New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics! [HQ pics in post #146]

Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Damn this been some week huh...? :clapping:

Mike what you up to....? Something is about to happen, I can FEEL & AND TELL!!:wild:
Sihame, do you have also HQ pics of the kids? Would you mind share them with us via PM? :angel:
Thanks in advance! :cheeky:
I think this is my favourite outfit by far, it's very elegant, stylish yet casual.. & sexy at the same time. Me likes.
thank you Sihame
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something HAS to be going down...what' with all the sightings. is there going to be breaking news tommorow as well??? *gets excited*

and michael looks reeeaaalllll cool there.
He's hillarious, walking around wearing 2 pairs of glasses :rofl:

YUMMY!!!! :wild: Thanks, Sihame ^_^
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Here's some HQ pics :)]


Cool! This is what I'm talking about... time to ditch them band aids.Classy Outfit!
Glasses whithin glasses.LOL! @ the Usher look-alike comment LOL!
I love the boots.

Actually I love the outfit altogether, man has class and looks very fit too.
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oooh I figured out why he looked like Usher to me when I was scrolling by, the guy is in a similar pose to what Usher was doing at the MSG concert when he was dancing on the stage with Michael... probably makes no sense I'll have to find a picture to show you what I mean but yeah :giggle: it gave me a little laugh at first :lol:

don't mind me I'm just weird... :unsure:
thank you for the new pictures! he look's great! 2 pairs of glasses... that's cool! :)
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

I really wish more people would take the time to try and see things from his angle.

Absolutely agree with you ! some people really need to stop thinking about talking about what they want ... How they want certain things to be In the way michael choose's to dress ...How and when he makes appearance's ,but most Importantly live his life ! By the way common sense would tell anyone the scarf he use's Is mainly for sun percaution ...
i wish fans would simply ignore the haters who post here sometimes just to cause trouble and bring down everyones mood.
by responding to a hateful comment ur not helping at all. ignore them and let them eat their own crap.
TYVM for HQ ppics.

It seems MJ was wearing a T-shirt and not a shirt. I dont see any buttons on it in the middle. I love that t-shirt.
not just to u. to everyone who responded to that persons comment. :flowers: i think we should dimply ignore negative comments. by responding we're only bringing more attention to them and more ppl read them which is exactly what the haters want. ATTENTION.

michael can wear whatever the heck he wants. hes always very stylish, elegant and sexy no matter what he wears. personally i love his disguises. i find them very very cute.
ppl should use the ignore button if they have problems with other posters then u dont even read what they say
Thanks for the high quality with all the appearances these past few days we probably wont see Michael again til the new year haha j/k.
ppl should use the ignore button if they have problems with other posters then u dont even read what they say

this is a totally different situation. someone (not a regular poster) posts a negative comment and then 10 other fans take that comment and respond to it. so its impossible for u not to read it lol thats what im talking about. i have no problem with any of the fans that responded to the person who posted that hateful comment. i have problem with the attention they bring to it by quoting it and responding. thats all :)
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Ooooo, I like his outfit a lot :yes:. He looks sleek and elegant and the cut really shows off his slender figure. He can dress any way he wants to, but if I were his stylist, this is the type of clothes I'd have him wear a lot. I have to giggle at the sunglasses over reading glasses though. Very sweet.