Official O2 Conference Thread!!!

Hello to all! Any news on Michael today? He remains in London? I read that he appeared in the window of the hotel last night. :)

Yep, I was raeding on an article about him and Blanket waving at fans from his hotel window! :)

He also went to see Oliver - the play, last night. :)
A friend of mine who was at the 02 conference said to me on msn messenger last night that when Mike was getting back to his car he almost fell on his face, hitting his head agaist the car door. I've only seen the videos of him arriving but not leaving so I don't know how it really happened. Anyone else saw this?

How would this friend know this?? She may have been at the conference but not in the back?

He's fine anyway as he went to the theater the next night bless him :) haha
A friend of mine who was at the 02 conference said to me on msn messenger last night that when Mike was getting back to his car he almost fell on his face, hitting his head agaist the car door. I've only seen the videos of him arriving but not leaving so I don't know how it really happened. Anyone else saw this?

Aww god no i hope hes okay :(
My favourite thing about this all, many new fans have been born over the past couple of days, his legacy is just going to keep on growing! :)
My favourite thing about this all, many new fans have been born over the past couple of days, his legacy is just going to keep on growing! :)

I agree with you there! :)

So many of my friends are planning on going to these concerts, and I never even knew that they liked him =/
that,s always the same.
in three days everyone is all of a sudden michael jackson fan, hahaha.

and then they also tell they are fans since their childhood, hahahahaha........
but we forget the ones that bash and trashed him....because i mean man people i talked about mj trashed and bashed him.....and now all of a sudden they are fans?
hmmm. i have my doubts...
Same here! Apparently he was a topic on the Jeremy Vine show on the radio, and the question was can you seperate MJ's 'history' from his music. Hundreds of people were phoning in, and 90% of them were saying yes. My mum said that there was a 70 year-old lady on there too who was saying she'd be first in the queue for tickets :p

I think it's fantastic! :D
Here's the thing eh...MICHAEL JACKSON'S fanbase includes ALLL SORRRTTTS of people.
Young, old, black, white, persian, indian, asian, you name it!
You look at these supposed pop stars like The Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus or Lil Wayne or TI or whatever and you can soon see how their "fanbase" is made up mostly of some preteen girls.
All I'm saying is this, look at him and then look at them. He is like God to many of us. An engima you just want to touch.
So with this complete returning MichaelMania, I guess it's proven nah?
He is still damn number one...these people trying to impress a couple of middle school kids with music that shouldn't even be given the respect of being CALLED music, well... They better try a littttle harder. :rolleyes:
Those "10 Show" shirts are gonna look dated when Mikey adds another 20 dates so dont worry :)
Those "10 Show" shirts are gonna look dated when Mikey adds another 20 dates so dont worry :)

Yer I thought that, if I was them i would have left the dates of completely and just put 02 Arena or something.
I went to the conference and although we had to stand for 5 hours waiting (which KILLED our legs LOL) it was great to see MJ. Even though he was an hour and a half late, LOL. It was strange finally seeing the man in person and hearing his voice, and he looked so cool :D
I went to the conference and although we had to stand for 5 hours waiting (which KILLED our legs LOL) it was great to see MJ. Even though he was an hour and a half late, LOL. It was strange finally seeing the man in person and hearing his voice, and he looked so cool :D

wow that sounds great!!

where about from the uk are you from?