Official O2 Conference Thread!!!

wow........ i wish i was there, hehe.
i love musicals..
i would say to michael...visit the phantom of the opera also......such a beautifull story....
when i,m in londen for the concerts i also will visit the phantom again, hehe.... for te 4th time, hahahahahaha.

i hope he has a great night in the theatre...
wow........ i wish i was there, hehe.
i love musicals..
i would say to michael...visit the phantom of the opera also......such a beautifull story....
when i,m in londen for the concerts i also will visit the phantom again, hehe.... for te 4th time, hahahahahaha.

i hope he has a great night in the theatre...

yay. phantom of the opera is a wonderful musical. and great idea to visit it too, when we`re all in london ^^ i think i will do this as well
I'm in extase about all this. I can't really find anything to say or anything to do! Nothing seems important but this. :love:
I'm soooo HAPPY about his announcement that I still cannot believe it!
This is my dream come true, finally!
I haven't had a chance to catch up on this thread but I just came out of the official news (no chit-chat) thread and see the new reports. Gotta say the reports coming out now are generating more excitement than what was said yesterday. Yesterday's news was GREAT and appreciated BUT the presentation, imho, wasn't put forth in a way that made me think this was going to be something just thrown together for a few shows. The mention about MJ doing this for his kids so they could see what it is he does would have been a great thing to hear from him yesterday. How awesome is that? So many things that are trickling out now could have been presented in a cohesive and professional way yesterday while all eyes were tuned in for the conference. I think it was a missed opportunity, but better late than never? :yes: Just a little constructive criticism...not that anyone asked. lol My hope is that the handling of everything from here on out goes much smoother when they have the attention of a huge ppl (besides us diehards) really get how great this is and want to be involved as well. NOW I feel excited and actually want to go because it sounds like a lot of great things will happen with this besides Michael singing some songs for the final time onstage. Not that I expected anything less than greatness. I just couldn't tell how well thought out this all was based on yesterday's conference. Now, I'm hyped. Bring it on! :D

Thanks to all for the pictures and news in the other thread where we can't comment. And thanks to everyone posting news, pix and updates in this one. :flowers: I'll be catching up in between working and pretending to work. lol :fear:
Edit - wrong thread. All this michaelness is going to my head!
I must say that while him performing anything should be cool, a slightly altered setlist with a bit more live singing would be tremendous. I'm not a lip-syncing Nazi, but a dream show would be his normal hits, plus a few tracks rarely done (maybe Remember The Time, Who Is It, Another Part Of Me, PYT, a track from Invincible or two) and about 50/50 live singing, lip-syncing. I would hope it's not something near identical to the Dangerous or History tours.
Yesterday's news was GREAT and appreciated BUT the presentation, imho, wasn't put forth in a way that made me think this was going to be something just thrown together for a few shows. The mention about MJ doing this for his kids so they could see what it is he does would have been a great thing to hear from him yesterday. How awesome is that? So many things that are trickling out now could have been presented in a cohesive and professional way yesterday while all eyes were tuned in for the conference. I think it was a missed opportunity, but better late than never? :yes: Just a little constructive criticism...not that anyone asked. lol My hope is that the handling of everything from here on out goes much smoother when they have the attention of a huge ppl (besides us diehards) really get how great this is and want to be involved as well. NOW I feel excited and actually want to go because it sounds like a lot of great things will happen with this besides Michael singing some songs for the final time onstage. Not that I expected anything less than greatness. I just couldn't tell how well thought out this all was based on yesterday's conference. Now, I'm hyped. Bring it on! :D

Good post. This pretty much sums up my feelings.
If that was directed towards me, let me assure you that I'm not a complainer which I'm sure most ppl know by now. A little constructive criticism should always be welcomed tho. It's not meant to hurt or be negative "just because", nor is it considered gratuitous whining which I often see a lot of. If what I posted comes off that way to anyone, I apologize. That's was not the intent of my criticism..hence the constructive part...altho that's subjective. Peace. :)
To be honest, I was quite disgusted with the way MJ kept everyone waiting for an hour and a half, all for a speech that lasted approximately two minutes. He should have at least apologised to the fans for being late. And the fact that he didn't mention anything about a new album was disappointing. As for some fans here getting upset about his "This is it, this is the final curtain call" statement, well MJ has already been living a semi-retired life these past few years as in slowing down musically-wise so I don't understand the fuss some ppl here are making. Or maybe MJ is just playing with us like he has done before with his previous tours who knows? Although I agree with some here that the press conference was a bit of a let-down, just hearing the president and the management of AEG and the O2 talking about the upcoming concerts still excites me and at least it gives us fans something to look forward to after 3-4 years of waiting. I wish Michael the best, I hope he delivers his best and most importantly I hope he enjoys it.

Athina livadi, you really need to calm down and stop being so oversensitive. :rolleyes:
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If that was directed towards me, let me assure you that I'm not a complainer which I'm sure most ppl know by now. A little constructive criticism should always be welcomed tho. It's not meant to hurt or be negative "just because", nor is it considered gratuitous whining which I often see a lot of. If what I posted comes off that way to anyone, I apologize. That's was not the intent of my criticism..hence the constructive part...altho that's subjective. Peace. :)

I feel your post was nicely worded, and if fans want to complain they should be able to do so.

I am excited, and yet felt the conference was definitely underwhelming and a missed opportunity. They didn't really do anything that a simple press release or video filmed in an office and released on a website couldn't accomplish. What was the need for holding this at the venue with fans invited? It was a nice gesture, but certainly uncalled for.

But like you said, more info is trickling out and it's better late than never. I feel like this is the tip of the iceberg.
i agree a lot with wendy.
Okay, we all know how michael can be... and yes, waiting waiting is one of those things that happens a lot.
A little bit of critisism isn,t that bad, were al human.
it can,t be only halleluja one happy thing.
I can understand that the fans yesterday were a little bit dissapointed that he left so soon, and left the people in despair....after waiting for hours
Think it,s a little bit funny too, but that,s because a i saw everything at my pc and wasn,t te one that specially travelled to londen to be there.

I,m verry happy i didn,t go to the conference, because i better save my money for july...

Michael asked the fans too come... ( yesterday)
So yes...i can imagine that many people expected a little bit more then "only" this announcement....

michael isn,t holy altough many people think he, is, hahaha....
i agree a lot with wendy.
Okay, we all know how michael can be... and yes, waiting waiting is one of those things that happens a lot.
A little bit of critisism isn,t that bad, were al human.
it can,t be only halleluja one happy thing.
I can understand that the fans yesterday were a little bit dissapointed that he left so soon, and left the people in despair....after waiting for hours
Think it,s a little bit funny too, but that,s because a i saw everything at my pc and wasn,t te one that specially travelled to londen to be there.

I,m verry happy i didn,t go to the conference, because i better save my money for july...

Michael asked the fans too come... ( yesterday)
So yes...i can imagine that many people expected a little bit more then "only" this announcement....

michael isn,t holy altough many people think he, is, hahaha....

no he's just a human! But he's a very gorgious and talented human! :p
My comment was general. It's wasn't directed to anyone. I'm sorry for being happy and satisfied with Michael I'll keep it to myself! Please continue
Was this really a press conference, i'm starting to wonder, or did fans take is as that? cuz looking back on his website is said 'special announcement' not a press conference. This WAs a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT well for some it was special.
Also I think michael got caught up. he may didn't know how to break it to us that this would be his so call final performances live IN LONDON (he may be saying this 5yrs from now again at the 02 lol) but yet he wanted us to know so that we would come and not miss his last shows in london. just a thought.

However it could have been more info given and things could have been clarified and not made worse (by saying last performance *pause* in london). There are still so many questions. And even if michael wasn't gonna give us the info someone should have came out (spokesperson) and gave dates and more details. But the main thing this 02 event was for was to generate buzz and for us to see michael. I enjoyed it, i just didn't enjoy him saying this is it. I know he can't perform forever but it still made me really sad. Now that I have calm down and had ample time to think I'm hype yall.

btw I think "this is IT" (as in BAM, HOT, DEF, FRESH, etc) but i don't think after these 3yrs are up this will be "it" (over). I think (well hope) that once michael see's how much he is STILL loved that he may reconsider.
I think It just came out wrong. You know how you have something you want to say to someone and you look in the mirror to practice it over and over again and then soon as you get in front of them you blurt out something stupid or off. LoL I hate that mess. Don't be so hard on michael you guys, michael must has A LOT of reservation/ hesitations after ALLL that man has been through.
Was this really a press conference, i'm starting to wonder, or did fans take is as that? cuz looking back on his website is said 'special announcement' not a press conference. This WAs a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT well for some it was special.

On, it says "Watch The Press Conference".
yes it does. lol but it also says "special announcement!" Idk maybe it wasn't that kinda press conference. lol
I think the press conference was great!!! :wild: Michael looked great, he was excited! He was there to announce that he was going to perform :clapping:.
I have to admit, it was not ALL of what I was hoping to hear, but it is still awesome news, and I am starting to believe these rumors about a world tour!!!

I don't think it would have been an appropriate time to announce anything else, he was at the O2 to announce performances at the O2, and that is what he did!!

Michael never talks much so I was not surprised by that at all. I was a bit concerned someone else was going to do all the talking, so I was very pleased to see him come out alone!
That photo in the no chatter pic thread with the people touching him, holding onto his arm, someone has their hand actually on top of his head, to me that's just going too far no matter how he affects you. Body guards sure have their hands full with Michael when fans are within touching distance.