New pictures This is it tour!!!!!

I think people are missing a vital fact here. AEG wants to release footage of this rehearsal. Everyone who was with him at that rehearsal say he was phenomenal.

Do you honestly think they are lying?? Then releasing the footage?

You guys are just looking for anything wrong with these pictures. I think the tabloid media is getting to you. Be stronger then this, please for Michael.

I never doubted that he could do it. After seeing these pics I am more convinced that MJ was as good as he was in the 90's.

I thought we all had faith in Michael. Yeah he died, but we don't know why.

Why is it all of a sudden the case that we are looking for signs Michael was ill. I neede only ONE second after seeing this photos to realize that the person I am seeing, is someone who is in good shape and performing like he did 12 years ago.

Just wait until the footage is released, this thread with the doubt will be in shame.
I honestly think he looked good and I think it looks like the show would have been great. i really hope they release it on a dvd.
Yes I agree he looked great in the pictures.

I want to take this chance to thank and congratulate Michael and the This Is It team on a job well done. People said he couldnt do it, people said the concerts would be cancelled, I think these photos show he could do it. He promised we had seen nothing yet, he said he would share new things with us in concert, and the show looks amazing. He didnt let us down. I am so proud of Michael. Thanks Mike!
Doens't look weak to me. In fact I'd even say he looks Happy to be back up there!
He looked so happy in those pictures. I wish he would have been able to do this tour.
well...if it weren't for the This is It sign in big red, behind him, i would not know what era this is from. i would have never guessed between dangerous, bad, or history. he never aged. this is surreal. there was nothing wrong with him. a picture is worth the destruction of a thousand lies.
I do think he looks really thin but he looked happy and energetic.
I don't see someone on death's door.
well...if it weren't for the This is It sign in big red, behind him, i would not know what era this is from. i would have never guessed between dangerous, bad, or history. he never aged. this is surreal. there was nothing wrong with him. a picture is worth the destruction of a thousand lies.

no pun intended, lol but I like your last statement!
This makes me sick. These pics look amazing. Especially the Smooth Criminal one ...
Through all the sadness and hurt, there is still the excitement that there is a new full blown Michael Jackson concert out there ready for all of us to see, and I certainly believe we will very soon.

Reading the interviews with some of the TII crew it was sounding better than anything on the previous tours.

I bet the band were absolute bad ass too!

I know there wont be a crowd in the footage, but I reckon that will make watching it all the more special and personal.
i don't care the reheashel footage shows he wasnt as good as he used to be, after everything he went through in his life the fact he even got up onto the stage earns a lifetime of respect from me
C'mon y'all... don't start arguing. If someone doesn't think Michael looked great then let them think that. In my opinion he looked wonderful, and I'm with y'all; it's hard to imagine what went wrong?... And he had fun I'm sure during those rehearsals. Oh how I can't wait till we see some footage. It'll be sad but it sure will bring some type of closure to hear him talking, smiling, being a big boss man, singing and dancing. I'd be in heaven! :angel:
I think we could all do without having an argument about this, but I have to agree with MJSexBomb. Its fine you all think he looks great, and you're entitled to your opinions and if looking at these pictures is helping you through this difficult time then good. But to me, in my opinion, he doesn't look well at all. He still has that excitement in his eyes to be performing, yes, but he also looks tired, he does look like hes on medication, he is very thin (and I know he's always been thin but he looks actually ill in these pictures) he looks gaunt and generally not very healthy at all, and you know what it breaks my heart to see him like that.
And do you know what I have to say it cos I am so angry and sad right now..Im SICK of people saying how he was healthy, how he was in the best shape of his life..he wasnt. He was on so many various forms of medication, he was mixing pills, he had insomnia, he was underweight, not to mention the amount of stress he was under for these concerts. Its people denying that there was something wrong and constantly saying he was fine that probably led to his death because NO ONE was looking out for him, no one was making sure he wasnt mixing his medication and no one actually told him he had a problem. He needed help and not one person gave it to him because "oh hes michael jackson and hes invincible". WRONG. He was a human being who needed help with the problems and ailments that he had. Even Michaels close friends have said he was failed by everyone. So for gods sake stop denying that he was a picture of health because he WASNT.
And I dont care if you all look at this post in shock horror and hate me for eternity. I cant possibly be hurt anymore than I am at the moment.
I wanted to see him performing live a full show, at least one time in my life.
This thread is long as hell... is there anyone that can make a post with the best quality/largest size/UNCROPPED version of the pictures that is out?

Would appreciate it!
I was just watching these pics on TIME magazone site
and I notice the following lines under 2 of the pictures:

under smooth criminal picture:
Starting this Christmas, Jackson's family will release a series of posthumous albums, including perhaps some songs written for Jackson's children and some left over from his last album Invincible.

Under a picture of Mj with Kenny and the dancers:
Fans will have a chance to purchase a DVD and album of Jackson's last rehearsals that is presently being compiled. It is expected to be one of his biggest sellers. This photo was taken on May 6.

Including songs written for his children? I hope they don´t mean that the children are going to start performing or do they mean songs MJs has written to the children. But I hope they will release the rehearsals on a dvd.
maybe songs MJ wrote for them or songs family members (janet) will dedicate to them I think
I think we could all do without having an argument about this, but I have to agree with MJSexBomb. Its fine you all think he looks great, and you're entitled to your opinions and if looking at these pictures is helping you through this difficult time then good. But to me, in my opinion, he doesn't look well at all. He still has that excitement in his eyes to be performing, yes, but he also looks tired, he does look like hes on medication, he is very thin (and I know he's always been thin but he looks actually ill in these pictures) he looks gaunt and generally not very healthy at all, and you know what it breaks my heart to see him like that.
And do you know what I have to say it cos I am so angry and sad right now..Im SICK of people saying how he was healthy, how he was in the best shape of his life..he wasnt. He was on so many various forms of medication, he was mixing pills, he had insomnia, he was underweight, not to mention the amount of stress he was under for these concerts. Its people denying that there was something wrong and constantly saying he was fine that probably led to his death because NO ONE was looking out for him, no one was making sure he wasnt mixing his medication and no one actually told him he had a problem. He needed help and not one person gave it to him because "oh hes michael jackson and hes invincible". WRONG. He was a human being who needed help with the problems and ailments that he had. Even Michaels close friends have said he was failed by everyone. So for gods sake stop denying that he was a picture of health because he WASNT.
And I dont care if you all look at this post in shock horror and hate me for eternity. I cant possibly be hurt anymore than I am at the moment.

100% true. Great posting.
I dont see how you can say he was on anything we aint no tabloid we cant say either way so really why are you running ur mouth i agree i come here for non-tabloid news and support
Thank you. We do not know nothing at this point.
Just because I am being honest about Michael's health, DOES NOT make me anything like tabloids!! Infact, for your information I have been campaigning against the witch hunt by the media and papparazzi on Michael for 10 years!
What I said is not speculation and gossip, it is hard fact. Very very sad, but true. Do you think I'm happy about that? Do you think I like admitting that to myself?
It absolutely breaks my heart knowing these things about him. If you cant bear to read the negative things about his life (we all have them in our lives you know) then that's not my fault, but I have a right to come here and speak my mind like everyone else. You choose to believe he was fine and healthy and in need of no help, thats your right, but dont dare compare me to tabloids because I dare say something that isnt viewed through rose tinted spectacles.
Everyone's got their opinion, but you can't judge MJ, until we see the film footage. To me he looks perfectly fine, you cannot say he looks from tired and unhealthy from a handful of stills.

I believe everyone will be gob smacked when we see the footage.