MJ fans Jokes

If you read Michaels oxford speech you can see that the love he got from his father was a doughnut..

" When I was a kid I had a real sweet tooth - we all did. My favourite food was glazed doughnuts and my father knew that. So every few weeks I would come downstairs in the morning and there ..on the kitchen counter was a bag of glazed doughnuts - no note, no explanation - just the doughnuts. It was like Santa Claus.

Sometimes I would think about staying up late at night, so I could see him leave them there, but just like with Santa Claus, I didn't want to ruin the magic for fear that he would never do it again. My father had to leave them secretly at night, so as no one might catch him with his guard down. He was scared of human emotion, he didn't understand it or know how to deal with it. But he did know doughnuts."
If you read Michaels oxford speech you can see that the love he got from his father was a doughnut..

" When I was a kid I had a real sweet tooth - we all did. My favourite food was glazed doughnuts and my father knew that. So every few weeks I would come downstairs in the morning and there ..on the kitchen counter was a bag of glazed doughnuts - no note, no explanation - just the doughnuts. It was like Santa Claus.

Sometimes I would think about staying up late at night, so I could see him leave them there, but just like with Santa Claus, I didn't want to ruin the magic for fear that he would never do it again. My father had to leave them secretly at night, so as no one might catch him with his guard down. He was scared of human emotion, he didn't understand it or know how to deal with it. But he did know doughnuts."

Yeap! Really offtopic, but this is what I thought after first hearing that demo, and it made me really sad. He said it once I think, but the demo got me thinking that everything he did, he did to have, to "gain", his father's love. And Joe...

Can't think of a joke that hasn't been posted, but i will be back! This thread cheers me up everytime :)
5:21 :giggle:


I can't quite understand everything hes saying but where is this at? Why is Micheal making a speech for???

& how did you post this video? It never allows me to post videos ; Do I hve to click on one of the buttons up top here
I can't quite understand everything hes saying but where is this at? Why is Micheal making a speech for???

That was the Celebration of Love party at Orpheum Theater for Michael's 45th Birthday. If I remember correctly, it was organised by MJFC but I think Stuart Backerman also played some sort of role in putting it together (correct me if I'm wrong).

Here's the transcript of Michael's speech because it is really hard to hear him in that video:

"...I would like to thank my wonderful fans so very much for this event. I cannot believe what enormous effort you have put into this. Thank you for putting together this fabulous party and for traveling from over 30 countries. I am deeply moved and touched by your love.

I want you to know that I appreciate my fans not just on occasions like this -- but every day of my life. It is your presence, your faith and your loyalty that has given me great strength during difficult times, and it was you who inspired me to work hard and deliver, I owe you.

Over the years we became a family. You are all my family. My children are your children and all children of the world are our children and our responsibility.

This is a time when a person reflects on the child that will always live inside him, but more importantly, the grown man that continues to emerge intellectually, but never lost his child-like innocence.

A lot of what you'll be seeing from me in the future will celebrate the youthful imagination that has always been a part of who I am, but also the adult perspective of a father and artist and member of our community.

My birthday wish is that you, my fans, will join me in some new undertakings and that we all travel into a bright future together.

I feel young enough to look into the future with great optimism: I have assembled a fresh team of good-hearted, loyal and competent people from quite different backgrounds. They are working in great harmony and with a true team spirit. And they have you, the fans, on the top of their list.

Give them some time and you will see:

-- A new official Web site, a variety of official merchandise, an "MJ" clothing line for all ages, a fan communication center and -- perhaps a surprise.
-- We promise to make "Neverland" more accessible to the fans and to work something out so we can stay in touch.
-- We also want your input, ideas and criticism.

Whenever there was injustice to me, you were always there and I love you forever for this.

A few hours ago I left the studio. I am working on new music ... and new short and feature films ... and ... you'll see! All I can promise you is that I will make you all proud of being a Michael Jackson fan.

Before I say good-bye, I wish to tell my fans about a new philanthropic project that is close to my heart:It is aimed to help young people, it is about mentoring.Today's world has many problems. Many of them are hard to solve. They require money, manpower, expertise, equipment and so on but what they require most is people who have the will to take them on. People that will not give up until the job is done.

I trust the young generations (those way below 45) to address those problems and to find solutions. Solutions nobody ever thought about before.That is why I urge all young people to "go for their dreams." If they do, many problems will be solved.

In partnership with several highly accomplished people we will -- before year end -- launch a new philanthropic organization. While I am not yet able to give you more details, I can tell you its name:

"GO FOR YOUR DREAMS!" I am telling you first because I hope that you will join me and make this undertaking a worldwide success. It would make me extremely proud if you, the fans, would become ambassadors for "Go for your dreams!" all over the world.

But now, I hope you all enjoy the party and have fun.

Life is terrific!

You are the best -- but remember the best is yet to come!

Thank you so much again. I love you from the bottom of my heart."

I just noticed, there are a lot of things missing in this transcript. Michael actually spoke about Tommy Matolla and Martin Bashir and other things that (for some reason) wasn't transcribed :scratch:

Anyway, sorry to the OP for going off topic here. I would never destroy your thread! "I'm not the type of person who would do something like that. I'm of the innocent... right?". Carry on...
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That was the Celebration of Love party at Orpheum Theater for Michael's 45th Birthday. If I remember correctly, it was organised by MJFC but I think Stuart Backerman also played some sort of role in putting it together (correct me if I'm wrong).

Here's the transcript of Michael's speech because it is really hard to hear him in that video:

"...I would like to thank my wonderful fans so very much for this event. I cannot believe what enormous effort you have put into this. Thank you for putting together this fabulous party and for traveling from over 30 countries. I am deeply moved and touched by your love.

I want you to know that I appreciate my fans not just on occasions like this -- but every day of my life. It is your presence, your faith and your loyalty that has given me great strength during difficult times, and it was you who inspired me to work hard and deliver, I owe you.

Over the years we became a family. You are all my family. My children are your children and all children of the world are our children and our responsibility.

This is a time when a person reflects on the child that will always live inside him, but more importantly, the grown man that continues to emerge intellectually, but never lost his child-like innocence.

A lot of what you'll be seeing from me in the future will celebrate the youthful imagination that has always been a part of who I am, but also the adult perspective of a father and artist and member of our community.

My birthday wish is that you, my fans, will join me in some new undertakings and that we all travel into a bright future together.

I feel young enough to look into the future with great optimism: I have assembled a fresh team of good-hearted, loyal and competent people from quite different backgrounds. They are working in great harmony and with a true team spirit. And they have you, the fans, on the top of their list.

Give them some time and you will see:

-- A new official Web site, a variety of official merchandise, an "MJ" clothing line for all ages, a fan communication center and -- perhaps a surprise.
-- We promise to make "Neverland" more accessible to the fans and to work something out so we can stay in touch.
-- We also want your input, ideas and criticism.

Whenever there was injustice to me, you were always there and I love you forever for this.

A few hours ago I left the studio. I am working on new music ... and new short and feature films ... and ... you'll see! All I can promise you is that I will make you all proud of being a Michael Jackson fan.

Before I say good-bye, I wish to tell my fans about a new philanthropic project that is close to my heart:It is aimed to help young people, it is about mentoring.Today's world has many problems. Many of them are hard to solve. They require money, manpower, expertise, equipment and so on but what they require most is people who have the will to take them on. People that will not give up until the job is done.

I trust the young generations (those way below 45) to address those problems and to find solutions. Solutions nobody ever thought about before.That is why I urge all young people to "go for their dreams." If they do, many problems will be solved.

In partnership with several highly accomplished people we will -- before year end -- launch a new philanthropic organization. While I am not yet able to give you more details, I can tell you its name:

"GO FOR YOUR DREAMS!" I am telling you first because I hope that you will join me and make this undertaking a worldwide success. It would make me extremely proud if you, the fans, would become ambassadors for "Go for your dreams!" all over the world.

But now, I hope you all enjoy the party and have fun.

Life is terrific!

You are the best -- but remember the best is yet to come!

Thank you so much again. I love you from the bottom of my heart."

I just noticed, there are a lot of things missing in this transcript. Michael actually spoke about Tommy Matolla and Martin Bashir and other things that (for some reason) wasn't transcribed :scratch:

Anyway, sorry to the OP for going off topic here. I would never destroy your thread! "I'm not the type of person who would do something like that. I'm of the innocent... right?". Carry on...

thank you very much.:)
*While fan crying and hysterical hugging Michael and him handing out an autograph*

"Wayne, look his legg!" *Pointing at monkey* *Laughing hard*

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I always hear it as "She's fat!, Ahhhh tell her to go to hell" :lol:

I know, I know, instead of saying "She's fat" he actually said "Who's that" but yea.... I just still like to believe he says "She's fat" lmao.
I always hear it as "She's fat!, Ahhhh tell her to go to hell" :lol:

I know, I know, instead of saying "She's fat" he actually said "Who's that" but yea.... I just still like to believe he says "She's fat" lmao.

That is what it sounds like lol

I effin love that clip, stupid TMZ messing with our baby:no::no:
I know he wanted to get medevil on them.
The "tell her to go to Hell" was a classic moment :lol: And I also love what MLVD just posted above me. That part cracked me up :hysterical:
lol yea 'dont go around breaking young girls arms' lmao
can someone, I have looked already 2x & don't see it, post the video where MJ says 'to celebrate the imagination....'

WOMAN: 'Of you and me Michael!' please thank you.

hahahah, michael actually pauses for half a second after he says "to celebrate the imagination...." pauses ..then the woman screams, which makes her voice loud and clear. I just love how the crowd laughs and MJ`s face. LOL. Awwwwww...that what such perfect timing. I literally laughed my lazy ass off..

Oh man Michael was like whose she and then he listens attentively to the lady who explains and 2 seconds into it..his like BULLSHIT..."go to hell" hahahaha..ADOOOORABLE.
"Da cummand considers us a bunch of losers. But we're gonna do it right dis time cuz we're da best! If we don't we be drummed outta da core"
"Da cummand considers us a bunch of losers. But we're gonna do it right dis time cuz we're da best! If we don't we be drummed outta da core"

lol I love the way he talks throughout the whole Captain Eo movie. He's just too darn cute to take seriously. :p :heart: Until he breaks into the dancing and singing and then wow! :swoon:
lol I love the way he talks throughout the whole Captain Eo movie. He's just too darn cute to take seriously. :p :heart: Until he breaks into the dancing and singing and then wow! :swoon:

LOL I love Captain EO. "Hooooterrrrr!" :rofl:

hahahah, michael actually pauses for half a second after he says "to celebrate the imagination...." pauses ..then the woman screams, which makes her voice loud and clear. I just love how the crowd laughs and MJ`s face. LOL. Awwwwww...that what such perfect timing. I literally laughed my lazy ass off..

Oh man Michael was like whose she and then he listens attentively to the lady who explains and 2 seconds into it..his like BULLSHIT..."go to hell" hahahaha..ADOOOORABLE.

I saw that and the way he says it is so funny! & guess what Gloria Allred, he got the last laugh cuz we all agree with him. so GTH lol