Official O2 Conference Thread!!!

He is NOT retiring, I wish people would stop using that word, he never said that. All he said was these are his last performances in LONDON. He did not say EVER or he's done with music or the industry. Nothing of the sort. Retiring means completely done, so I wish they would use different words.
I agree... let's not rush into things and assume he meant he's gonna retire. We'll see how it all works out.. and I'm sure we'll get more info about this soon anyway...
I am going to see him as my 18th Birthday present.

He was found not guilty on my 14th Birthday. Now he is going to be doing shows just in time for it to be a 18th birthday present.

Hes doing it all for me :)
I am going to see him as my 18th Birthday present.

He was found not guilty on my 14th Birthday. Now he is going to be doing shows just in time for it to be a 18th birthday present.

Hes doing it all for me :)

that is great ltd!
That WAS the only message...

Why complain because that was the only message? I don't get it.

The man hasn't set foot on a stage to perform since 2001, and hasn't toured in over 10 years...even if that's all (which I personally suspect it's only the beginning) what?

It's more than enough...STOP COMPLAINING

Such vague a message does not a press conference constitute. That's my point. This 'event' today - jolly as it was - hadn't the slightest to do with a press conference. Hence we weren't given what we had been promised. (Apart from the man himself, of course.) Ideally, Michael could have made his grand appearance followed by a PR team who could have answered questions from the press and fulfilled the characteristics of a proper press conference. At least then we would have acquired information that wasn't already available to us on a poster at the Bond Street tube station.

And stop playing down any non-praising word that's written about today's events as 'complaints'. There's a distinct overconsumption, not to mention misuse, of the term 'complain' on these forums. I'm simply evaluating the press conference and voicing my concerns, as are other members.
Such vague a message does not a press conference constitute. That's my point. This 'event' today - jolly as it was - hadn't the slightest to do with a press conference. Hence we weren't given what we had been promised. (Apart from the man himself, of course.) Ideally, Michael could have made his grand appearance followed by a PR team who could have answered questions from the press and fulfilled the characteristics of a proper press conference. At least then we would have acquired information that wasn't already available to us on a poster at the Bond Street tube station.

And stop playing down any non-praising word that's written about today's events as 'complaints'. There's a distinct overconsumption, not to mention misuse, of the term 'complain' on these forums. I'm simply evaluating the press conference and voicing my concerns, as are other members.

He announced a consecutive concert date at the O2 arena, and stated they would be his final concert performances in London.

Nothing vague about that at all...

And yes you are complaining.... :yes:
he looked soo very happy and excited :D my heart is all warm now **glowing** Who do I get to watch the kids while I exscape to London ??
The whole thing was just so...I don't know...weird. My thoughts were that Michael looked more exasperated than anything. He started to explain some things, then fans started screaming as always and he couldn't get a word in. And then he just threw caution to the wind, with an "I'm done with all this ish" kind of expression. He was exasperated, choked up, etc. I'm glad he's doing these concerts, but like everyone else, I feel really mixed-up inside and confused. The surprise was, that it was absolutely EVERYTHING FANS DIDN"T EXPECT. Fans knew he was going to surprise everyone. Well, SURPRISE!

I, even I, am surprised, flabergasted, dumbfounded, confused, and nearly speechless. And that is saying something with regards to Michael.
Just wanted to tell you, I love you for posting this.

If this is true, he's coming to my city at some point *NYC REPRESENT*

New album, tour, three years. MICHAELMANIA!!!!!

Why does the falling world suddenly look so much better?

And wow I he's gonna tour NYC, Paris, and even Mumbai then he HAS to come to Canada!!

Just gonna pray constantly for well being !!

And as so cute, he still loves musicals! Hehe. Oliver rocks though; love all his choices. ^_^
i want hin to tour near me!!! i live in florida lol....he could tour some place like mostlikely wont happen but a girl can dream! lol

but if he does nyc that would be better for me to get to than london
Oh this press conference could have been so much better. He should have just said everything he wanna say directly and not let the fans interuppt him.
I felt he did not treat the public with respect. He came one and a half hour late, siad a few lines which leads us to more questions and then dissapeared. What a PC is this?
Guys i was watching cnn yesterday after the anouncement took place and a manager that is organizing the shows said mj has new songs and he listened to them and said they were incredible. And thats the reason he is michael jackson. So guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop complaining there is newwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww musicccccccccccccccccccccc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^ I just saw that.

Well, I was at the o2 yesterday. I can't even describe what it was like to see Michael in real life, I had never seen him before. He is even more beautiful! I still can't really believe it lol! I have to admit, I did have mixed emotions afterwards. I don't know why, it was just a gut feeling. But yeah, totally emotional day! And now I'm bricking it I won't be able to get tickets. I think the demand is gonna be huge, and with 10 dates, that's only like, 200,000 tickets! I just so wanna be there!! I've got everything crossed!
That was that moron Halperin. The presenters Andrew and Emma said he was very negative. Then he goes no I'm a fan. LOL! She said, certainly doesn't sound like it. Then plugging his book the whole time. Ugghhhh! The vermin will be out when Michael is on his way back. Don't be surprised about it, they will knock away at him until the concerts in July.

Don't go to the concerts if you didn't like the press conference. I certainly don't want to be sitting beside any of you at a concert complaining about what clothes he his wearing, his hair, what songs he isn't doing or doing.

The rest of us will. What I find amusing, is that people in the media, said he sounded and looked strong and fit. You can never win. I don't want ever listen to the fans complain about the media anymore. When you get some good publicity the fans do nothing but criticise.
After watching the press conference several times (thanks, Arxter), I kept picking up Michael's facial expression and moments of not speaking at the beginning. I got a lump in my throat, honestly. Made me wonder if he also was struggling a little to maintain his composure. It did look like he could very well have been choked up in saying what he was saying, and had to stop and swallow a few times before continuing.

That is exactly the way I interpreted it too. And I think that he has informed us that he is done. Finished. This is it. I don't want it to be true but everything in his demeanor tells me that it is.
his announcement was bittersweet.
lets just cherish the next three years.
its hard to see him tour for the last time im still honoured to be able to witness the ending, even tho i wont be in london.
Well i got back to Birmingham at Midnight last night, im knackered!

I got to the 02 at 12:30pm, waited round the barriers for abit. Michael was due at 4 i think? But the fact he didnt come on til 5:30ish i thought was absolutely rude and i was abit peed off:smilerolleyes: but he only just left his hotel about 4:30 i think and he came in a blacked out coach. THEN the cheek! the press were infront of us and some geezer with mad hair style was blockin the view which made all the fans go mad :wild: it was really bad tho cos they dont care about him really and they are all up in his face and they will be slaggin him off come morning! :agree: bloody hell!

i thought the speech was very short, too short infact! i was like ya what? is that it? but im glad i saw him at least, he looked really well! nice outfit but them sunnies should of been taken off to see his gorgeous eyes :wub:

i dunno, it was good....... but he didnt seem right to me, abit wobbily i dont know like i know something isnt all right with him i cant explain it, either he was drunk or ya know somethin else come on! ya cant deny it! :bugeyed
went back to the hotel for a bit, michael popped his out and showed blanket awww then i got abit fed up and went to the spagetti house off park lane with some fans :D yummy! The funny part was when he left the hotel to come to the conference there were loads of press outside and he didnt bother with them, they didnt get to see him at all hehe

But his plane has been booked to stay at the airport until sunday so theres abit of info for yous :D so get down there while ya can

i still dont know what to think, im excited about the concerts but im not interested in concerts i just want to talk to him one on one :cheers:his security are so tight its really hard!
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