New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics! [HQ pics in post #146]

Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Ah. Here it is. See. Scarf.

I'm not kidding when I say I dig the way he dress's up,he's not trying to please anyone Just doing his own thing and that's cool to me !
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

^ yes, me too :) Michael is Michael..its cool that he dresses up in disguses.
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

That pic wasnt taken in the 80s or 90s.

Are you saying it is from the 2000's? Really? I always thought it was from way back but there are certainly disguises that he did wear in the eighties aren't there. On some I have seen you could see part of his face and he was quite young.

Anyway, it doesn't bother me. It keeps things interesting and you know what? He could completely let himself get constrained in a corner and they would still find ways to call him strange if that is what they wanted. That is what abusive people do so I hope he just keeps doing what he wants as long as he doesn't hurt anyone. He should keep being who he is. We have enough sheeple and don't need any more.
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Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

tupac, do yourself a favor and keep it to yourself. You're only brining the mood of the board down when you harp on about how Michael chosses to go out. Nobody said sh*t about the way he was dressed being bizarre except you. And if you still care what people say about Michael, then you're really in for the long haul. Michael's different and he isn't ever going to change, not for you or for anyone. Michael was wearing a surgical mask in the 80s. He used to walk around in fat suits as early as the mid 80s. He used to have Janet relay questions from interviewers to him while he was sitting right there in the late 70s. He's never acted how you might percieve as normal. So I don't know what you're talking about.

Totally agree. And the funny thing is in these pix, Michael's not dressed outlandishly at all so I don't get how that was brought up. He's dressed rather sharply with a baseball cap. Pretty basic and "normal" for lack of a better word. The only thing out of "ordinary" is the scarf. BUT it's not an outlandish color or pattern or anything. It's a basic black scarf. And yet, it's cause for concern about "craziness". Let's face it, NOTHING Michael ever does will please everybody. Even if that scarf wasn't there, there would be someone on here moaning about lipstick or his hair is too long or too short or not curly enough or...SOMETHING. Blah! My chief complaint at the mo is that we don't have a full view of him in those reading glasses. :aggressive: *hands on hips* Damn damn damnit, Michael! :p:baby:
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Totally agree with you Wendy2004.

One other thing. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are SO overexposed at this point that I've lost complete interest in them. Not that I was really even that intrested in them to begin with, but their faces are on every magazine and they don't have even the slightest amount of mistique.
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Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

How exciting! All this MJ talk and pics, it's great!

He's Goddamn Michael Jackson! He's the greatest entertainer of our age! He can wear what ever the heck he wants! :)
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Actually the look with the dark suit and all reminds me of the look he had for the various photos in the Vogue shoot. He looked really classy in all of those photos and he even had a somewhat similar suit on in the photos taken with that gold snake type looking thing over his shoulder.

I loved all of those photos. Sheer class. Even the black scarf can't ruin the effect.

*mutters, "I do miss the stickies though"*
Re: 2 new pics of Michael!

It's easy to understand why he's wearing the black scarf that fully covers his face. It is so he will not have to carry the umbrella. He is shading himself in a hands-free way.

That's all...

Actually, I wanna add something else to this. Haven't everyone noticed by now that people act calmer when he's dressed like this, than they do when they can actually see him? I don't know why this is, but for some reason, they do. It's easy to recognize his hands, his walk, his physique, definitely his voice. But for some reason, when he covers himself up, people do not overreact as much. They hold themselves together better.

Keep in mind, while some may think he's dressed in a bizarre way, he thinks regular people react to him in a bizarre way. It's not only on him. Imagine what it must be like to have your hair pulled out by some stranger that's showing you how much they love you. Think about it...this is really strange behavior. Pulling out someone's hair because you like them is hella strange.
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Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

I really don't understand why some fans still make a big deal about MJ's attire and the fact that he chooses to wear veils, masks, etc. He's been doing this for years. Michael knows what people say about him and obviously doesn't care, so why make a big deal out of it? It's the way he chooses to dress, Michael is NOT a jeans and sneakers type of guy, if some fans don't know this by now then they never will. Even if he did dress "normally" though people would still talk ish and I think Michael knows this. These days, it seems as though Michael is just trying to live his life and not worry about other people, so just let him be. He is never going to be "normal", he just isn't, so either you accept him the way he is or you don't, but I just don't see why this is still an issue for some people.
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Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Yep! Regular people that overreact to him are the reason why he does most of what he does. Let this man walk around freely like regular everyday people do and he'll be able to put his disguises in a box marked "Don't Need This Anymore" and place it in the attic.

Until then, the word bizarre is going to double back at regular people just like a boomerang.
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Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Its a shame he has to wear disguises
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

I really wish more people would take the time to try and see things from his angle.
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Michael!!! :wild:

he looks soooo gosh darn cool ^_^ loving how fit he's looking :yes:
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

I LOVE the outfit. HOOOOT!! :w00t:
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Yes you're right! He looks SO HOT!!!SO SEXY!!! :woohoo:
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Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

The first pic is just HOT and the following pic is YUMMY. I LUV his legs, I have tall slim legs like that too :p
Re: 2 new pics of Michael!

Holy Cow! I was gone 6 hours and there are already more pictures? He does look good and remember a lot of fans (me included) thought he looked sexy when he put on his reading glasses over in Japan. Summer you are not alone. I think it is partly because it magnifies his eyes a bit and his eyes are beautiful. "Windows to soul"

I adore him in reading glasses as well! He's so cute yet sexy in them!!! :wub:
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

Oooooooooohhhhhhhhh He looks sooooo super SEXY!!!!!!!
Re: 2 new pics of Michael!

somethings going on? like what? taking your kids to the bookstore... he seems to do that a lot.

if the wresting thing holds up, there's supposed to be a single next month, other than that seems like normal stuff, going to a friend's birthday party, taking his kids out.

he looks good, but i notice the smile that was there a couple days ago seems gone. from where were these photos taken? seems to me like just another invasion of privacy.
I agree. When MJ covers up, he is not in disguise. He is saying to photographers, 'I don't want my pictures taken'. Also these same people took pictures f his children and post them on the web fore nasty minds to mall.
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Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

a book shop, isnt it? :Dreading glasses for checking books and dark glasses to hide
and a perfect walk recognisable to anyone who has eyes :smilerolleyes:
Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

*SO SEXY* :) Thanks for the hq pics sihame :yes:
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Re: New Sighting of Michael w/2 pics!

ahahah I thought the guy in the last one dressed in white was Usher following MJ out of the store :rofl:

Thanks Sihame!! :kickass2: