OH NO! Halperin's documentary sold to 50 broadcasters worldwide!!

I know that Friedman is not all good, but since Michael's death I have seen more good from him on Michael than bad. .....

Friedman has been hot and cold about Michael. I always proceed with caution when it comes to Friedman.

No, i haven't read it. I do not waste money on VANITY FAIR. On the subway i saw a lady with a copy of the mag. I said to her 'they are killing MJ uh.' She said it is a shockingly positive piece. The writer (not that witch MAUREEN ORTH)was on the set of the thriller video. She recounted conversations with all the principals and others. She interviewed them again for this piece including OLA RAY who strongly hinted she had something romantic going on with MJ.


That's very good to hear. I really think that the tide is turning when it comes to Michael- even though I know some of you do not agree. There really are some positive pieces about Michael!

I am surprised as well, Al and Jesse have always been strong supporters of Michael. If people see their names they will think the documentary is factual. We need to inform Al and Jesse about this. Anyone has their contact information.

I like to see things as the glass half full, and if these ppl are on these docu then it must be positive and that is all good.

If you do not agree with what is going on, that is fine. That is your prerogative. But please do not demean other fans and their actions. Fans have been a very powerful force post June 25th because they have chosen to be heard. If they threw their hands up in the air at everything, then many more damaging items against MJ's legacy would have been aired, or gone unchecked. If anything, it will prove to all that the voice of the fans will be heard. All must do what they feel is necessary to uphold MJ's name. You do what you feel, let others do the same. But don't bring that condescending tone to this thread.

Thank you!
I was simply agreeing with the fan that originally made that remark- so pls. don't just target me. Besides I am one of the many fans that are signed up for the legacy for Michael project. Every time there is something derogatory written about Michael I respond and complain furiously defending Michael. Believe me I know what a force we are- I've been part of that force. In this instance though- I disagree. This piece/documentary is not damaging to Michael and it seems we jumped to conclusions w/o finding out the truth. I have to say that I do understand the reason why fans are so skeptical- this man is garbage and has written lies about Michael. But I was very relieved to find out from another fan that actually saw the doc that it was a pretty positive piece. Again, my intention was not to put down fans for their efforts to defend Michael, I have many times, as I just mentioned. I just think that this time maybe we should focus our efforts on something more meaningful like making Michael no. 1 on the charts again. People will take more notice of that than Halperin- who ppl in general could care less about. I am trying to make sure that Michael's legacy continues like we all do, I'm sure. It is my opinion we are getting to worked up over this for no real good reason.
I was simply agreeing with the fan that originally made that remark- so pls. don't just target me. Besides I am one of the many fans that are signed up for the legacy for Michael project. Every time there is something derogatory written about Michael I respond and complain furiously defending Michael. Believe me I know what a force we are- I've been part of that force. In this instance though- I disagree. This piece/documentary is not damaging to Michael and it seems we jumped to conclusions w/o finding out the truth. I have to say that I do understand the reason why fans are so skeptical- this man is garbage and has written lies about Michael. But I was very relieved to find out from another fan that actually saw the doc that it was a pretty positive piece. Again, my intention was not to put down fans for their efforts to defend Michael, I have many times, as I just mentioned. I just think that this time maybe we should focus our efforts on something more meaningful like making Michael no. 1 on the charts again. People will take more notice of that than Halperin- who ppl in general could care less about. I am trying to make sure that Michael's legacy continues like we all do, I'm sure. It is my opinion we are getting to worked up over this for no real good reason.

I quoted the post as above because it included both who were calling the fans ridiculous, you and Moonwalker. And again, no one is saying you cannot have an opinion. But no one is calling you ridiculous for what you believe so do not do that for others. As I said, we all have to do what we feel is necessary. You cannot decide for other fans what is a waste of time when their hearts motivate them to speak up. Also, it is not either/or. A person can speak against Hal and still try to get MJ to No.1.
Especially with the time so close to year 1, many fans are just tired of anything that can be utter crap. Fans are just being proactive. Try being a little more sensitive. There are enough fans to make MJ no1 and to let all know how we feel about people like Hal. Even if this documentary is positive (which we do not know for sure), if we support it and/or do not let people know how we feel about Halperin as fans, they may give him more of a platform to speak. next time, he may bring the garbage out in full force.
Ian need to stop putting lies and rumors mixed with some truth and then we would listen! But, he's looking for the $ and all good news don't sell that's why he has to throw in the dirt!

Why buy his book or watch his documentary when people like Aphrodite Jones already did that and take the chance to clear MJ name the right way, even though it isn't that popular to do...yet.

He didn't touch his own gay story in the doc because he knows it's B.S and how everyone slammed Klein and his boy toy for it! Or maybe it was a way to act sympathetic so people think he is a good guy and then buy his book and receive the shock of the B.S when they read it while he be laughing counting the money!

The guy is a fake and joke, their is no evidence of wrongdoing in MJ's part when it comes to the allegations there for his research reflect that! lol No surprise there and I won't thank him for it either! Because his first idea of that book was to make MJ look guilty but, when June 25th happen he changed his plan to favor the fans!

But, he shows his true intentions when he talks about MJ's kids with his stupid rumors in the doc, he needs to leave them alone, don't act like your on MJ's side and then talk about his kids!
I quoted the post as above because it included both who were calling the fans ridiculous, you and Moonwalker. And again, no one is saying you cannot have an opinion. But no one is calling you ridiculous for what you believe so do not do that for others. As I said, we all have to do what we feel is necessary. You cannot decide for other fans what is a waste of time when their hearts motivate them to speak up. Also, it is not either/or. A person can speak against Hal and still try to get MJ to No.1.
Especially with the time so close to year 1, many fans are just tired of anything that can be utter crap. Fans are just being proactive. Try being a little more sensitive. There are enough fans to make MJ no1 and to let all know how we feel about people like Hal. Even if this documentary is positive (which we do not know for sure), if we support it and/or do not let people know how we feel about Halperin as fans, they may give him more of a platform to speak. next time, he may bring the garbage out in full force.

I see what you are saying. I guess we all have a way to react to different situations. In my opinion fans have over reacted to this, but that's just me. I do get it that this guy is garbage and we should be more skeptical, but I'm just happy per the fan review that it's really not a negative piece. That to me is positive. There is one thing I know and I've stated it before, Michael fans are the best fans in the whole wide world - I think we can agree on that!:yes:
If you do not agree with what is going on, that is fine. That is your prerogative. But please do not demean other fans and their actions. Fans have been a very powerful force post June 25th because they have chosen to be heard. If they threw their hands up in the air at everything, then many more damaging items against MJ's legacy would have been aired, or gone unchecked. If anything, it will prove to all that the voice of the fans will be heard. All must do what they feel is necessary to uphold MJ's name. You do what you feel, let others do the same. But don't bring that condescending tone to this thread.

Thank you!

There is one thing I know and I've stated it before, Michael fans are the best fans in the whole wide world - I think we can agree on that!:yes:

Yes, I think that is unanimous!:yes:
GREAT, GREAT article.

I wish this article could spread across the web.

I think the fans could send it to other journalists, TV presenters, blog, etc. Everyone.

I'm tired of truth being hidden.

PS: I still do NOT trust Charles Thomsom. But the article is very good.
From Jackbo at MJSTAR:

Hi, guys
Yesterday I attended the premiere screening of Ian Halperins 90 min documentary "Gone Too Soon", to be aired on a massive number of TV stations around the world june 25th. Thought you might wanna read a true fan's immediate reaction. So here, goes;

The film is not very controversial, and does not really shed ANY new light on anything regarding Michael or his passing. Halperin is without doubt sympathetic to MJ, which is nice. He is confident that MJ was innocent of all allegations of pedephila, and there is no dwelling on his previous allegations of MJs gay preferences. The only controversial point Halperin tries to make, is that his personal belief is that Prince and Paris are the kids of dr. Arnold Klein, and Blanket the son of Omer Batthi. But this comes across only as very bad journalism, and not really as a newsworthy information... Ian himself dismisses the question as "irrelevant".

Basically, to me, the movie is a boring, badly put together, superficial, pretentious piece of trash television. If anything, the documentary could have been of some interest to a non-fan who had not read a newspaper or seen TV the last couple of years, as it is a walk through the endless number of speculations and rumors that we have already heard form different speculative sources.

However, the documentary totally suffers from lack of direction, drama, tension, suspense, logic...any given quality you expect from a production that intends to grasp your attention for 90 minutes.It is simply a very badly crafted production. Unprofessional and without merit, as there is no storytelling progression but an endless variety of repetions of the obviuos ... like 10 minutes of different talking heads about the incompetent behaviour of dr. Murray.

It starts off with a promise that Halperin has a story to tell about what killed Michael Jackson... "Greed". As it turns out, there is nothing concrete to substantiate this, unless you accept that the monetary aspect of showbiz is "greed", that the industry makes entertainers work hard, and that hard work through a long and turbulent life eventually turned MJ into an exhausted insomniac who took is death from an accident with dubious sleeping-aid from a doctor who should have known better. Fair enough, but there is no justification to wrap this up as an "undercover journalist" documentary.

There is a sit down-interview with Frank Dileo. Then again, Dileo is the only character appearing in the movie who seems to have any relevant connection to MJ. All the other are at best distant figures in his life, whose stories seem very unqualified and irrelevant. It is simply put VERY BORING to se a dozen of talking heads such as a random "psychotherapist", a mediocre comedian, the ever-present Jackson-lawyer Brian Oxman or whoever elderly whatshisname share their personal points of views on Michael´s destiny.

There is absolutely no MJ-related music in the film, and all clips of him are shamelessly downloaded from youtube, i.e. bad quality recordings that are already seen by people who are interested, and of no worth for people who are not.

The lowest point of the film is where Ian brags about having gone undercover as a workout client from Canada, to learn about MJ from personal trainer Lou "Hulk" Ferrigno. Ian shows up for a training session with Lou in sunglasses and a hood and basically conducts a totally lame interview for the open camera. One sits and wonder what on earth this has to do with supposedly "undercover" journalism.

There is no line of storytelling, no point to be made or significant question to be asked. Everything is pure speculation, speculation that is not even motivated by the premise of the film. A total embarrasment for the author and production company, who have had the nerve to sell their unfinished product around the world well in advance of their premiére, simply because the networks are willing to buy anything that can be scheduled as a suitable tribute to MJ on the anniversary of his passing.

I really wish there would be a thourough, interesting and respectful documentary about MJ and his life, a life that contains so much story and emotion that it could inspire the world in a biblical way, had it been
produced in the quality his lifestory deserves.
Wow, that surprises me. So the doc ain't about all that nonsense he wrote in his 'book' ? All that nonsense about having gay friends, but also how he couldn't sing anymore and shit like that? I guess after seeing TII he was like 'damn...there goes my credibility" .
If Halperin isn't a reputable journalist and his tabloid crap documentary/book are lies, then perhaps people who claim to give a f*ck about Michael could stop cozying up to him...just a thought.
"Halperin without doubt is sympathetic to Michael?" NO WAY!!! He's just another hater trying to cash-in on Michael's death.
I think this guy should NEVER BE TRUSTED. Sorry but I do not care if he say a few kind words about MJ (con artist do that). Overall, he proved to be someone who will say what it takes to make money. He takes truths and mix them with lies to make people think he speaks the totally truth and he take lies and try to make them the truth. To me, just do not follow him. Remember, even a thief will show kindness every once an a while but that still does NOT make that thief TRUSTWORTHY.