Paul Anka Claims 'This is It' is a Rip-Off

We MUST take action. I do want to support the estate but I am not willing to give my money to Anka (for insulting Michael and calling him a thief) or to McClain (for insulting MJ's legacy as a songwriter to cover up his own incompetency).

What do you guys think if, instead of buying the "this is it" soundtrack we buy the "number ones" album? (you can gift it to someone, if you already have the CD)

it would accomplish 2 things:

1) it would help #1 remain the best seller in the US (Taylor Swift is trailing MJ by only 86K, and she is re-releasing her album in November. She will definitely outsell MJ before the end of the year and take the #1 seller for 2009)

2) Paul Anka would not be getting our money. He is getting 50% publishing rights (rightfully so)....but do you really want to give your hard earned cash to that jerk after he call MJ a thief? I don't...I really really don't.

McClain will also receive $$ for finishing the song, and after insulting MJ's legacy, I do not want to honor him by buying this particular song. He should know better...he did not have to belittle MJ to cover his and Branca's mistake. That is UNACCEPTABLE from a co-executor of the estate.

Most fans want to support MJ's estate ...we can still do so without that jerk Anka profiting from it more than he should.
We cannot do anything about the song appearing at the end credit of the movie, but the payment is usually a one-time fee.
Bottom line, Anka thinks he hit the jackpot and that pisses me off. He did not have to go to TMZ to call MJ a thief...MJ is not here to defend himself, but we the fans are.

Let's call for a group boycott of the "this is it" CD...and instead buy "Number ones". We can give the press a warning, so they don't question fans support for MJ.

I know we have tons of issues with Sony, but they did not insult MJ's memory.

Can we all organize this, together?
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Anka referred to Michael as Michael "Johnson" wtf??? Take your 50% and stick it where the sun don't know his name. McClain...get it together or move on! There would be no need for damage control if they themselves would stop doing the damage. Eh? Jackasses! Not surprised by any of it. Completely incompetent and have no regard for Michael or his legacy, never did. First song out since his passing and they can't get it right...Damn! I have to wonder what Michael thinks of this...
I think this is all organized by TMZ and now TMZ should be blacklisted on MJJC as tabloid rubbish. Actually if it was a song that Michael would recognize then it would've been released long time ago, over 20 years ago, it is only now fitting as a title song and going on the way to be a big hit because of Michael's voice, it never had any success in the past with Sa-Fire. Michael is putting it on the map and Anka taking advantage of it. For him showing no respect is something undermining him as an artist especially for another artist who is much better than him.
How convenient! Release the song under the impression it's all brand new. Let the sharks come after you without a fight! You couldn't fight back cos Sony is wrong to begin with. From the get go, Michael and Paul wrote the song together in 1984, but hell no , Sony & AEG just had to lead the public into believing Michael wrote "This is it" in time for O2 concert.
If Safire had made it popular, Sony & AEG wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft pole.
Paul wouldn't be crying foul, and guess what,
they had just made Paul laugh all the way to the freaking bank!!
Happy now Paul?
You're even. But please Show the King of Pop some respect.
There's No need to go to TMZ and whine your ass off when you knew he couldn't talk back.
Who's the rip off now???
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^^^ And this is actually a sign of what Michael had to cope up with during his career and his relations with companies like Sony.
He called him Michael Johnson? Is that a ****ing joke? What is this dudes problem?
There are something strange about this story, first Paul Anka say that him and Michael are in conflict about this song without clear reason, but in the same time Michael don't say anything about the release of "Love Never Feel so good" the same year (except of course if the conflict have begun after the release of the song) I don't see something like that could have possibilty worked in they was in conflict or if they has any contact and if I remember correctly, Paul Anka have sung during the Katherine Jackson birthday in May 1984 (one year after their songs) !!!!!

There are also the song "this is it" in 1980 according a previous link, media say that the production like the background vocal of the Jacksons was recently added, but everything in this song sound old, the arrangement and the background vocals of the Jacksons (sound like Triumph), for me it would be not a big surprise if the "This is it" or 1980 is the skeleton of the song of Paul Anka and Michael Jackson, take for example "slaptick" that have became "hotstreet" or Starlight/Thriller.

If Paul Anka said the true about the period of the song and that "This is it" was the song of him and Michael (specially if he have a demo in piano), I think that it could be possible that Michael have taken the demo for to be sure that Paul Anka will don't used his voice demo for to do a "false" duet (remember the success during this time of the duet with Paul Mac Cartney) he coudn't taken the risk of that (for example Rockwell, where he have just taken Michael Jackson voices among lot of artists and make that a duet) , maybe it was because he don't have the right (according his contract) to sing with Paul Anka or he didn't like Paul Anka artistic choice for this song and prefer work his own version with his brothers.

For me the strenght of the song (I really like the song) it's more because of the voice of The Jacksons (the background vocals are awesome) and the arrangement of the song (probably done by Michael) that the melody itself who is still correct but take another dimension with the "Smelly Jelly" of Michael, for Paul Anka, I think that it was really nasty to talk to the press for something personal, if he have something to say and really want to be honest, he would have done that privately, I guess he want some publicity about this song.
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Well they had a segment about this on the news last night, and the tone of the segment is that Sony is being blamed for this, as they had radio personalities on the show, and one guy said "Its clear that Michael never intended to release this song" with the news announcer finishing it off by saying, "Sony should have done they research". That's according to Channel 9 news in NYC.

Anka though still a worthless POS at this point for some of his statements.
as they had radio personalities on the show, and one guy said "Its clear that Michael never intended to release this song" with the news announcer finishing it off by saying, "Sony should have done they research". That's according to Channel 9 news in NYC.

It amazes me how with this song being released that the media have finally began to realise how mean & stupid sony is!
And actually "B88one" your incorrect. Me coming from a line of musicians and being an aspiring one myself, It doesn't matter where you record a song, your entitled to a copy of the song since it is technically YOUR work.

You need to be able to hear it, in terms of, personal use, listening for errors and using it to correct the recording in certain areas you don't feel is right. Its not just a one shot deal in a person's studio and you record a song and you never hear it again until its released by the studio. No, it doesn't work like that.
We MUST take action. I do want to support the estate but I am not willing to give my money to Anka (for insulting Michael and calling him a thief) or to McClain (for insulting MJ's legacy as a songwriter to cover up his own incompetency).

What do you guys think if, instead of buying the "this is it" soundtrack we buy the "number ones" album? (you can gift it to someone, if you already have the CD)

it would accomplish 2 things:

1) it would help #1 remain the best seller in the US (Taylor Swift is trailing MJ by only 86K, and she is re-releasing her album in November. She will definitely outsell MJ before the end of the year and take the #1 seller for 2009)

2) Paul Anka would not be getting our money. He is getting 50% publishing rights (rightfully so)....but do you really want to give your hard earned cash to that jerk after he call MJ a thief? I don't...I really really don't.

McClain will also receive $$ for finishing the song, and after insulting MJ's legacy, I do not want to honor him by buying this particular song. He should know better...he did not have to belittle MJ to cover his and Branca's mistake. That is UNACCEPTABLE from a co-executor of the estate.

Most fans want to support MJ's estate ...we can still do so without that jerk Anka profiting from it more than he should.
We cannot do anything about the song appearing at the end credit of the movie, but the payment is usually a one-time fee.
Bottom line, Anka thinks he hit the jackpot and that pisses me off. He did not have to go to TMZ to call MJ a thief...MJ is not here to defend himself, but we the fans are.

Let's call for a group boycott of the "this is it" CD...and instead buy "Number ones". We can give the press a warning, so they don't question fans support for MJ.

I know we have tons of issues with Sony, but they did not insult MJ's memory.

Can we all organize this, together?

I can cancel my order if I want but I won’t do it, I am disturbed by all the negativity and Anka’s stupidity but I am going to buy the CD because of MJ’s voice.

From Anka’s recent statements I can see why Michael didn’t want to release this song.

And I am thinking that this was deliberate by Sony. Is there any good coming out from all this bad press?!
stop Paul Anka claiming Michael has stolen the song from him. Arrrrgh I am soooooooooooooo upset!!!!

In Germany the papers all over there saying Michael Jackson rip off, has stolen, and so on, I can't stand it. I can't believe it, that after Michael is dead now it is going on with Michael Jackson bashing.

Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."

Anka said he was humbled by the compliment.

This is unacceptable. Even if he said it to kiss Paul Anka's a**, it's still simply unacceptable.
I can cancel my order if I want but I won’t do it, I am disturbed by all the negativity and Anka’s stupidity but I am going to buy the CD because of MJ’s voice.

From Anka’s recent statements I can see why Michael didn’t want to release this song.

And I am thinking that this was deliberate by Sony. Is there any good coming out from all this bad press?!

No good if the fans don't speak up.

The co-execs & Sony screwing up is causing the bad press. MJ is being called a saw the AFP headline this morning?

Fans not speaking up would be a disservice to MJ.

There are something strange about this story, first Paul Anka say that him and Michael are in conflict about this song without clear reason, but in the same time Michael don't say anything about the release of "Love Never Feel so good" the same year (except of course if the conflict have begun after the release of the song) I don't see something like that could have possibilty worked in they was in conflict or if they has any contact and if I remember correctly, Paul Anka have sung during the Katherine Jackson birthday in May 1984 (one year after their songs) !!!!!

There are also the song "this is it" in 1980 according a previous link, media say that the production like the background vocal of the Jacksons was recently added, but everything in this song sound old, the arrangement and the background vocals of the Jacksons (sound like Triumph), for me it would be not a big surprise if the "This is it" or 1980 is the skeleton of the song of Paul Anka and Michael Jackson, take for example "slaptick" that have became "hotstreet" or Starlight/Thriller.

If Paul Anka said the true about the period of the song and that "This is it" was the song of him and Michael (specially if he have a demo in piano), I think that it could be possible that Michael have taken the demo for to be sure that Paul Anka will don't used his voice demo for to do a "false" duet (remember the success during this time of the duet with Paul Mac Cartney) he coudn't taken the risk of that (for example Rockwell, where he have just taken Michael Jackson voices among lot of artists and make that a duet) , maybe it was because he don't have the right (according his contract) to sing with Paul Anka or he didn't like Paul Anka artistic choice for this song and prefer work his own version with his brothers.

For me the strenght of the song (I really like the song) it's more because of the voice of The Jacksons (the background vocals are awesome) and the arrangement of the song (probably done by Michael) that the melody itself who is still correct but take another dimension with the "Smelly Jelly" of Michael, for Paul Anka, I think that it was really nasty to talk to the press for something personal, if he have something to say and really want to be honest, he would have done that privately, I guess he want some publicity about this song.
Very true.

We need to protest, bombard them with emails, fax/call Branca at his Los Angeles office.

No good if the fans don't speak up.

The co-execs & Sony screwing up is causing the bad press. MJ is being called a saw the AFP headline this morning?

Fans not speaking up would be a disservice to MJ.
Very true.

We need to protest, bombard them with emails, fax/call Branca at his Los Angeles office.

Michael Jackson 'stole' new song tape: songwriter

NEW YORK (AFP) – Michael Jackson "stole" the tapes of a song released almost four months after his death and his estate did not initially credit its co-author, the songwriter at the center of the controversy said.

Hours after the release of "This Is It" on the Internet on Monday, singer/songwriter Paul Anka revealed that he co-wrote the song with Jackson in 1983 but was not given due credit on the new version.

He said that Jackson "stole" the original tapes of the song from his studio, and threatened legal action against Jackson's estate to secure royalties from the production.
Paul also said John McClain told him, "Now we know why the song was so good ... it wasn't the type of Michael Jackson song that he could write."

Anka said he was humbled by the compliment.

I could not believe that he said that! This made me very upset… :sad2:

Edit: I don't believe what he said. I I never believed it. It just upsets me to read it even it is false, how he has the audacity to say these things about Mike :(
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Paul I can't call you names publicly but you are a F****** idiot!
Get your money and enjoy your 15 minutes of fame on Michael's back.
You disgust me and Michael IS NOT A THIEF, YOU ARE AN INSULTING MORON!
ok--- someone please post or PM me with the phone number to mcclain's office.

tried googling but can't find the number.

and fans should be pissed about "stealing".... and give them a respectful hell.... that is to mcclain..... if he wants to cover his ARSE for incompetency ... that is something.

to throw mike under the bus when he can't defend himself is UNACCEPTABLE.
OMG, just when I thought things couldn't get any worse. :( We HAVE to do something about this as a group effort. This is totally out of order, we cannot let this go at all! How shall we go about it?
I just wanted to write SOMETHING Mr. Anka, but on his website contact is disabled. But I found these addresses on web

Address Information:

Paul Anka Productions, Inc.
Nigro Karlin Segal & Feldstein
(Production Company)
10100 Santa Monica Blvd
Suite 1300
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Phone: (310) 858-0797
Fax: (310) 553-5930

Number: C1112155 Date Filed: 5/17/1982 Status: active
Jurisdiction: NEVADA
Agent for Service of Process

May be someone can find out an e-mail contact?

I will search for McClain too.
How convenient!
Release the song under the impression it's all brand new.
Paul wouldn't be crying foul, and guess what, they had
just made Paul laugh all the way to the freaking bank!!
Happy now Paul?
Who's the rip off now???

Well they had a segment about this on the news last night, and the tone of the segment is that Sony is being blamed for this, as they had radio personalities on the show, and one guy said "Its clear that Michael never intended to release this song" with the news announcer finishing it off by saying, "Sony should have done they research". That's according to Channel 9 news in NYC.

The way Sony is acting, you'd swear they just started in this business!!
Or are they intentionally trying to cause all this un-necessary drama? :rolleyes:

Yeah, it's a wrap Shimar.

What a mess this has become. Even now. :doh:
I wont be buying the CD. Not that I had a problem with it when first announced,
but theres literally NOTHING new about it.

I wont be buying the CD. I didnt have a big problem with it
when first announced, but there is literally NOTHING new about it.
And now with all the added dramatical BS from Anka, it's clear what needs to be done.
I just wanted to write SOMETHING Mr. Anka, but on his website contact is disabled. But I found these addresses on web

Address Information:

Paul Anka Productions, Inc.
Nigro Karlin Segal & Feldstein
(Production Company)
10100 Santa Monica Blvd
Suite 1300
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Phone: (310) 858-0797
Fax: (310) 553-5930

Number: C1112155 Date Filed: 5/17/1982 Status: active
Jurisdiction: NEVADA
Agent for Service of Process

May be someone can find out an e-mail contact?

I will search for McClain too.


We should also get a list of numbers for.....

Showbiz tonight
Access Hollywood
Entertainment Tonight

But a few fans calling and leaving messages won't work. The entire MJJC board needs to call...

1. state the facts
2. be respectful
3. express our displeasure.