New pictures This is it tour!!!!!

thanks guys i think ur right its a 3d projection which is probs how they got away with selling tickets from behind- plus we all now mj is a roamer
Michael is looking wonderful in these pictures, Im finding it so hard to accept his passing, Im in denial.
The 'This Is It' tour looked like it was going to be truly amazing, Michael was obviously working hard on the show making sure it came up to his perfectionist standards. Im glad these pictures have been released because it shows the world just how wonderful and healthy Michael was before he died.
You know what is sad. Any in the media would have just had to ask these reliable people who were there about how rehearsals were going and how Michael was interacting and participating. There would have been no need for all the crap out there that was spilled. Will any of those lying reporters stand up now and apologize and keep some credibility?

What gets me really is that the media see them caught in lies time and again but continue to go back to them. It's like they purposely didn't want to hear the good because they knew these people existed.

Thanks to Mark Lester and any others who immediately spoke the truth about his enthusiasm, desire, and ability to do these concerts. I wonder what those who were quick to jump on the "I don't think he could do it" bandwagon while pretending to know more about these concerts and Michael's participation in it versus knowing the truth. People such as Geraldo who simply repeats like a parrot instead of being the grand investigative reporter he claims to be. As I said last night, Google would work wonders for some of these media peeps.
I hope that whenever any of their technology or visuals are copied by others it will always be credited back to TII.
Thank you for the pictures.

I don't know why, but it helped.. Somehow.
He looks so beautiful on those pictures. The first time we see the curly hair in all its glory. He is so beautiful. At least we have got some very beautiful pictures of him to remember him by.
Mixed emotions seeing these pics......but its good seeing MJ doing what he did best!
Cheers me up seeing these pictures, he was happy :)

I do look forward to some sort of DVD release of rehearsals, seeing Michael do what he does best one last time :)
paris...they are definitely recent..look at his face first of all...recent...second of all....he never did a show on stage in those outfits that we wouldnt' have known about..... they're recent lol. look at his face in the smooth criminal.... .. i can't believe many of us almost saw that...FOR REAL!! GAAHH!!...
god, this isn't fair :cry: I can just imagine how excited everyone would have been to see these pictures before this happened, we would have had like a hundred page thread. now it just hurts to see these. how can he have looked so healthy and energetic, and now be gone? .....
OMG !!!!! he's awesome. It's too bad that he's soon.....R.I.P sweetheart. You'll be always alive in my heart.
You know what is sad. Any in the media would have just had to ask these reliable people who were there about how rehearsals were going and how Michael was interacting and participating. There would have been no need for all the crap out there that was spilled. Will any of those lying reporters stand up now and apologize and keep some credibility?

What gets me really is that the media see them caught in lies time and again but continue to go back to them. It's like they purposely didn't want to hear the good because they knew these people existed.

Thanks to Mark Lester and any others who immediately spoke the truth about his enthusiasm, desire, and ability to do these concerts. I wonder what those who were quick to jump on the "I don't think he could do it" bandwagon while pretending to know more about these concerts and Michael's participation in it versus knowing the truth. People such as Geraldo who simply repeats like a parrot instead of being the grand investigative reporter he claims to be. As I said last night, Google would work wonders for some of these media peeps.
The media is not going to attempt to talk to the reliable sources---those people who were actually THERE at the rehearsals---because to do so would give the media the truth which is: Michael was healthy and in tip-top shape, and he was energetic, vibrant and his singing and dancing were on point....that 50 year old can still upstage the young folk. The media don't want to hear nor report that because it goes directly against the frail, sickly angle they insist on force-feeding the public.
The media never really truly cared for michael.. and they never will! :angry:
i just got the 2 other pics hq :


god, this isn't fair :cry: I can just imagine how excited everyone would have been to see these pictures before this happened, we would have had like a hundred page thread. now it just hurts to see these. how can he have looked so healthy and energetic, and now be gone? .....
Kind of similar to Bruce Lee. Bruce was in great shape, but also died all of a sudden under mysterious circumstances. The official reason given was that he had an aneurysm. But a lot of people didn't believe that and suspected he was killed or poisoned. There were many rumors as to who did it.
Kind of similar to Bruce Lee. Bruce was in great shape, but also died all of a sudden under mysterious circumstances. The official reason given was that he had an aneurysm. But a lot of people didn't believe that and suspected he was killed or poisoned. There were many rumors as to who did it.

Those rumors are also false. Bruce Lee used opiates and might've had a reaction to that. He had an autopsy and died of an aneurysm. People just want to make more out of it than it was. It happened with Lennon too, and with 2pac. It/'s natural.
Those rumors are also false. Bruce Lee used opiates and might've had a reaction to that. He had an autopsy and died of an aneurysm. People just want to make more out of it than it was. It happened with Lennon too, and with 2pac. It/'s natural.
They were assassinated/shot, that's different.
Hey people, are we sure its MJ in those photos?.. It does look similar to him, but I dunno some facial features look different.. I dunno if its because of the photo angle, lighting etc.. I hate to say it, but I'm not convinced at the moment if that is MJ.
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Hey people, are we sure its MJ in those photos.. I does look similar to him, but I dunno some facial features look different.. I dunno if its because of the photo angle, lighting etc.. I hate to say it, but I'm not convinced at the moment if that is MJ.

I don't know, I hate to say it but He looks not quite himself. I've seen people before they die and they have a certain look, and I see that in these MJ pictures. It's so sad. Please don't ban me for this comment It's just my opinion.