Official O2 Conference Thread!!!

I sleep well at night, but then I wake up sort of and im still in that stage of being half asleep. I start tossing and turning worrying about getting tickets. Ill sleep like a baby on Wednesday night...hopefully :|
How would this friend know this?? She may have been at the conference but not in the back?

He's fine anyway as he went to the theater the next night bless him :) haha
Well my friend saw it happen. Maybe Michael didn't bump his head that hard. Good for him.
Will there be more than theese ten concerts this summer ? will this be it after thoose concerts ? will he retire from music or just concert performances ? will it only be the end for London ?
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Anyone any clue why he was so late at the PC?

I think there are a lot of different reasons. Before hand the media was already saying these things never start on time, and I think there are probably security reasons as well, there is a lot to coordinate. He left the hotel around the time it was suppose to start, so there's traffic and travel time... I'm sure also it was done to build the suspense. There could be a ton of reasons, I'm just glad it happened!:yes:

Anyone any clue why he was so late at the PC?

Multiple news outlets reported that his bus was stuck in a traffic gridlock in a tunnel (they said which one) on the way there. I believe it was said he did leave the hotel a little late, but not that late.
i can understand how he said that hes done with london after this time because hes played london more than any other place in the world. maybe he thinks its time for him to play in the US and other countries like australia, canada etc

CANADA PLEASE! :D He rarely comes to Canada. :(

Omg I LOVE THIS! :girl_haha:Classic! Classic! CLASSIC! Whoever put this together was friggin brilliant. Timing is perfect. Downside is now I can't the darn thing outta my head. lol

Thanks for sharing this. I needed a good laugh after a groggy day. :flowers: