OH NO! Halperin's documentary sold to 50 broadcasters worldwide!!

Now we know why there wasn't a mad bidding war for this film here in the USA. Not controversial enough.!!!

:rofl: You hit the nail on the head with that comment!

That review by MJSTAR still won't get me to watch though!
Now we know why there wasn't a mad bidding war for this film here in the USA. Not controversial enough.!!!

So true! And I am sooo relieved!!!

Reading a fan's reaction to the docu I am frankly breathing a sigh of relief.

I really think fans are over reacting. I know Halperin has written lies about MJ but in this case he is being very sympathetic toward him I think. He could have easily based this docu on his book (which was very controversial and I believe the reason why it sold so well), but instead its pretty much a friendly docu. if you consider that it was written by a tabloid journalist.

What are you going to do ? Punish him forever? These tabloid ppl's jobs are to write controversial things about big time celebrities. They do it to every big star, and the bigger you are the more controversy they will create. That's how it works. If Michael were a "B" celebrity do you think they would waste their time writing stuff about him? Big superstars sell and of course Michael being the biggest superstar in the world he would sell like crazy hence all the tabloid. Now, I am not saying this is right but it is reality and Michael knew this too. Just don't buy it, period..didn't he say that to us too? And as nasty as the UK tabloids were and still are to MJ, did that deter the fans in any way? Absolutely not, Michael was as popular than ever in the UK through his nearly 40+ years in the business.

Now the main stream media to me was the absolute worse!! That's why I don't watch any of them! They totally crucified him during the trial- it was completely unethical. Aprodite Jones has documented this very clearly.

Again, I am not condoning either media for the way they treated Michael and they keep treating him, but we have to make a distinction, and have to realize that the tabloids whether print or TV will continue to exploit Michael because of his name and fame. As fans, we have done an admirable job in stopping a lot of hurtful and slanderous pieces on Michael, and for that I am grateful. But let's look back carefully and pick and choose the battles that are worth fighting for. We have fought and won many worthwhile ones, ie. Extra (gay piece), the slanderious article on the website Justice for Kids, and many others. We should continue to do so, but in this case, this docu seems harmless and sympathetic to Michael, and believe me I am grateful for any of those regardless of who created them at this point. The fact that it sold to so many markets is a testament of how popular and huge Michael is and not at all about Halperin because frankly the general public could care less about him. Well, that is just my general feeling about this, only my opinion.
So true! And I am sooo relieved!!!

Reading a fan's reaction to the docu I am frankly breathing a sigh of relief.

I really think fans are over reacting.

We should continue to do so, but in this case, this docu seems harmless and sympathetic to Michael, and believe me I am grateful for any of those regardless of who created them at this point. The fact that it sold to so many markets is a testament of how popular and huge Michael is and not at all about Halperin because frankly the general public could care less about him. Well, that is just my general feeling about this, only my opinion.

Complete review by Jackbo/MJstar

Hi, guys
Yesterday I attended the premiere screening of Ian Halperins 90 min documentary "Gone Too Soon", to be aired on a massive number of TV stations around the world june 25th. Thought you might wanna read a true fan's immediate reaction. So here, goes;

The film is not very controversial, and does not really shed ANY new light on anything regarding Michael or his passing. Halperin is without doubt sympathetic to MJ, which is nice. He is confident that MJ was innocent of all allegations of pedephila, and there is no dwelling on his previous allegations of MJs gay preferences. The only controversial point Halperin tries to make, is that his personal belief is that Prince and Paris are the kids of dr. Arnold Klein, and Blanket the son of Omer Batthi. But this comes across only as very bad journalism, and not really as a newsworthy information... Ian himself dismisses the question as "irrelevant".

Basically, to me, the movie is a boring, badly put together, superficial, pretentious piece of trash television. If anything, the documentary could have been of some interest to a non-fan who had not read a newspaper or seen TV the last couple of years, as it is a walk through the endless number of speculations and rumors that we have already heard form different speculative sources.

However, the documentary totally suffers from lack of direction, drama, tension, suspense, logic...any given quality you expect from a production that intends to grasp your attention for 90 minutes.It is simply a very badly crafted production. Unprofessional and without merit, as there is no storytelling progression but an endless variety of repetions of the obviuos ... like 10 minutes of different talking heads about the incompetent behaviour of dr. Murray.

It starts off with a promise that Halperin has a story to tell about what killed Michael Jackson... "Greed". As it turns out, there is nothing concrete to substantiate this, unless you accept that the monetary aspect of showbiz is "greed", that the industry makes entertainers work hard, and that hard work through a long and turbulent life eventually turned MJ into an exhausted insomniac who took is death from an accident with dubious sleeping-aid from a doctor who should have known better. Fair enough, but there is no justification to wrap this up as an "undercover journalist" documentary.

There is a sit down-interview with Frank Dileo. Then again, Dileo is the only character appearing in the movie who seems to have any relevant connection to MJ. All the other are at best distant figures in his life, whose stories seem very unqualified and irrelevant. It is simply put VERY BORING to se a dozen of talking heads such as a random "psychotherapist", a mediocre comedian, the ever-present Jackson-lawyer Brian Oxman or whoever elderly whatshisname share their personal points of views on Michael´s destiny.

There is absolutely no MJ-related music in the film, and all clips of him are shamelessly downloaded from youtube, i.e. bad quality recordings that are already seen by people who are interested, and of no worth for people who are not.

The lowest point of the film is where Ian brags about having gone undercover as a workout client from Canada, to learn about MJ from personal trainer Lou "Hulk" Ferrigno. Ian shows up for a training session with Lou in sunglasses and a hood and basically conducts a totally lame interview for the open camera. One sits and wonder what on earth this has to do with supposedly "undercover" journalism.

There is no line of storytelling, no point to be made or significant question to be asked. Everything is pure speculation, speculation that is not even motivated by the premise of the film. A total embarrasment for the author and production company, who have had the nerve to sell their unfinished product around the world well in advance of their premiére, simply because the networks are willing to buy anything that can be scheduled as a suitable tribute to MJ on the anniversary of his passing.

I really wish there would be a thourough, interesting and respectful documentary about MJ and his life, a life that contains so much story and emotion that it could inspire the world in a biblical way, had it been
produced in the quality his lifestory deserves.
Sorry, but its ridiculous :doh:

I am speechless how some can be so "funny" ...;D :scratch:

What is ridiculous ? that we want to protect Michael against all those BS ? Do you give some credit to all this shitty doc ?
If you don't want to sign, don't. but don't say it's ridiculous, it's very unrespectful towards those who want to do something. You don't want to act, okay, it's your problem and nobody blame you.
Halperin's documentary sold to 50 broadcasters worldwide - thats the title of this thread, and in a few days it will be aired, the TVs have it in their schedules, everything is done..., come on..., thats the point, not the petition now...

it looks like some fans woke up now and try to do something after... its all done.

As I insisted earlier, there is missing the MJ unity - before - anything is done, the preparation of the doc was known a few months ago... so...
So what ? If you go on the petition like I did, you will see that it exists since few months ago when the project has been known, and not since few days ago like you seem to think - If you think it's useless, some of us believe that it must be done - even if the airings are not stopped at least we try - As I said, you don't want to sign it's okay but please don't criticize.
So what ? If you go on the petition like I did, you will see that it exists since few months ago when the project has been known, and not since few days ago like you seem to think


and what is the result? - Halperin's documentary sold to 50 broadcasters worldwide!!!

OK, let it be... I dont want to argue.
Start a WIDE youTube / Facebook / Twitter & Co. campaign against Ian Halperin where you post evidence that discredit him and shows that he's got very few knowledge about Michael Jackson, the man.

But unfortunately we're living in a sad world where knowledge has to be gained first and most people don't understand that media reports about ENTERTAINERS are always presented sensational to get high ratings (=publicity). They are 90% useless and a waste of time with no true information.

They don't really care about Michael Jackson, the man!
I'm not sure if reporting this will change anything, but here's contact info, starting with Rev. Al Sharpton and I will add the others as I find them.

Jesse Jackson Sr.

Bgz thanks for the contact information. I e-mailed both parties and asked them to suggest to Halperin that he edit his documentary in a respectful manner. I do not think they can make him stop the documentary.

You maybe right that this may not help but if we all let them know what is going on they would be more careful about giving their time to unscrupulous people. Halperin probably said to them "I want to do a documentary on Michael from the point of view of those who knew him, so they were happy to help out and the pay was good.

Al and Jesse will have positive things to say about Michael, but the problem is what Halperin and the other will do.
Well judging from what the fan's review is. I agree with Halperin that MJ was killed because of greed.
Just great. That Ian Halperin git just keeps going and going, doesn't he? I reckon he won't be properly satisfied until everyone gets a piece of his filth. It's sad enough that his assrag of a book made it as a "New York Times Bestseller". Now he's airing some rumour-loaded TV special that is sure to be rubbish, but you'll see, idiots everywhere will unquestioningly believe everything this guy says.

It's only us who seem to know that Ian Halperin is nothing but a tabloid-trash author of questionable motives who is out to further tarnish Michael's reputation. Everyone who's in the know about him is well aware that his book on Michael revealed more about its author than about Michael. I am positive that this "Gone Too Soon" crap will prove itself to be rubbish in similar fashion. I only hope that after this flops, Ian Halperin will be "Gone Too Soon" too, although the argument exists that someone like him can never be gone soon enough. :p
I guess he figured out nobody was buying

the undercover hairdresser story, so he went for ' Lou Ferrigno's workout client'.

*Rolling eyes*

Please do not watch.
So true! And I am sooo relieved!!!

Reading a fan's reaction to the docu I am frankly breathing a sigh of relief.

I really think fans are over reacting. I know Halperin has written lies about MJ but in this case he is being very sympathetic toward him I think. He could have easily based this docu on his book (which was very controversial and I believe the reason why it sold so well), but instead its pretty much a friendly docu. if you consider that it was written by a tabloid journalist.

What are you going to do ? Punish him forever? These tabloid ppl's jobs are to write controversial things about big time celebrities. They do it to every big star, and the bigger you are the more controversy they will create. That's how it works. If Michael were a "B" celebrity do you think they would waste their time writing stuff about him? Big superstars sell and of course Michael being the biggest superstar in the world he would sell like crazy hence all the tabloid. Now, I am not saying this is right but it is reality and Michael knew this too. Just don't buy it, period..didn't he say that to us too? And as nasty as the UK tabloids were and still are to MJ, did that deter the fans in any way? Absolutely not, Michael was as popular than ever in the UK through his nearly 40+ years in the business.

Now the main stream media to me was the absolute worse!! That's why I don't watch any of them! They totally crucified him during the trial- it was completely unethical. Aprodite Jones has documented this very clearly.

Again, I am not condoning either media for the way they treated Michael and they keep treating him, but we have to make a distinction, and have to realize that the tabloids whether print or TV will continue to exploit Michael because of his name and fame. As fans, we have done an admirable job in stopping a lot of hurtful and slanderous pieces on Michael, and for that I am grateful. But let's look back carefully and pick and choose the battles that are worth fighting for. We have fought and won many worthwhile ones, ie. Extra (gay piece), the slanderious article on the website Justice for Kids, and many others. We should continue to do so, but in this case, this docu seems harmless and sympathetic to Michael, and believe me I am grateful for any of those regardless of who created them at this point. The fact that it sold to so many markets is a testament of how popular and huge Michael is and not at all about Halperin because frankly the general public could care less about him. Well, that is just my general feeling about this, only my opinion.

I can see your point, but the way I feel about it is that I don't care if he's changed his tune. He wrote the filthy book, and he's not trustworthy. That's the problem with telling lies and being a crooked person - people start to doubt you could ever do anything good and be honest. He deserves the reaction he got, IMO. And even if he did do a positive piece on Michael, we would be giving more credence to his name, and that in turn would give it to his book. He's just doing it all for the money and wanting his own fame, so I don't buy that he's changed his tune, and I don't trust the guy.
Sorry, but its ridiculous :doh:

I am speechless how some can be so "funny" ...;D :scratch:

I agree with you Moonwalkerfan- the fans are being ridiculous. Why don't we transfer this energy into something a lot more productive that will show the world Michael is truly beloved? Let's make WE'VE HAD ENOUGH no. 1!!!! :clapping::clapping::punk::punk:
I dont understand, they sold that documentary to those countries...what does that mean?

And what do you think this documentary has? I havent read the book .

Any idea?

Post #155 has a description from a fan who saw it. Sounds like it's boring and a waste of time. Surprise!
I agree with you Moonwalkerfan- the fans are being ridiculous. Why don't we transfer this energy into something a lot more productive that will show the world Michael is truly beloved? Let's make WE'VE HAD ENOUGH no. 1!!!! :clapping::clapping::punk::punk:

If you do not agree with what is going on, that is fine. That is your prerogative. But please do not demean other fans and their actions. Fans have been a very powerful force post June 25th because they have chosen to be heard. If they threw their hands up in the air at everything, then many more damaging items against MJ's legacy would have been aired, or gone unchecked. If anything, it will prove to all that the voice of the fans will be heard. All must do what they feel is necessary to uphold MJ's name. You do what you feel, let others do the same. But don't bring that condescending tone to this thread.

Thank you!
This loser said:
Michael was a crossdresser
was gay
was suicidal
could barely take care of his kids
was doing cocaine
couldn't sing or dance anymore
was a pathological liar
was blind and deaf
and needed a lung transplant

he has no credibility. And he has plants on various messageboards (one was spotted on KOP and banned and I think one was Max Jax)
May he get all the sicknesses /diseases he wanted Michael to have.
I do not know if I believe in the review. MJstar was not reliable in the past.

But I hope it's true.
And Starz is also airing This is It. I'm sure MTV and all their subsidiaries will have plenty of Michael that weekend.

Yes..I am going to watch This Is It once on Starz,just because. I really hope MTV BET etc show video etc. on they regular channels & not just on things such as OnDemand. I really hope some channels would show Moonwalker or Ghosts.
Yes..I am going to watch This Is It once on Starz,just because. I really hope MTV BET etc show video etc. on they regular channels & not just on things such as OnDemand. I really hope some channels would show Moonwalker or Ghosts.

I have not seen Moonwalker since I was a little girl. I really hope someone plays it. :angel: Please, please!
Why do i feel this shameless fraud has done a 100 degree turn with this film.? We have already seen this bad actor two faces before and after MJ'S death. He is now MJ'S number one fan, feigning sorrow for MJ'S death, sympathy for his kids, and wanting DR MURRAY's head. All aimed at MJ'S fans. No wonder he has hood wink REV AL, JESSE JACKSON, and others to be in his film.
You should see the guy's twitter. He's no fan of Michael's-_-
WTF is this idiot doing now? I think the ESTATE needs to know about this but I don't know if anything can be done about it. I know I am not going to waste my time to see it. :doh: