MJ lip-syncing

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Well then, I will take my *heavily edited* version of Invincible and blast it.

Why anyone cares if Michael or anyone else lip-syncs is beyond me.

Oh hell no! I'm not done, I just don't want to deal with children that like to complain about everything.
Michael did what he wanted and if you don't like it, go be a fan of someone else cause we don't need you here.
Well then, I will take my *heavily edited* version of Invincible and blast it.

Why anyone cares if Michael or anyone else lip-syncs is beyond me.

Lip.- syncing is only for boy bands.

Imaging Elvis Presley lip-syncing that would mean the end of the world.
Well then, I will take my *heavily edited* version of Invincible and blast it.

Why anyone cares if Michael or anyone else lip-syncs is beyond me.

Oh hell no! I'm not done, I just don't want to deal with children that like to complain about everything.
Michael did what he wanted and if you don't like it, go be a fan of someone else cause we don't need you here.

Lol you are funny.

We care because we are fans, because we love music and because we want the best!

Children? I would say just people with higher music standards that don't like something just because it is Michael.

I used to be that kind of fan too. I thought that everything that MJ does is pure gold, i hated people that were saying that he should not lip synch... But now I realised that i was just throwing the sand in my eyes.

I should be a fan of someone else just because i don't like some things in MJ's career? Now that's childish...
Maybe the reasons why Michael lip sync so much will come out. It has always been a mystery to me why he sings some songs live and others lip sync.

The one performance that I'm always baffled about is he sings Wanna be Startin Somethin, a tough fast routine and personally I think he struggles with vocally. Yet the next song whether its Human Nature or Stranger in Moscow he lip sync's, surely it should be the other way around, no? Also his voice his just magical when heard live, I totally don't understand the ballads are always lip sync. Like we've said up until BAD Michael has always sung live, he mimed alot in Dangerous and almost the complete History tour.

But have any of you heard him sing live during his MSG 2001 concerts, I think his vocals during the (pretty fast) Jackson 5 performances are spot on. So why did he lip sync the rest of the concert, can any of you solve the mystery.

It must be a medical thing surely, why sing some and not others and the one's he does sing live are the most gruelling?
Maybe the reasons why Michael lip sync so much will come out. It has always been a mystery to me why he sings some songs live and others lip sync.

The one performance that I'm always baffled about is he sings Wanna be Startin Somethin, a tough fast routine and personally I think he struggles with vocally. Yet the next song whether its Human Nature or Stranger in Moscow he lip sync's, surely it should be the other way around, no? Also his voice his just magical when heard live, I totally don't understand the ballads are always lip sync. Like we've said up until BAD Michael has always sung live, he mimed alot in Dangerous and almost the complete History tour.

But have any of you heard him sing live during his MSG 2001 concerts, I think his vocals during the (pretty fast) Jackson 5 performances are spot on. So why did he lip sync the rest of the concert, can any of you solve the mystery.

It must be a medical thing surely, why sing some and not others and the one's he does sing live are the most gruelling?

Great question.Maybe we should ask for example Rodney and Terry who were in the studio with Mike. They can tell how his voice was doing.

By the way what about The Way you make me feel with Britney was it Lip-syncing too? DID both mimed? Britney vocals seem to be live? Who can solve this mystery.

And if the lip-syncing isn´t such a big issue why lie about it? Kenny lied to the fans he said the This is it rehearsals were 100% live -yeah right as if the fans didn´t hear that They Don´t care was mimed. So its seems a big issue if they even lie.
It awfully funny that he has voice damage cause I swear my copy of Invincible sounds incredible.
So if he has voice damage, who the hell is singing on my album?!?

Thumbs up! :)

Maybe the reasons why Michael lip sync so much will come out. It has always been a mystery to me why he sings some songs live and others lip sync.

The one performance that I'm always baffled about is he sings Wanna be Startin Somethin, a tough fast routine and personally I think he struggles with vocally. Yet the next song whether its Human Nature or Stranger in Moscow he lip sync's, surely it should be the other way around, no? Also his voice his just magical when heard live, I totally don't understand the ballads are always lip sync. Like we've said up until BAD Michael has always sung live, he mimed alot in Dangerous and almost the complete History tour.

But have any of you heard him sing live during his MSG 2001 concerts, I think his vocals during the (pretty fast) Jackson 5 performances are spot on. So why did he lip sync the rest of the concert, can any of you solve the mystery.

It must be a medical thing surely, why sing some and not others and the one's he does sing live are the most gruelling?

Yeah I'm very interested in the points you made...would be interesting to hear the explanation!
Okay. This is my 100th post, so I guess I'll use it to "bitch and whine" now like my neighbor over in Oklahoma is saying all this is. lol

I cannot watch the History tour at all because of the lipsyncing. It's just not all that entertaining to me to see Michael move his lips while his cd plays in the background at a supposedly "live" concert (at least that's what you'd assume a concert to be).

Sure, his dance routines were entertaining as always, but I thought concerts put on by music artists were supposed to be based on THE MUSIC, which is supposed to be LIVE.

God bless him. I miss him. I've been a fan of his since 1983. And because of that, I would've felt cheated if I'd gone to a History concert only to find out that I wasn't really hearing a live show.

Some of the posts I've read through this thread (and yes I've read ALL of them) really are kind of disturbing. The whole attitude of "Oh no! You must not be a real fan if watching your favorite artist of all-time fake it onstage bothers you!" Let's get real people. We can be MJ fans AND be honest about our feelings at the same time, yall. Sheesh.

But seriously...I really wish we knew why he was lipsyncing so many of his songs, including the ballads. Like many of you, it had to be something pertaining to his health.

At least we do have the Victory, Bad, and Dangerous tours. Triumph was fantastic as well. I sure do hope they start releasing some more pro-footage from these concerts, esp. Bad Tour '88-'89 and anything from the Victory tour.
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In the 90s Michael did have vocal prolems including laryngitis,(most people cant even talk when they have it) most artists would cancel the tour but Michael went through with it, Lip-Syncing is better than nothing dont you think ?. But the 30th Anniversary was nearly 100% live with the exception of the odd song, so his voice problems had obviously gone.
A concert with lip-syncing is not a concert, which is why I prefer the Bad tour over the Dangerous and History tours. In fact, I'd rather hear an artist sing or play badly than faking it - at least they give it their best shot. Having said that, it doesn't necessarily mean that I can't enjoy a show with lip-syncing. I love for example Janet's Live in Hawaii DVD where most of the time she's clearly lip-syncing, but I almost feel guilty for doing so because it goes against everything I believe in from a musical perspective.
The footage of Scream from Dubai just blew me away! I always LOVED the HIStory concerts, lip synched or not.. Just LOVE 'EM! But when you see the Dubai footage of Scream, it's just add up to a whole other level! He does'nt even sing it great, but he sing it with POWER, ENGERGY and ANGER.. Just sounds so great! Really bothers me I never have to see They Don't Care About Us Performed LIVE!

Something I just don't understand about MJ and the HIStory tour. Why did he choose to sing WBSS live on all shows? Where his dancing is in whole other energy level then other songs.. Why not Choose the sing the slowly songs live, Stranger in Moscow, You are Not Alone, Earth Song, Heal the World. etc.. He does'nt move that much on stage during these songs, and would absolutely sounded AMACING! Bothers me I'll NEVER gonna to hear Heal the World LIVE!
the whole dancing thing is a bit of a misnomer. Not saying it has no relevance, but it's over played.

Just because a song is "slow" or not a dance number doesn't make it neccessarily easier to sing. plus a number like WBSS has been done at every show since 1984 so it's kinda ingrained. Plus WBSS would sound really silly looped as it's never been performed at the same tempo as the record, ever. It's much quicker live and that's deliberate.
I always LOVED the HIStory concerts, lip synched or not..
I enjoy watching them, but playing a tape and dancing to it is not a concert in my book. A concert is an event where the musicians play their instruments and the singer sings.
I've seen tonnes of people complaining about this on YouTube but I just don't get what the problem is. He still sang it...
Hi all! I'm fairly new here and I thoroughly enjoyed reading the previous posts. :D

Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to watch Michael live so the closest would be to watch his concert DVDs. In spite of the miming, I find his performances very entertaining. That's why I respect and admire him not just as a singer, not just as a dancer, but as a total performer. However, personally what I really would have wanted to see would be sort of a Michael Jackson unplugged show. A piano, some strings, some percussion and just Michael's voice. I don't have an answer as to why he had to mime through some (or most?) of his recent performances, but perhaps we can remember to ask him that when we meet him again? LOL
MSG was mainly lip synched - well the solo set was competely. Only the J5 was sung live and I have to say, at the risk of being attacked here, I wasn't impressed with his live vocals. I think of myself as a singer (I came second in a singing contest run by this board back on 05 - BTW never received my prize for that hmmm lol) and I thought his vocals sounded strained and tired when he did sing live. Personally I think with all that dancing, unless you are super fit, that will happen to the best of us. No one else dances in their shows to the level that Michael did and that's why I think the decision was made that he would lip sync most of the songs and go live just at the end of the songs. You could always see his signal to the sound people when he was going live.

For those who are unsure when he was lip-syncing and not cos I am seeing a bit of arguing here, the tell tale signs were a) the quality was TOO GOOD to be live b) the vocal melody exactly matched the album - when he did sing live, he would ad-lib alot c) he could cover his mouth a lot whilst lip-syncing

Anyway even though I am a singer and MJ vocals are important to me, I would have taken a concert with lip-syncing just to see that incredible dancing. MJ was a multi-faceted artist and singing was only 1 part of it. I wouldn't sacrifice a whole tour for the sake of the singing.
it depends on the performance. part of what it so irritating about it is that he was capable of singing better than anybody. look at 1995 mtv you are not alone. the best part of the song by far was when he actually started singing. it sounded way better than when he lypsynched.
MSG was mainly lip synched - well the solo set was competely. Only the J5 was sung live and I have to say, at the risk of being attacked here, I wasn't impressed with his live vocals. I think of myself as a singer (I came second in a singing contest run by this board back on 05 - BTW never received my prize for that hmmm lol) and I thought his vocals sounded strained and tired when he did sing live. Personally I think with all that dancing, unless you are super fit, that will happen to the best of us. No one else dances in their shows to the level that Michael did and that's why I think the decision was made that he would lip sync most of the songs and go live just at the end of the songs. You could always see his signal to the sound people when he was going live.

For those who are unsure when he was lip-syncing and not cos I am seeing a bit of arguing here, the tell tale signs were a) the quality was TOO GOOD to be live b) the vocal melody exactly matched the album - when he did sing live, he would ad-lib alot c) he could cover his mouth a lot whilst lip-syncing

Anyway even though I am a singer and MJ vocals are important to me, I would have taken a concert with lip-syncing just to see that incredible dancing. MJ was a multi-faceted artist and singing was only 1 part of it. I wouldn't sacrifice a whole tour for the sake of the singing.

his can you feel it live was incredible. so was the way you make me feel
MSG was mainly lip synched - well the solo set was competely. Only the J5 was sung live and I have to say, at the risk of being attacked here, I wasn't impressed with his live vocals. I think of myself as a singer (I came second in a singing contest run by this board back on 05 - BTW never received my prize for that hmmm lol) and I thought his vocals sounded strained and tired when he did sing live. Personally I think with all that dancing, unless you are super fit, that will happen to the best of us. No one else dances in their shows to the level that Michael did and that's why I think the decision was made that he would lip sync most of the songs and go live just at the end of the songs. You could always see his signal to the sound people when he was going live.

For those who are unsure when he was lip-syncing and not cos I am seeing a bit of arguing here, the tell tale signs were a) the quality was TOO GOOD to be live b) the vocal melody exactly matched the album - when he did sing live, he would ad-lib alot c) he could cover his mouth a lot whilst lip-syncing

Anyway even though I am a singer and MJ vocals are important to me, I would have taken a concert with lip-syncing just to see that incredible dancing. MJ was a multi-faceted artist and singing was only 1 part of it. I wouldn't sacrifice a whole tour for the sake of the singing.

If you can sing live Can you feel it with 50 % the power MJ had during MSG I give you a banana.
MJ´s voice was the best on his victory concerts thats why the estate should release a victory concert on dvd.

Just watch this amazing Beat it performance from Victory New York:


Compare it with the Beat it performances from Bad and Dangerous Tours and you´ll

see his voice was best during Victory.

I gave the Beat it Victory performance a 10 out of 10

The Beat it Bad Tour a 8 out of 10

And Beat it Dangerous a 6.5 out of 10
I thought Mike's live vocals were awesome in the Victory tour. Also loved them in the Bad tour. I have a live CD from the Bad tour and it is absolutely awesome.

Also agree with above posters saying he did very well live in Can You Feel It at MSG. I forgot about that one. No banana for me. I can't even really dance, but when I do whilst singing, I can't sing for....well bananas! Get too out of breath and I just don't have the fitness.
MJ´s voice was the best on his victory concerts thats why the estate should release a victory concert on dvd.

Just watch this amazing Beat it performance from Victory New York:


Compare it with the Beat it performances from Bad and Dangerous Tours and you´ll

see his voice was best during Victory.

I gave the Beat it Victory performance a 10 out of 10

The Beat it Bad Tour a 8 out of 10

And Beat it Dangerous a 6.5 out of 10

I don't think his voice was better than on Bad tour...
what a stupid thread, sorry, someone has to say it

I agree this thread upsets me and at this time I think its the last thing we need.We should be trying to be positive about things.This forum is where I come to be with other true Michael fans and to escape all the negativity in the media about Michael and now it seems to be happening here.
Until reading this thread I never realy noticed Michael lip-syncing I was just too busy enjoying! I know everyone is free to have there say but just for now cant we leave the negatives alone instead of adding to it.
did he lip sync during dangerous bucharest ?

Yes !!!! Not all the songs though. From memory, he really sings Billie Jean, Beat it, and probably other songs. You can really hear the difference between lip synching and really singing the songs.
Sometimes he would lip synch most of a song, and sing parts of it, or ad libs.
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