New pictures This is it tour!!!!!

Here they are:

Does anyone know where i can get a similar rain jacket-y thing from?
I love it!
THESE are the pictures to end all the speculation amoungst the doubters that Michael was ready and fit enough.

That isn't a frail, drug addled man, that is a fit performer who is really going for it. oh how I cry for what should have been, but this show is on tape for the world to see, and should not just be for those who can afford to pay to see it.
ooooh my god what a show he was making! I bet he is sad that he didnt get to show it..
But I also feel that 50 shows is a little bit terrifying.. mabye 10 would have been better. Anyway, I hope that we will see the videos of the rehersings..

So sad to see all this..
He seemed very happy and felt comfortable. This is wonderful to see, though it has sad aspects. Michael had a good time and he was excited and in his element, he was back home on stage this is a comfort to see.

I miss you Michael, I can't put it into words!
Wow... he looks so fine.. :cry: Happy and beautiful. And especially YOUNG! He looks just like back in the 90's!!!

Thanks for sharing the pics anyway.. I can't stop looking at them.
Michael should have waited til after the first performance to go. At least he would have had to chance to show the world what he had been working so hard for and that he is still the King.

But I just cannot believe this.. so much effort and creativity went into it.. he had such high hopes and excitement.. and he didn't get to do even one performance.
That Y-shaped jacket/shirt seemed to be new style or something. Right? 2 different outfits, the same Y-shaped design:)
has looked like he has lost some considerable weight since the TII press conference

Not filling out that white jacket much and looks thin on the neck but still great pictures
Re: New pictures this is tour!!!!!

How do we know these are recent? If they are WOWOWOWO

Well, it does say this is it in huge letters! so im pretty sure they are! this was gonna be one hell of a show, these pictures should be shown to the world! i cant wait for the dvd. im so sad for MJ, he looked so confident, he knew he was gonna take it, its so sad
Right now, it is hard for me to listen to his music or see picture. I start crying.
Photographers who where there said he killed it and danced even better than the young background dancers AND was actually singing.
Maybe somehow he had a feeling (or maybe knew) he wasn't going to make it to do the shows, so he just killed it at the dress rehearsals on the full stage with full special effects.
Knowing that whatever happened to him or the concerts, this would be released on dvd (hopefully blu-ray) so everybody could see he still had it.

There's a reason why this concert is named "this is it".
This dress rehearsal was his goodbye to all of his fans.
Any guesses on what he was performing? (apart from smooth criminal)

judging by that jacket & the backing dancers, i think he was performing TWYMMF
My versions of this amazing pics...










enjoy them :(
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Amazing, the show looks incredible! I really hope they release the rehearsals on DVD.
When you think about it...maaaan.

When he came on that stage during the speech when he anounced the O2 shows...he said THIS IS IT. I always thought he just meant it in a way of saying 'This is the moment you've been waiting for' but alllll the time the show really was called This is it too. That's whyhe said it so much too during the his own 'mysterious,awesome' way saying it.

It was never confirmed ...articles just assumed it was the tour's name...but in the end, it was too. Look at those huge letters. And man look at the scenery..they were
really going for it with this one. He really was :(
I heard there are more pictures out there than these four. Is it true? If it is, anyone have a link to them?

He looks really great on these pictures, the concerts would have been amazing :(
He looks f*cking amazing.
I'm just so sad he never got to show TII to the world before he died.
