New Song Snippet - Another Day Featuring Lenny Kravitz (Merged) *No Links*

Lenny must have produced the song before he released his album...before 2004 I think.
Its normally the publisher who gets the copyright...isn't MIJAC music the company that has all the publishing rights to MJs songs?

BTW: There are 2 types of musical copyrights, the sound recording - and the actual intellectual property itself (words & music of a song).

So to each song that is released, there are 2 copyrights that pertain to that song.
If Lenny wrote the song - then Sony doesn't have claim over it....because Lenny is with Virgin (that I known of).

BUT, at the time of the recording, Michael still was under Sony as a recording artist, so anything that MJ records (before 2004) is and will be subjected to that Sony/MJ contract.

So the question is - Will Virgin (Lenny) and Sony (Michael) come to an agreement - or will we have to wait for a FULL bootleg version?

My personal theory is that - IF this was leaked as it was - it was planned.

Michael NEW ALBUM is slated for Spring-Summer 2010 after the O2 concerts. So it's COMING. With and by the grace of GOD, I pray it will.

what O2 concerts?

and I swear I would give anything for another full length Michael Jackson album. God ... :doh:
what O2 concerts?

and I swear I would give anything for another full length Michael Jackson album. God ... :doh:

The 50 O2 concerts! London??? After MJs last concerts in London at the O2 - that was going to be the premiere for MJs full new music album (not catalog).

It's slated for Spring/Summer 2010. After the O2 london shows - then to promote the album, MJ was going to each continent, ONE city in each, like he did in Europe. Asia, Africa, Australia, South America - then to end in North America - each one city.

Antarctica was out of the concert list, although Mumble from Happy Feet would've been extremely happy.

All of the TII crew were contract for 2-3 years minimum by AEG & MJ.

And I hope the Estate keeps MJs wishes AS MJ planned it for 2010 & 2011.
The 50 O2 concerts! London??? After MJs last concerts in London at the O2 - that was going to be the premiere for MJs full new music album (not catalog).

It's slated for Spring/Summer 2010. After the O2 london shows - then to promote the album, MJ was going to each continent, ONE city in each, like he did in Europe. Asia, Africa, Australia, South America - then to end in North America - each one city.

Antarctica was out of the concert list, although Mumble from Happy Feet would've been extremely happy.

All of the TII crew were contract for 2-3 years minimum by AEG & MJ.

And I hope the Estate keeps MJs wishes AS MJ planned it for 2010 & 2011.

yeah well you said "it's planned for 2010, after the concerts" - I thought you were one of those who believed that Michael would "come back in 2010" ... wishful thinking.

Misunderstood you, all in all ;) . Though I do hope the album does come out... :angel::angel::angel:
Wishful thinking, indeed! :(

But no, I may have said it wrong - it's the ALBUM of new material.

When MJ was here in this lowly world of ours (but one he loves), the plan was after the O2 London series, take a break while the NEW album is released, then hit the globe again - one city in each continent, but in Asia there were 2 cities since Asia is sooo big.

So yeah - MJ always had the plan. ALWAYS. And his executors will see to that.

yeah well you said "it's planned for 2010, after the concerts" - I thought you were one of those who believed that Michael would "come back in 2010" ... wishful thinking.

Misunderstood you, all in all ;) . Though I do hope the album does come out... :angel::angel::angel:
Well...with all due respect.

Sony should STFU and quit being a bitch, are they actually complaining about a SNIPPET? Probably even leaked by themself....hey, i wouldn't be surprised. A freaking snippet, not even the full song. Of course..they want to let fans wait as long as possible and then all of the sudden put it on ANOTHER greatest hits. So that fans will buy it, just to have that song. Ah who is Sony

But i understand MJJC very well, i can respect that, of course.
I dunno if this has been posted but I did a search and couldn't find it.

Rock star Lenny Kravitz has confirmed that a leaked, previously unreleased duet with Michael Jackson is genuine.

Part of the unfinished track Another Day was posted on the internet and is the second song to emerge since Jackson's death.

But the star says he has no idea how it happened.

In a statement he said: "As you know and have heard, the song - or part of the song - leaked, not by me because mine has been locked up in a vault since we recorded it.

"The DJ who's speaking over the track - I don't know who that person is, I don't know how they obtained it.

"I don't know what their purpose is but that person has nothing to do with the track."

The material was written, produced and recorded in June last year.

Kravitz said: "It was one of the most amazing musical experiences that I've ever had.

"It was done by two people who had respect for each other and who love music, that was it.

"I'd like to see this thing get straightened out as soon as possible, because I'd like for you the fans, people who love Michael, to be able to hear the song in its entirety the way it was meant to be - the way Michael and I had intended it to be."

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If it was new... then Sony has no kinds of sound recording claims to it!!!!!!!!!

I guess this is why Branca & McClain have multi-million dollar offers from Warner, EMI & Universal.


Let's see.... many people are claiming it's an "Invincible" outtake - which would fall under Sony's jurisdiction (prior to 2004).

But if not = :bugeyed :cheeky:

The material was written, produced and recorded in June last year.

If this was recorded last year.... then- it's not really too farfetch to think that Michael actually managed to complete some songs for a new album...

OMG!!!!!! :jump: YAY!!!!

Damn... but at the same time...I'm kinda scared what Sony will do.... :unsure:
Rock star Lenny Kravitz has confirmed that a leaked, previously unreleased duet with Michael Jackson is genuine."I don't know what their purpose is but that person has nothing to do with the track."

The material was written, produced and recorded in June last year.

Kravitz said: "It was one of the most amazing musical experiences that I've ever had.

EEemmmm.... now, wait. The text in bold is not part of Lenny's words on his video. Please check the video:

He never says it's from June 2009 :mello:
The 50 O2 concerts! London??? After MJs last concerts in London at the O2 - that was going to be the premiere for MJs full new music album (not catalog).

It's slated for Spring/Summer 2010. After the O2 london shows - then to promote the album, MJ was going to each continent, ONE city in each, like he did in Europe. Asia, Africa, Australia, South America - then to end in North America - each one city.

Antarctica was out of the concert list, although Mumble from Happy Feet would've been extremely happy.

All of the TII crew were contract for 2-3 years minimum by AEG & MJ.

God, all so sad.

And I hope the Estate keeps MJs wishes AS MJ planned it for 2010 & 2011.

So do I, but I can't even begin to imagine how emotional that is going to be when it happens.

God, this hurts. :(
The 50 O2 concerts! London??? After MJs last concerts in London at the O2 - that was going to be the premiere for MJs full new music album (not catalog).

It's slated for Spring/Summer 2010. After the O2 london shows - then to promote the album, MJ was going to each continent, ONE city in each, like he did in Europe. Asia, Africa, Australia, South America - then to end in North America - each one city.

Antarctica was out of the concert list, although Mumble from Happy Feet would've been extremely happy.

All of the TII crew were contract for 2-3 years minimum by AEG & MJ.

And I hope the Estate keeps MJs wishes AS MJ planned it for 2010 & 2011.

I didn't know the TII team was hired for 2010 and 2011, but I had also read about that new album. On June 7, 2009, I came across with this interview to Chilean music engineer Humberto Gatica (here in Spanish{c757328d-e4f8-4474-b58f-1dc0bbac520c})

As you can imagine, for my little and almost unknown country, the fact that Michael Jackson himself had asked a Chilean to join him in his next album was really BIG news. Humberto Gatica had worked many times with Michael, from Thriller to Invincible. By that time, he was finishing Michael Bubblé's new album, just before leaving to London to join Michael during TII and to start working with him in his new album.

Gatica explained that Michael was very excited about the shows and had many ideas for the future. Many, including a DVD with the TII shows... AND plans for a future tour (or at least more shows) in Europe, once TII was over.

About that new album, Gatica said:

"[Michael] has been working on the songs for a long time now and he is not sure if he is going to work on those during his free days between the shows, or if he should wait for the soaring popularity he could recover with his comeback"
(my translation... sorry for the weak English here :D)

I will never forget the sweet morning at Starbucks reading this news... and dreaming of February 2010 at London
I highly doubt Michael recorded this in June 09 with Lenny because he was over his head with rehearsals and Dome project. Don't know where that info came from.
I highly doubt Michael recorded this in June 09 with Lenny because he was over his head with rehearsals and Dome project. Don't know where that info came from.

Seeing as it's only the beginning of the year it could mean June 2008
The song has been CONFIRMED to be recorded in 2000/2001 for the album INVINCIBLE. Lenny Kravitz confirmed this many years ago, in Blender magazine back in 2001.

Well-informed fan websites already mentioned the track name and the collaboration with Lenny Kravitz back in late 2001. It has been listed as an outtake since.

Claims the song would be new are based on clueless journalists who make things up to get more attention.

"Another Day" is also included in my unreleased song list and in the book "For The Record" by Chris Cadman & Craig Halstead - for many years.

So, let us PLEASE stop wondering when it was recorded as we KNOW it was recorded in 2000/2001.

The song has been CONFIRMED to be recorded in 2000/2001 for the album INVINCIBLE. Lenny Kravitz confirmed this many years ago, in Blender magazine back in 2001.

Well-informed fan websites already mentioned the track name and the collaboration with Lenny Kravitz back in late 2001. It has been listed as an outtake since.

Claims the song would be new are based on clueless journalists who make things up to get more attention.

"Another Day" is also included in my unreleased song list and in the book "For The Record" by Chris Cadman & Craig Halstead - for many years.

So, let us PLEASE stop wondering when it was recorded as we KNOW it was recorded in 2000/2001.

Exactly. It's been said SEVERAL times when this song was recorded yet people are still speculating
The song has been CONFIRMED to be recorded in 2000/2001 for the album INVINCIBLE. Lenny Kravitz confirmed this many years ago, in Blender magazine back in 2001.

Well-informed fan websites already mentioned the track name and the collaboration with Lenny Kravitz back in late 2001. It has been listed as an outtake since.

Claims the song would be new are based on clueless journalists who make things up to get more attention.

"Another Day" is also included in my unreleased song list and in the book "For The Record" by Chris Cadman & Craig Halstead - for many years.

So, let us PLEASE stop wondering when it was recorded as we KNOW it was recorded in 2000/2001.

where is the link? Please provide us with the link.

who cares when it was recorded?it is a very nice track:)
SONY cares badly and the estate probably too.
Hear Unheard Michael Jackson and Lenny Kravitz Leaked Song “Another Day;” Sony and Family Silencing It

Monday, January 4, 2010
By Editorial Staff

Michael Jackson’s previously unheard song “Another Day” was leaked to the Internet over the weekend, and now Sony-BMG Music and the Jackson family lawyers are trying to stop the public from hearing it by ordering its removal from various websites.

The eerie-sounding duet with Lenny Kravitz was released by the Michael fan site MJ Star in a 90-second clip.

It is a reworked version of Lenny’s 2004 song “Storm” and was created before Michael’s June 25 death.

The snippet of the song does not have Lenny’s voice on it and is unmixed.

Lenny stated in a video on his Facebook page that he wrote the song and played all the featured instruments but was not involved with the leak.

“Mine has been locked up in a vault since we recorded it,” Lenny said on Facebook.

He stated working with Michael was “one of the most amazing musical experiences I’ve ever had.”

Why the Jackson family continues to work with Sony-BMG Music is beyond logic.

Michael hated that company, called some of its executives devils and racists, and claimed they were trying to poison and murder him in order to obtain his music publishing rights.

For more information on Michael’s battle with Sony read HIER

In July, a 24-second clip of Michael’s unreleased song “A Place With No Name” was leaked to the Internet and was a new version of America’s “A Horse With No Name.”

Here is the new “Another Day” song. This YouTube posting will probably be pulled soon.

If it was new... then Sony has no kinds of sound recording claims to it!!!!!!!!!

I guess this is why Branca & McClain have multi-million dollar offers from Warner, EMI & Universal.


Let's see.... many people are claiming it's an "Invincible" outtake - which would fall under Sony's jurisdiction (prior to 2004).

But if not = :bugeyed :cheeky:

Even if the song is produced etc. during MJs contract with Sony Music (and it is more likely so), its Mijac music that holds rights to all MJ songs which are administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. (BMI)...nothing to do with Sony...that's why I wonder why Sony is claiming copyright.
Copyright: Under normal situation is it the songwriter or the publisher who gets the "ownership" of the song

Sound recording rights belong with the record company normally but the right only protects that certain recording, not the content of the composition. Would Virgin then have the Sound recording rights because it was done by Lenny under Virgin.

Feel free to comment as I am not an expert on this area of law...
The full melody of the song (and MJ singing) is on youtube...Won't post the link but look for yourselves. The song is amazing.
The full melody of the song (and MJ singing) is on youtube...Won't post the link but look for yourselves. The song is amazing.

Sorry? All long versions are fake........
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The full melody of the song (and MJ singing) is on youtube...Won't post the link but look for yourselves. The song is amazing.
Yes, they played it on the Dutch radio (3FM) this morning! I was like: OMG, is this the full song?! Wow! :woohoo:
Edit: Sas2, you think it's fake? Perhaps 3FM did some mixing of their own...
The long versions just repeat over and over LOL all fake so far.
Yes, they played it on the Dutch radio (3FM) this morning! I was like: OMG, is this the full song?! Wow! :woohoo:
Edit: Sas2, you think it's fake? Perhaps 3FM did some mixing of their own...

Oh yeah!!!

Yeah I noticed the one I was listening was fake and I was just about to correct my post....wishful thinking on my part:) Sorry Guys...

This Dutch radio thing is interesting....must find.