New Song Snippet - Another Day Featuring Lenny Kravitz (Merged) *No Links*

...the song is spreading like a bloody plague :)

On your face, $ony!!!
I just heard on my fav German radio station that Lenny Kravitz is going to release this leaked song on his upcoming Negrophilia album - but in another version. :scratch:

BTW, Sony will have a hard time to pull all the leaked snippets on the web, I have seen them on so many sites ... :smilerolleyes:
The 50 O2 concerts! London??? After MJs last concerts in London at the O2 - that was going to be the premiere for MJs full new music album (not catalog).

It's slated for Spring/Summer 2010. After the O2 london shows - then to promote the album, MJ was going to each continent, ONE city in each, like he did in Europe. Asia, Africa, Australia, South America - then to end in North America - each one city.

Antarctica was out of the concert list, although Mumble from Happy Feet would've been extremely happy.

All of the TII crew were contract for 2-3 years minimum by AEG & MJ.

And I hope the Estate keeps MJs wishes AS MJ planned it for 2010 & 2011.

This is the first time that i hear about that, where do you got this info from? Cause to my knowledge...nothing was said about a brand new album and the whole stuff about making it a world tour was all stuff made up by the media...or at was never confirmed. So where's this info from?
This is the first time that i hear about that, where do you got this info from? Cause to my knowledge...nothing was said about a brand new album and the whole stuff about making it a world tour was all stuff made up by the media...or at was never confirmed. So where's this info from?

I didn't have the info about the contracts for 2010/2011, but I did have confirmed information about the new album, the DVD for TII and at least Michael's wish to do some king of "european leg" for TII. I posted that some posts "ago" in this same thread ;)

Michael was FULL of projects.
michael jackson - another day ft lenny kravitz complete with lyrics version (HD complete) - make a quick search on YT and the song is all over the place.

Actually SONY just makes the song more popular and more intresting because they try so hard to remove it.

It's a great tune.
Even if the song is produced etc. during MJs contract with Sony Music (and it is more likely so), its Mijac music that holds rights to all MJ songs which are administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI)...nothing to do with Sony...that's why I wonder why Sony is claiming copyright.

Um... MIJAC is only for songs that MJ wrote or co-wrote, you are mixing the 2.

Sony is for MJs sound recordings, not for his compositions.
michael jackson - another day ft lenny kravitz complete with lyrics version (HD complete) - make a quick search on YT and the song is all over the place.

Actually SONY just makes the song more popular and more intresting because they try so hard to remove it.

It's a great tune.
Fake... There is no full yet...
Copyright: Under normal situation is it the songwriter or the publisher who gets the "ownership" of the song

Yes, words & music.

Sound recording rights belong with the record company normally but the right only protects that certain recording, not the content of the composition.

Once the song is recorded, the record label must get permission of the songwriters to manufacture the song & sell it. The record label will hold the recording itself as a copyright claim, but the song/words belong to the songwriters.

It's like if I were to record "Happy Birthday" - I need to get permission from the "Happy Birthday" people to record & sell it, but the actual recording itself is mine.

Would Virgin then have the Sound recording rights because it was done by Lenny under Virgin.

That's something for Virgin and Sony (if recorded on or prior to 2004) to work out. If Lenny's singing backgrounds (which he is) then Lenny is subject to whatever deal he made with Virgin.

What happens in these cases when an artist is featured as a guest on a competing label, you normally see "So-and-So artist, courtesy of XYZ Records" - and both labels get a cut from royalties.

And with a gigantic hit on their hands - I think both Sony & Virgin will make a deal.
michael jackson - another day ft lenny kravitz complete with lyrics version (HD complete) - make a quick search on YT and the song is all over the place.

Actually SONY just makes the song more popular and more intresting because they try so hard to remove it.

It's a great tune.

Nice way to make sure EVERYONE knows about the song...:)

They should release it..I want this on CD and play at full blast...
This is the first time that i hear about that, where do you got this info from? Cause to my knowledge...nothing was said about a brand new album and the whole stuff about making it a world tour was all stuff made up by the media...or at was never confirmed. So where's this info from?

Interviews with the TII cast (Kenny, Travis, dancers, etc.) , articles I read, there are posts on it here in MJJC - but I'm going to be late to work if I dig & search, sorry!
Yes, words & music.

Once the song is recorded, the record label must get permission of the songwriters to manufacture the song & sell it. The record label will hold the recording itself as a copyright claim, but the song/words belong to the songwriters.

It's like if I were to record "Happy Birthday" - I need to get permission from the "Happy Birthday" people to record & sell it, but the actual recording itself is mine.

That's something for Virgin and Sony (if recorded on or prior to 2004) to work out. If Lenny's singing backgrounds (which he is) then Lenny is subject to whatever deal he made with Virgin.

What happens in these cases when an artist is featured as a guest on a competing label, you normally see "So-and-So artist, courtesy of XYZ Records" - and both labels get a cut from royalties.

And with a gigantic hit on their hands - I think both Sony & Virgin will make a deal.

Thank you!
michael jackson - another day ft lenny kravitz complete with lyrics version (HD complete) - make a quick search on YT and the song is all over the place.

Actually SONY just makes the song more popular and more intresting because they try so hard to remove it.

It's a great tune.

i think they're fake, you can clearly tell when the first part is mixed with the fade out.
Damn, so much for the rumours that Michael only did this for the money, that he didn't want to do any shows at all. A new album and more concerts....i already knew it from the media but i don't believe it so easily..but if the TII cast are also saying it....
I've heard the 'full version' and its just a clever mix. Come on Lenny, release the full version pretty please!
Damn, so much for the rumours that Michael only did this for the money, that he didn't want to do any shows at all. A new album and more concerts....i already knew it from the media but i don't believe it so easily..but if the TII cast are also saying it....

Absolutely :yes:
And it was mentioned even before June by Humberto Gatica, the audio engineer Mike asked to join him once again for his new album, TII DVD and others. Gatica had worked with MJ in Thriller, Bad, Invincible, etc. According to Gatica, Michael was getting together the "old school group". That's how positive MJ was.
mijac is a publishing company - sony is a record company - sony has exclusive mechanical rights to all material recorded during the term of the contract - that does not mean they are able to release anything (as Michael fulfilled his delivered quota per the contract to Sony). Nevertheless Sony still has the exclusive mechanical rights until 201 or until they renegotiate with the estate.

This has nothing to do with publishing rights whatsoever

To some everything is a conspiracy and we are still in 2002.
To me it doesn't sound like 2000-2001 era, but he sung "come on now" just like in Invincible :D
mijac is a publishing company - sony is a record company - sony has exclusive mechanical rights to all material recorded during the term of the contract - that does not mean they are able to release anything (as Michael fulfilled his delivered quota per the contract to Sony). Nevertheless Sony still has the exclusive mechanical rights until 201 or until they renegotiate with the estate.

This has nothing to do with publishing rights whatsoever.

Yeah, we know...just remember "during the duration of the contract"...
Btw We were talking about Copyright...not "mechanical rights"....

We live in 2010.
Absolutely :yes:
And it was mentioned even before June by Humberto Gatica, the audio engineer Mike asked to join him once again for his new album, TII DVD and others. Gatica had worked with MJ in Thriller, Bad, Invincible, etc. According to Gatica, Michael was getting together the "old school group". That's how positive MJ was.

That should mean MJ has alot of songs that he was gonna put on the new cd, finished songs that hey was sure of that they were worth it. So there goes the nonsense story about Michael needing money and only doing these shows because it was needed. It's not that surprising if you think about it..right after he anounced the shows, there was a quote on his site, it was by MJ. It was very promising and he definitely was up to so sad that it just never got to full realization :(
the whole stuff about making it a world tour was all stuff made up by the media...or at was never confirmed. So where's this info from?
phillps talked about wanting to take the show on a world tour but he said it was just ideas and mj had agreed to nothing and wouldnt until the 02 shows were done with.but obviously AEG wanted to take the thing world wide $$$$$.the dancers etc were contracted for upto 3 years.they have said that so they were covered if mj agreed to a tour.
only applies to unreleased new songs - totally different for previously released works.

sorry but you are completely wrong! Happy Birthday is in the public domain and anyone is free to record Happy Birthday provided that the publisher gets the appropriate publishing royalty. The only reason anyone would need to seek prior permission is if they wished to 'significantly' MODIFY/CHANGE the LYRICS or MELODY (and possibly the arrangement which is considered a seperate sunsidiary derivative copyright of the work)

correct - sony would have to seek a release from Virgin usually granted in consideration for a percentage of the mechanical royalty going to Virgin

We can but hope but you have to understand that Sony and virgin are not free, at this moment in time, to make any deal for release without the estate's blessing.

So "GO FLYING" Since you are hear to give your knowledge....why don't you give your opinion on why Sony is Claiming copyright over this song?
"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Sony Music Entertainment." it says in YT....
of course we live in 2010 lol - however the sony contract which MJ entered into had rights extending to 2011 - I seem to remember hearing that MJ was upset to find that, contrary to his expectations, the masters and rights would not revert back to him until a long time after the end of his contract with Sony.

fwiw, mechanical rights are a type of copyright - rights agreements are often, generally speaking, by their nature very complex things - it's often very difficult for a non-industry person to grasp the complete picture of rights structures within the record industry.

didn't mean to rattle your cage - sorry

Believe me, you are not rattling my cage...However, if you have some info you'd like to share please do.

If what you say is correct, then why Sony is claiming copyright? Who holds the copyrights to MJs songs? Is it Mijac publishing?
Copyright is a copyright....nothing else. What do you mean by "mechanical rights"...

This is what I would like to talk about because I have a cap in my knowledge...
sony have right to any recording due to the contract with mj becouse he never agreed a new contract by law sony have rights to any sessions and demos for any album under there agrement
Believe me, you are not rattling my cage...However, if you have some info you'd like to share please do.

If what you say is correct, then why Sony is claiming copyright? Who holds the copyrights to MJs songs? Is it Mijac publishing?
Copyright is a copyright....nothing else. What do you mean by "mechanical rights"...

This is what I would like to talk about because I have a cap in my knowledge...

yeah, I heard the 2011 claim as well. I also heard 2009. the sick feeling I've had in the pit of my stomach has never gone away since hearing that. they killed him for his music. I'm now doubly sure of it.