MJ Defaults in Raymone Bain Case ($44m)

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Hehe! No Violence and I'll be your back up cause Ms. Bain might roll hard. She is from DC and all..lol.

So true, she might be a Northeast hardhead...lmao.. I bet she use to roll on U Street back when the gangs had that street on lock...lol

She is a str8 up crook asking for $44million, I wonder if she really wants that much or does she want to get back into MJ's inner circle..??
Sorry, based on lack of service of process. Again, I'm not sure of the Cali law on service, and I'm not sure on whether he was served in any of the three manners set out in the FRCP. Still, the point remains that MJ is conceding the facts of the case to Bain if an official judgment is entered. He then has 44 million riding on an argument that he wasn't properly served.

Also, just to clarify, MJ still does have time to file a motion to set aside the default judgment. I believe it's somewhere between 2-4 weeks he has to do it. That would require hiring a lawyer, however.

If the default judgment is ordered, he and his attorney have 30 days to file a Notice of Motion to Vacate Judgment form
he'd better have a good reason for not showing up to court if the judge is to decide to vacate the judgment against him
Michael do something! This bitch is crazy. $44 million? What has she done to deserve $44 million??

"Larry, Michael is I--NNOcent"


Oh how quickly people change when they smell the money..
I'm sure that a lot of fans are stressin' this far more than the man himself.

"He is very serious about his music," she said. "When you are a creative person and the creative juices are flowing again and you're about to embark on new projects, you want to make sure your organization is running smoothly."

These and other changes, including hiring New York-based entertainment lawyer L. Londell McMillan to handle his business affairs, are the first of a "sweeping restructuring of his personal and business affairs," said Bain. 2006

Londell McMillan has done well for Michael and is hopefully still on his payroll.

If so, where's that darn broom...

One last SWEEP...out with the old and in with the new era Fa Real now


Ya know? I mean, I know we only heard one side but until then I'm not gonna play pin-the-tail-on-MJ, lol.
This is crazy. It's going too far. Michael and his lawyers better get offa their butt and do something before MJ has to pay her the $44 million regardless of whether she's entitled to it or not.
Ya know? I mean, I know we only heard one side but until then I'm not gonna play pin-the-tail-on-MJ, lol.

yeah. what happened to the days of 'two sides of the story'?

is MJ a criminal for being quiet?

or, perhaps quiet, as in, the media puts the proverbial gag order on MJ on a regular basis
Doesn't sound good at all.
Why the hell he didn't respond? I really think he wasn't served properly, otherwise has no sense at all.
its incomprehensible to me how some ppl can put money above friendship :no: especially friendship with such a wonderful extraordinary man. she was lucky to have him in her life for all these years.
its incomprehensible to me how some ppl can put money above friendship :no: especially friendship with such a wonderful extraordinary man. she was lucky to have him in her life for all these years.

this is no friendship matter. it is about business. if MJ owns her money then she has the right to sue him.
I really hope he wasn't properly served and it's not that something in his 'team' is not working right or bla... that would be an expensive fault.
I don't know the ins and outs of the American system, but what I do know is that by trying to dodge the server, Michael Jackson is playing a dangerous game. To say $44million is a lot of money would be an understatement even for the richest of people, but if Mike really has problems financially, then this is ludicrous. As you said, if Mike does not respond to this now he has just thrown away $44million dollars. Why?
It can't be just because he wants to fight it in his own time because it's too much of a gamble to do that. He'd be relying on the good will of the system to allow his excuse about not being served properly.
Surely it can't be because he has enough money to just let this amount go.
No, I think it's down to incompetence in his team. Over the last decade, perhaps longer, Michael Jackson has surrounded himself by people who are incapable and often unqualified to do their job. When Backermann and then Bain came on the scene it looked for a while as though somebody was at last changing things for the better, but here we are in 2009 and the same disorganisation is handicapping Mike to the point of collapse.
Every time it looks as though something good is going to happen for Mike, something like this comes along at the same time to ruin it. I hope this all gets sorted out soon, and in Mike's favour.
yeah. what happened to the days of 'two sides of the story'? is MJ a criminal for being quiet?

No he is not a criminal for being quiet. But he is stupid for letting things like this happen again and again. And yes, the media have a field day with this one. And ohhhh the media are so meeeaaaaaan. Yes they are, but it's also very easy for them to be that way.... because for over a decade, Michael has behaved like a sitting duck. The majority of cases against him could have been prevented had they been handled in a proper manner.

Michael is being treated unfairly by the media... but he himself is giving them the ammunition to do so.
this is no friendship matter. it is about business. if MJ owns her money then she has the right to sue him.

I absolutely agree, and am surprised how fans are raved at Bain...
If she is right, that means that she co-arranged many things that Michael was exploiting of... including AEG deal... thats why its up to the 44 mill. dollars demand ...
She woudlnt fabricate such number without relevant papers.

Some fans are so... naive...:bugeyed

If you were on her place, you would let 44 million for Michael, only because its Michael and your efforts to help Michael were only from love towards Michael...? :doh:
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I am not a lawyer I dont have experience in American business law..

However, any business person just prentending to ignore a lawsuit for 44MILLION USD! is ....welll......honestly, needs a reality check...

it is not something you can pretend is not happening..

No way on earth MJ didnt know about this, he knew...bottomline he didnt act or ordered someone else to act on his behalf..

with so many managers running around nowadays one must wonder why not?
No he is not a criminal for being quiet. But he is stupid for letting things like this happen again and again. And yes, the media have a field day with this one. And ohhhh the media are so meeeaaaaaan. Yes they are, but it's also very easy for them to be that way.... because for over a decade, Michael has behaved like a sitting duck. The majority of cases against him could have been prevented had they been handled in a proper manner.

Michael is being treated unfairly by the media... but he himself is giving them the ammunition to do so.

Here, here.
So when are they gonna decide he must pay the money if he doesn't answer? What date? I just don't understand this at all. Why let it come so far.
she thought that by working for Michael she was going to have long term benefits and that she was set for life but now that he doesn't need her anymore she's trying to grab as much as she can all at once but I agree she's not worth 44 mil.$
I am not a lawyer I dont have experience in American business law..

However, any business person just prentending to ignore a lawsuit for 44MILLION USD! is ....welll......honestly, needs a reality check...

it is not something you can pretend is not happening..

No way on earth MJ didnt know about this, he knew...bottomline he didnt act or ordered someone else to act on his behalf..

with so many managers running around nowadays one must wonder why not?

thats right...!!!!:clapping::agree:
It's his business and we have no authority to tell him what to do or not. He will sort it out either way. He must be pretty pissed off at her and I don't blame him. He will sort it out don't worry.
It's his business and we have no authority to tell him what to do or not. He will sort it out either way. He must be pretty pissed off at her and I don't blame him. He will sort it out don't worry.

sure, but it doesnt mean that ducking your head in the sand is acceptable and should be praised...

MJ has had plenty of dealings with the legal system, he is not an idiot (sorry but I dont know a more appropriate word) he knows about this lawsuit...

he can not be ignoring it thinking it will pass, that is plain stupid..

and I am sincerely hoping he is that much in control of his business and legal matters that he at least instructs a lawyer to deal with it.
now if you are told to do your job and you dont do it that is a different issue, should be settled between you and your employer but the end of the day there was no action from MJ's side

now there is 14 days left to do something and with 44Million bucks at stake I am hoping it is a strong wake up call to all parties involved:doh:
He will probably settle this one like he does with any other suit, and Raymone knows that, that's why she's asking for that ridicilous amount of money.
No he is not a criminal for being quiet. But he is stupid for letting things like this happen again and again. And yes, the media have a field day with this one. And ohhhh the media are so meeeaaaaaan. Yes they are, but it's also very easy for them to be that way.... because for over a decade, Michael has behaved like a sitting duck. The majority of cases against him could have been prevented had they been handled in a proper manner.

Michael is being treated unfairly by the media... but he himself is giving them the ammunition to do so.

No matter what michael does or does not do In the timely fashion you or others wish... Do not make him ' stupid ' as you say!
so now Its okay to use this forum as a format to Insult michael ,talk down to him because In the eyes of you and some others he Is not responding to lawsuits or other situations against himself on your time frame ,on the level you see fit...you are free to your opinion and speech Just reframe from direspecting michael In the process.
Michael as always will handle his own business the way michael wants It handled...
No matter what michael does or does not do In the timely fashion you or others wish... Do not make him ' stupid ' as you say!
so now Its okay to use this forum as a format to Insult michael ,talk down to him because In the eyes of you and some others he Is not responding to lawsuits or other situations against himself on your time frame ,on the level you see fit...you are free to your opinion and speech Just reframe from direspecting michael In the process.
Michael as always will handle his own business the way michael wants It handled...

Thank you! :clapping::clapping::clapping:
We all are human beings, and Michael is nothing more than just that. We all do stupid things, and this is one of them. Or maybe I should rephrase: this is not a smart move.
We all are human beings, and Michael is nothing more than just that. We all do stupid things, and this is one of them. Or maybe I should rephrase: this is not a smart move.
You are exactly right. The problem is, some people here don't believe MJ is human, they think he is a god.
whatever Michael has or has not done in his life is not ours to judge.
whatever Michael has or has not done in his life is not ours to judge.
Well considering that heaps of praise is thrown upon him on this message board when he does something good, it's only fair that we should be able to criticize him when something bad happens.
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