MJ Defaults in Raymone Bain Case ($44m)

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this is his private business not his public persona. no, it is different. and we aren't his judges. we are just fans.
this is his private business not his public persona. no, it is different. and we aren't his judges. we are just fans.
oh give me a break. This message board is full of MJ's private business.
i never like raymone bain cause the way she is :yes: i didn't like the way she helping MJ out and speaking out :yes: is thing about her i do like :yes: :thinking:
yes agree michael Is human and has to be one tough cookie to weather so many storms...
This isn't good. I just hope the whole situation is resolved, Michael's got some really exciting projects coming up and I just hope this scenario doesn't interfere with them. Whatever has happened (since none of us really know), it should be sorted out.
i don't speak for him but you have answered on his behalf... should i refer to you as dr tohme?
Can we stop with the arguing guys. None of us know the full ins and outs of the situation, we are just going to have to sit back and see what happens. I think everyone agrees though that the whole matter needs to be resolved.
I just hope the concerts won't get in jeopardy cause of this, that's all. It might sound rather selfish, but that's not my intention. I just can't wait to see the true king of pop live again. It's been a long time...but it's getting closer and closer and please don't let effed up things like this ruin it.
I am not a lawyer I dont have experience in American business law..

However, any business person just prentending to ignore a lawsuit for 44MILLION USD! is ....welll......honestly, needs a reality check...

it is not something you can pretend is not happening..

No way on earth MJ didnt know about this, he knew...bottomline he didnt act or ordered someone else to act on his behalf..

with so many managers running around nowadays one must wonder why not?
I agree. And just because you ask for 44 million does NOT mean you are going to get it. SHe may ask for 44 million but only get $500,000 (if not that amount if it is found that she can not prove why she deserve that amount). Just because people ask for high numbers does NOt mean they are going to get it. It will be worked out.
Maybe we should just wait for news on this instead of calling each other out over something we don't actually know anything about. Michael's probably not as bothered as some here, lol.
Well considering that heaps of praise is thrown upon him on this message board when he does something good, it's only fair that we should be able to criticize him when something bad happens.
I think the criticism he gets from outside this forum is more than enough
Oh you are kidding me are we back to a pissing contest again? Nobody knows jack. All we have are the facts. A motion has been filed against Michael for default. Have patience and see what happens. I'm going to close this for a cool down period cuz ya'll just outta hand in here.
Ok, I'm going to re-open this one however, if it becomes a fighting match or if you can not contain your behavior towards fellow members then you'll be infractioned, thread closed and that'll just be the way it is.

The future of threads are in the members hands. Post with respect for everyone.
let me just say this. and i truly believe this is a fair statement. everybody on this board, who has a job, who is doing that job well, and who has a sterling record, does not want a stranger coming up to them and telling them how to do their job, no matter how unorthodox, that job holder's methods are.

if anybody is handling their business well, and a stranger tells them how to handle their business, then anybody would tell that stranger where to go, no matter how unorthodox anybody's business methods seem to the eyes of the stranger.

if anybody is dealing with lawsuits well, and a stranger tells them how to handle lawsuits, anybody would tell that stranger just where to go, no matter how unorthodox anybody's methods may seem to the eyes of the stranger.

if said stranger did that, then the job holder would tell them just where to go.

Michael is one of those people who is doing his job well.
has a record of handling his lawsuits well. frivolous lawsuits tho they are.
The judge is not gonna just give Raymone Bain $44 mil of Michael's money. That is too much money. The judge is gonna look at that amount and he is gonna ask her for prove that this money is owed to her. And when she doesn't give that prove, he is gonna reduce her lawsuit greatly. She has claim to monies Michael hasn't decided to earn yet.

And this is shown in the information that MJJMod posted about default judgments. If Michael continues to ignore it, a hearing will be scheduled and Raymone will have to show the judge that she is owed this money. And that shot gun contract she has is not gonna do it. She needs to show specifically how she is owed this amount of money. And that is where the judge is gonna start chipping away at her lawsuit.

Now do I think Michael should have responded? Yes. But maybe he KNOWS that this lawsuit is so ridiculously overblown, he didn't want to even give it his time. Who knows. But I think that Michael knows something....a lot of things....about this issue that the media is not telling us. I am gonna just hold my judgement and see what the outcome will be. But I doubt if Raymone Bain is gonna get $44 mil awarded to her. It just aint gonna happen.
This post is makes sence to me because otherwise I think it is ridiculous if she is just going to get the money without having to prove anything. Having said that, ofcourse I think he should have responded to this and I really hope he does and soon. I also have to say agian how very disappointed I am in Raymone and I think it is awful what she has done (just have to say it). But maybe we should change the title of this thread to a notice of default has been filed or something like that becuase it is not entirely correct?
Michael is one of those people who is doing his job well. has a record of handling his lawsuits well.

I think you forget that the majority of those lawsuits could have been prevented.
don't you think that it could be a tactic I see this as a tactic
Bain run to have a quick judgement so mj doesn't play her game and play his own card to win some times. I bet that his lawyer will be official hired few days before the deadline and they will beg some times to the judge to read the case so nothing will happenned in june and after that mj will be london so Bain won't use this to push her case
This post is makes sence to me because otherwise I think it is ridiculous if she is just going to get the money without having to prove anything. Having said that, ofcourse I think he should have responded to this and I really hope he does and soon. I also have to say agian how very disappointed I am in Raymone and I think it is awful what she has done (just have to say it). But maybe we should change the title of this thread to a notice of default has been filed or something like that becuase it is not entirely correct?

For those criticizing MJ, maybe this is his lawyer's tactic. Rather than wasting time responding to a $44million lawsuit, let the judge hold a hearing and Ramone proves she's owed.

Then based on the judgement that the judge enters, MJ lawyers can appeal that.

Otherwise, if they try to fight the lawsuit from $44million, Ramone has a right to subpoena all documents relating to MJ's deal and then make them public, as well as deposition each and everyone, Randy Phillips, MJ, etc.

By letting her prove her own case, MJ team saves time, money and intrusion.

Let's not forget

$44 million is based on $400 million story
$4 million Ramone belives she's entitled to for Thriller and other stuff

Recently, Phillips said MJ has only committed to 50 shows, and if MJ is to earn about $50 million from those shows, Ramone gets only $5million, before MJ files any defence.

Therefore, the true amount Ramone should have in her lawsuit is

$5 Million for AEG deal
$4 Million for Thriller and other stuff

$9 Million altogether.

The judge therefore has tro knock her down from $44 million to $9million, which will be embarrassing for her without an MJ defence even being filed.

Then she has to prove the $9million, which is a whole other story.

After she has been reducted, MJ can appeal and prove that she never introduced AEG to him or argue the terms and her entitlement, but when the sum is no longer astronomical.

Also then, Ramone's lawyers will be willing to negotiate at a lower amount.

Right now, any negotiations, Ramone's lawyers will start at a half.

But when reduced, they will be forced to start at way lower when MJ appeals.

Let's see what MJ does. He may file a defence or let it run, but let no fans think they are wiser than MJ's lawyers. His lawyer knows what is going on and the lawyer is the one to make decisions accordingly as how to pursue this.
Otherwise it's like fans trying to advise T-Mez why he doesn't do this or that. He knows best his strategy
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