OH NO! Halperin's documentary sold to 50 broadcasters worldwide!!

I think people dislike him because he has told the truth mixed in with a pack of lies and people don't like that - either tell the truth or just shut up Ian!

Mixing lies with some truth - that's how the world's biggest and most deceiving lies work.....
If somebody only told lies nobody would believe him, and of course, every major liar knows this golden rule.
Of course Estate can sue producers of that BS but it was known for a long time that this doc was preparing, so why did they not stop it before instead of waiting for the airing ? all that makes me :angry:. I will never understand :no:
The saddest thing about this is that there will be people who will watch this crap and believe every word that is said on there. Sometimes i don't know what's worse, the people who write crap like this or the people who are stupid enough to buy into it
i feel exactly the same,and it won,t be a positive documentary coming from this piece of sh*t,there is no way we cn boycot it either is there?
Should we be surprised? the media only want salacious stories, they don't want the truth told.

Sad but the best way of dealing with this is to follow Michael's example and ignore it, I won't add to the viewing figures of channels/networks that promote this garbage.
I know that Friedman is not all good, but since Michael's death I have seen more good from him on Michael than bad. The only bad he said was in connection with the Paul Anka fiasco, when he too was kind of suggesting Michael "stole" songs from Anka.....

But regarding Halperin, he always defended Michael. When Halperin's book was released he said it was full of holes and not even the timelines are accurate. He also called the gay stories ridiculous. Same as Taraborelli, by the way. He recently said on his FB that he will be more than happy to refute Halperin's gay lover stories in the upcoming update of his book.....
These people are all haters. Michael didn't steal anything from Paul Anka.
OMG!!! When has Halperin defended Michael? Never! He's another tabloid trash promoter who is cashing in on rumors and lies. And, Randy T. is another one. How can you defend these haters?

He was referring to Roger Fishman.
Should we be surprised? the media only want salacious stories, they don't want the truth told.

Sad but the best way of dealing with this is to follow Michael's example and ignore it, I won't add to the viewing figures of channels/networks that promote this garbage.

Sorry not to be agree :nono: , there's a french proverb who tells "qui ne dit rien consent" it means "who tells nothing, tells agree" - Yes Michael ignored them, as all he could, but did they stop ? no, it was the contrary they went on more and more crap -
He was referring to Roger Fishman.

Yes, I was referring to Friedman defending Michael, not Halperin. Sorry if it wasn't clear. As for Taraborelli, I have my issues with him too, but I think he is still better than Halperin - and he has a lot more respect for Michael too! (I'm not saying he is good, but better than Halperin.)
Yes, I was referring to Friedman defending Michael, not Halperin. Sorry if it wasn't clear. As for Taraborelli, I have my issues with him too, but I think he is still better than Halperin - and he has a lot more respect for Michael too!
I don't agree with you. J. R Taborrelli has no respect for Michael. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing, imo.
Pretending to be MJ's friend, then sells him out.
Of course Estate can sue producers of that BS but it was known for a long time that this doc was preparing, so why did they not stop it before instead of waiting for the airing ? all that makes me :angry:. I will never understand :no:

Estate can sue Halperin only if he uses the official material - songs, lyrics, official videos or any trademarks! (of course if he didnt ask for the permission)

He was referring to Roger Fishman.

R. Friedman on the contrary totally destroyed Halperin´s book in his blog reports last year (the book has many cardinal mistakes) and his so called doc:
That’s the day Ian Halperin, sleazy tabloid muckracker, airs his “Gone Too Soon” film on the TV Guide Network. Halperin has already feasted on Michael Jackson’s remains with a book last year. Now he comes with an editorial film in which he interviews the D list from the Jackson outer circle about their knowledge of Jackson’s life. It will be interesting to see how he handles not having Jackson’ s music in his film, let alone the people who really knew him. Expect much heavy weighing in from the illustrious Tohme R. Tohme.
I am also curious as to what those channels will show that day as well. Also FUSE channel etc. Just today I was surfing ONDemand (on Cable) and certain station have already put up a Michael Jackson section. So far Fuse (music channel) & E! have added a Michael Jackson section as I have seen so far. I hope more follow suit...as I am hoping for a celebration (for the good) of Michael's Life & Art that day.

And Starz is also airing This is It. I'm sure MTV and all their subsidiaries will have plenty of Michael that weekend.
So can ppl please enlighten me about Halperin? I know he wrote a book about Michael being gay but not being well "you know what" , and he predicted this tragedy. Is the documentary based on that book? because according to what I have read, it looks like it is a part 2 of that book, and its about interviews with ppl around him, like the chef (the girl I suppose which was very supportive) and the bodyguard (wasn't he nice too?) and I don't know who else.

Will you pls. tell me what exactly they are going to say? I see a lot of ppl very upset, and if it is a docu about that book he wrote then I can understand. But do we know what kind of horrible biased info are they going to say?
Estate can sue Halperin only if he uses the official material - songs, lyrics, official videos or any trademarks! (of course if he didnt ask for the permission)

Of course, but are they not supposed to protect the image too ? I sorry to tell it, but someone trashed doesn't make sales. I don't like to relate Michael and money (I know it's usual) but if the only way to protect him ... and what about his kids ? do they have to suffer of all that ? they are so young ! Will they have to see their father constantly trashed even dead ? I really really don't understand.
So can ppl please enlighten me about Halperin? I know he wrote a book about Michael being gay but not being well "you know what" , and he predicted this tragedy. Is the documentary based on that book? because according to what I have read, it looks like it is a part 2 of that book, and its about interviews with ppl around him, like the chef (the girl I suppose which was very supportive) and the bodyguard (wasn't he nice too?) and I don't know who else.

Will you pls. tell me what exactly they are going to say? I see a lot of ppl very upset, and if it is a docu about that book he wrote then I can understand. But do we know what kind of horrible biased info are they going to say?

He could have interviewed some close people (however I wonder how they could agree knowing the crap book, are they so naives ?) but it could also be like the LWMJ, I mean completely twisted and turned - He's looking for fame, remember Bashir .... :mad:
Not good. :no:

Why do they let idiots like this produce such things. Even better...why are people stupid enough to believe idiots like this.

"Shine sells Jackson doc to 50 territories

Shine International has sold Michael Jackson documentary Gone Too Soon and has sold it to 50 broadcasters internationally with plans to air it on the anniversary of his death.

The distributor has sold the two hour documentary, which is based on Ian Halperin's best selling book Unmasked: The Final Years of Michael Jackson, to US cable network TV Guide Network, which will air it on June 25.

The film, which has interviews with his manager, spiritual adviser and bodyguards
as well as exclusive footage of Jackson himself, has also been sold to Globosat (Brazil), ProSiebenSat.1 (Germany), Fox International Channels (Italy/Greece), Mediaworks (New Zealand), Antenna1 (Romania), Foxtel (Australia), RTE (Ireland), TVNorge (Norway), MNet (South Africa), TV3 (Denmark), CPI (Philippines) and the Middle East's MBC.

Gone Too Soon was produced by Objective Films and Ian Halperin Productions and was exec produced by Shine's Chris Grant, Jarred Weisfeld and Sarah Girgis. "

Produced by 'Objective Films' eh? Objective My ASS!

:no: I have no words.
and ? :mello:

No, i haven't read it. I do not waste money on VANITY FAIR. On the subway i saw a lady with a copy of the mag. I said to her 'they are killing MJ uh.' She said it is a shockingly positive piece. The writer (not that witch MAUREEN ORTH)was on the set of the thriller video. She recounted conversations with all the principals and others. She interviewed them again for this piece including OLA RAY who strongly hinted she had something romantic going on with MJ.

what a shame why they don't leave him rest in peace
No, i haven't read it. I do not waste money on VANITY FAIR. On the subway i saw a lady with a copy of the mag. I said to her 'they are killing MJ uh.' She said it is a shockingly positive piece. The writer (not that witch MAUREEN ORTH)was on the set of the thriller video. She recounted conversations with all the principals and others. She interviewed them again for this piece including OLA RAY who strongly hinted she had something romantic going on with MJ.

okay ! thanks :cheeky:
It's terrible to see these people posing with Ian.... :puke: Do not they know who he is? :smilerolleyes: :sigh:

I suspect many of them don't.

Jesse Jackson, Al Sharprton - I'm not really surprised about them. They are friends with the Jackson family and I think Halperin is willing to push their conspiracy theory about Michael's death and that's why they - and Oxman - will be on the program.

I'm surprised about Dileo, though! I can only hope he just doesn't know what was in Halperin's book about Michael. I think he will only talk about Michael's death.

The horrible thing about it is though, that people will think: "oh, his manager was on the show, oh "his attorney" (Oxman) was on the show, so Halperin must be truthful and really have "inside info" if these people appear on his program". Not knowing that Oxman is a leech (and was never Michael's attorney). And I suspect (or rather hope) that Frank Dileo is just ignorant about the past of this guy and what was in his book. Well, even Joe said once that Halperin's book was a good book! I bet he doesn't know what was in it, considering how strongly he feels about anybody calling Michael gay (just see his reaction to Klein). So I think Halperin just told him it's a positive, supportive book on Michael and that he is with them on the conspiracy theory around his death and they took his word for it without actually reading it.....
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I implore everyone to totally ignore this program & tell others not to bother watching it as well! Please don't put money in that man's pockets! He's nothing but a tabloid liar!