MJ to be buried soon

fl is on lockdown mode now. the biggest celeb in the world is about to be buried there. david carradine was just laid to rest there. and others?

So what? Anybody of them was the same humanitarian like MJ and donated millions of dollars for children all over the world and suffered from emotional and physical pain at the same time? Anybody of them tried to change and heal the world the same way like Michael? Anybody of them was saying “I love you more” etc? Truthfully, the world doesn’t care about others American celebs unless they did something very very special.The world doesn’t even know most of them because each culture has its own. You cannot compare people you mentioned above with MJ persona. Michael is absolutely unique.
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i feel like crying ?
i feel like im about to get buried with michael
whos pain im feeling?
i feel sad for michael's family in a sad way
LaToya was interviewed for german TV station pro sieben, magazine RED, it was aired yesterday 10.15 pm.

It was said Katherine wants Michael at Forrest Lawn. It was also said that Michael told his family about the ranch that he never wanted to go there ever again so that's why his mom couldn't stand the thought of his grave being there.

But yes some in the family want the ranch to be more successfull than Graceland.
But this is not a competition uh?
Well I don't know what the family knows but I certainly will respect their decision.
To me someone dead deserves respect and privacy and peace.
Graceland is nice. But without money you're not able to visit Elvis however much you love or respect him. To me that simply doesn't mean resting in peace. To me it means someone is wrenching a last cent out of someone dead.
I understand it's good business but to me death if a grave then it should be nothing like that.
There is countless possiblity to make money with all what Elvis/Michael has left... to still use their death body like that... well to me it's tasteless, it has no class, it doesn't show much respect... but if you disagree that is ok.
And a grave at the ranch would be just that, reading articles of the LAT about Tom Barrack it's just hard to imagine different.
Michael didn't want to go back to the ranch ever again, according to LaToya and I think I heard that also from others before.

I hear you on the fans. You're right it would be comforting and nice for some to have a place to visit.
But this one thing should be more about Michael Jackson being himself, his wishes, being a father, being a son and being a brother and or maybe close friend first. He passed away. This one thing should be a private family decision.
I personally would care the most where the children want him. They are old enough, at least Prince and Paris to have a serious say in this, at least if they want. Then comes Katherine... they should find comfort.
The fans... well to me honestly they are at the very end of that row if important in this decision at all.

I hear you John on wanting the ranch 'formerly known as Neverland' Michaels resting place. But it is no cemetary. It is not even land of the Jacksons anymore.
Yeah they still have a stake in there, but if they wouldn't want Michael to be removed there ever again they would put themselves in a very weak position business wise.
It is beautiful there, yes.
It would be maybe more secure there, yes.
I understand why you'd like his grave to be there and I know in my heart you mean it all well.

But it doesn't matter at all if the family comes up with a different decision. If the decision is that they do not want him there it should be respected.

Again to me personally it really doesn't matter where he will put to rest, to me he is more in Paris Teddybear and every CD we put into the player.
But yes still I'd like to see the burial done a way it will give comfort the most to his kids and all his family, his friends and then yes also to us fans.
Wherever it will be I'd like to see it respected and I hope noone will harm the grave and this way harm the kids and family. So if someone would try to do damage then the resting place should be just chosen somewhere unknown.

For everyone I'd like to see the possibility to visit Michaels grave for free. That's also about respect to me.
Maybe put up a box for donations for those who will take care that the grave is secure... but again please don't make it a business.

And I also hope fans will be able to develope some understanding if they can't leave flowers and/or gifts and maybe only see it from a far or visit it with being registered or something... it will be for the sake of Michael and his family.
But yes still I'd like to see the burial done a way it will give comfort the most to his kids and all his family, his friends and then yes also to us fans.
For family and kids it will be much easier emotionally to go through such a big loss if they will see how many people love Michael. IMHO. Also, they could do some private visitation in Neverland and other days just keep open it for public.
It won’t hurt for fans to pay 25 dollars or even more to visit his grave and museum. Haters never will pay a penny anyways which is good.
I do not look at it as a business in this case. It just there is no another way in the US to do it.
In my country of origin famous graves are being taking care by the government (from taxes); national museums etc., because they are a part of national history and no longer belong to families only.
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But yes still I'd like to see the burial done a way it will give comfort the most to his kids and all his family, his friends and then yes also to us fans.
For family and kids it will be much easier emotionally to go through such a big loss if they will see how many people love Michael. IMHO. Also, they could do some private visitation in Neverland and other days just keep open it for public.
It won’t hurt for fans to pay 25 dollars or even more to visit his grave and museum. Haters never will pay a penny anyways which is good.
I do not look at it as a business in this case. It just there is no another way in the US to do it.
In my country of origin famous graves are being taking care by the government; national museums etc., because they are a part of national history and no longer belong to families only.

well if that will be their decision it would be fine with me also. As I said I'll respect it.
But I don't know the children personally, I don't know how they are coping and I can't say what's good or easy for them. I just think they should be asked and if they want have a say in the decision first.

Also I'm not that sure that in these times all fans can afford 25 dollars that easily and it wouldn't hurt them. I'd like to see it free but still secure.

I think also someone dead should always belong to their family at least the ppl loving them and living with them first and if they decide to share (instantly hope that's not different in your country somehow)... well then be it.

But we can surely just agree to disagree! :yes:
well if that will be their decision it would be fine with me also. As I said I'll respect it.
But I don't know the children personally, I don't know how they are coping and I can't say what's good or easy for them. I just think they should be asked and if they want have a say in the decision first.

Also I'm not that sure that in these times all fans can afford 25 dollars that easily and it wouldn't hurt them. I'd like to see it free but still secure.

I think also someone dead should always belong to their family at least the ppl loving them and living with them first and if they decide to share (instantly hope that's not different in your country somehow)... well then be it.

But we can surely just agree to disagree! :yes:


Yes they do belong to families. But for some reason families love when the government decides to take care of them. I think it is just emotionally easier for them. Sometimes the government makes a decision to bring somebody’s remains from abroad even if this person died 100 years ago. Just some nations do not like to live their "famous bones" somewhere else. I am not saying it is perfect it just what it is.
It is any different in Germany?

But we can surely just agree to disagree!
:) Yes.

Also I'm not that sure that in these times all fans can afford 25 dollars that easily and it wouldn't hurt them. I'd like to see it free but still secure.

If they can afford eating fast food every day and drive car, there is no reason why they cannot spend 25 dollars.
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Yes they do belong to families. But for some reason families love when the government decides to take care of them. I think it is just emotionally easier for them. Sometimes the government makes a decision to bring somebody’s remains from abroad even if this person died 100 years ago. Just some nations do not like to live their "famous bones" somewhere else. I am not saying it is perfect it just what it is.
It is any different in Germany?

But we can surely just agree to disagree!
:) Yes.

Well I was never involved in a burial of someone famous here, so I don't know.
But we have something like a 'burial law' in german 'Bestattungsrecht' where it states that the decision about burial is with the family even in a certain rank.

translated this means a rank of decision like first is asked...
- wife/husband or girlfriend/boyfriend if they've lived together with the one who passed away.
- children
- parents
- sisters or brothers
- grandparents
- other ppl who might lived together
- if noones there it will be the cities where the one lived official obligation to care for a burial, if there is no such place to find it will be the city where the one died deciding.

if you're able to read german you can read about it here:
Well I was never involved in a burial of someone famous here, so I don't know.
But we have something like a 'burial law' in german 'Bestattungsrecht' where it states that the decision about burial is with the family even in a certain rank.

translated this means a rank of decision like first is asked...
- wife/husband or girlfriend/boyfriend if they've lived together with the one who passed away.
- children
- parents
- sisters or brothers
- grandparents
- other ppl who might lived together
- if noones there it will be the cities where the one lived official obligation to care for a burial, if there is no such place to find it will be the city where the one died deciding.

if you're able to read german you can read about it here:

I know what rank means. in my language (russian) it sounds and menas the same. I guess, Katherine the Great used this word a lot:)
No I do not read in german. It is so difficult:) Well, no matter what we have to accept Michaels' family decision.
who is 'they' cuz the jacksons don't own it. so y bury him where they have NO CONTROL OVER WHAT HAPPENS TO IT?
according to reports at the time it was said mj was majority owner in the deal with colony. whatever happens with mj im sure colony want to make $ and will turn the ranch into something. its no coincidence within weeks of the 25th june capital were inviting local big wigs to the ranch and giving out neverland merchindise to them
according to reports at the time it was said mj was majority owner in the deal with colony. whatever happens with mj im sure colony want to make $ and will turn the ranch into something. its no coincidence within weeks of the 25th june capital were inviting local big wigs to the ranch and giving out neverland merchindise to them
If the family wanted they could buy the stake of Colony back. What would it cost? With the revenues of all the deals that are currently being made, this should be quite do-able.

I'm not a fan of paying to see a grave either, however people should keep in mind that the ranch would need to be maintained too which costs money. To be relying on the donations is quite a risky of course. The fee should be low and enough to cover the costs and any maintenance that would need to be done to keep it in a very well kept state.

An alternative would be to sell Neverland and buy the new propertly Michael liked? Though this would of course not have much connection with Michael, however if he liked it there it might a good place as well? It's not "tainted" by the past etc...
A joint venture was established between Michael Jackson and Colony Capital, LLC. This company is named, "Sycamore Valley Ranch." Colony Capital paid the monies owned, approximately, $24,000.00 (?!) to prevent foreclosure.

Sycamore Valley Ranch is currently owned by Michael Jackson's estate and Colony Capital, LLC. The percentage of equity has thus far remained private.

... of cuz the real deal is not open to the public.

My guess is there was time pressure for Michael (as he didn't care too much about the ranch anymore, I mean you just do not let an estate go down like this, when you love it and you could make money fluent what he could had as we know now)... and there was also some 'using of the moment' from Tom Barrack or better Colony Capital... I'm sure they've watched the whole thing for some time. ok... but I'll post better all my thoughts about it in the speculation area where they do belong.
o...i still hope that he can buried in his neverland.
i hope i can go visit him somday...
love him everyday

RIP Michael
well y u think they waited this long? to make sure the reports were finished and they didn't have to exhume mj's body. katherine wants him buried ONCE.

so if the kids feel, when they're adults, he should be at nvr, then so be it. but for now, it's f.l.
A joint venture was established between Michael Jackson and Colony Capital, LLC. This company is named, "Sycamore Valley Ranch." Colony Capital paid the monies owned, approximately, $24,000.00 (?!) to prevent foreclosure.

Sycamore Valley Ranch is currently owned by Michael Jackson's estate and Colony Capital, LLC. The percentage of equity has thus far remained private.

... of cuz the real deal is not open to the public.

My guess is there was time pressure for Michael (as he didn't care too much about the ranch anymore, I mean you just do not let an estate go down like this, when you love it and you could make money fluent what he could had as we know now)... and there was also some 'using of the moment' from Tom Barrack or better Colony Capital... I'm sure they've watched the whole thing for some time. ok... but I'll post better all my thoughts about it in the speculation area where they do belong.
ur right.

my friend worked for him for 15 yrs. he said mj took everything but the damn grass. he called there asking if fans left gifts but that was it. he never returned after he left in june 05.
ur right.

my friend worked for him for 15 yrs. he said mj took everything but the damn grass. he called there asking if fans left gifts but that was it. he never returned after he left in june 05.

Awww. I would hate it if they buried him at Neverland. He left, he lost ties with the place. Just because we relate it to him doesn't mean he should be buried there. They should chop down the "giving tree" and turn it into treasure chests for his children to store memories - or try to replant it at encino.
... i dont know if this has already been posted but i just read..

"While the cause of Michael Jackson’s death has still not been officially determined, the LA County coroner’s office has confirmed that Jackson’s brain has been transferred to his family. “They have it [all],” Assistant Chief Ed Winter told The NY Post, referring to Jacko’s body-and-mind reunion. The tabloid reported that morticians at Forest Lawn Cemetery in the Hollywood Hills prepped his entire corpse last night so that he could be laid to rest in an unmarked grave. "

:( i have a feeling it will be soon, maybe this weekend or something...
n.y post not very reliable any other sources for this?
its ok. just saying. another outlet has been told the same by winters interms of everything being given back to the family. when it was given back though who knows. i cant see them keeping it all this time. i just prefer to be in denial dont want this to happen anywhere it makes it all real again
well it sounds pretty similar to what LaToya said in that interview yesterday also... but somehow... well I didn't wanna talk this 'brain is still somewhere at the coroners office talk' but she said when the body will be complete again she knows her mother would want Michael to be laid to rest most likely unknown and she would support Katherine in that cuz Michaels peace is all what counts in this to her.
But when the interview was done the final decision obviously wasn't already made inside the family.
But honestly if my 79 year old mother would make a wish like that... sheeeeeesh how could anyone not support her in these times also to let her find peace, comfort and closure... oh heck there's no such comfort anywhere anyways.
It was on GMTV this morning that Michael is to be burried in an unmarked grave to protect from vandalism.....Ross King reported it from LA.

If it's true this is so sad......
It was on GMTV this morning that Michael is to be burried in an unmarked grave to protect from vandalism.....Ross King reported it from LA.

If it's true this is so sad......

he prob got it from xtra tv as they are saying that. what a final insult if that happens. the thoughts pisses me off burried like a pauper
There were repoprts a while back that his brain was put back in his body.... how confusing.

Im glad its going to be unmarked. You can imagine what crazed fans would do to it.

How sad though that the King of Pop should be in an unmarked grave.

Im thinking that there will be an 'unmarked place' but MJ will be put under an alias so his family and children can visit.
How sad though that the King of Pop should be in an unmarked grave.

Im thinking that there will be an 'unmarked place' but MJ will be put under an alias so his family and children can visit.

thats exactly what i was thinking, about the unmarked grave thing

Im assuming it will be marked down.. like a plot, section or whatever and the family will know where that is, or can be shown there (i dont know anything about Forest lawn, sorry)
Poor children :(

I think they said about it being un marked so no one would *shudder* dig it up or something, thats disgusting.

he prob got it from xtra tv as they are saying that. what a final insult if that happens. the thoughts pisses me off burried like a pauper

I agree, well, i can understand but im so undecided
part of me thinks well atleast he can get peace and rest if its unmarked
but then i think.. Michael Jackson being burried with not even a plaque or a stone or something... just seems unreal...its MJ!!

still cant believe my fingers are even typing such posts :(