MJ to be buried soon

Yeah I feel the same way, how can you bury a person who means so much to this whole world in such an anonymous way.
I still don't think it's a good idea to put him to rest at forest lawn but that's just me.
A marked grave would need security... and sorry to say but would that money not be best spent on the children?

I hate the fact it will be unmarked but hey, as I said earlier, weigh an unmarked grave and being dug up, I think the unmarked grave is the best option.

Maybe in a year or two when the hysteria dies down a little, he will have the stone.
Wouldn't an unmarked grave be easier to find though? I'm sure there aren't that many/if any unmarked graves at this cemetery...
Who would like to dig up the grave? I understand the coffin is plated with gold and worth some money but what will they do with his body?
MJ was the King of Pop and deserves a grave that lives up to that title, not an unmarked thing.
:cry: I feel the same as I felt before the memorial service. I couldn't realize the fact...Now when I read that the burial will be soon, no matter if this doesn't change what happened, I have a memorial night deja-vu :cry:
I have just read through this whole thread. I can't believe it, Michael has gone and his body is still not at peace. I pray that his soul is in heaven where it belongs. I don't see. however, why marking his grave should be a problem - there are many other icons who have died over the years who have marked graves.
So if he's to be buried at an unmarked grave it shows the Jackson family understands the concerns I mentioned earlier in regards to his grave being desecrated by vandals.

The problem I see with this however, is that his family (including the children) will now be hounded and followed constantly by paparazzi even more intensely whenever they go to visit Michael's burial site. The press will now do anything to find out where his grave is. I bet there will even be a "reward" offered to the first person who reveals the location.

I completely stand by what I said earlier. Neverland would have been the best choice. He could have been guarded 24/7, his family would have had complete privacy when visiting his grave, and if the family desired then fans (who obviously meant so much to Michael) could have gone to pay their respects to him at his final resting place. All those things will be impossible now.
I don't think Forest Lawn will be his final resting place. Ms Katherine is not gonna bury Michael in a place where his millions of fans can't even find his gravesite. She knows how much Michael loves his fans. I believe he will end up at Neverland some how, some way.

And Barrack does not own NL 100%. The LLC is a joint venture between Colony and MJ. So MJ's portion is now owned by the estate. And I doubt very seriously if Barrack would prevent the Jackson family from going to visit Michael's grave if he were to be buried there.

And just because Michael may have not wanted to call the place home again because of what he went through there. But he didn't hate it. If he hated it, he would have sold it. He said in LWMJ that he would never sell it. He loved his place. He hated what happened there.

IA with everything you've said in this thread.

But like everyone else, all this talk makes me incredibly sad all over again. I haven't cried in about a week and the tears are coming again. :cry:
So if he's to be buried at an unmarked grave it shows the Jackson family understands the concerns I mentioned earlier in regards to his grave being desecrated by vandals.

The problem I see with this however, is that his family (including the children) will now be hounded and followed constantly by paparazzi even more intensely whenever they go to visit Michael's burial site. The press will now do anything to find out where his grave is. I bet there will even be a "reward" offered to the first person who reveals the location.

I completely stand by what I said earlier. Neverland would have been the best choice. He could have been guarded 24/7, his family would have had complete privacy when visiting his grave, and if the family desired then fans (who obviously meant so much to Michael) could have gone to pay their respects to him at his final resting place. All those things will be impossible now.
u do know there's this wonderful invention called a helicopter, right?

there are places at forest lawn where celebs are buried that are off limits or inacessable to the public.

i mentioned a few in my earlier post. the family can do that for him.

and he'snot being buried like a pauper.
u do know there's this wonderful invention called a helicopter, right?

there are places at forest lawn where celebs are buried that are off limits or inacessable to the public.

i mentioned a few in my earlier post. the family can do that for him.

and he'snot being buried like a pauper.

Yes I'm quite familiar with helicopters. In fact I am friends with the guy who shot the footage (from a helicopter) of Michael's body being transported from the roof of the medical center into the sheriff's helicopter that you and millions of others saw on hundreds of different tv stations. I know what helicopters are capable of, but what I do not know is what point you're attempting to make in this instance unless you're agreeing with me that the Jackson family will find it next to impossible to find any privacy whatsoever when visiting Michael. A nice resting spot at Neverland underneath the Giving Tree would have helped prevent eye in the sky intrusions.

You say that there are celeb graves at FL that are not accessible to the public. Nothing I have ever seen in person or on their website shows this to be the case. I even did a little research last evening and there are multiple online sites I can provide links to if you wish, that show EXACTLY where each celeb is buried there, including step by step detailed instructions of how to get to each grave site. Also, if there were areas not accessible to the public then why would Michael's family choose to bury him in an unmarked grave?
It was on GMTV this morning that Michael is to be burried in an unmarked grave to protect from vandalism.....Ross King reported it from LA.

If it's true this is so sad......

do you say the indan tribue steal michael'scoffin and are trying to burie him somewhere alway from his real family who need some kind of way to his goodbey to michael
or have some closer in the next few days?
Unmarked grave is a crazy idea. King of Pop didn’t deserve it. So they will leave him there and never will be able to visit him again because press will follow them? Great! What about kids if they wish to visit their father? How they have to do it at night time?
I think, this will be even more challenging for some crazy fans or haters to find the place. It just gets sadder every day. Poor Michael… . Also, it will create even more rumors that MJ faked his death.
PS. In my country of origin only serial killers get this kind of “unmarked grave service”.
Unmarked grave is a crazy idea. King of Pop didn’t deserve it. So they will leave him there and never will be able to visit him again because press will follow them? Great! What about kids if they wish to visit their father? How they have to do it at night time?
I think, this will be even more challenging for some crazy fans or haters to find the place. It just gets sadder every day. Poor Michael… . Also, it will create even more rumors that MJ faked his death.
PS. In my country of origin only serial killers get this kind of “unmarked grave service”.

This is terrible.. It should have been at neverland I think :cry:
Yes I'm quite familiar with helicopters. In fact I am friends with the guy who shot the footage (from a helicopter) of Michael's body being transported from the roof of the medical center into the sheriff's helicopter that you and millions of others saw on hundreds of different tv stations. I know what helicopters are capable of, but what I do not know is what point you're attempting to make in this instance unless you're agreeing with me that the Jackson family will find it next to impossible to find any privacy whatsoever when visiting Michael. A nice resting spot at Neverland underneath the Giving Tree would have helped prevent eye in the sky intrusions.

You say that there are celeb graves at FL that are not accessible to the public. Nothing I have ever seen in person or on their website shows this to be the case. I even did a little research last evening and there are multiple online sites I can provide links to if you wish, that show EXACTLY where each celeb is buried there, including step by step detailed instructions of how to get to each grave site. Also, if there were areas not accessible to the public then why would Michael's family choose to bury him in an unmarked grave?

have u been to the ranch? the giving tree is near his house so unless they wish to tear down that structure, aka, themain house, he won't beburied there.

it'd be great if they could transfer the tree to f.l.

and here's a website that will tell u of some celebs who have a plot where u cannot access. look for bogart and pickford. their names are in orange and blue, respectively

This unmarked grave thing has really upset me. The press are saying the reason is the family think neverland would not be secure and this is a better option. WTF!??

Everything inside of me is screaming "he deserved more than this!!!" - unmarked, alone, and i dont see how his kids could ever visit or it would give away the location. Peacefulness is one thing, aloneness is something else all together.

I think this is totally the wrong idea and it breaks my heart. :(
unmarked grave?wtf?no way is that true.
if they do that,people will really start talking that he is not dead..
I think that neverland is the best ,but I'm no one,lol so family has that do decide
according to media reports michael's brain has been returned to the family so a burial should happen soon.
The press will never, ever let Michael's kids or his Mother alone until they know exactly where Michael is buried. Unmarked grave or not.
have u been to the ranch? the giving tree is near his house so unless they wish to tear down that structure, aka, themain house, he won't beburied there.

it'd be great if they could transfer the tree to f.l.

and here's a website that will tell u of some celebs who have a plot where u cannot access. look for bogart and pickford. their names are in orange and blue, respectively


Yes I've been to the ranch and the Giving Tree itself. I don't know if California's laws are different from Tennessee's in regards to how close a person can be buried to a structure, but I've also been to Graceland and can say that Elvis's resting place is closer to the house than the Giving Tree is to the house at Neverland.

This is the first I've heard about any celeb graves supposedly being off limits at that cemetery. I say "supposedly" because in the very next paragraph from the mention of Bogart and Pickford, it has this to say:

"...Others, such as Gable and Lombard's crypts are supposed to be off limits to the public, but can be easily bypassed by anyone willing to bypass a chain rope..."

Followed in the next paragraph by:

"Most of these actors toiled all their lives to be famous, to become something special, to earn the love and admiration of the public. Yet Forest Lawn's restrictive policy means that in death, these immortal starts simply disappear into a vast anonymous sea of gravestones..."

And the above is in regards to celebs with marked graves. Now add to that the fact that Michael is to be buried in an unmarked grave even makes that above statement more true. I ask you, is this befitting of Michael? Not in my opinion.

Soso, I understand where you're coming from and you make some good points. There is no easy answer to where the best final resting place for Michael would be. As it stands now apparently it's all a moot point anyways and it's decided he will be buried at FL. I just pray he will rest in peace away from anyone wishing to do his grave harm, and I pray his family will be able to find privacy when visiting him.
A marked grave would need security... and sorry to say but would that money not be best spent on the children?

I hate the fact it will be unmarked but hey, as I said earlier, weigh an unmarked grave and being dug up, I think the unmarked grave is the best option.

Maybe in a year or two when the hysteria dies down a little, he will have the stone.

ok but how will michael's family rembmer where michael is buried?
so they make a stone of some kind just for michael
sigh.... :( im glad he's going to be laid to rest its been too long but still... this is it
i think that neverland, while it's not completely owned by teh family, is not a good place for him to be.

california has strict laws on burial. it's not a commercial property and they need clearance.

so the best way to get this done is to decide to make it a jackson plot. so that the whole family can be buried there. don't make it a tourist attraction, don't make it a zoo, or rebuild the house. make it a place where the family can be together even in death.

will michael be at more peace if his grave is marked?

how can they tell who is a genuine fan and who isn't (at nvr) if they want to pay their respects?

the money it'll cost to have round the clock security etc...is too much unless they decide to charge those who want to visit. then it'll be viewed as tacky.

mj never charged to get into nvr except once for a charity party. so either they check their cameras and purses at the door, get wanded, and have to pay to see mj and have the media go on and on about how tacky it is

or the man truly can be at peace. he was hounded in life, followed everywhere by fansand media. let him rest
he prob got it from xtra tv as they are saying that. what a final insult if that happens. the thoughts pisses me off burried like a pauper
I feel exactly the same. :no: He's the King, he deserves better than that.

I'm reading about the burial and I'm in tears. It's six weeks later but I don't feel any better. I feel worse, I watch him in a video and the tears are coming. I just can't accept that he's gone.
The problem I see with this however, is that his family (including the children) will now be hounded and followed constantly by paparazzi even more intensely whenever they go to visit Michael's burial site. The press will now do anything to find out where his grave is. I bet there will even be a "reward" offered to the first person who reveals the location.


I feel sorry for the family. They're "damned if they do and damned if they don't".
His poor mother must be going through hell.
pshhhhhhh no award. they can PURCHASE a part of fl and make a crypt. or they can have sort of an mini island, makeshift pond where he's at and have it be restricted. like bogart