New Song Snippet - Another Day Featuring Lenny Kravitz (Merged) *No Links*

Re: New Song Snippet - Another Day Featuring Lenny Kravitz (Merged)

Let me just now warn each and every member here,

Because of the below

If I see one member link/upload and link to this leaked song it will be an instant ban with no return

This is very serious when I say MJJC could be closed down in full for the sake of this song.

This will be my very last warning.

Thank you please by all means discuss.

Thread now cleaned of any donwload links.
Please take notice of what Gaz has said above.
Re: Jackson estate, sony pulling leaked track

:( this isn't fair.
so are we ever going to get new stuff from Michael? (new as in.. unheard of?)
Re: Jackson estate, sony pulling leaked track

knowing sony and the jackson estate, probably not.

but they can't police the entire internet now can they? ;)
Re: Jackson estate, sony pulling leaked track

This is seriously messed up, that track shouldn't be kept inside the vault. A gem like that needs to be heard around the world!
If there's a problem they should just release it..
Re: Jackson estate, sony pulling leaked track

yeah they should release it , it is really amazing
Re: Jackson estate, sony pulling leaked track

i kind of find it hilarious that they're trying to "take it back" now. Once a song gets leaked, it can NEVER be permanently taken back. lol...there are still some youtube videos that are playing it just fine. The most recent ones haha...they're gonna have a tough time stopping everyone from uploading it.
Re: New Song Snippet - Another Day Featuring Lenny Kravitz (Merged)

Geeeez... This is all such a big tease. I hope the track gets released one day (soon)...
Re: New Song Snippet - Another Day Featuring Lenny Kravitz (Merged)

The problem is that if they don't release it soon, the song will die! They'd better not wait too long if they wanna sell it good!
Re: New Song Snippet - Another Day Featuring Lenny Kravitz (Merged)

Nothen suprisin they want it pulled. If theyre makin no money from a track then no it wont see the light of day. Its all about makin a profit, a profit out of Mike.
Re: New Song Snippet - Another Day Featuring Lenny Kravitz (Merged)

The problem is that if they don't release it soon, the song will die! They'd better not wait too long if they wanna sell it good!

There gonna let it sizzle and when it gets released in full it will go BANG! and sell like crazy! Dont think it will die at all as it seems like a good song and almost anything new musically MJ related for us will be amazing
Many users on RMX4U are telling, that R.Kelly made the DJ Thukky shout!
So, I think, he is also automatically involved in this whole crazy situation!

You can check out the comments here (German):

They are also telling, that the person, who leaked the track, has already been arrested!

Just check out the topics on
This was sonys plan all along!!!!

It doesnt surprise me!
We should all make Sony see the real deal here. This song has tremendous acceptance not only from fans but from the general public. We should unite and request that all these songs should be released as soon as possible. Old and new songs it doesn't matter. They have so much material that they can release albums for decades to come. We want Michael's unique voice, artistry back!
The song was played by our local new tv show this morning, but they reckon it may not be michael at all! :rolleyes:
How dare sony say that this song was never meant to see the light of day when they released the sh***** song ever " this is it " LMFAO
What are the chances that these songs will be put together, around 12-15 of them and released as a brand new album, with singles being released so the king can win even more awards and break even more records, stop teasing us with this bullshit and properly release these songs!!
How dare sony say that this song was never meant to see the light of day when they released the sh***** song ever " this is it " LMFAO

"This is it" was actually a beautifully done song by Michael. It had soul and beauty.

Anyway, I'm sure this was leaked on purpose, maybe Lenny's camp, who knows. I hope it's legally available to buy soon. I would love to buy it. It really is beautiful.
That was very kind of Lenny Kravitz to record that message and put it online for people to hear. I hope he works something out so that the song can be released.

But I'm really sad to hear that this gorgeous, beautiful song with Michael's perfect haunting vocals was never meant to hear the light of day. What? Who made such a decision? Why are gems like this being kept in the vault? I just don't get it. :(

I pray some sort of deal can be worked out and this song is released in full, very soon. Otherwise it's just such a waste. It breaks my heart to think how many more wonders are just sitting in the vaults.
That was very kind of Lenny Kravitz to record that message and put it online for people to hear. I hope he works something out so that the song can be released.

But I'm really sad to hear that this gorgeous, beautiful song with Michael's perfect haunting vocals was never meant to hear the light of day. What? Who made such a decision? Why are gems like this being kept in the vault? I just don't get it. :(

I pray some sort of deal can be worked out and this song is released in full, very soon. Otherwise it's just such a waste. It breaks my heart to think how many more wonders are just sitting in the vaults.

Trust me, that's what all "leakes" are about anyway. All the "it was never meant to see the light of day" drama...LOL

Why wasn't this released or leaked before Michael died? Like I said, I'm sure this was leaked on purpose either by camp Sony or Camp Kravitz but it was purposely leaked to cause drama and attention. It will probably be on Itunes in a month LOL
Re: New Song Snippet - Another Day Featuring Lenny Kravitz (Merged)

There gonna let it sizzle and when it gets released in full it will go BANG! and sell like crazy! Dont think it will die at all as it seems like a good song and almost anything new musically MJ related for us will be amazing

Maybe Sony leaked it. It was only a 1:38 long snippet, so even if people downloaded it, they would probably still buy the whole song if released. The leak certainly has everyone talking about Michael's insane talent again and just before the This Is It dvd release. It could all be part of a marketing plan.
Re: New Song Snippet - Another Day Featuring Lenny Kravitz (Merged)

THANK you for this video:

BTW, notice - JUST NOTICE - how when Lenny mentions the love of MJ fans and Michael's name, suddenly the winds pick up.

MJ = God's Wind Machine (Remember the Time of TII premiere? WINDS. ALL. OVER). Just like when Lenny talked.

Re: New Song Snippet - Another Day Featuring Lenny Kravitz (Merged)

Gaz - I respect you, but it's too late. No - we will not post it again.

I already have the downloaded 1:30 minutes of it - and I'm gonna enjoy it all the way in the privacy of my home.

I will not share it, nor distribute it - but HOT DAMN IT, long live the KING, and long live Lenny Kravitz!!!

Let me just now warn each and every member here,

Because of the below

If I see one member link/upload and link to this leaked song it will be an instant ban with no return

This is very serious when I say MJJC could be closed down in full for the sake of this song.

This will be my very last warning.

Thank you please by all means discuss.
Re: New Song Snippet - Another Day Featuring Lenny Kravitz (Merged)

I truly believe we as fans will be treated by the 'powers that be' in a manner in which MJ would never have done now. Its painfully obvious that we are at their mercy now, and we will only 'get' what they want us to 'get and 'when' they want us to 'get 'it'!

And I just can't get out of my head the thought that certain people have now gotten what they wanted whether directly or indirectly through MJ's passing, 'cause its not like anyone's gonna consider what MJ would want.



MJ made it happen - in this life and the afterlife.


Hold my hand is GOOD, but not a KILLER like "Another Day"

"Another Day" slays you with passion, angst, emotion, fire, desire, EVERYTHING.

MJ & Lenny, you sexy MOFOs, I adore the both of you.

Hold My Hand anyone? :rolleyes:

Won't see the light of day...
^ They're both so different it's hard to say, but I friggin' LOVE both. Why can't we ever just have some brilliant, untainted MJ released? Drama, drama, drama. Someone always wanna be startin' somethin'. Jeez. Shame. Michael deserves better than this. and so does his music. and so do we. :no:
Wanna be starin SOMETHIN' - INDEED!!!!

I love Lenny - I have most of his albums and HOT DAMN, Lenny is on point. And Sexy!!! WOOOT!

I think that MJ wanted to start THIS something - it was meant to be.

Look at how Lenny, in the midst of platano trees and the winds pick up whenever he mentioned MJ, made it happen.

The same happened with "This Is IT" song/Sa-Fire stuff.

IMHO, and from my belief system, MJ is working in the beyond. No other way can this happen.

How could it possibly be if 9 years later - a song leak?

And that there are are 100s of songs that are yet to be released?

My great-grandchildren (I'm 38 yrs old), will still be listening to unreleased MJ songs a hundred years from now,

MJ = the Millennial Mozart.

^ They're both so different it's hard to say, but I friggin' LOVE both. Why can't we ever just have some brilliant, untainted MJ released? Drama, drama, drama. Someone always wanna be startin' somethin'. Jeez. Shame. Michael deserves better than this. and so does his music. and so do we. :no: