 138. STYLE OF LIFE 1423182 139. SUNSET DRIVER 7151294 140. SUPERFLY SISTER 4541909 141. TABLOID JUNKIE 2059697 142. THAT GIRL 1477783 143. THAT S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING 1482621 144. THEY DON T CARE ABOUT US 2059688 145. THINGS I DO FOR YOU 1495998 146. THIS HAD TO BE 1499887 147. THIS IS THE MAN 1501465 148. THIS PLACE HOTEL 1503505 149. THIS TIME AROUND 2059690 150. THREATENED 5751503

Now - look for "I never Heard" - on page 4 - and it's listed:

Songwriter/Composer: JACKSON MICHAEL

Current Affiliation: BMI CAE/IPI #: 523553664
There are 182 Work Titles

Work Title BMI Work # 76. I GOT THIS FEELING 6427322 77. I HAVE THIS DREAM 4933089
78. I JUST CAN T STOP LOVING YOU 629739 79. I NEVER HEARD 672974 80. I STARTED CRYIN BILLIE JEAN MI 4267948 81. IN THE BACK 7151315 82. IN THE CLOSET 719577 83. INSPIRATION FOLLOW ME 8579069 84. INVINCIBLE 5748917 85. IS IT SCARY 4541915 86. JACK MIX V 1949735 87. JACKSONS OPENING THEME SONG 756507 88. JAM 757548 89. JOY 1982797 90. JUST FEEL IT 9180022 91. KEEP ON KEEPING ON 3750469 92. KEEP THE FAITH 797353 93. KREETON OVERTURE 809526 94. LEAVE ME ALONE 844619 95. LETTER 2 MY UNBORN 5695001 96. LIBERIAN GIRL 865043 97. LITTLE SUSIE 2059696 98. LIVE WITH REGIS-BG CUES 0 99. LOST CHILDREN 5774976 100. LOVE NEVER FELT SO GOOD 923303

Denotes BMI Award Winning Song!
What's F*cked up is that Joe & Randy & Jermaine can use this against the "Executors" capacity to handle MJs estate.

Just WAIT for the Jackson Family lawsuit against Branca & McClain with Oxman heading the charge in 3...2...1...


Dear God! I guess it becomes an issue of who would you rather see run the Estate into the ground...if that's what's going to eventually happen? Family or folks unrelated? :fear: This could come down to a rock and hard place...where neither option looks better than the other.

WHYYYY did he have to die, man?!! :weeping: Flocking MURRAY!!!!

*SQUEEEEEEZING my stress ball!!*
Oh God, paul Anka wantsd publicity... disgusting, he said Michael stole the song???? How dares HE! wtf??? wasnt it a co-written song??? i dont get this
since there was a lot of secrecy surrounding the release of "This is it " song and since it was delivered to the radio stations by a group of armed men ( how ridiculous indeed) , maybe that's why Sony did not inform Anka , because they were worried he would talk about it or leak information to the media .

I think they knew Anka co wrote this song .
yeah calm down folks! happy thoughts!! :)

However if there is an original song with the title "this is it" I do hope they release it someday!
Anka is making this look as if Michael loved that song when in fact Michael didnt put the freaking song on any of his albums, cause its a MEDIOCRE SONG, its only beautiful cause Michael sings it... Anka (i have completely forgotten who that one was) wants monneeyy:puke:
Settle down guys, a settlement is already in progress now. There will be no lawsuit. It was a mistake. Here is another article TMZ has just posted:

I understand what you are saying.. trying to calm down.

But that moron Anka basically said MJ stole the tape out of the studio. NOT OK WITH THIS.

Sure, give him money and he'll shut up. So does he get half the money since he CO-WROTE it with MJ??
Thank you Mr. Anka for clearing up the origins of 'This Is It'.

Sony/CBS is not interested in revealing the facts of TII, Sony/CBS evidently would rather GIVE THE IMPRESSION that TII is a 'new and original' MJ song and was the 'official theme song' of MJ's final tour. Both of these are misrepresentations of the truth.

Based on Mr. Anka's public statements published in the New York Times newspaper we now know:

1.) 'This Is It' is actually a song called 'I Never Heard'.
2.) The demo tapes that Sony/CBS used to create TII were recorded by MJ in 1983, making the song over 26 years old.
3.) Paul Anka is the co-author of the original song 'I Never Heard' with MJ, a song that Sony/CBS now calls 'This Is It'.
4.) Sony/CBS has yet to credit Paul Anka as the co-author of MJ's TII.
5.) Sony/CBS failed to get Paul Anka's approval to use his song for release.
6.) Sony/CBS renamed 'I Never Heard' to 'This Is It' to coincidentally match the theme of MJ's final concert tour.
7.) Paul Anka currently owns and possesses the 'I Never Heard/TII' MJ master tapes.

Link to the New York Times article:

do we still have doubts about WHY Michael had a problem with Sony?!
Right, so now we know when the song was written. But do we know when Michael recorded this final version?

DJs said on radio (but this was before Anka made his voice heard) that he wrote the song years ago but he recorded it this spring and wanted to release it as a single for the promotion of his tour. Honestly, I don't believe this. Why would he want to release a 26-year-old pretty mediocre song, a song that was already recorded and released by other artist and a song that could even get him in legal trouble with Anka?

I think this is just Sony's propaganda to make it look as if Michael wanted it to be this way.
Dear God! I guess it becomes an issue of who would you rather see run the Estate into the ground...if that's what's going to eventually happen? Family or folks unrelated? :fear: This could come down to a rock and hard place...where neither option looks better than the other.

WHYYYY did he have to die, man?!! :weeping: Flocking MURRAY!!!!

*SQUEEEEEEZING my stress ball!!*

I really don't want that to happen - and I hope MJs kids don't suffer as a result of this.

And I am a believer that their father's blood, sweat & many many tears & effort is better left off to be managed by a non-member of the Jackson Family since they've spent decades usurping him.

But then, this happens and this gives them ammunition.

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I understand what you are saying.. trying to calm down.

But that moron Anka basically said MJ stole the tape out of the studio. NOT OK WITH THIS.

Sure, give him money and he'll shut up. So does he get half the money since he CO-WROTE it with MJ??
yeah he cant go saying such stupid thing, Michael didnt even put that mediocre song on his albums, come on, this Anka is an ol as who wants money
ANOTHER UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MJ Camp -- It Ain't Just Michael's Song

Posted Oct 12th 2009 6:25PM by TMZ Staff
John Branca, the special administrator for Michael Jackson's estate tells TMZ Paul Anka is right -- "This Is It" was not written by MJ alone, it was co-written with Paul Anka.


Branca and his people are negotiating a settlement with Paul Anka's lawyer.

Branca tells TMZ, "We acknowledge that Michael and Paul wrote this song together."

As we first reported, the other special administrator, John McClain, told Anka "We'll give you whatever you want, whatever it takes we'll do the right thing."

More Paul Anka

i think anka should get half of what the single makes. its fair
Agree. My SINCEREST apologies to indranee who saw a lawsuit coming out of this and I thought differently. My bad for thinking Sony and the Estate had taken care of business and couldn't possibly be this stupid and negligent. :doh: %#@& Idiots!

:) hey wendy, that's okay. my ex-boyfriend is a lawyer and he and I had a discussion about this last night and even HE didn't see it. he actually talked me out of my fear last night lol!

I'm just so paranoid. as soon as I saw Paul Anka's name in that article, and didn't see his name on the copyright listing, I sort of knew it. it was sort of instinct.

god, it's such a hot mess. this is exactly what Michael didn't need. :cry:

EDIT: oh, and btw, yeah the Jacksons did the backing track on this recently.
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well whatever he wants money from then, he does deserve half the credit, half mj, half paul
Anka is making this look as if Michael loved that song when in fact Michael didnt put the freaking song on any of his albums, cause its a MEDIOCRE SONG, its only beautiful cause Michael sings it... Anka (i have completely forgotten who that one was) wants monneeyy:puke:

I don't blame Paul Anka - the fact is that a Mechanical License should have been offered by SONY to Paul Anka as the co-writer of the song to give permission to release the song.