Paul Anka Claims 'This is It' is a Rip-Off

And doing publishing research IS SO EASY.

Heck, I did it on my own going into BMI's website and found it!

But, yes, even though Anka has a point, Anka is a ROYAL AZZ-HOLE to drag this the way he did. These things are normally settled behind closed doors and resolved quickly.

Yep, he could have resolved this behind closed doors, instead of crying to TMZ raising drama.

And shouldn't he have went to Sony to settle this debacle?
sometimes i wonder if MJ who it is hard to associate with being confrontational, decided to part from the song cus he might have thought that 'this is it' is a better title, because 'i never heard' seems like a weaker hook. i would have titled it this is it, too, because that's all i hear is those three words(this is it) standing out more than any other part of the

i wonder if Anka insisted on the title 'i never heard'? lol

little things like that prolly make all the difference on whether or not it's a hit.

it almost seems, ironically that Sony bunglingly comes out looking better in their title-to-a-song decision making, than Anka.

not that sony did it on purpose. it just looks as if it caught their attention, that way.
So much publicity, its incredible

It was a very short piece and they didn't take the piss about the Anka drama. Hopefully, the song will continue on the great wave it started with this morning (the write-ups were pretty friggin' amazing) and the Anka drama will fade away. Seriously, he needs to accept his royalty checks and sthu from now on. Imma pray on it. :angel: Night ya'll!

Back to enjoying Michael's loverly voice. :wub:

Interesting, according to this blog another collaboration came out of the sessions, a song we all have, "Love Never Felt So Good".

shoulda released that one instead! NOT that it would have caused any less problems with anka, but I like it better than this is it/I never heard which is fine but it's obviously not the best.

honestly though, Mj had tons of unreleased material way better than anything anka had to offer, no offense to anka though.
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Message to Paul Anka (as much as I love and respect him as a songwriter & artist):

I don't know how!


Press the "multi quote" button for all the posts you want to reply to, then when you press "reply" they'll all be there.

Paul Anka.. what a drama queen :lol: Go back into your cage now.

[Channeling Chandler from friends] Could he have been anymore unprofessional? :smilerolleyes:

Message to Paul Anka (as much as I love and respect him as a songwriter & artist):


LMFAO.. exactly!
Is the HAS BEEN at least going to apologize about calling Michael a thief?[/QUOTE]

I know, huh. He even said it again in a TMZ interview, even though he corrected himself after it still ain't cool. I understand that he thinks Mike unjustly took the tapes and he wasn't given publishing, but when you say someone stole a song people assume the person who stole it had nothing whatsoever to do with the written process.

He's making the distinction clear but that's not how its being reported. He should be more careful.

I still got respect for the man, though. He's a legend.

From the LA times blog:

"I took the tapes over to a studio on Sunset Boulevard," Anka recalled about working with the star in 1983, "and Michael was supposed to meet me there so we can go to the next phase of the duets. I go to work, and I am informed by the studio that Michael had sent one of his people over and took the tapes. They stole them. I said, ‘What?’ He didn’t want to do the project anymore."

I wanna hear the other side to the story. Cuz if this is straight up accurate, that's just shady on Mike's behalf. Fo' real.
Cant even enjoy anything now. Fuck Sony Music, they knew this was coming how dumb are they.

Sony is FAMOUS for doing this in the record industry.

They are very sloppy when it comes to this - and they have NO reason to be.


1) Sony's marketing department convinced the estate that this song would go perfect with the movie & failed to do the research behind the song....

2) Sony knew about the song being under another name & went with it regardless, since MJ is their artist & MJ would have what's called a "controlled composition" agreement as a part of the contract - which for MANY Sony artists states that if the Sony artist co-writes a song, the artist is responsible of alerting the other co-writers of the song's release.

If this is the case, it was the estate's responsibility to alert Paul Anka - and this type of brou-ha-ha reflects poorly on both Branca & McClain.
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Is the HAS BEEN at least going to apologize about calling Michael a thief?[/QUOTE]

I wanna hear the other side to the story. Cuz if this is straight up accurate, that's just shady on Mike's behalf. Fo' real.

This is what I believe happened:

Paul Anka was going to release the song taking advantage of MJs success in 1983.

Either recording & releasing the song violated MJs contract OR MJ felt the song's release would hurt his Thriller album sales.

So MJ rolled up to the studio, demanded the tapes and did a cease & desist, PERSONALLY!

It's MJs right to stop the song's release, as MJ is also 50% owner.

Now if that isn't a shrewd businessman, I dunno what is.

Yet MJ was gracious enough to allow another artist, SaFire, to record the song.

the thought that even after he died, mj is the one being blamed for this mess . some people are sick
well..full disclosure..i watched the video on TMz. i hated going there..but this stuff was really grating on me. In the video, Paul Anka is unapologetic, and DOES say that MJ stole the tapes. Anka says that Anka wrote the WHOLE song. and that he PRODUCED the WHOLE SONG.(a production we have yet to hear) and he does not attribute the word 'stole' to McClain. that's Anka's OWN words(as far as tapes are concerned). and Anka..standing in front of all his platinum records does not appear HUMBLE at all. there's spry and anger there, but he does say the issue is resolved. he also admits that the PRODUCTION that WE hear has NOTHING to do with Paul Anka. many fans said...whether or not MJ helped Anka with the composition..the composition is NOTHING without the magical voice of MJ. so fifty/fifty is fair. AT LEAST half that production that we hear is comprised, simply of the magical sound of MJ's voice. just like the original 'I'll Be There' before Mariah Carey and others did it. Mike's voice is a special case..and..what he has done with it, in a song, is the same as whether an instrumental producer adds a keyboard, takes one away, colors a keyboard sound..adds strings...etc. that makes MJ a PRODUCER.
wow, thats a nice man, humble man there:bugeyed, the funny thing is that Anka thinks Michael really loved the song:hysterical:, he claims michael stole it(picture a young Michael who didnt even wanted to meet Anka again, seems to me Michael didnt admired him, so he didnt want to work with him no more and never went to the next meeting) Michael must have thought "wow that was boring"), i mean it does not take a genius to know Michael couldnt care less for that crappy song, anyone can clearly hear its a pourly worked demo, Michael didnt care about that song AT ALL, the only one who seem to like it is McClain:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed

I would be like saying well Michael "stole it", if he would have recorded it and put it say in the Dangerous album which he DIDNT! i mean wtf??, Paul anka surely needs publicity... he should know that if needs it, he should do music, instead of accusing colleges who are not here anymore to defend themselves, Anka its pathetic, i have no respect for him

mcclain said the song was great that they doubt MJ could have written it alone . :smilerolleyes:
I dont know wheter to laugh or laugh!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:

"I took the tapes over to a studio on Sunset Boulevard," Anka recalled about working with the star in 1983, "and Michael was supposed to meet me there so we can go to the next phase of the duets. I go to work, and I am informed by the studio that Michael had sent one of his people over and took the tapes. They stole them. I said, ‘What?’ He didn’t want to do the project anymore."
Because Michael didnt have interest in you, no way.. forget it Anka, your half song is Sh*t

Imagine A place with no name ... ! OMG!
I would prefer that one of course, it was a much worked demo, like Michael really cared , but this is it, i mean its so obvious MJ couldnt care less, cause lets say it, TII is a MEDIOCRE SONG, THIS IS IT is only good cause Michael sings it, cause if it was Anka it would be THIS IS SH*T, sadly yes, McClain has very bad taste in music, that kinda worries me:mello:, i mean he chose the crappy demo, i mean, NOOOOOOOOOOO, he has bad taste:doh::doh::doh::(, take McClain out put other choosing the songs for other projects PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angel:

Anka you can suck my socks:smilerolleyes:(i know who would have said that, we all do ;D)
the thought that even after he died, mj is the one being blamed for this mess . some people are sick
I hope people don't blame MJ for any of this. If MJ had his way, I don't think This Is It would have ever been released.
I hope people don't blame MJ for any of this. If MJ had his way, I don't think This Is It would have ever been released.

yep. that's why he had it sitting unreleased. kinda makes you wonder what were some of his reasons for not releasing some of the other songs we've heard. I'm sure he had his reasons. I wonder what Sony will be doing with those pre-2004 songs now. no wonder they're in a hurry.
the song , not new , co written with Anka , but they were respectful . then they had an old woman from Panama who said she inspired mj to do Heal the wolrd. she works with animals and things related to the forest, environment , wild life...etc . visited mj when he was living at neverland , met the chimps , MJ was " a very sad person, but very humble and polite child "