New Song Snippet - Another Day Featuring Lenny Kravitz (Merged) *No Links*

If all rights are reverting back to Sony Music...then why they are claiming copyright over this song.

I would like to know what rights...

I don't like Sony Music...and if this is true I don't want any MJ music coming out before the period is over. I'll rather wait.
I'll try with a very simplistic example which refers JUST to record company copyrights - publishing is a whole different can of worms....

Artist signs recording contract with record company Phoney records for let's say 10 years (the term)..

Phoney records will usually structure the contract thus:

Record company requires artiste to deliver, (amongst other things) a minimum number of tracks (the quota) suitable (in their opinion) for commercial release.

record company retains the rights to make and sell copies of the delivered quota of tracks often for MANY years after the term has finished.

Record company has the right to assign subsidiary copyrights, to the extent of its' contract with artiste, to its' affiliates around the world

Additionaly Record company will retain exclusive rights to manufacture and sell additional material (and this is important...RECORDED DURING THE TERM) in excess of the quota - in other words the artiste cannot simply fulfill their quota to Phoney Records and then wander off down the street to sign a new deal with Universe Records for that material recorded during the term and in excess of the quota.

so....even if sony does not have the right to release material recorded during the term and in excess of the quota, it still has an exclusive right to that material and can legitimately claim in this example that, IF 'Another Day' was recorded during the term, then the release of the track without their consent infringes their rights and that they would have primary rights to seek redress.

sorry if this is complicated - I'm unable to make it simpler

No, what you say makes perfect sense. However, you are talking about distribution in plain language. But what about ownership of the song? If the song was made during the contractual period, would Sony Music get the rights automatically? What about Virgin...that I assume is Lenny's label...

This is very interesting...I am lawyer myself but not familiar with how the industry works..

Are you saying that Sony music leaked the song to get a copyright over it....sounds to me they did. I don't believe anyone else would have access to the song...apart from the people who worked with the song...
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Could someone PM me with a link so I can hear the clip? Thanks.
not neccesarily - like all copyright things it's complicated - but sony would have been sure to specifically cover those rights relating to material recorded during the term and in excesss of the quota.

It's a little known fact that the record 'industry' in america was originally the provenance of the bootleg liquor gangs - in other words it was run by and evolved out of organised crime -even today, its' heritage is still not that far beneath the surface.

It's most unlikely that Sony leaked the song directly - if they did it would be to exert pressure on the estate during current negotiations

It's far more likely another party with a direct interest (there aren't that many) in the song leaked it.

If you want to know more, is a good start

Thank you. I must go and study this more.
Yes, I thought about the motives for why this song was leaked and exerting pressure came to mind as number one thing to consider. The way the leak had that DJs name and everything was a bit too was almost saying someone wants to hide they tracks. But we are talking about MJs songs...

I just hope no new music will come out until 2011 if that is the date then...but I assume if Sony Music gets copyrights over this song they will release it. (assuming they don't have it yet).

Many thanks "Go Flying"...

are this true ?

New Audio Clip “Another Day” Surfaces

It’s been a very busy 48hrs, however, it appears yet another brand new audio clip has surfaced in it’s entirety (without the infamous voice-overs) of Michael Jackson’s unreleased track “Another Day”.
The new clip features new lead and background vocals – this time of both Michael Jackson and Lenny Kravitz.

are this true ?

The Sony people are sick.
They are using us, the fans too, like during the O2 pressure.

Ptw, why the hell anyone would want to sign a record deal these days...what the artist sign up for it crap.I would not sell my soul for a record company no matter how much they would offer.

are this true ?

mMmm... That might be the "extended" version created by someone (fans, I guess) using the leaked snippet. I don't know of any other so far :no:
That should mean MJ has alot of songs that he was gonna put on the new cd, finished songs that hey was sure of that they were worth it. So there goes the nonsense story about Michael needing money and only doing these shows because it was needed. It's not that surprising if you think about it..right after he anounced the shows, there was a quote on his site, it was by MJ. It was very promising and he definitely was up to so sad that it just never got to full realization :(

Yes, he surely had those. Gatica said by that time (end of May, when MJ called him), Michael was not 100% if he would work on the songs on the free days between shows or just once TII was over. He also mentioned that Michael was very excited, sharp and focus AND... that Michael sound quite calm. The comment that really got me surprised (especially after June) was this:

"Today everybody has doubts about him [Michael]; on the other hand, he doesn't trust anyone and has contacted again the team that used to make him feel safe, who shared with him his best years at the old school, most of them already gone. He wants to feel procted again."


Now I feel I went off topic... and maybe I should post this at the IU :mello:
"I cant stand this song thank god it got stayed unreleased "

You should appreciate anything MJ related we can manage to get, It's not everyday a song this good leaks.
"I cant stand this song thank god it got stayed unreleased "

You should appreciate anything MJ related we can manage to get, It's not everyday a song this good leaks.

I love the song as well and I would like to have it on CD...but really,a song like this should never leak. You should have question marks flying all over the place if it does...
I love the song as well and I would like to have it on CD...but really,a song like this should never leak. You should have question marks flying all over the place if it does...

I totally understand, his vocals are just beautiful.
Another masterpiece gone..

We need some amazing unreleased / new materials, I'm sick of hearing the Thriller session songs since they are the ones that are being released and even leaked..

I wan some Vince material, they are the bomb!! XD
I totally understand, his vocals are just beautiful.
Another masterpiece gone..

We need some amazing unreleased / new materials, I'm sick of hearing the Thriller session songs since they are the ones that are being released and even leaked..

I wan some Vince material, they are the bomb!! XD

Same here.
We might like some and dislike others... but at least I want to have the chance to EAR them to actually decide myself on each one of those tracks -_-
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I totally understand, his vocals are just beautiful.
Another masterpiece gone..

We need some amazing unreleased / new materials, I'm sick of hearing the Thriller session songs since they are the ones that are being released and even leaked..

I wan some Vince material, they are the bomb!! XD

I hope not totally gone...:) and I am sure we will get more music but just have to wait....

Sony might release this song...I hope not against the estate tho.....and if there was a party close to Sony or even inside Sony who leaked the song, they should be punished.

Sony should be more careful in these things unless it wants to loose its reputation...well whats left of it.
If Lenny wrote the song - then Sony doesn't have claim over it....because Lenny is with Virgin (that I known of).

BUT, at the time of the recording, Michael still was under Sony as a recording artist, so anything that MJ records (before 2004) is and will be subjected to that Sony/MJ contract.

So the question is - Will Virgin (Lenny) and Sony (Michael) come to an agreement - or will we have to wait for a FULL bootleg version?

My personal theory is that - IF this was leaked as it was - it was planned.

Michael NEW ALBUM is slated for Spring-Summer 2010 after the O2 concerts. So it's COMING. With and by the grace of GOD, I pray it will.

I don't care i still don't like it
Thanks to everyone who helped me hear the clip. It's a nice song.
i would love to hear the full version now its so sad i wont have that chance :(....
sorry but you are completely wrong! Happy Birthday is in the public domain and anyone is free to record Happy Birthday provided that the publisher gets the appropriate publishing royalty. The only reason anyone would need to seek prior permission is if they wished to 'significantly' MODIFY/CHANGE the LYRICS or MELODY (and possibly the arrangement which is considered a seperate sunsidiary derivative copyright of the work)

First of all, I used it as an example. Second of all - the song "Happy Birthday" is NOT in public domain - see here for more info:
The song is currently set to pass in to the public domain in 2030.
where is the link? Please provide us with the link.

SONY cares badly and the estate probably too.
Info on "Another Day":

“Enough personal ish already,” Kravitz quips, and slides a CD into the Compass Point sound system, producing a guttural guitar sound, a cracking backbeat and an extremely familiar voice.

“Working with Michael Jackson was probably the best recording experience of my life,” he says. “He was totally cool, absolutely professional and a beautiful, beautiful guy. And let’s not forget, Michael is a musical genius.”

The song, “Another Day,” which Kravitz wrote and produced, will appear on Jackson’s long-awaited new album. It transports you back to more innocent days, when “Beat It” ruled the world.

- "Weekend at Lenny’s" - Blender, Oct/Nov 2001
Sony has rights to anything recorded before 2004.

Since Another Day was recorded for Invincible, Sony has rights to it