New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics! [HQ pics in post #146]

Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

i think he goes out like that cuz when he does, the razzi makes less money off his pics. just like when madge goes out in the same ass outfit (tracksuit) for a wholeweek. looks like the same picture or the same day so they make les smoney off of it.

and the bn he went to w/ the kids was by his old house. this looks like a diff one on the other side of town.
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

A question to ponder. Brad and Angelina, Jay-Z and Beyonce, Justin, Britney and any other celebrity you can name walk down the street without scarfs and veils covering their faces. Why does Jackson continue to cause more attention by dressing as peculiar as he does? If his goal is to create less attention, he's actually creating more and feeding to the theory that he's not of his right mind. Madonna and her children are photo'd all the time and there are no dire consequences. Michael would still be the King of Pop if he tried to appear a little more human and less abnormal. Unless it's his goal to appear different. Even Janet appears in public in a normal manner. Why am I the only person asking these questions?
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

prolly cuz he knows they'll make a stink cuz they can't see his face. they see his face, they talk's a lose lose
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

I am not the only one that wear my sun glasses over my eyeglasses...giggles...
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

A question to ponder. Brad and Angelina, Jay-Z and Beyonce, Justin, Britney and any other celebrity you can name walk down the street without scarfs and veils covering their faces. Why does Jackson continue to cause more attention by dressing as peculiar as he does? If his goal is to create less attention, he's actually creating more and feeding to the theory that he's not of his right mind. Madonna and her children are photo'd all the time and there are no dire consequences. Michael would still be the King of Pop if he tried to appear a little more human and less abnormal. Unless it's his goal to appear different. Even Janet appears in public in a normal manner. Why am I the only person asking these questions?

1. None of the above has been in the public eye and famous since they were tiny, TINY kids. None of them is as famous as MJ.

2. Maybe the others enjoy being stared at where ever they go.

If MJ feels more comfortable going out wearing a scarf, let him. What's the big deal?
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Another sighting??? :wild:
What have we done to deserve this? Wow!! I'm loving it!! :D

Must there be this struggle of members in every thread. Knock it off it's getting extremely old.

Get a grip and enjoy the sexiness :yes:

Ditto! :yes:

Yes I think Michael is indeed up to something. :yes: I have a feeling very soon that he is gonna make some kind of announcement, A MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT. :angel:

Oh, pleeeeease! Please let you be right! :angel:

Well, while there's no announcement, I'm gonna enjoy Michael... :wub: :wub: :wub:

*sits back and enjoys the moment of joy with so many appearances*
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Another sighting??? :wild:
What have we done to deserve this? Wow!! I'm loving it!! :D

Ditto! :yes:

Oh, pleeeeease! Please let you be right! :angel:

Well, while there's no announcement, I'm gonna enjoy Michael... :wub: :wub: :wub:

*sits back and enjoys the moment of joy with so many appearances*

I hope there is an announcemnt too :angel: lol
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

People looks at him and don't recognized him! He catches the attention but he just catches the attention !! He can continue to walk. If they see Michael Jackson.. you know Michael Jackson, the world most famous guy, this can go crazy. And it's also for security... some haters can be dangerous you know.
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

A question to ponder. Brad and Angelina, Jay-Z and Beyonce, Justin, Britney and any other celebrity you can name walk down the street without scarfs and veils covering their faces. Why does Jackson continue to cause more attention by dressing as peculiar as he does? If his goal is to create less attention, he's actually creating more and feeding to the theory that he's not of his right mind. Madonna and her children are photo'd all the time and there are no dire consequences. Michael would still be the King of Pop if he tried to appear a little more human and less abnormal. Unless it's his goal to appear different. Even Janet appears in public in a normal manner. Why am I the only person asking these questions?

Maybe becuz some of us don't really care. Out of all the things to be concerned about, Michael wearing a scarf in public is probably the least of them in the world. He's not hurting anyone and it does keep people from scrutinizing his face everytime he's photographed and doesn't want to be. Imagine if we all got our pix taken everytime we wanted to make a quick run somewhere and not shave or whatever. Unless it's a public event where he expects to be photographed, he's entitled to cover/shield his face if he wants, imo. Most celebs just pull the brims of their baseball caps down...which doesn't really work when you can still clearly see them... so Michael takes an extra precaution. Sure, it may draw attention to him, but the odds are no one is really sure WHO is behind the veil when they see him. We don't know HOW many times he goes out like this and no one pays attention or cares and it's not reported. So I don't see the reason to scrutinize it. I feel the only ppl who label it "crazy" are the ones who wishes he'd uncover his face so they can b*tch about it and make comments. When he covers up, they are denied a go at nitpicking. I think anyone who sees a celebrity taking measures to protect their privacy or not be bothered understand. At least I do. Only the ppl who think they are being denied something are the quickest to moan and label, imo. I guess if they can make him feel bad about it or make him think it's "crazy", he'll stop doing, so they can get a good look. :smilerolleyes:

Otherwise, I say live and let ppl long as they aren't hurting anyone...who cares? I don't think these disguises are to prevent him from being noticed but more or less to prevent papz and the like from getting pix of him when he doesn't want to be photographed. Easy to understand from my point of view...whether that person be MJ or Madonna or whoever. No big deal, really. Why should it be?
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Sorry, don't buy it. Anyone else dressing like this in public would be considered a loon. I'm a Jackson fan and I believe you can be in public since childhood and not dress in a ridiculous manner. I remember Jackson in the 80's at his hottest and you didn't get the scarf and veils attire. Is it too much to ask for?
Re: The Children Spotted In LA!

I like this one, the way he's holding his hands in pockets he looks so cool and relaxed :cheeky:
I believe the word for the hands in the pocket stance (according to a reporter/fan in a vid posted in Michaelmania) is ''Machooooo''. lol

All these pics lately are just great. Finally something for peeps to talk about! lol
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!


Good God! I just don't think I can take all theses new pics!:D

Does'nt this man know its possible he could give some of his fans heart attacks!:swoon::woohoo:
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Sorry, don't buy it. Anyone else dressing like this in public would be considered a loon. I'm a Jackson fan and I believe you can be in public since childhood and not dress in a ridiculous manner. I remember Jackson in the 80's at his hottest and you didn't get the scarf and veils attire. Is it too much to ask for?

Didn't he use scarves? I thought he used one to tie down the bee bonnet on the clown suit in one of the sightings from back then. :angel:
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Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Sorry, don't buy it. Anyone else dressing like this in public would be considered a loon. I'm a Jackson fan and I believe you can be in public since childhood and not dress in a ridiculous manner. I remember Jackson in the 80's at his hottest and you didn't get the scarf and veils attire. Is it too much to ask for?

Well, Michael's been called a loon for a while. And the reason most peeps don't say anything anymore or really care is becuz it's what they expect from MJ. :lol: Nothing he does is considered too outlandish anymore. It's all par for the course now. And I beg to differ with you. If it were any other celeb, I wouldn't think they were a loon. I'd think this is a person trying to have some peace or privacy and leave them alone. Perhaps this is his way of letting people know when it's okay and not okay to approach him...when he's in private vs. public mode.

Scarf on= leave me alone.
Scarf off= hello, sure I don't mind taking some pix and signing some autographs. I love you more!
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Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Maybe it's so the tabloids won't make any money off of pictures they take of him... or at least less money than if he wasn't covered head to foot. lol
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

i agree Wendy, maybe he doesnt care to see everybody staring back at him on some occasions. it may just be a way of creating a little private space of his own. who knows? only him. we don't have to deal with it, so how can we judge it?
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Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Sorry, don't buy it. Anyone else dressing like this in public would be considered a loon. I'm a Jackson fan and I believe you can be in public since childhood and not dress in a ridiculous manner. I remember Jackson in the 80's at his hottest and you didn't get the scarf and veils attire. Is it too much to ask for?

Why should it matter? How is he hurting you? Why is covering yourself in public so bad? He is not hurting anyone. Just let him be and quit complaining. Be happy that he is going out. But no people are just never satisfied. They always need more.

Anyways I think MJ looks adorable, and cool! He looks fantastic!!!!
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Sorry, don't buy it. Anyone else dressing like this in public would be considered a loon. I'm a Jackson fan and I believe you can be in public since childhood and not dress in a ridiculous manner. I remember Jackson in the 80's at his hottest and you didn't get the scarf and veils attire. Is it too much to ask for?

R u even a fan?

Maybe he doesnt wanna end up like Lennon!
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

I find it funny, cute and quirky, and it's, well, it's MJ lol I wouldn't have it any other way.

Stop judging! lol
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

?? when is this from? :huh:

It isn't recent. It is in response to Tupa. He said Michael never used to wear scarves to disguise himself in the 80's. Michael did not just start doing disguises recently. Someone here can probably give a more certain date but I think it is from the eighties.
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Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Where do people find these new photos? Is there some site that they come from usually?

btw, really nice photos :)
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Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!


Good God! I just don't think I can take all theses new pics!:D

Does'nt this man know its possible he could give some of his fans heart attacks!:swoon::woohoo:
:lmao:Yeah he needs to watch that sh**:heat:!
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

It isn't recent. It is in response to Tupa. He said Michael never used to wear scarves to disguise himself in the 80's. Michael did not just start doing disguises recently. Someone here can probably give a more certain date but I think it is from the eighties.

That pic wasnt taken in the 80s or 90s.
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!


Good God! I just don't think I can take all theses new pics!:D

Does'nt this man know its possible he could give some of his fans heart attacks!:swoon::woohoo:

haha yeah, he'll make some of us :dropdead: :p
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

tupac, do yourself a favor and keep it to yourself. You're only brining the mood of the board down when you harp on about how Michael chosses to go out. Nobody said sh*t about the way he was dressed being bizarre except you. And if you still care what people say about Michael, then you're really in for the long haul. Michael's different and he isn't ever going to change, not for you or for anyone. Michael was wearing a surgical mask in the 80s. He used to walk around in fat suits as early as the mid 80s. He used to have Janet relay questions from interviewers to him while he was sitting right there in the late 70s. He's never acted how you might percieve as normal. So I don't know what you're talking about.
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