MJ fans Jokes

1.29sec, i love michael how he sayss "uhhh ittss a gift from god" sounds like a middle eastern accent..cute..

Person asks michael: "When you hear the playback what do you think?"

Michael gets all pumped up and excited to talk about his music and says "When you hear the playback you think of everything thaaat should be there thats not there"

Only Michael can think that way :wink:
Depositions there is this one that I dont remember exactly but it went something like this:

Lawyer: Do you remember this Mr. Jackson?
MJ: No, I dont.
Lawyer: Do you have a memory problem Mr. Jackson?
MJ: Not that I can recall!!!

Funniest guy EVER!

Michael had answered many questions with "I don't remember" or "I don't know"
Then the "Do you suffer from memory loss?"

I've only heard the audio to this deposition though. Didn't know a video existed. Do you have a link to it?
I had a VHS video (4 hours) of it but in such a bad, bad quality that it was impossible to watch. I'm not really sure if it's the same one. The one that I got was the Mexico depo, where MJ wasn't feeling very good (tooth ache)
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