OH NO! Halperin's documentary sold to 50 broadcasters worldwide!!

Please do not post links to tabloids. The article is in tabloid section.


Well, sorry.

But then any article about Halperin's documentary should be in the tabloid section also....
Well, sorry.

But then any article about Halperin's documentary should be in the tabloid section also....

I agree but I did not put it here. I did not speak up because I think we can come together against the bastard.
This loser said:
Michael was a crossdresser
was gay
was suicidal
could barely take care of his kids
was doing cocaine
couldn't sing or dance anymore
was a pathological liar
was blind and deaf
and needed a lung transplant

he has no credibility. And he has plants on various messageboards (one was spotted on KOP and banned and I think one was Max Jax)
The saddest thing about this is that there will be people who will watch this crap and believe every word that is said on there. Sometimes i don't know what's worse, the people who write crap like this or the people who are stupid enough to buy into it

and i know my parents will watch it. and i will have to tell them how things really are.

hey... nothing changed

it's just that media don't know about Ian Halperin - they don't know he's tabloid (what a nonsense book):no:
it's just that media don't know about Ian Halperin - they don't know he's tabloid (what a nonsense book):no:

It's even sadder that apparently not even some people who call themselves Michael's "friends" took the effort to watch who he is before sitting down and talking to him. Or they are just so desperate to get their opinion out that they don't care..... Poor Michael, again. :(

Well, I don't like many of the things Karen Faye is saying or doing, but at least, when she was asked if she was the hairdresser in Halperin's docu, she said she would never sit down and talk to anybody who claimed Michael was gay....
This guy is such a scumbag, maybe it is time there was a documentary, Ian Halpernin Unmasked, and this creep is revealed as the fraud that he is.
Well, luckily for me, I do not have the TV Guide Channel and not even for new footage of Michael would I even consider watching Halperin's crap!

I know what I'll be doing on June 25th, and losing brain cells watching that vomit inducing critters trash won't be it!
Now THIS is what the 'executors' need to display their 'authority' on. Michael's name, his brand is being messed with by this vulture, Ian Halpern and plenty others like him. Maybe if the 'executors' pretend his last name is JACKSON, they will take some kind of action or at least express their disapproval to the media---like uh, um---TMZ.

Totally agree.
I was on twitter earlier tonight and someone posted a link to look at Ian Halperins twitter! :doh:
Trust me you dont want to see his tweets!!:(
To think that man is gaining money from our angel. Gone too soon thing? Like he gives a ****.
All HELL perin wants is this!! in dollars version! :(


Oh, this is his usual self-promoting crap! That he "predicted" Michael's death. And the media buys it. But none of them asks the simple question: how can you predict propofol overdose? What Halperin really "predicted" was that Michael was gonna die BECAUSE he was gravely ill! He was in need of a lung transplant. He couldn't talk and walk, let alone sing and dance! This is what Halperin actually wrote six months before his death! Of course, we know those were lies, since we saw him walk, talk, sing and dance at TII and didn't look like someone in need of a lung transplant. And of course, we saw his autopsy, which said he wasn't gravely ill and he didn't have to die if not for Murray.

Exactly! Isn't this guy the gay porn director??? Or am I mistaken?
Trust me his tweets are so filthy. Want the link? :doh:
Actually on hinds sight I dont wish to profane this beautiful MJ site wiv his filth so no link given by me!
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he can go to hell ,i don't want to write his name .
please god we need ur help in cleaning the earth making it more green so pleas please take hazardous material such as halperin,dd.ts,list is very long so we need ur help.
International lawsuits are harder than a national lawsuit. And it also depends that if they have legal teams in place in those countries. 14 days is too short time period to achieve all these legally IMO.

Sure they can try to take action, threaten them etc but I still believe that a fan boycott will see more quicker and easier results.

Yep! I just became a fan of TVGuide on Facebook so I could post a comment about him. He's also told other lies about Angelina Jolie and Sandra Bullock. He's just a complete liar, and it's sad that some people will believe this ish.
Why do i feel this shameless fraud has done a 100 degree turn with this film.? We have already seen this bad actor two faces before and after MJ'S death. He is now MJ'S number one fan, feigning sorrow for MJ'S death, sympathy for his kids, and wanting DR MURRAY's head. All aimed at MJ'S fans. No wonder he has hood wink REV AL, JESSE JACKSON, and others to be in his film.
“Yesterday I attended the premiere screening of Ian Halperins 90 min documentary

“Gone Too Soon”, to be aired on a massive number of TV stations around the world june 25th. Thought you might wanna read a true fan’s immediate reaction. So here, goes;

The film is not very controversial, and does not really shed ANY new light on anything regarding Michael or his passing. Halperin is without doubt sympathetic to MJ, which is nice. He is confident that MJ was innocent of all allegations of pedephila, and there is no dwelling on his previous allegations of MJs gay preferences. The only controversial point Halperin tries to make, is that his personal belief is that Prince and Paris are the kids of dr. Arnold Klein, and Blanket the son of Omer Batthi. But this comes across only as very bad journalism, and not really as a newsworthy information… Ian himself dismisses the question as “irrelevant”.” – Jackbo (MJSTAR Member)

Should we contact the people who appeared in this and inform them of Halpernin lies and of the way he tries to portray Michael, there is no way Jesse Jackson would have appeared in this if he knew if was trying to say Michael was gay.
Is the media advocacy team working on this, if they infromed the people who done intervoews for this of the Lies Halpernin has told in the past maybe they would threaten legal action if there interview was used, this would stop the documentary going ahead. They should contact Dileo, Al Shaparton, Jesse Jackson.
I think the ppl who were being interviewed by him should be notified of his lies for sure.
First: I told you to go to that place. Are you illiterate?

Second: I wrote here because I wanted the contact with the lawyer of Estate.

Third: The fans have done much against the haters. Fans from France stopped the Living w MJ. Fans form Brazil were able to put Moonwalker in the second largest TV of the country. Fans can make a difference. Not all are useless without faith.

I am with you Storm. We must never think we are powerless, even though we are Not going to watch that show!!!
It is very rude of him selling his crap to be broadcasted on the anniversary.

He just proved how evil he is.

I heard about there's a Chinese proverb when Michael died- If you just wait around a river, one day you will see the backstabber's body floating there.

Poor creature.... never would find peace in his mind...
Is the media advocacy team working on this, if they infromed the people who done intervoews for this of the Lies Halpernin has told in the past maybe they would threaten legal action if there interview was used, this would stop the documentary going ahead. They should contact Dileo, Al Shaparton, Jesse Jackson.

I am surprised as well, Al and Jesse have always been strong supporters of Michael. If people see their names they will think the documentary is factual. We need to inform Al and Jesse about this. Anyone has their contact information.

Well, the gay bit in the book is only about two pages, so it would be no surprise if it doesnt take up much space in the movie.

Seriously, I prefer that he had spend his time with that, then adding to the "who is the real daddy?" controversy.

I mean, If we have person x claiming to have had an affair with MJ. Its easy to discredited that person and ignor them. In the long run its not gonna make much difference. But the kids are growing up, they gonna need to find their own place in the world, and they dont need ppl like Halperin making up theories about them.
Exactly! Isn't this guy the gay porn director??? Or am I mistaken?

No that's Marc Schaffel.

The only controversial point Halperin tries to make, is that his personal belief is that Prince and Paris are the kids of dr. Arnold Klein, and Blanket the son of Omer Batthi.
Oh please :smilerolleyes:

How wonderful of you Ian to put this bullcrap on the TV, how kind of you to put that out there to mess with the children's brains. I hope they do not see this reported on anywhere. All over again.
Is the media advocacy team working on this, if they infromed the people who done intervoews for this of the Lies Halpernin has told in the past maybe they would threaten legal action if there interview was used, this would stop the documentary going ahead. They should contact Dileo, Al Shaparton, Jesse Jackson.

I'm not sure if reporting this will change anything, but here's contact info, starting with Rev. Al Sharpton and I will add the others as I find them.

Jesse Jackson Sr.
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