Paul Anka Claims 'This is It' is a Rip-Off

Sony and Branca knew that the song was written by Michael and Anka. I do no know why Anka had to go to this length to get what he wanted. Why talk to the media/ tabloids? Maybe this will increase sales. I am only buying this Cd because it is Michael's if it was Paul Anka's version I will never even listen to it.

Well this is America lol! and everything is a lawsuit..
Paul may even promote the song if he gets acclaim and $$$. Not for the Album, but the song only..They should release it as a single and take it out of the Album and put another of Michael's unreleased song on the Album..After All Michael has so many fantastic great songs.
Good Luck Sony!!
I can kind of understand that if Paul Anka helped write a song that is only being attributed to one person that he would want his share of the money made from the song. It is only fair. I just cant get over the fact that whenever Michael's name is attached to something there is always some kind of controversy. I just dont get it.
I don't blame Paul Anka - the fact is that a Mechanical License should have been offered by SONY to Paul Anka as the co-writer of the song to give permission to release the song.

I only blame Anka for calling Michael a thief. That was really uncalled for when they wrote the song together.
Right, so now we know when the song was written. But do we know when Michael recorded this final version?

DJs said on radio (but this was before Anka made his voice heard) that he wrote the song years ago but he recorded it this spring and wanted to release it as a single for the promotion of his tour. Honestly, I don't believe this. Why would he want to release a 26-year-old pretty mediocre song, a song that was already recorded and released by other artist and a song that could even get him in legal trouble with Anka?

I think this is just Sony's propaganda to make it look as if Michael wanted it to be this way.

ITA. This song was not part of Michael's artistic vision at all. Sony is just fucking with everybody.

I've a feeling that Stringer also lied about finding a tape labeled 'This Is It'. I think they renamed the song TII based on the lyric.

Michael knew the origins of the 'I never heard' song and knew that it was associated with Anka, so I do not believe he would have ever released it.

I am still fuming off of Anka's choice of words in that Michael 'stole' the tapes from the studio! Anka's a biatch!
I think this is just Sony's propaganda to make it look as if Michael wanted it to be this way.

i think so too.

BUT there is a rumor that MJ has a new album with new songs to be released in 2010 - which coincided with the end of the O2 performances.

I just HOPE that album is advanced forward.
I can see Latoya dinning with Anka next week and Jermaine doing a duet with him next month.
The estate will not lose money - but Sony will because they were SLOPPY.

Why is Branca negotiating, surely it should be Sony?!!

Since the song is actually I Never Heard, Michael's unreleased track "This Is It" from 1980 remains unreleased

So is there definitely a 1980 TII track?

Dear God! I guess it becomes an issue of who would you rather see run the Estate into the ground...if that's what's going to eventually happen? Family or folks unrelated? :fear: This could come down to a rock and hard place...where neither option looks better than the other.

WHYYYY did he have to die, man?!! :weeping: Flocking MURRAY!!!!

*SQUEEEEEEZING my stress ball!!*

This is such a shame :weeping: Hopefully this was just an oversight by McClain, but who can be sure?
And how's this .... Anka says McClain asked him to do promotion for the song.

McClain is full of bright ideas, eh? :blink: Yes, let's have the man who's claiming Michael to be a thief do promotion for the song. I can imagine him telling that story over and over how he and Michael worked on the song and then Michael "stole" his tapes. WTH kind of promotion is that? Can anyone explain this so that it makes perfect sense cuz I'm just not seeing the logic here? :mello: And this man is in charge of Michael's estate? :brow:
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Paul Anka is a fool. Whatever the truth is about this, the bottom line is HE WANTS ATTENTION. He could have EASILY dealt with this in a quiet manner instead he goes to TMZ? Riiiiiight...what a fool.
I only blame Anka for calling Michael a thief. That was really uncalled for when they wrote the song together.


This is what I think went down (which i repeated earlier in the thread):

1) Anka & MJ got together to write a song, which they did

2) Epic Records (now Sony) said, FORGET IT - you can't release this while Thriller is killing the charts - OR - Epic Records said "MJ, this violates your contract, you can't release this record on Paul Anka's album", so MJ and Branca did what they had to do to shut it down

3) Paul Anka gets mad

4) Years pass

5) Anka offers the song up to SaFire - who was a Sony artist - to record the song. MJ also agrees.

6) MJ dies :boohoo:

7) Sony & McClain are looking for new material to release and find this demo of "I never Heard" with the same "This Is It" theme. They think they struck Gold.

8) Paul Anka is not asked for a mechanical license.

9) Paul Anka makes a stink about the issue

10) MJ Estate is working with Paul Anka to smooth out Sony's error.
I don't blame Paul Anka - the fact is that a Mechanical License should have been offered by SONY to Paul Anka as the co-writer of the song to give permission to release the song.

if a mechanical license is about permission, it's Anka's own fault for not watching out for his own interests 26 years ago. it's not about permission, when it comes to's about money. if it's about permission, then anyone who ever wants to release that song is handcuffed if Anka dies. the publishing is about insuring only one thing...and that is that the publisher(Anka or MJ) gets money. MJ has sooo many songs published..he probably doesn't or didn't even listen to them...probably doesn't think all of them are great songs, but he knows other people like those songs. it doesn't bother MJ's image if that song is released. all that MJ would care about is the money going to him and his kids..even if the song that MJ owns the publishing rights to, is a mediocre song that MJ might not even care about, and therefore, doesn't care if permission is not asked of him to use the song. but what is important, is that money goes to the publisher. the only word that defines if Paul Anka or anyone actually CARES about whether or not the song is released, and how the song sounds, and if it's fit for release is the term 'Producer'.

i think what Anka didn't count on is that most of the people who like this song right now, don't like the song...they like MJ's VOICE on the song. it's almost as if the song could be called 'I'll Be There'.

a thousand people might have co written the song, but so what? it meant nothing till MJ's magical voice appeared on it.
People in here are overreacting justalittlebit. Paul never said anything was stolen from him. He just wants his credit, fair enough. We all knew this was coming after the information about the Safire song leaked.

I think so too.

Under MJs catalog listing under BMI, there is not one song called "THIS IS IT" - just "I never heard."

ITA. This song was not part of Michael's artistic vision at all. Sony is just fucking with everybody.

I've a feeling that Stringer also lied about finding a tape labeled 'This Is It'. I think they renamed the song TII based on the lyric.

Michael knew the origins of the 'I never heard' song and knew that it was associated with Anka, so I do not believe he would have ever released it.

I am still fuming off of Anka's choice of words in that Michael 'stole' the tapes from the studio! Anka's a biatch!
McClain is full of bright ideas, eh? :blink: Yes, let's have he man who's claiming Michael to be a thief do promotion for the song. I can imagine him telling that story over and over how he and Michael worked on the song and then Michael "stole" his tapes. WTH kind of promotion is that? Can anyone explain this so that it makes perfect sense cuz I'm just not seeing the logic here? :mello: And this man is in charge of Michael's estate? :brow:

asking Anka to promote the song is actually like asking Quicy jones to do promotion , all he is gonna talk about is all the other "mega talents" like Sinatra who mj "only dreamed of being at their league of talent ".:smilerolleyes:
People in here are overreacting justalittlebit. Paul never said anything was stolen from him. He just wants his credit, fair enough. We all knew this was coming after the information about the Safire song leaked.

Then you should ask TMZ to write a retraction becuz this is what they claim Anka told them:

Anka tells TMZ in 1983, he wrote a song with Jackson called "I Never Heard" -- and the demo of the song was recorded in Anka's studio in Carmel, CA. Anka says he took the tape to a studio in Hollywood to put the finishing touches on it for Anka's duets album, "Walk a Fine Line." Anka claims Jackson -- who was just blowing up at the time with "Thriller" -- got a big head and "stole the tapes" from the studio.

Anka tells us he called the lawyers who repped both he and Jackson -- ironically one of them was John Branca -- and threatened them with a lawsuit if he didn't get the tapes back. Anka got them back but insists Jackson made a copy of the tapes and used the track with his voice from "I Never Heard" -- and simply retitled it, "This is It."
if a mechanical license is about permission, it's Anka's own fault for not watching out for his own interests 26 years ago. it's not about permission, when it comes to's about money. if it's about permission, then anyone who ever wants to release that song is handcuffed if Anka dies. the publishing is about insuring only one thing...and that is that the publisher(Anka or MJ) gets money. MJ has sooo many songs published..he probably doesn't or didn't even listen to them...probably doesn't think all of them are great songs, but he knows other people like those songs. it doesn't bother MJ's image if that song is released. all that MJ would care about is the money going to him and his kids..even if the song that MJ owns the publishing rights to, is a mediocre song that MJ might not even care about, and therefore, doesn't care if permission is not asked of him to use the song. but what is important, is that money goes to the publisher. the only word that defines if Paul Anka or anyone actually CARES about whether or not the song is released, and how the song sounds, and if it's fit for release is the term 'Producer'.

i think what Anka didn't count on is that most of the people who like this song right now, don't like the song...they like MJ's VOICE on the song. it's almost as if the song could be called 'I'll Be There'.

a thousand people might have co written the song, but so what? it meant nothing till MJ's magical voice appeared on it.

Hmmm... let me go with your first point.

Record labels (especially Sony) release material without the owner's permission - and hope they don't find out or settle out of court. They take that risk.

Second point: That's true. Anka wanted that song to appear on his "Duets" album - and MJ & Branca shut it down before Anka was able to release it.

Paul Anka -- 'Honest Mistake'

Posted Oct 12th 2009 8:10PM by TMZ Staff
Paul Anka says he's all square with Michael Jackson's estate over the release of "This Is It" -- a song Paul helped write -- saying the special administrators realized "there was a wrong here" and they immediately "made it right..." as in 50% of publishing rights. Can you say BONANZA.

Read more:
Hmmm... let me go with your first point.

Record labels (especially Sony) release material without the owner's permission - and hope they don't find out or settle out of court. They take that risk.

Second point: That's true. Anka wanted that song to appear on his "Duets" album - and MJ & Branca shut it down before Anka was able to release it. first point is that if Sony releases a song under a person's publishing, that's long as the publisher gets MONEY. i am separating the term 'publisher' from 'producer'. why would Paul Anka have a problem with Sony releasing anything that he published? it gets Anka PAID. what Anka is doing is making sure he gets PAID.

Paul Anka -- 'Honest Mistake'

Posted Oct 12th 2009 8:10PM by TMZ Staff
Paul Anka says he's all square with Michael Jackson's estate over the release of "This Is It" -- a song Paul helped write -- saying the special administrators realized "there was a wrong here" and they immediately "made it right..." as in 50% of publishing rights. Can you say BONANZA.

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I hope they also asked him to stop smearing the name of THE DEAD as an act of good faith...altho you would think he'd know better old as he is. :ermm: Did he really have to go to TMZ to get this result? Just shameful.
I hope they also asked him to stop smearing the name of THE DEAD as an act of good faith...altho you would think he'd know better old as he is. :ermm: Did he really have to go to TMZ to get this result? Just shameful.

yes...this is what i have been saying all along. Anka just wants money. he ain't about to NOT GIVE PERMISSION to get money put into his pockets. but it is very true that old Anka went too far with his words. or...TMZ is guilty of sensationalism.
Paul Anka is disgusting and wants publicity, he well knows it was written by the two of them, he called Michael A THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now TMZ is making a stupid poll

Michael Jakcson... song thief??? and of course the Michael THIEF is winning... ANKA WILL HAVE TO APOLOGY,

the old man got the 50 % now, ANKA has his money now HE HAS TO APOLOGY FOR DIRTYING MJ AS THIEF!!!! ol fucking stupid waste of human life

Michael was a magnificent songwriter, he despised thet THIS IS IT or I NEVER HEARD thats why he never really recorded it

Anka got wht he wanted the 50% cause it was a CO WRITTEN SONG, not like he OWNED!!!


home >> Celebrity Justice
Anka Gets 50% of Publishing Rights

Posted Oct 12th 2009 7:50PM by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson
's estate just got a partner it didn't bank on -- because we've just learned Paul Anka is now a 50% partner in the publishing rights to "This is It."

Anka will get other profits as well, but the publishing rights are usually the big ticket item, and sources say Michael Jackson's estate has agreed Anka gets 50%.

It's amazing ... when Paul Anka woke up this morning he had no idea he'd get the same cut as Jackson's estate. Sadly for Sony ... they didn't know either.

More Paul Anka

The scum bag got his part NOW HE NEEDS TO RETRACT the stealing song LIE!
Well in case the song does make it to the Oscars, at least Anka will collect it and say that Michael stole it from him..hmm! Paul Anka is not a young man and he should stop making ridiculous statements without thinking. Bringing down a fellow artist is BAD BUSINESS.
Anka has a right to his money but now he should shut up. No more interviews. Michael stole it, my foot!! At Least he did not write any songs for Thriller.
Yeah, I am totally wondering whose idea it was to get TMZ- Anka's or Sony's??? You know I wouldn't put it past Sony to create this brouhaha because they know that the song they hyped up isn't up to par with what MJ usually releases.

I am sure that there are dozens upon dozens of other exclusively written MJ songs in the vault that are probably not as boring or comes with as much baggage as TII/I never heard came with.

And you guys are right . . I only like the song purely because I get to hear Michael's beautiful voice sing it. If it were anyone else, I probably would have changed the station after the first couple of verses. first point is that if Sony releases a song under a person's publishing, that's long as the publisher gets MONEY. i am separating the term 'publisher' from 'producer'. why would Paul Anka have a problem with Sony releasing anything that he published? it gets Anka PAID. what Anka is doing is making sure he gets PAID.

You're confusing terms here:

A "producer" of a song or a record is as the same as a movie director - total creative ultimate control.

A "publisher" is a company or person who OWNS the copyright to the song.

Let's use this example:

Quincy Jones was one of the producers of Thriller, but Rod Temperton & MJ were songwriters who also owned the publishing to the songs they wrote.

Kind of like screenplay writer versus director in a movie. The screenplay is not the ownership of the director.

Indiana Jones was written by George Lucas but directed by Steven Speilberg. But Steven does not OWN George Lucas' creative vision, but he directed it.
What's sad is that Paul Anka ALWAYS had his 50%.

SONY screwed up because they did not do a "request for mechanical license" to Paul Anka for the "This is It" CD/Movie.

Anka always had the 50% as per BMI.

Paul Anka is disgusting and wants publicity, he well knows it was written by the two of them, he called Michael A THIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now TMZ is making a stupid poll

Michael Jakcson... song thief??? and of course the Michael THIEF is winning... ANKA WILL HAVE TO APOLOGY,

the old man got the 50 % now, ANKA has his money now HE HAS TO APOLOGY FOR DIRTYING MJ AS THIEF!!!! ol fucking stupid waste of human life

Michael was a magnificent songwriter, he despised thet THIS IS IT or I NEVER HEARD thats why he never really recorded it

Anka got wht he wanted the 50% cause it was a CO WRITTEN SONG, not like he OWNED!!!


home >> Celebrity Justice
Anka Gets 50% of Publishing Rights

Posted Oct 12th 2009 7:50PM by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson
's estate just got a partner it didn't bank on -- because we've just learned Paul Anka is now a 50% partner in the publishing rights to "This is It."

Anka will get other profits as well, but the publishing rights are usually the big ticket item, and sources say Michael Jackson's estate has agreed Anka gets 50%.

It's amazing ... when Paul Anka woke up this morning he had no idea he'd get the same cut as Jackson's estate. Sadly for Sony ... they didn't know either.

More Paul Anka

The scum bag got his part NOW HE NEEDS TO RETRACT the stealing song LIE!
You're confusing terms here:

A "producer" of a song or a record is as the same as a movie director - total creative ultimate control.

A "publisher" is a company or person who OWNS the copyright to the song.

Let's use this example:

Quincy Jones was one of the producers of Thriller, but Rod Temperton & MJ were songwriters who also owned the publishing to the songs they wrote.

Kind of like screenplay writer versus director in a movie. The screenplay is not the ownership of the director.

Indiana Jones was written by George Lucas but directed by Steven Speilberg. But Steven does not OWN George Lucas' creative vision, but he directed it.

no. i already said what you posted. i do know the difference between the two terms.

a publisher can be a plumber, as long as that plumber has enough money to buy someone's artistic copyrights. all a publisher has to have is money to buy stuff.

the producer is the artist. the producer cares how the work sounds.

all the publisher has to see is that the product seems to be making a lot of money, then the publisher will buy it up.

i know that Steven Speilberg can go without knowing a thing about music, but can still become a music publisher, because he has enough money to do so.

i think what might confuse a lot of people is MJ's one of a kind status of being a publisher,producer,artist,businessperson,mini movie maker.
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They have a poll? geez, Get a life TMZ!! Well this is news for the week for them. Michael is making headlines again, as usual it is all lies and innuendos..Wonder what Et and the other stupid useless people will say?..don't want to know and wouldnt watch..