MJ to be buried soon

personally, i'm glad that he's finally going to be buried. The thought of him being kept in a morgue or in some freakishly cold and cool freezer is more unsettling than the thought of him buried. Finally, he can be laid to rest. I would love to visit him too. :(
I personally just want him to be finally buried.
I don't need to know where.

We dont need to visit his grave. We should get a memorial somewhere, some place of convergance for us fans.

His family deserves to able to visit his own private grave for their own precious memories and pieces to leave. Can you imagine if we knew eher he was, how much media would follow Janet to his grave when all she might want to do is be ALONE with him?

Although we have the best intentions about leaving flowers and things for Michael, wouldnt it feel a little imposing for his family. As much as Im sure they appreciate the well wishes and well wishers, our grief cannot begin to touch theirs. Michael's resting place should be for them... in my humble opinion.

I do agree with this.
The fact that he will finally be laid to rest is enough comfort for me.

But if it IS Forest Lawn in the end, why'd it take so long to come to this decision? Did they try for Neverland and it didn't work out? Just doesn't make sense that it would take over a month to decide this.
I personally just want him to be finally buried.
I don't need to know where.

We dont need to visit his grave. We should get a memorial somewhere, some place of convergance for us fans.

His family deserves to able to visit his own private grave for their own precious memories and pieces to leave. Can you imagine if we knew eher he was, how much media would follow Janet to his grave when all she might want to do is be ALONE with him?

Although we have the best intentions about leaving flowers and things for Michael, wouldnt it feel a little imposing for his family. As much as Im sure they appreciate the well wishes and well wishers, our grief cannot begin to touch theirs. Michael's resting place should be for them... in my humble opinion.

I so agree with you mostly just this... we're all different so maybe some here do feel a huge need to have a place to visit and to remember Michael and leave their signs and presents and flowers and whatelse... well maybe they will be allowed to do so at the ranch formerly knowns as Neverland even though, if they'll pay enough money probably?!

Well I'm so not the funeral or even grave type somehow.

As many of you know, my boyfriend passed away only days after Michael did. And really he's so much more to feel when I touch the things he loved in our place, when I sleep with his pillow and stuff like that than he is really to feel for me at the graveyard where he was put to rest.
Also I've never felt my granny really at her graveyard... and I had to both of those an intense relationship.

My boyfriend also Michael... ppl who passed away are still here with us... I do feel that honestly... they are more free than us... and nobody could put them in a shrine, coffin, or whatever anymore... well if they don't want (someone just told me ;) ).

I remember Mark Lester told something about the kids and Paris going to bed with a little Teddybear Michael once gave to her. I'm sure there's more of Michael in this Teddybear and in the room with the kids when they go asleep than that there would ever be a part of the real him in his coffin.

If this about Forrest Lawn is true I'm happy they will not put him in the earth of that land formerly known as Neverland but somehow I also hope they can offer him a secure grave at forrest lawn. But as many famous ppl are laid to rest there it should be possible?!

The Jackson family doesn't even really own that piece of land formerly known as Neverland anymore.
Neverland ranch is not existing anymore. It ended with Michael moving out. There is no Neverland Ranch without Michael living there as there is no Neverland without Peter Pan.
That 'Hook' story done by Spielberg was invented only to get money from movie watchers! ;)
So a real cemetary is a good choice to me.

The rest left at the ranch would be and probably still will be money making business only... a grave there in my personal opinion: tasteless.

I just find this moneymaking theatre ppl are still doing with Elvis and his Graceland so very tasteless.
That's why I could never see any real class or true dignity in the Presley family doing that... but well that's me and they can do whatever makes them happy. I just could never stand when someone uses a death person for something like that.

Somehow I feel myself going to hope Michaels body is not really on Forrest Lawn also. It's might only what they want everybody to believe. Maybe the kids and Janet and the rest of the family will bring their flowers somewhere nobody else knows... honestly to me that would be best.

I'd not tell ppl the truth about where his body is laid to rest finally.
wherever he'll be buried it doesn't matter he'll always be in hearts of everyone forever.
be in peace michael
Hmm.... I'm going to wait for some official confirmation on this before I completely exhale. However, if true, I don't think anyone should be too concerned about security and whatnot. For one, these are not the days and times of Elvis and Chaplin where something like what happened to them could be easily done. Modern times bring on better methods as far as security, and technology are concerned. And then there are the various options of burial. I'm sure these things are issues Michael's family would seriously consider before making a final decision. If they have made the decision to bury him at Forest Lawn, I would take it that as a signal that they have some ideas in mind on how to keep Michael safe.

Also, I doubt there will ever be a time where a hater would be there alone...unless they work for the cemetery itself and have access during off times. Michael has too many fans for something like this to happen, imho. At any given time, there would have be at least one genuine fan around who wouldn't stand for anyone desecrating his place of rest in any way. Think of the genuine fans as back-up security? :wink:

As far as his burial, I dunno...I'm surprisingly not too overwhelmed by this news becuz, for me, his memorial was the final good-bye. I thought the family would have buried him privately anyway so I guess I already buried him in my mind and have passed the "finality" stage some of you are feeling now. The only thing that's sorta hard to deal with now is knowing he said he didn't want to be buried. I was kinda hoping the family might put him in a crypt or mausoleum...or they'd do something for him that was unique and special...something very "Michael". Putting him in the ground just seems kinda plain...even tho it's just his shell. :( I realize we all come into this world very plainly and leaving it in the same fashion wouldn't be a crime against nature. It just feels like Michael should have something more (just not at Neverland).

As for fans visiting and leaving gifts vs. his family having private time, Forest Lawn doesn't allow people to leave a lot of hooha at gravesites anyway. They have a very strict code about what people can leave as well as how many items can be left at a time on the grave. So fans nor his family wouldn't be allowed to leave a lot of things. As for papz, I think as time goes by, they will most likely find the cemetery uninteresting. I've yet to see many gravesite papz photos, now that I think about it. Either they have some sense of decency about taking those kinds of pictures or the novelty of it wears off quickly. And if MJ ended up in a Mausoleum it would remain private for the family anyway as they would be indoors. However, if they decide to keep his space private for just the family, who can argue with that? Whatever they decide we will have to respect their decision and be sure that they've given it a lot of thought and consideration. Whatever they feel will make Michael happy in his final resting place, they should do.

Edit: I forgot to say I'm grateful the family DID allow us a chance to say goodbye by having the casket at the memorial. That was very generous of them. I know some fans were against it and probably some of his family, but for some of us it was deeply appreciated.
I saw this on TV news this morning. The great sadness is back. it sounded so final.........I am glad that he is finally being laid to rest, and we can now pay our respects - but still the thought is heartwrenching.

I hope that Forest Lawn are fully prepared for this
He will be in good company at Forrest Lawn.

I don't know if someone already said this in the thread, but Forrest Lawn is open to the public, however I heard on the tv that visitors are not told who is burried where. I'm not sure if it meant that there aren't actually headstones etc. with names on...?

If Michael wanted to be at Neverland he should be, but I thought he had lost his love for it after everything it stood for was cruely destroyed.
Finally! It was about the time..

This is starting to feel so surreal again :cry:
He will be in good company at Forrest Lawn.

I don't know if someone already said this in the thread, but Forrest Lawn is open to the public, however I heard on the tv that visitors are not told who is burried where. I'm not sure if it meant that there aren't actually headstones etc. with names on...?

If Michael wanted to be at Neverland he should be, but I thought he had lost his love for it after everything it stood for was cruely destroyed.

Yeah and parts of it are closed to the public.
Greetings, All. Thank God I found all you people who love Michael too. This is my very first post. I've been annoyed by suggestions by media vultures that the family was fighting over where to bury him. I think Mrs. Jackson waited for the coroner to return his brain because she wanted to bury him whole.
Forest Lawn seems OK to me. I looked at the website and it looks beautiful. I understand families can request that a loved ones resting place isn't disclosed to the visiting public. I kind of hope Michael will be buried in some discreet yet beautiful spot where people will not easily find him. It seemed they are offering crypts too. If Michael's resting place was 'hidden', then maybe there could be a separate memorial people could visit. Oh, I don't know... :cry:

OK, I am selfish. I hope that I can visit Michael, even if I can only visit at a certain time of the year as dictated by the family. I want to say a personal goodbye to Michael.
Showbiz writer Ross King tells U.K. morning show GMTV, "The word we are getting is the family has at last signed papers that means he will be buried at Forest Lawn Memorial. It's a famous resting place and lots of famous people are buried there

LOL is that self procalimed journo still around.guess hes been reading the boards or wacthing ET seeing as "thats the word we are getting" yeah like anyone would tell him anything. love it how they try and act like insiders and they are in on things when all they do is trawl the net and take info from other media outlets. not hard to try look important in the media
I remember Mark Lester told something about the kids and Paris going to bed with a little Teddybear Michael once gave to her. I'm sure there's more of Michael in this Teddybear and in the room with the kids when they go asleep than that there would ever be a part of the real him in his coffin.
The rest left at the ranch would be and probably still will be money making business only... a grave there in my personal opinion: tasteless.

I just find this moneymaking theatre ppl are still doing with Elvis and his Graceland so very tasteless.
That's why I could never see any real class or true dignity in the Presley family doing that... but well that's me and they can do whatever makes them happy. I just could never stand when someone uses a death person for something like that.quote]

You must remember that Elvis and Michael touched millions upon millions of people's lives in many ways. How many of those people have a teddy bear or pillow Elvis or Michael gave to them to remember them by? Almost none. So for many people the only way to pay their respects and feel close to Elvis or Michael is to visit their grave.

I'm not sure if you know it but Elvis WAS buried in a regular cemetery when he first died. Almost immediately people tried to steal his body. That's when they moved him to Graceland, where he has rested in peace ever since. I can say without hesitation that people will try to do harm to Michael's gravesite at Forest Lawn unless it is guarded evry hour of every day. I also can say without hesitation that his children and family will be hounded by the press on their visits to Forest Lawn to see Michael and you will soon see photos of them standing over his resting place or coming and going. That, to me, is tasteless. When his grave is desecrated and pictues pop up everywhere of his family trying to find a moment of peace but unable to, don't say nobody warned it would happen.

I'm very familiar with Neverland and the surrounding area, and also familiar with Forest Lawn. I've been to both, and when everything is considered I still believe Neverland would be a better option.
Everything you just said points out the reason Neverland would be the best option for Michael's burial. Forest Lawn is surrounded by millions of people, many of them willing to take a ten minute drive to desecrate his gravesite. I guarantee you more people would attempt to desecrate his grave at Forest Lawn than at Neverland. Forest Lawn also far less secure than Neverland would be as a place to guard his grave site. They could have a guard posted at his grave 24/7 at Neverland, something that ain't gonna happen at Forest Lawn.

For those who say Forest Lawn is closer to the children, remember the children aren't going to live with Grandma forever. Think of the future. Also, Neverland would afford his children far more privacy while visiting their father's grave than Forest Lawn ever would.

who is 'they' cuz the jacksons don't own it. so y bury him where they have NO CONTROL OVER WHAT HAPPENS TO IT?

that's like me buring my dog in ur yard. i need ur permission to come and see him. lame

they won't have guards posted at nvr cuz mj is there.

the kids gonna move anytime soon? no so for now, this is the best place.

privacy? forrest lawn has a lot of famous poeple buried there. u need to get clearance, be on the visitor list, and ur escorted to the grave. u can't roam around.
[quote UpToMe] I'm very familiar with Neverland and the surrounding area, and also familiar with Forest Lawn. I've been to both, and when everything is considered I still believe Neverland would be a better option. quote]

Sweetheat,you are forgetting one thing my love...Michael didn't want to return to Neverland because it brought him bad memories.I agree that Michael's body must be protected,but i do hope that people can go to his grave and pray.I sure would love very much to be able to pray near him.
I'm sorry but that's f*cking sick. Uncalled for and unnecesary.

As long as he's taken care of,man. That's all I care about.

:angel:I'm prayin for ya Michael.
well that's what people were doing. so that's y it took so long, prolly, for the family to decide. u had people threatening to do that.
Forest Lawn is only a few hours drive from me and I would Definitely go if I could get in to visit his grave. That would be the closest I'd ever be to him. Although I can feel him at times I think being there would be incredibly sad but cathartic in a way too.

And even after I typed that and thinking about a grave my mind screams "A grave? This is so EFFing wrong"... and then the tears...
who is 'they' cuz the jacksons don't own it. so y bury him where they have NO CONTROL OVER WHAT HAPPENS TO IT?

that's like me buring my dog in ur yard. i need ur permission to come and see him. lame

they won't have guards posted at nvr cuz mj is there.

the kids gonna move anytime soon? no so for now, this is the best place.

privacy? forrest lawn has a lot of famous poeple buried there. u need to get clearance, be on the visitor list, and ur escorted to the grave. u can't roam around.

The Jacksons still have a stake in Neverland.

You don't know who would control what. That's up to the parties involved to decide.

You don't know if they would or would not have guards posted. I said they could, and that is certainly correct.

You don't know if the kids will move soon. Like I said, it pays to think of the future as well and not just today. but yes, today it would save them about an hour drive to and from. Many people in this world wish they were that close to their loved ones resting place. It's not that far.

When I have visited Forest Lawn in the past I needed no clearance, didn't need to be on any visitor's list, and was never escorted anywhere by anybody at any time. Since it has been a number of years since my last visit I decided to check their website (specifically the Hollywood Hills location). There is a section regarding visitation. Nowhere does it say anything about anyone needing clearance, being on a visitor's list, or being escorted. Where did you come up with that information?
as michael jackson said...

''This is the FINAL curtain call''

This hurts, knowing michael beautifulness is going to rot away and we're never going to see it EVER again

The Jacksons still have a stake in Neverland.

You don't know who would control what. That's up to the parties involved to decide.

You don't know if they would or would not have guards posted. I said they could, and that is certainly correct.

You don't know if the kids will move soon. Like I said, it pays to think of the future as well and not just today. but yes, today it would save them about an hour drive to and from. Many people in this world wish they were that close to their loved ones resting place. It's not that far.

When I have visited Forest Lawn in the past I needed no clearance, didn't need to be on any visitor's list, and was never escorted anywhere by anybody at any time. Since it has been a number of years since my last visit I decided to check their website (specifically the Hollywood Hills location). There is a section regarding visitation. Nowhere does it say anything about anyone needing clearance, being on a visitor's list, or being escorted. Where did you come up with that information?

katherine been in that house since they came to california. them ain't moving

the jacksons don't have majority stake in the ranch. it was said when mj was alive. barak does, not mike so therefore it would transfer after death

so unless they have plans to make nvr a JACKSON cemetary where they can all rest in peace, it's not a good idea. barak can make it a zoo like atmosphere and attraction. or he can try to buy them out. i don't trust him.

fl is on lockdown mode now. the biggest celeb in the world is about to be buried there. david carradine was just laid to rest there. and others?


THEY SAID the place is so damn large finding a star's grave is like finding a needle in a haystack. the cemetary refuses to give locations to a star's grave. theydon't encourage sight seeing and can be nasty to people trying to find them.

and some celeb tomb's are hidden away in PRIVATE GARDENS, BEHIND LOCKED WALLS and no one from the public can enter them.




















Forrest Lawn will not be his finaly resting palce, it too ordinary. Consider this...

MJ was placed in a GOLD plated casket
his memorial was in a HUGE stadium, it was seen by billions...
He's the KING OF POP, not Joe Ordinary,
He always stood out from the crowd, its why we are fans, his resting place will be no differant,

he will be buried somewhere fitting his large presence in life, and there is no reason it will not be RESPECTFUL or will prevent US fans from visiting, even if it is from a distance.

I for see us being able to visit his final resting place, but not as close as Elvis, or others.

As for the list of other celebs at Forrest Lawns, NONE of them is a loved as MJ, even if u put them ALL IN THE SAME PLACE. MJ is unique and as he sleeped in shiney sparkling sheets in his bed he sure as heck won't be put in a grave and hidden away.

Also the fact none of the other news agencies has reported or this news it makes me believe it's just a rumor, or at best a temporary solution until a more fitting place is found, becasuse it is weird having someone just lying around waiting to be buried. There is no shame or strangeness in 2 burials it happens to many people, not often but it happens.
Forrest Lawn will not be his finaly resting palce, it too ordinary. Consider this...

MJ was placed in a GOLD plated casket
his memorial was in a HUGE stadium, it was seen by billions...
He's the KING OF POP, not Joe Ordinary,
He always stood out from the crowd, its why we are fans, his resting place will be no differant,

he will be buried somewhere fitting his large presence in life, and there is no reason it will not be RESPECTFUL or will prevent US fans from visiting, even if it is from a distance.

I for see us being able to visit his final resting place, but not as close as Elvis, or others.

As for the list of other celebs at Forrest Lawns, NONE of them is a loved as MJ, even if u put them ALL IN THE SAME PLACE. MJ is unique and as he sleeped in shiney sparkling sheets in his bed he sure as heck won't be put in a grave and hidden away.

Also the fact none of the other news agencies has reported or this news it makes me believe it's just a rumor, or at best a temporary solution until a more fitting place is found, becasuse it is weird having someone just lying around waiting to be buried. There is no shame or strangeness in 2 burials it happens to many people, not often but it happens.

100% Agreed!
I don't think Forest Lawn will be his final resting place. Ms Katherine is not gonna bury Michael in a place where his millions of fans can't even find his gravesite. She knows how much Michael loves his fans. I believe he will end up at Neverland some how, some way.

And Barrack does not own NL 100%. The LLC is a joint venture between Colony and MJ. So MJ's portion is now owned by the estate. And I doubt very seriously if Barrack would prevent the Jackson family from going to visit Michael's grave if he were to be buried there.

And just because Michael may have not wanted to call the place home again because of what he went through there. But he didn't hate it. If he hated it, he would have sold it. He said in LWMJ that he would never sell it. He loved his place. He hated what happened there.