Paul Anka Claims 'This is It' is a Rip-Off

i still don't get your answer. MJ's publishing is separate, and MJ put money into his own publishing. his part of the song is his. Sony is the outsider here. and sony alone. maybe they should ask Anka, but MJ doesn't have to ask permission for what is his.

How can his publishing be separate when the publishing co owns the song?? Any song MJ wrote belongs to Michael's PUBLISHING.

If I co-wrote a song with you and released it on my own without your permission, you can sue me. It's that simple. There was no permission sought to release this song and if that is the case, Anka has a RIGHT TO SUE.

It's really simple, guys.
oh we go....never a dull moment with the name Michael Jackson attached....however..Paul Anka is entitled to some money if he co-wrote this song with Michael..IMHO.....Sony is not doing Michael's legacy any favors....damn Sony.


Anka on Jackson -- They See it My Way

Posted Oct 12th 2009 6:18PM by TMZ Staff
Paul Anka
tells TMZ the people handling Michael Jackson's estate are falling over each other .... apologizing for "ripping-off my song" and offering "anything you want" to make the mess go away.

And, John Branca just told TMZ, "We acknowledge that Michael and Paul wrote this song together."

As we first reported, Anka claims the new Jackson song, "This is It" is the Michael Jackson track Anka co-wrote with Jackson in 1983, which Jackson originally recorded under the title, "I Never Heard."

Anka tells TMZ he just got off the phone with John McClain, the co-Special Administrator for Jackson's estate. Anka says McClain apologized profusely, saying he knew "Michael couldn't have written this song alone. It's not his style."

Anka says McClain now acknowledges that "This is It" is really Paul's song, and said, "We'll give you whatever you want, whatever it take's we'll do the right thing."

Anka says he's not trying to hold the estate up but he wants them to be fair.

And how's this .... Anka says McClain asked him to do promotion for the song.

It's Hollywood, folks.
Filed under: Celebrity Justice
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oh jesus.
LOL the song is in the This is it Movie!!!!!

No this just proves what some people have been speculating. The title of the concert "This is it" has nothing to do with the song Sony calls "This is it". The song is actually "I never heard" and it happens contain the phrase "this is it".
yes, and this may be the express reason why MJ withheld it and did not put it on any albums. whether or not he "stole" it (I don't think he did... for chrissakes, how do you steal your own song?), he chose not to release it because of all the hoopla he knew he'd have to go through with Anka.

now, Sony goes and fucks up. ROYALLY.

way to go guys. nice going. I can already see the writing on the wall. :rolleyes:

Yep. The dummies.
No this just proves what some people have been speculating. The title of the concert "This is it" has nothing to do with the song Sony calls "This is it". The song is actually "I never heard" and it happens contain the phrase "this is it".

The song is 100& in the movie. Some people already saw the movie.The last song of the movie is This is it. Man some people here are really bad informed...


Anka on Jackson -- They See it My Way

Posted Oct 12th 2009 6:18PM by TMZ Staff
Paul Anka
tells TMZ the people handling Michael Jackson's estate are falling over each other .... apologizing for "ripping-off my song" and offering "anything you want" to make the mess go away.

And, John Branca just told TMZ, "We acknowledge that Michael and Paul wrote this song together."

As we first reported, Anka claims the new Jackson song, "This is It" is the Michael Jackson track Anka co-wrote with Jackson in 1983, which Jackson originally recorded under the title, "I Never Heard."

Anka tells TMZ he just got off the phone with John McClain, the co-Special Administrator for Jackson's estate. Anka says McClain apologized profusely, saying he knew "Michael couldn't have written this song alone. It's not his style."

Anka says McClain now acknowledges that "This is It" is really Paul's song, and said, "We'll give you whatever you want, whatever it take's we'll do the right thing."

Anka says he's not trying to hold the estate up but he wants them to be fair.

And how's this .... Anka says McClain asked him to do promotion for the song.

It's Hollywood, folks.
Filed under: Celebrity Justice
Comments [0]

That's a confusing article again by TMZ!!!!!!!!!!!!

This song was written by BOTH Paul Anka and Michael. Why are they making it sounds that it was all just Paul now? They are not telling the whole story!

This should have never happened in the first place. All this sh*t is because people just want to make as much money off of Michael as possible starting with the movie and now the mess with a song that has nothing to do with the movie except the title.

BTW, I think TMZ is adding more drama than there really is.
How can his publishing be separate when the publishing co owns the song?? Any song MJ wrote belongs to Michael's PUBLISHING.

If I co-wrote a song with you and released it on my own without your permission, you can sue me. It's that simple. There was no permission sought to release this song and if that is the case, Anka has a RIGHT TO SUE.

It's really simple, guys.

no. if you release a song i co wrote, i don't have a right to sue you, unless i don't get my half of the money.

yes..ANka can sue SONY. for simply not giving half credit to Anka. and not giving ANka his fifty. MJ is separate issue, unless MJ didn't put any money in the publishing. the purpose of MJ buying publishing is to prevent that anyone from suing him for a release. i don't know of any artist who doesn't feel free to release a co written song, without permission from the other writer AS LONG as writer B gets fifty percent.

i don't have a problem with u doing something without my permission, if i was a partner..AS LONG AS I GET MY HALF OF THE the money.

anyway, it's hard for me to think Anka is objective here. he called Michael 'big headed'.
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It's not true in all cases, but it is true for the people I meantioned. Back then some labels had staff writers, which is why Holland/Dozier/Holland only wrote for Motown. Although some staff writers would write for non-label acts under fake names, to hide it from the label as they could be sued, because staff writers are under contract.

We are both right - because in the case of Holland/Dozier/Holland, they made a deal with Motown. That's not my case because I don't have a deal with anyone. I shop my wares independently.

That's a confusing article again by TMZ!!!!!!!!!!!!

This song was written by BOTH Paul Anka and Michael. Why are they making it sounds that it was all just Paul now? They are not telling the whole story!

This should have never happened in the first place. All this sh*t is because people just want to make as much money off of Michael as possible starting with the movie and now the mess with a song that has nothing to do with the movie except the title.

BTW, I think TMZ is adding more drama than there really is.

I can't even blame Sony for this mess. John McClain, a special administrator royally screwed up and like I said earlier, Londell McMillian will be all over this. as he just harmed Michael's estate. To not do simple research is pathetic and McClain & Sony need their asses kicked for it.
Anka tells TMZ he just got off the phone with John McClain, the co-Special Administrator for Jackson's estate. Anka says McClain apologized profusely, saying he knew "Michael couldn't have written this song alone. It's not his style."

Anka says McClain now acknowledges that "This is It" is really Paul's song, and said, "We'll give you whatever you want, whatever it take's we'll do the right thing."

Anka says he's not trying to hold the estate up but he wants them to be fair.

And how's this .... Anka says McClain asked him to do promotion for the song.

It's Hollywood, folks.

:mello: O RLY? Then this mess could have been avoided and Anka rightfully credited. According to Anka, Branca knew about this previously. Perhaps he forgot (it's been years), but he is the producer of this version of the song isn't he? Who will be responsible for fixing this now?

I can't even blame Sony for this mess. John McClain, a special administrator royally screwed up and like I said earlier, Londell McMillian will be all over this. as he just harmed Michael's estate. To not do simple research is pathetic and McClain & Sony need their asses kicked for it.

Is John McClain also a producer of this song?
We are both right - because in the case of Holland/Dozier/Holland, they made a deal with Motown. That's not my case because I don't have a deal with anyone. I shop my wares independently.

so, Shimar, where can I listen to your stuff? I'd love to. please PM me the details :)
Can Michael just have his f*****g good moment in this world without having someone screwing everything up with f*****g stupidities like that!


Sorry for harsh language but i'm really pissed off here!!! Guess SONY did their job well: Making Michael look like a bad guy and making loads of Money out of it.


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ANOTHER UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MJ Camp -- It Ain't Just Michael's Song

Posted Oct 12th 2009 6:25PM by TMZ Staff
John Branca, the special administrator for Michael Jackson's estate tells TMZ Paul Anka is right -- "This Is It" was not written by MJ alone, it was co-written with Paul Anka.

Branca and his people are negotiating a settlement with Paul Anka's lawyer.

Branca tells TMZ, "We acknowledge that Michael and Paul wrote this song together."

As we first reported, the other special administrator, John McClain, told Anka "We'll give you whatever you want, whatever it takes we'll do the right thing.
Read this and Shimar too:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

"My Way" is an English version of a French song. The English lyrics were written by Paul Anka and popularized by Frank Sinatra on his album My Way. The melody is that of the French song "Comme D'habitude" composed by Claude François and Jacques Revaux. Anka's English lyrics are unrelated to the original French by Claude François and Gilles Thibaut.

See Anka never composed the Song MY WAY-he only wrote some lyrics lol

and you forgot to read the bolded part. that is in answer to this. go read that.
no. if you release a song i co wrote, i don't have a right to sue you, unless i don't get my half of the money.

yes..ANka can sue SONY. for simply not giving half credit to Anka. and not giving ANka his fifty. MJ is separate issue, unless MJ didn't put any money in the publishing. the purpose of MJ buying publishing is to prevent that anyone from suing him for a release. i don't know of any artist who doesn't feel free to release a co written song, without permission from the other writer AS LONG as writer B gets fifty percent.

i don't have a problem with u doing something without my permission, if i was a partner..AS LONG AS I GET MY HALF OF THE the money.

Apples and Oranges. Bottom line is MiJac Publishing (Which is administered by the etstate) along with Sony can be held accountable if this is NOT rectified. We can agree to disagree.
That's a confusing article again by TMZ!!!!!!!!!!!!

This song was written by BOTH Paul Anka and Michael. Why are they making it sounds that it was all just Paul now? They are not telling the whole story!

This should have never happened in the first place. All this sh*t is because people just want to make as much money off of Michael as possible starting with the movie and now the mess with a song that has nothing to do with the movie except the title.

BTW, I think TMZ is adding more drama than there really is.

Yeah, that's what disturbs me the most: the media will have a field day with twisting this story something it isn't, ie. portraying MJ as a rip-off, as a song thief. TMZ are already doing it by continously calling it a rip-off and Michael a thief.

Fact is however that Michael did NOT rip-off anything. He just happend to record a song for "personal use" that he wrote with somebody else - and probably never even intended to release it (honestly most songs he wrote alone are a lot better than this).

It's Sony and just Sony who should be bashed about it, instead they make Michael out to be a rip-off.
Sony Throroughy(sp) pissed me off with this whole situation, I loved the song when I heard the 45 second clip. But without even hearing the full version yet, and reading the responses from you guys, its pretty clear that the record was clearly unfinished and Michael had no real intention of releasing this song.

So what means is, Sony sifted through a bunch of vaulted MJ demo's to find a song that coincides with the film best, they found this unfinished piece with the words "This Is It" in it and just said amongst themselves, "This is what we'll use its perfect, "This Is It", lunch now?"

So this is all Sonys fault, and Anka should be rearing his horns towards Sony Records, and their disgusting publishing tactics. Also, if you think about it, its becoming clear that perhaps there was no actual song Michael was working on during the tour. Which means AEG, and Randy Phillips, and those others who said, Michael was in the studio recording and working on a brand new song for the concerts, blatantly lied.

Pshh. SMH!

ANOTHER UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MJ Camp -- It Ain't Just Michael's Song

Posted Oct 12th 2009 6:25PM by TMZ Staff
John Branca, the special administrator for Michael Jackson's estate tells TMZ Paul Anka is right -- "This Is It" was not written by MJ alone, it was co-written with Paul Anka.

Branca and his people are negotiating a settlement with Paul Anka's lawyer.

Branca tells TMZ, "We acknowledge that Michael and Paul wrote this song together."

As we first reported, the other special administrator, John McClain, told Anka "We'll give you whatever you want, whatever it takes we'll do the right thing.

now this is something i can understand. all McClain has to do is make sure Sony gives Paul his half of the money. nothing more, and i guarantee Anka will shut up.
So now anka is being offered sorrys and also anka can have anything thay wont,oh please why oh why cant michael be left alone,oh i know because of money grrrrr argggg so angery and sad at the same time,wow what else is going to happen?? :mat: :cry: xoxo
I've done translations of songs from English to Spanish.

I NEVER get any publishing from it - but I did get writer's credit for the Spanish version.

Read this and Shimar too:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

"My Way" is an English version of a French song. The English lyrics were written by Paul Anka and popularized by Frank Sinatra on his album My Way. The melody is that of the French song "Comme D'habitude" composed by Claude François and Jacques Revaux. Anka's English lyrics are unrelated to the original French by Claude François and Gilles Thibaut.

See Anka never composed the Song MY WAY-he only wrote some lyrics lol
Branca & Sony must fix this NOW. This cannot go further...Give him credit if need be.

damnit Sony....I don't want this to because a scandal and undermine the movie.

MJ is a great songwriter, SANE folks won't think he is a thief.
Can Michael just have his f*****g good moment in this world without having someone screwing everything up with f*****g stupidities like that!


Sorry for harsh language but i'm really pissed off here!!! Guess SONY did their job well: Making Michael look like a bad guy and making loads of Money out of it.


I so hear wat u r saying hun its so bad big hugs xoxo