NEW PICS (June 3rd) L.A. Studio

Thanks for the hq. looks like he got the shirt from the pressconference on
Here some HQ







Sideburns and ears, yippee!!!!:jump:

Ahem, must compose myself.-_-:popcorn:
He's looking like he did in the late 80's/early 90's. Amazing what a new hairstyle can do. Curls really compliment his facial structure
He looks much heathier now. His face has fattened up and his cheeks are'nt sunken in anymore. He looks Great!
Thanks for pix, Sihame. :flowers:

He looks great and pleasant. But that umbrella behind his head is blocking good shots of the curls...and that ponytail. :shifty:

*walks up to him...gently takes umbrella from his umbrella to security guy to hold properly... and walks away* :baby:
I love the pictures of MJ and Prince walking side by side. Really cute!
You have to upload it onto the internet using something like photobucket or imageshack :yes: Then link it.
he looks very HOT ! i love his unique style and the shoes oh my god :heart:

i wish 20th of june rumor will come true !!!
OK LAST WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!

Do not post Michael's children on the forum without their masks unless they have been blocked out of the pic. If it continues I will begin issuing infractions.
LOL, what can I say, we Americans love our Jordans... Now I just need them to have on an Air Jordan outfit, then I will be to out
*sidenote* where was the lil' cutie Blanket??

ur really hurtin Kobe Bryant's feelings. :lol:
love the new HQ Pics Thanks!! I have been looking for those Black Boots of MJ's ever since i saw him where them late last year and i can't find any like Michael's

*asking Michael VERY! Nicely* "Where do you Get Them Michael" :blush: :D

*waiting for response* :)
found some more :D





the curls aren't as curly anymore :boohoo: I was so excited about the curls, I was doing the Carlton dance and everything

that looks like the dance studio instead of a recording studio. and look at the irony..MJ passing by a garbage bin. lol. i'm sure it's a lot neater in his neighborhood.

one other and my need to notice suv's. lol. i think that one is not the caddy anymore. i think that's a model from outside the usa. no..second's still the caddy. lol
mikes looking good,and i must say prince and paris are going to be some heartbreakers lol