New Song Snippet - Another Day Featuring Lenny Kravitz (Merged) *No Links*

A killer track, even at 1 min 30 and with unrelated DJ's talking all over it, it's still obviously a brilliant tune.

Lenny Kravitz has revealed that this is not mixed, so if - and by the sounds of his recent video blog, WHEN - the track is released in full, we could be in for another fantastic surprise :)
A killer track, even at 1 min 30 and with unrelated DJ's talking all over it, it's still obviously a brilliant tune.

Lenny Kravitz has revealed that this is not mixed, so if - and by the sounds of his recent video blog, WHEN - the track is released in full, we could be in for another fantastic surprise :)

tmz said it wasn't planned to be released =(
Oh :( LK kinda made it sound like the situation was being "resolved" to give us the chance to hear the whole song how it was meant to be heard... dang.
Damn Sony!

I wish they would just release an album un-released MJ tracks, like ones from recently.

They would certainly avoid having to clean up leaks!
Fans are just sooo huuunnnggrrryyyyyyyyy for MJ's voice!

If they released something tomorow, then the sales would be amazing!
Can't they take a hint? lol

I have already downloaded the snippet so psssshhhhhh!!! to you Sony. This is what happens when you starve MJ fans hehehe.

Well said!
Damn Sony!

I wish they would just release an album un-released MJ tracks, like ones from recently.

They would certainly avoid having to clean up leaks!
Fans are just sooo huuunnnggrrryyyyyyyyy for MJ's voice!

If they released something tomorow, then the sales would be amazing!
Can't they take a hint? lol

I have already downloaded the snippet so psssshhhhhh!!! to you Sony. This is what happens when you starve MJ fans hehehe.

correctamundo :D
tmz said it wasn't planned to be released

IF TMZ are correct and the estate don't plan to release this song then quite frankly they are complete idiots.

First they choose to release an ancient demo track, rename it and then proclaim it to be a new song that MJ had been working on. They dupe lots of radio stations to premiere the song when it clearly is not something they would ever play. I’m sure that rattled some radio station managers’ cages when they eventually heard it. NOT a good way to get radio support for a future release of a recent song! NOT a good way to treat the fans either.

Regardless of song title, they should have released a much more commercial song with hit potential. They should allow somebody with good some industry knowledge to go through some potential releases (in the estate's own offices with the correct security in plase of course) and find out what will and won't work. MJ needs a hit album this year and I don't trust the estate to provide it.

The estate should also keep Jermaine well away from an MJ tribute show and get the right people in to do it. Jermaine doesn't have the experience or the contacts to put on a successful show himself, so they need somebody who can do it. As close as people like Smoky Robinson and Liza Minelli may have been to the estate, we need some major current artists in the line up to give the show some credbility. The few artists that were announced for the Vienna show were a big let down IMO. I've no doubt Jermaine won't do a show this year and it's too late for the estate to get it done before the end of the summer. Many major acts will be booked now for other things.
Thanks for loving me :D

Yours faithfully

:lol: you crazy :lol:

I hope too that it will be released, though I doubt.. but there are so many unreleased songs/ outtakes that should've been released ages ago..
they will release an album, believe me, they will, this year, but not so soon

Is it just me or does it seem like Michaels vocals got better after invincible?
He got better and better year after year, he knew what he was doing, he was a MASTER, when it was about sound, Michael=the MAN
totally agree....actually, i thought invincible had some of his best vocals, and after that as well...
it does


so it's a Kravitz song.
Really sorry I have to say, Michael sounds amazing, but is the hype around this snippet not a little bit overacted?
Why??? its Michael's interpretation

the Jackson estate didnt want 'Another Day' seeing the light of day but they will give the go ahead for a 30 year old demo ( this is it ) being released..... hmmm ok then ! lol
Nah, they want it to see the light, but not as a leak, cause it means no money, and i love the snippet, but i will prefer the entire song for once (an album)
I love " A Place With No Name" too, but i mean, they are just waiting, first they are gonna release the THIS IS IT DVD and Blu Ray, then they will do something else, but they will not drop out everything in one finger snap, i mean, they wont, its reality, it sucks, but you know, its music but its all business in the end

I just do not understand why Sony released This Is It - MJ has so much better
I love This Is It, may have not be his best, it was a demo after all, anyway "Another Day" is not the finished version as well and its great (except for the DJ, which has nothing to do with the song as we all suspected and Lenny confirmed, but poor DJ, i mean, he tried his best

I would like to put in your mind

Michael vs. Sony
Michael Jackson 06/15/2002 - Sony Music Speech

Yeah, i remember

Let me just now warn each and every member here,

Because of the below

If I see one member link/upload and link to this leaked song it will be an instant ban with no return

This is very serious when I say MJJC could be closed down in full for the sake of this song.

This will be my very last warning.

Thank you please by all means discuss.

We should all make Sony see the real deal here. This song has tremendous acceptance not only from fans but from the general public. We should unite and request that all these songs should be released as soon as possible. Old and new songs it doesn't matter. They have so much material that they can release albums for decades to come. We want Michael's unique voice, artistry back!
hell we want it :yes:

also we never saw a full track of "A place without no name"
we will, but not now :no:, they'll make us wait (its all business in the end, sadly)
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OMFG! Just listened to the full version without the DJ - phenomenal! Awsome vocals, production, ad-libs...

I am in love with it! So much better than his other recent songs like One More Chance, Hold My Hand and Xscape ... Best new song since 2001!

Hopefully Sony will get their act together and release a new album to stop more leaks...
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OMFG! Just listened to the full version without the DJ - phenomenal! Awsome vocals, production, ad-libs...

I am in love with it! So much better than his other recent songs like One More Chance, Hold My Hand and Xscape ... Best new song since 2001!

Hopefully Sony will get their act together and release a new album to stop more leaks...

You did???????

But.... HOWWW??? WHERE???? What on earth is going on?????

Am I missing something???

I wanna know, we all wanna know, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!! :eek:
You did???????

But.... HOWWW??? WHERE???? What on earth is going on?????

Am I missing something???

I wanna know, we all wanna know, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!! :eek:

No links allowed, I'm afraid...

But it's amazing!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've heard it in a Dragonball Z episode.

LoL. :lmao:

Man, I'm so bummed. I was working on a video for it and by the time I finished it, Sony had decided to unleak it (? :scratch:) so now I can't post it. :( Stupid Sony, That's what you get. Take the hint - we want MJ.
am in love with it! So much better than his other recent songs like One More Chance, Hold My Hand and Xscape ... Best new song since 2001!
are you serious? I LOVE Escape and like Hold my Hand. Escape is one of Michael's BEST rant-songs.:punk:
^ he has just listened to a fan-made mix and didn't notice there were no more vocals *lol*
Its fake.
Its the 1.30 version, extended, mixed, cut & pasted and filtered.


and bad filtered!

I made another extended version with Bircheys filtered snippet! :cheers:
better than crappy youtube version!
look on other mjsite mjho :)

i hope we get full!
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Don't know how long this has been up:


Lenny Kratitz has confirmed a new song leaked on the internet is an unreleased collaboration between himself and Michael Jackson.

An incomplete, unmixed version of the song, called Another Day, can currently be heard online.

Posting a video clip of himself Kravitz said he wanted to "set the record straight" and that his version of the track had been "locked up in a vault since we recorded it".

He added: "I don't know how they obtained it. That person has nothing to do with the track."

'Amazing' experience
However, Kravitz confirmed that he wrote, produced and played all the instruments on the track alongside Jackson's vocal.

Singer Lenny Kravitz described the collaboration as 'amazing'
The singer and guitarist described the experience of recording with Jackson saying: "It was one of the most amazing musical experiences I've ever had."

Regarding an official release of the track he confirmed: "I'd like to see this thing straightened out as soon as possible because I'd like for you the fans - the people who love Michael - to be able to hear it in its entirety the way it was meant to it. The way Michael and I intended it to be.

"That's all being worked out."

It's the second posthumous track to have been aired since Jackson's death in June 2009, following the release of This Is It in October 2009.

this looks promising :)
Sony sucks. By the way, the snippet were sent on the radio here in Norway! That's wow.
Great. I missed it. Now I have no way to listen to it. All the youtube links are disabled.
I know links to the actual song are not allowed, since it was leaked, and I didn't have the time to go through all the 50 pages, sorry if this has been already posted, but this is what Lenny had to say about "Another day".

On Michael Jackson and I and "Another Day." Peace, Lenny
Cool so Lenny is trying to get the full track out to the fans, I hope we get it soon...