OH NO! Halperin's documentary sold to 50 broadcasters worldwide!!

I was wondering about how this book became a "best-seller", like the media always claims? I mean, fans usually hate him and his book (and those who were still curious read it online to not to give him any money, LOL). I think fans will rather buy something like Taraborelli's biography (even if we have issues with him also), but not Halperin's. As for non-fans, I doubt so many non-fans bought Halperin's bio that it made it a best-seller.

I think the claim it was a "best-seller" is just as accurate as the claim about Halperin "predicting" Michael's death - these are the words of his self-promotion. And the media buys what he claims without any double-check, how sad!

It simply depends on the sale numbers and it was actually a best seller. It spend 4 weeks on the best seller list.

august 2, 2009 - most sold book for that week


and august 23,2009 - 4th week on the list and then it's no longer on the list.


and yes taraborelli's book is also a best seller. it made the list at its first release, as well as over several years when it was updated. it was again a best seller in 2009 - see the above links


Michael's own Moonwalk is also a best seller and spent 11 weeks on the list



In short stuff about Michael Jackson -good or bad - sells.
Sure they can try to take action, threaten them etc but I still believe that a fan boycott will see more quicker and easier results.
fan boycott? I believe fans only make up like 0.05% of the total viewers of all these channels. It's pointless to boycott. The better way to do it is to alert the estate.

I was wondering about how this book became a "best-seller", like the media always claims? I mean, fans usually hate him and his book (and those who were still curious read it online to not to give him any money, LOL). I think fans will rather buy something like Taraborelli's biography (even if we have issues with him also), but not Halperin's. As for non-fans, I doubt so many non-fans bought Halperin's bio that it made it a best-seller.
After MJ's death, the public interests in MJ grow and this is the book they bought that makes it a best-seller. And, MJ has more casual fans than die hard ones..
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It simply depends on the sale numbers and it was actually a best seller. It spend 4 weeks on the best seller list.

august 2, 2009 - most sold book for that week


and august 23,2009 - 4th week on the list and then it's no longer on the list.


and yes also taraborelli's book is also a best seller. it made the list at its first release, as well as over several years when it was updated. it was again a best seller in 2009 - see the above links


Michael's own Moonwalk is also a best seller and spent 11 weeks on the list



In short stuff about Michael Jackson sells.

Of course, just the name "Michael Jackson" would catapult any book on the top of such a list with the lesser known competition it had. Especially considering it was released so quickly after his death at the peak of the hype. But that doesn't necessarily mean much in terms of whether it was a big success or a big failure in terms of sales. If it spent only 4 weeks on the list I doubt it sold too much. Considering all these factors I doubt it actually sold as well as expected and was a big success.

And BTW, to spend one week at the top of the bestseller list makes something a best-seller? It depends on how we define that term! For example, Michael's Thriller was a best-seller, because it sold better than any other album that year when it was released (or ever, for that matter). There might have been some other album by another artist that year that made it to Nr 1 on Billboard for just one week. Did it make that a "best seller"? I don't think so. The best seller was Thriller.
Of course, just the name "Michael Jackson" would catapult any book on the top of such a list with the lesser known competition it had. Especially considering it was released so quickly after his death at the peak of the hype. But that doesn't necessarily mean much in terms of whether it was a big success or a big failure in terms of sales. If it spent only 4 weeks on the list I doubt it sold too much. Considering all these factors I doubt it actually sold as well as expected and was a big success.
exactly!it was presented as the MJ bible of secrets and it was soon dismissed as the rambling of a delusional obsessed stan who wished MJ was gay because he had a crush for him...that's who halpering is...he was only smart enough to change a bit the mood considering how devastated the world was after M passed away.
everything MJ skyrocked soon after his death,but the buzz for this book didn't last long..4 weeks is nothing considering the millions of fans MJ has and the impact he created in those months
Oh FFS. Please do NOT watch this crap, and educate everyone that you can that it is nonsensical crap.

I was gonna say that...educate people about this bullshit that will be fed to them. I absolutely will not be watching, I can guarantee it. :nono: I wish people would just leave him alone. I just know I will have to avoid TV/newspapers like the plague on the 25th, I am SO tired of accidently reading/seeing/hearing hurtful crap about Michael :cry:
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exactly!it was presented as the MJ bible of secrets and it was soon dismissed as the rambling of a delusional obsessed stan who wished MJ was gay because he had a crush for him...that's who halpering is...he was only smart enough to change a bit the mood considering how devastated the world was after M passed away.
everything MJ skyrocked soon after his death,but the buzz for this book didn't last long..4 weeks is nothing considering the millions of fans MJ has and the impact he created in those months

Well, the correct claim would be "it was best-seller for a week" (and even though the hype was HUGE about MJ in those days it couldn't stay on top or even on the list for much longer). But the way it's worded in all these Halperin promotions it gives the impression it was a HUGE success, which doesn't seem to be the case.
but what exactly did he do in the past?

I think he wrote a biography on the death of Kurt Cobain, and has made up nasty rumors about Angelina Jolie in his biography "Brangelina: The Untold Story of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie".

I would say Ian Halperin is more of a Self-Proclaimed "Highly Acclaimed" author than anything. He's an even more sick than than Parez Hilton, and that really is sick.
Oh well like someone said its going to be shown on a network that most people Don't have or do have but don't watch at all (like me)... Anyway who cares, there a Lot of docus about Michael already. It just one of many.
look guys, we have to watch it to be ready to take an action against him and TVs.
We have to be informed, we have to know what is reporting about Michael.

on the other hand, we do not know the content, maybe it will be something positive... who knows...?
Well, not all countries have similar laws.

The Estate can attack them in the 'host' country of the companies involved.

Anyway, there are ways to sue them even in the United States. Not so difficult to prove malice in this case. If I am not mistaken the bastard already been sued in Canada and lose. The Estate may also pressed the distributor, TVs, etc, warning that the Estate will not do business with them in the future.

There are millions of ways to act.

Exactly. I also think that the estate can sue them from the point of view that MJ is a "BRAND". I don't think Sony or any company will let you go free if lies are told about them (brand).

I guess this is possible; some one should clarify this
im not sure what i will be doing june25(2010)
its a good thing i don't have foxtell
i watch most doc's on michael jackson (on free to air tv) if it comes on in australia
and all of them were lies persons made up about michael
this time i don't have watch this its too late to tell someone not to play on tv
i read the news papper alot and the media persons are talking about things i already know about nothing new
if there is a movie about in chamias i will go and watch it once
i don't read teen magizines so i don't know any new romours or news
most days i get my informotion on the net
on the other hand, we do not know the content, maybe it will be something positive... who knows...?

Oh, how many times I have heard that from fans before a documentary. At the end it always turned out to be the same old tabloid crap.
IMO, i do not think the media people are stupid to diss MJ... because this will piss the business people off , since "Michael Jackson" is the best selling trademark nowadays, and it is making alot of money.
and this is the last thing they want in this economical disaster.
STUPID:: its on the tv guide channel though, I dont know too many people that can sit there and watch a whole show on that channel aside for people that are passionate about the topic talked about. which would be majority fans and haters, who all ready have there thoughts and opinions on MJ
*yawn* moving on. why waste time and energy on this man the more we talk about him the more attention he gets. just move on.
So the major broadcast networks didn't bite eh.? Neither did the leading cable channels. That speaks volumes.!!

I have never watched tv guide channel. It's a nothing cable channel. No one knows where to find it.
I think people dislike him because he has told the truth mixed in with a pack of lies and people don't like that - either tell the truth or just shut up Ian!

The problem also IS that there is no other OFFICIAL documentary authorized by MJ Estate, and because the first anniversary of MJs death is a BIG deal, I blame MJ Estate for doing nothing like this, that means they dont react properly on media frenzy ... of Michael Jackson creating an official TV celebration of Michael as the artist and as a person.
It's sad. He's not reliable, but only fans know about this. And I am pretty sure, we won't see this, but the others will and... Gosh, will this bashing on MJ never stop? :doh:
Between June 24th-26th I won't turn my tv or the radio on. I am sick of everyones making money on MJ, producing crappy programs, which are being sold only because they're about Michael. :mad:

I too will have the TV off. Many stories and tributes will begin positive and then they will slip in the trash.

What happened to the ethic "DO NOT SPEAK ILL OF THE DEAD?"
Guys don't watch this crap. Dont give this piece of trash the satisfaction of watching it and getting angry over it. That's what he wants.
Does anyone have the contact of the Estate lawyer?

He has to know what is happening.

Even responsible for documentaries can be sued.

it's exactly what I was thinking - to write a crap book is one thing but to make a film seen all over the world is more hurtful - Does the estate not supposed to protect Michael's image and his family (I mean his kids) - I will be very astonished if they don't hear about it - What are they waiting for ? They are more quick to forbid belts and all stuff of merchandising, but what about Michael ? :no:
We all know Roger Fishman is an asshole. But I'll put an article here for the first time. It's not every day that a "journalist" confesses his sources.


Michael Jackson’s anniversary bringing out the vultures.

By Roger Friedman

HollywoodNews.com: The vultures around Michael Jackson have circled June 25th–the first anniversary of his death– for their first attacks.

That’s the day Ian Halperin, sleazy tabloid muckracker, airs his “Gone Too Soon” film on the TV Guide Network. Halperin has already feasted on Michael Jackson’s remains with a book last year. Now he comes with an editorial film in which he interviews the D list from the Jackson outer circle about their knowledge of Jackson’s life. It will be interesting to see how he handles not having Jackson’ s music in his film, let alone the people who really knew him. Expect much heavy weighing in from the illustrious Tohme R. Tohme.

Even better: June 25th is also launch date for a, ahem, book by Leonard Rowe, erstwhile concert promoter. Rowe was in cahoots with Joseph Jackson before Michael died to try and wrest control of the London “This Is It” concerts from AEG Live. Rowe and Jackson actually called this reporter a few weeks prior to Michael’s passing, thinking they could enlist my help in this effort. I essentially hung up on them. For a short time, Rowe wormed his way into Michael’s good graces before he was fired. Yes, Rowe was fired in writing by Michael Jackson. Now he wants to sell his side of the story.


Special attention to "Rowe and Jackson actually called this reporter a few weeks prior to Michael’s passing, thinking they could enlist my help in this effort"
Im not shocked at all by this , i mean the press only care about negativity thats why Larry Nimmers documentary hasnt been heard of since its release.

I have the Unmasked book and most of the pages are simply the tanscript from the Bashir interview - total rubbish
We all know Roger Fishman is an asshole. But I'll put an article here for the first time. It's not every day that a "journalist" confesses his sources.


Michael Jackson’s anniversary bringing out the vultures.

By Roger Friedman

HollywoodNews.com: The vultures around Michael Jackson have circled June 25th–the first anniversary of his death– for their first attacks.

That’s the day Ian Halperin, sleazy tabloid muckracker, airs his “Gone Too Soon” film on the TV Guide Network. Halperin has already feasted on Michael Jackson’s remains with a book last year. Now he comes with an editorial film in which he interviews the D list from the Jackson outer circle about their knowledge of Jackson’s life. It will be interesting to see how he handles not having Jackson’ s music in his film, let alone the people who really knew him. Expect much heavy weighing in from the illustrious Tohme R. Tohme.

Even better: June 25th is also launch date for a, ahem, book by Leonard Rowe, erstwhile concert promoter. Rowe was in cahoots with Joseph Jackson before Michael died to try and wrest control of the London “This Is It” concerts from AEG Live. Rowe and Jackson actually called this reporter a few weeks prior to Michael’s passing, thinking they could enlist my help in this effort. I essentially hung up on them. For a short time, Rowe wormed his way into Michael’s good graces before he was fired. Yes, Rowe was fired in writing by Michael Jackson. Now he wants to sell his side of the story.


Special attention to "Rowe and Jackson actually called this reporter a few weeks prior to Michael’s passing, thinking they could enlist my help in this effort"

I know that Friedman is not all good, but since Michael's death I have seen more good from him on Michael than bad. The only bad he said was in connection with the Paul Anka fiasco, when he too was kind of suggesting Michael "stole" songs from Anka.....

But regarding Halperin, he always defended Michael. When Halperin's book was released he said it was full of holes and not even the timelines are accurate. He also called the gay stories ridiculous. Same as Taraborelli, by the way. He recently said on his FB that he will be more than happy to refute Halperin's gay lover stories in the upcoming update of his book.....
it's exactly what I was thinking - to write a crap book is one thing but to make a film seen all over the world is more hurtful - Does the estate not supposed to protect Michael's image and his family (I mean his kids) - I will be very astonished if they don't hear about it - What are they waiting for ? They are more quick to forbid belts and all stuff of merchandising, but what about Michael ? :no:
Now THIS is what the 'executors' need to display their 'authority' on. Michael's name, his brand is being messed with by this vulture, Ian Halpern and plenty others like him. Maybe if the 'executors' pretend his last name is JACKSON, they will take some kind of action or at least express their disapproval to the media---like uh, um---TMZ.