New pictures This is it tour!!!!!

Hey people, are we sure its MJ in those photos?.. It does look similar to him, but I dunno some facial features look different.. I dunno if its because of the photo angle, lighting etc.. I hate to say it, but I'm not convinced at the moment if that is MJ.

Um, yeah. It's him.
They were assassinated/shot, that's different.

I don't see how that's different, my point was they also were high-profile celebrities that died suddenly. It's a reaction that's expected when someone larger than life passes away, I think.
I don't know, I hate to say it but He looks not quite himself. I've seen people before they die and they have a certain look, and I see that in these MJ pictures. It's so sad. Please don't ban me for this comment It's just my opinion.
Yes, that's true. :(
I can't see that myself, but some people have the ability to see it.
This whole situation is just so strange.. I constantly catch myself in looking forward to the conserts, but then I suddenly remember it.. And then it happens again and again..
I know. Me too. My whole life has revolved around going to London in August and seeing pictures and vids from July 14th on. Every day I was excited and overjoyed that I would be in the 7th row and would see his eyes, finally being near Michael again after twenty one years, planning my life this summer around these events, really. Thinking... oh, after that maybe he'll come to Germany for a few shows. I'll get front row then, yeah, from Viagogo. I mean, it was my life since March. And I keep feeling like it will still happen somehow because I'm so conditioned that this summer would be wonderful. And then having to remind myself .... it will never happen. :cry:
Ahhh, looks like the pics were already posted. Please forgive me for the new thread when this one was already posted.
I don't see how that's different, my point was they also were high-profile celebrities that died suddenly. It's a reaction that's expected when someone larger than life passes away, I think.

There is no doubt as to how Lennon, Tupac, Marvin Gaye, or Jam Master Jay died. They were shot. Or Otis Redding, Buddy Holly, or Stevie Ray Vaughn died in plane crashes. But in Michael's & Bruce's cases, it's more mysterious because they were believed to be healthy and just died. So people say the doctor gave Mike demerol or Bruce was killed by the Triads, etc.
I don't know, I hate to say it but He looks not quite himself. I've seen people before they die and they have a certain look, and I see that in these MJ pictures. It's so sad. Please don't ban me for this comment It's just my opinion.

I know what you mean.. When I first saw these pics on TMZ I thought it might be an impersonator they have hired for a photoshoot. But then when I saw the pics posted on this board with everyone saying it is him, I was a bit confused. I'v been a fan all my life, this is the first time I've ever looked at a photos of Mike and been uncertain its him. :mello:
But if yall are saying it IS him, it probably is... But I'm waiting for some more footage.
I understand what you guys mean regarding MJ looking a bit different. I think it's just because he might not have had full make up on for the performance. Also, to verify that it is indeed MJ, don't forget that Kenny Ortega posted these four pics on his blog as well. I'm sure the director of the show would know if these pics were from his program or not.
all i can say is WOW!!!
how happy and fit he looks.:cry: this is the biggest loss in the world.:no::no:
thanks for posting.
Beautiful photos. He looks like he was really enjoying himself.

Love you, Michael.
I actually don't wish to see these pics get released to the public
he look a bit 'different' :no:
i really dont understand where this 'different' stuff is coming from.

He is thin, like usual.

He's wearing curls for the first time in a long time, which is...different.

(sigh) I'm talking as if this is a *real* new pic thread. In present tense too. Ok now im sad again.
i really dont understand where this 'different' stuff is coming from.

He is thin, like usual.

He's wearing curls for the first time in a long time, which is...different.

(sigh) I'm talking as if this is a *real* new pic thread. In present tense too. Ok now im sad again.

Well technically...he's still thin nad has curls I bet. I doubt someone straightened his hair.
Michael is looking so good in these pictures. These photos are so beautiful. And he has the curly hair!!!!!!!!!! Best look IMO. Go Michael, GO!!!!!
God he is so gorgeous.. He looks so beautiful and im crying again :(
Considering a few of them has a big red "This Is It" neon behind him, there's your confirmation those are new.

Looks great. CLEARLY Michael was in good shape
great photos! he's in good shape, beautiful clothes, beautiful stage, everything was perfect!

aw Mikey... :(
They should just go ahead and put this together fast, and release it on Tuesday July 14, the morning right after the concert was supposed to kick off. Get the audio, the video, or both together and released.
this is so hard to look at. It makes me happy to see Michael practicing and being happy and It makes me sad because it was the last time he was seen alive. wwwaaaaaaaa :(
He looks great !! well Miss you so much Michael
The more I look at how good and well Michael looked while rehearsing. The more I hear people like Miko, Ortega and Ferigno say that Michael was just fine. The more I wonder if something really bad happened to him at the hands of someone else. The LAPD went back to his home today to collect more evidence. This is becoming more than just a simple coroner deal. This is looking bad for somebody.
The more I look at how good and well Michael looked while rehearsing. The more I hear people like Miko, Ortega and Ferigno say that Michael was just fine. The more I wonder if something really bad happened to him at the hands of someone else. The LAPD went back to his home today to collect more evidence. This is becoming more than just a simple coroner deal. This is looking bad for somebody.
when was this??
he was gonna kick ass man!!! ........sigh...........dam it.