Paul Anka Claims 'This is It' is a Rip-Off

Did Paul Anka actually call Michael a "thief" or say he "stole" the tapes?, or is it just the media manipulating things...?.
anka could of easily called up branca and kept this between them. branca seemed willing to work this out. he wanted some media attention.
well...this is a great way to find out that the haters are interested in listening to the new MJ project. the only way that haters could spread a lying virus saying that MJ is a thief, is if they listened to the song, right along with us. MJ stirs up interest in people who would like us to believe they are not interested in MJ.
well...this is a great way to find out that the haters are interested in listening to the new MJ project. the only way that haters could spread a lying virus saying that MJ is a thief, is if they listened to the song, right along with us. MJ stirs up interest in people who would like us to believe they are not interested in MJ.
jeez man, you really need to relax some. Most of your posts are about the media out to get MJ, the haters out to get MJ, everyone in the world out to get MJ. You seem to be filled with anger. Just breathe and relax.
jeez man, you really need to relax some. Most of your posts are about the media out to get MJ, the haters out to get MJ, everyone in the world out to get MJ. You seem to be filled with anger. Just breathe and relax.

get off my case man. i forgot about you long ago. i am the one that said MJ has the most fans.

don't accuse someone of what you are doing, yourself. all you do is chase my posts and attack attack attack. all you have to do is ignore if you have a problem. you are the one that intiates attacks against fellow posters. another thread was closed and i moved on. you found me again, and you continue. now just STOp it! i'll just put you on ignore right now.
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get off my case man. i forgot about you long ago. i am the one that said MJ has the most fans.

don't accuse someone of what you are doing, yourself. all you do is chase my posts and attack attack attack. all you have to do is ignore if you have a problem. you are the one that intiates attacks against fellow posters. another thread was closed and i moved on. you found me again, and you continue. now just STOp it! i'll just put you on ignore right now.
to quote MJ "I never hard a single word about you"

please stop giving MJ fans a bad name by always going on the offensive and trying to tear down someone or something just for the sake of it. Thank you for your cooperation.
If it was a ripoff, maybe that's why MJ never even bothered to finish it and tossed it to the side for whoever to do whatever they want with it. He's acting like MJ ripped Billie Jean or something off of him.

I'm all for the guy getting the money... this is partly his song and he earned it, but is there a need to be insulting when the only reason this track saw the light of day is because someone died?

Someone in the comments on the article said it best... it's not that MJ couldn't write this song, it's that he wouldn't write this song.
So tell me if I got this right: Sony f*cked up, and Mik'es image suffers for it?

Damn pricks.

I couldn't have put it better myself. Poor Michael I wish everyone would just leave him alone. Michael would never steal anything. I am so sick of all these people talking crap about Michael it's not fair.

Ah well, 50% and everybody's happy again! :)

I suddenly thought of something: Didn't Paul Anka write that song "Diana"? Perhaps the song "Dirty Diana" was Mike doing this :tease:to Paul Anka? Made me laugh thinking of that... :D
Ah well, 50% and everybody's happy again! :)

I suddenly thought of something: Didn't Paul Anka write that song "Diana"? Perhaps the song "Dirty Diana" was Mike doing this :tease:to Paul Anka? Made me laugh thinking of that... :D

Michael deserves 100% because he so purdy and Paul Anka is NOT. :wink:
OK... I haven't read all the thread but I get the gist.

Imo, Paul Anka has every right to claim his 50%. If you wrote a song wouldn't you want your cut? I don't blame him for being angry at all. It sounds like Branca and Sony are the guilty party here. Branca obviously knew about this years ago so should have made it clear to Sony that they would have to involve Anka from the outset.

The down side to all thisis that MJ's name will once again be dragged through the mud rather than Sony's. :(
If you co write a song yeah you will want your cut, it's the unnesessary media attention. Makes me sick! :puke:

But I did get a laugh out of it too. when he in that last video

" He said, Now we know why the song was so good because it wasn't the sort of Michael Jackson song he could write ".


Just making yourself look stupid right there Anka! LOL!!
But I did get a laugh out of it too. when he in that last video

" He said, Now we know why the song was so good because it wasn't the sort of Michael Jackson song he could write ".


Just making yourself look stupid right there Anka! LOL!!
this is really RIDICULOUS!!!! :tease::rofl:
Damn I'm so sick of this. I ain't buying the album for sure now. p.s. No point in saying "New album" - all the same damn songs.
OK... I haven't read all the thread but I get the gist.

Imo, Paul Anka has every right to claim his 50%. If you wrote a song wouldn't you want your cut? I don't blame him for being angry at all. It sounds like Branca and Sony are the guilty party here. Branca obviously knew about this years ago so should have made it clear to Sony that they would have to involve Anka from the outset.

The down side to all thisis that MJ's name will once again be dragged through the mud rather than Sony's. :(

So true!
I won't say poor Mike..because really...I don't give a *** about it at all...Michael is not here anymore..
And those who say, Michael stole the song....nice THANK YOU ALL SONY.
He would never do that.:doh:
Michael was not that dumb to release this stuff when he was alive.
Choose the wright answer: 1.Sony has non-pro people;
2.They will try to diminish the importance of Michael Jackson name in global culture;
3.They will try to rip off the estate through underground contracts with claimers:fifty-fifty from the sum they will recoup.
I choose nr2. and 3.!And I am as angry as my mood showes!
And yet another example of Sony's incompetence!
I understand why Anka got upset but why the hell did he have to go whining to the media about it? A few phone calls and everything could have been settled.

And why the f*** are they doubting Michael's song writing skills? They should rather doubt Sony's competence and shark-like methods.
Branca is doing the right thing but I cant help thinking what a shame it is for this Anka to be so disrespectful!
she knew they wrote the song together and that MJ copyrighted it in 1984 but only now...only now in Oct 2009 she is coming forward....she could have done it in June or in March or last year..or in 1991...
let the man rest in peace for once!
Here is what I think: Michael did not intend to publish that song at all. It was just a coincedence that it was also called This is it, and Sony/AEG just snatched it from his catalogue, and made a 'song' from it. When listening to the song, it's so perfectly clear to me that Michael would not give an OK to release this as a single or on an album. It is not finished! It is just a demo, with some background music added to it. Grr. But that is just my personal opinion.
Thanks lord it is not released as a I can go an download from youtube knowing I am not giving a single penny to an "artist" who feels TMZ is the only place he has to make himself heard and brags on about every little detail of a discussion to them...what a "professional"
Why TMZ is making a big bang out of this using the word “rip-off” and what is wrong in writing a song with someone else and what’s the hell with all of that negativity from TMZ!!! Those kinds of people who made an interview with the wrong Neil Armstrong should NOT be taken seriously. :lmao:
Just wanna say 2 sony............YOU PPL ARE SCUMBAGS
and to the media .........FYOU!
Fark me. Seriously!? Even the fans new that this song was already done back in the 80's by some unknown. So why the hell didnt sony square this away before they released this "single"? Thought they would just try their luck I guess and now this guys laughing all the way to the bank, the estate receives less of any profits and the media have yet another opportunity to make Michael look bad. Add that to the fact that Sony didnt properly publicise that this is an OLD recording, A DEMO, etc and listen to the critics sayin that it is a mediocre offering. This whole thing has been a complete dogs breakfast.

Sony seriously need a bomb under them or something. F**king assholes.