OH NO! Halperin's documentary sold to 50 broadcasters worldwide!!

I told you all a few mouths ago that dude was going to release this yes do not watch all he going to do is try to expose false information no body has time for all the fake gay lovers to appear talking mad reckless
So because Michael had to endure the lies when he was alive can the lies continue after death?

I'm sick of people like you who think that all the absurdities and crimes against the man may be tolerated.

I try to respect the opinion of others, but my desire is to tell you to go to a "no so nice" place.

Well let me tell you if it will make you feel better to tell me to go to a not so nice place then tell me. And after you have done that ask yourself this what can you do about this show that is coming on? Come to the boards and complain guess what it is still going to come on. Go to this guy's face book page and complain guess what it is still going to come on, Write the TV stations asking them not to here won't help. But here is what you can do don't watch it. Unless your name is Jesus Christ there is nothing you can do about absurdities and crimes against the man nothing. And to be totally honest I only heard about this from fan boards I would not have had a clue about had it not been for Michael's fans
We should do more than not watch this trash!!!! Send e-mails, call etc. Take action against this show and Ian "HELL"aprin.
This guy is a little weasel. I hate him so much, and it disgusts me that the moronic media even considered him in any fashion.

Message to Halperin : You sicken me.
We should do more than not watch this trash!!!! Send e-mails, call etc. Take action against this show and Ian "HELL"aprin.

Send emails to who? If you want to do that go ahead but don't you know that NBC ABC AND CBS all showed shows about Michael in what turned out to be the last years of his life calling him a child molester? Did you know they ABC said Michael had no ears? Yes they did. Did you know NBC tried to blackmail Michael? We all sent emails and guess what it still came on. Do only way you stop things like this is by hitting them in there pockets don't watch
This guy is a little weasel. I hate him so much, and it disgusts me that the moronic media even considered him in any fashion.

Message to Halperin : You sicken me.
I'm not surprised. The media has always hated Michael. Airing this trash is the proof. And on June 25.
They have a smear campaign against him even now that he's gone. Disguisting!!!!
I personally will not be watching the show, and neither will many of MJ’s hardcore internet fanbase. We know all about Halperin, but burying your head in the sand does not make a problem go away and MJ's legacy doesn't rely on Ostriches anyway. It's the wider public that will carry his legacy and every defamatory story and ridiculous documentary that detracts from his success to boost viewers can damage it. The more believable the documentary, the more damaging it can be. Yes,MJ had a habit of burying his head in the sand too and look what good that did. He should have stepped on the cockroaches decades ago but he never did and so they multiplied.

Damn... you got it.
that's sadly so true :no:


EDIT: My mistake. Mike DID sue at least one of this guys, the nasty and sicking Víctor Gutierrez. He stopped his nasty about (about the ways MJ would have "seduce" Chandler guy) and the would have to be paid some 2 USD millions by this liar. BUT... it didn't stop him from spreading lies about MJ to this very same day and even LaToya gave him an interview.

So.... once the media has set his agenda... even when legal battles are won... can that agenda be changed?? :no:
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Well let me tell you if it will make you feel better to tell me to go to a not so nice place then tell me. And after you have done that ask yourself this what can you do about this show that is coming on? Come to the boards and complain guess what it is still going to come on. Go to this guy's face book page and complain guess what it is still going to come on, Write the TV stations asking them not to here won't help. But here is what you can do don't watch it. Unless your name is Jesus Christ there is nothing you can do about absurdities and crimes against the man nothing. And to be totally honest I only heard about this from fan boards I would not have had a clue about had it not been for Michael's fans

First: I told you to go to that place. Are you illiterate?

Second: I wrote here because I wanted the contact with the lawyer of Estate.

Third: The fans have done much against the haters. Fans from France stopped the Living w MJ. Fans form Brazil were able to put Moonwalker in the second largest TV of the country. Fans can make a difference. Not all are useless without faith.
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"Shine sells Jackson doc to 50 territories

Shine International has sold Michael Jackson documentary Gone Too Soon and has sold it to 50 broadcasters internationally with plans to air it on the anniversary of his death.

The distributor has sold the two hour documentary, which is based on Ian Halperin's best selling book Unmasked: The Final Years of Michael Jackson, to US cable network TV Guide Network, which will air it on June 25.

The film, which has interviews with his manager, spiritual adviser and bodyguards as well as exclusive footage of Jackson himself, has also been sold to Globosat (Brazil), ProSiebenSat.1 (Germany), Fox International Channels (Italy/Greece), Mediaworks (New Zealand), Antenna1 (Romania), Foxtel (Australia), RTE (Ireland), TVNorge (Norway), MNet (South Africa), TV3 (Denmark), CPI (Philippines) and the Middle East's MBC.

Gone Too Soon was produced by Objective Films and Ian Halperin Productions and was exec produced by Shine's Chris Grant, Jarred Weisfeld and Sarah Girgis. "

Produced by 'Objective Films' eh? Objective My ASS!

Think About it...

IF this UNAUTHORIZED Documentary is of the so called truth of said Mr.Michael Jackson...as this "TABLOID" AUTHOR claims it is...

Then certainly it would be an "AUTHORIZED" Documentary..!


"If YOU understand or YOU don't...If YOU believe or YOU doubt...There IS a "UNIVERSAL JUSTICE"...the eyes of "TRUTH" are "ALWAYS" watching YOU..!~~~"

Cross Of Changes

Love Always

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Send emails to who? If you want to do that go ahead but don't you know that NBC ABC AND CBS all showed shows about Michael in what turned out to be the last years of his life calling him a child molester? Did you know they ABC said Michael had no ears? Yes they did. Did you know NBC tried to blackmail Michael? We all sent emails and guess what it still came on. Do only way you stop things like this is by hitting them in there pockets don't watch
What good is it to not watch? How is that hitting them in the pockets? These ppl know we will not watch. We can do more than that. If we raise he!! against this, they may think twice before airing this to the world.
First: I told you to go to that place. Are you illiterate?

Second: I wrote here because I wanted the contact with the lawyer of Estate.

Third: The fans have done much against the haters. Fans from France stoped the Living w MJ. Fans form Brazil were able to put Moonwalker in the second largest TV of the country. Fans can make a difference. Not all are useless without faith.

You want to contact the estate here let me help you. http://www.johnbranca.com/ You won't find a lawyer for the estate on this message board I am pretty sure the address is at the bottom at the page
First: I told you to go to that place. Are you illiterate?

Second: I wrote here because I wanted the contact with the lawyer of Estate.

Third: The fans have done much against the haters. Fans from France stoped the Living w MJ. Fans form Brazil were able to put Moonwalker in the second largest TV of the country. Fans can make a difference. Not all are useless without faith.
I agree. Power in unity; Strength in numbers.
The guy is all about self-promotion, I always knew that.

It just goes to show how low today's media have sunk! They give outlet to a filthy tabloid journalists like Halperin without a problem (and even promote him as an "MJ expert" or some kind of authority on MJ - and unfortunately non-fans believe that), but people like Aphrodete Jones or Larry Nimmer are hardly given any air time. The only thing MJ fans can do is to ignore this programme and not to help it's ratings by tuning in!
I told you all a few mouths ago that dude was going to release this yes do not watch all he going to do is try to expose false information no body has time for all the fake gay lovers to appear talking mad reckless

I'm sure the gay lover angle will be featured in it! Just look at Halperin's blog. He is OBSESSED with homosexuality! That's his main theme actually. (Probably because he is gay himself.)

All it takes is to pay a couple of people to say they were MJ's gay lovers and maybe even to pay some of his ex-employees to say they saw this and that. The bad news is people will believe it because "it was on TV, we saw his lovers, we saw this and that employee say this and that" :(
Does anyone have the contact of the Estate lawyer?

He has to know what is happening.

Even responsible for documentaries can be sued.

Unfortunately Estate cannot sue them. Majority of the programs are protected under Freedom of Speech and also by law you cannot defame the dead.

The only way to stop this is fan action.
Halperin, who predicted Michael Jackson's death six months before he died

Oh, this is his usual self-promoting crap! That he "predicted" Michael's death. And the media buys it. But none of them asks the simple question: how can you predict propofol overdose? What Halperin really "predicted" was that Michael was gonna die BECAUSE he was gravely ill! He was in need of a lung transplant. He couldn't talk and walk, let alone sing and dance! This is what Halperin actually wrote six months before his death! Of course, we know those were lies, since we saw him walk, talk, sing and dance at TII and didn't look like someone in need of a lung transplant. And of course, we saw his autopsy, which said he wasn't gravely ill and he didn't have to die if not for Murray.
I'm sure the gay lover angle will be featured in it! Just look at Halperin's blog. He is OBSESSED with homosexuality! That's his main theme actually. (Probably because he is gay himself.)

All it takes is to pay a couple of people to say they were MJ's gay lovers and maybe even to pay some of his ex-employees to say they saw this and that. The bad news is people will believe it because "it was on TV, we saw his lovers, we saw this and that employee say this and that" :(

That would get them sued. You noticed how fast extra backed away from Klein
Indeed. People never question the media, they never stop and think, do they actually really know this. They always take it as fact that they do, but actually in todays age of the Internet, they don't know anymore than we do, and in the case of MJ, they know less.

My experience is that fans know a LOT more about Michael than any of those biographers who are hailed by the media as "experts" or "insiders" or the media themselves.
Unfortunately Estate cannot sue them. Majority of the programs are protected under Freedom of Speech and also by law you cannot defame the dead.

The only way to stop this is fan action.

Well, not all countries have similar laws.

The Estate can attack them in the 'host' country of the companies involved.

Anyway, there are ways to sue them even in the United States. Not so difficult to prove malice in this case. If I am not mistaken the bastard already been sued in Canada and lose. The Estate may also pressed the distributor, TVs, etc, warning that the Estate will not do business with them in the future.

There are millions of ways to act.
That would get them sued. You noticed how fast extra backed away from Klein

I don't know if somebody can be sued over something like that. They can always say: only two people were there, Michael and his lover. And Michael is not here any more to say anything, so anybody can claim he was Michael's lover. And they know that. :(

I think the Klein stuff was pulled because Extra didn't want to mess with fans when they saw the incredible outraged reaction. Now, I think Halperin is more prepared to take such reaction (in fact he would enjoy the controversy it would stir).
Besides the gay angle (which is important to Halperin personally to promote the gay lifestyle) I think it will present a conspiracy theory in Michael's death as well (and that's why Oxman is on it - and for the money, of course). Halperin likes conspiracy theories. He wrote a book about Kurt Cobain claiming he was killed (instead of suicide) - which is BS in my opinion. So I think he will say the same about Michael: he was killed, it was planned at the order of "higher powers" bla-bla-bla-bla. I'm sure Joseph and Randy will like it.
What is this shit? :bugeyed I do not believe what is happening. Well, if he published the book that is pure garbage, now would not be difficult for him to launch his documentary. This guy is an idiot. Shame! :(
this will be forgotten in less then a week....whatever they're gonna say..ppl is very weary of everything about MJ now...btw his book was a big fat fail despite the shameless self promotion "NY times top selling".....top selling my ass...it did sell very poorly even on amazon...
My experience is that fans know a LOT more about Michael than any of those biographers who are hailed by the media as "experts" or "insiders" or the media themselves.

The sad thing is that alot of people won't take the fans seriously because unfortunatly alot of people view the fans as these crazy people who worship MJ like he was the second coming of Jesus. If you defend MJ and say your not a fan you get more credibility. It's sad
Well, not all countries have similar laws.

The Estate can attack them in the 'host' country of the companies involved.

Anyway, there are ways to sue them even in the United States. Not so difficult to prove malice in this case. If I am not mistaken the bastard already been sued in Canada and lose. The Estate may also pressed the distributor, TVs, etc, warning that the Estate will not do business with them in the future.

There are millions of ways to act.

International lawsuits are harder than a national lawsuit. And it also depends that if they have legal teams in place in those countries. 14 days is too short time period to achieve all these legally IMO.

Sure they can try to take action, threaten them etc but I still believe that a fan boycott will see more quicker and easier results.
this will be forgotten in less then a week....whatever they're gonna say..ppl is very weary of everything about MJ now...btw his book was a big fat fail despite the shameless self promotion "NY times top selling".....top selling my ass...it did sell very poorly even on amazon...

I was wondering about how this book became a "best-seller", like the media always claims? I mean, fans usually hate him and his book (and those who were still curious read it online to not to give him any money, LOL). I think fans will rather buy something like Taraborelli's biography (even if we have issues with him also), but not Halperin's. As for non-fans, I doubt so many non-fans bought Halperin's bio that it made it a best-seller.

I think the claim it was a "best-seller" is just as accurate as the claim about Halperin "predicting" Michael's death - these are the words of his self-promotion. And the media buys what he claims without any double-check, how sad!
I'm thankful that, in America, NOBODY really watches "The TV Guide Channel". In my opinion, it's not really a television channel, it's just there to tell you whats on television and a bunch of folks don't even have that particular channel. Thank God!

I guess MTV, VH1, E-Entertainment, A&E, BET, The Biography Channel, nor TVOne was interested in this piece of crap!

That's how I feel about it. I can just press a button on my remote and see whats on TV.

I probably will watch the "documentary" at some point. I try to watch everything MJ or at least be aware of it. Why? Because I have friends who watch some of this stuff. They know I'm a big MJ fan, so they ask me questions about the stuff. I just like to have a heads up so I can give them the truth.

I'm definately not watching it on the 25th though. Halperin won't be fuckin up my day
Originally Posted by bobmoo79
I personally will not be watching the show, and neither will many of MJ’s hardcore internet fanbase. We know all about Halperin, but burying your head in the sand does not make a problem go away and MJ's legacy doesn't rely on Ostriches anyway. It's the wider public that will carry his legacy and every defamatory story and ridiculous documentary that detracts from his success to boost viewers can damage it. The more believable the documentary, the more damaging it can be. Yes,MJ had a habit of burying his head in the sand too and look what good that did. He should have stepped on the cockroaches decades ago but he never did and so they multiplied.
Exactly. fans should do something about it instead of moaning and bitching here which doesn't help in anything.

I think the best way to resolve this is to alert the estate and see if they want to stop this docs from airing.