MJ Defaults in Raymone Bain Case ($44m)

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Page 13 - Line 52 of the court document:
Mr. Jackson has breached the Personal Services Agreement by refusing to pay the 10% fee to Ms. Bain for: (i) the 25th Anniversary Thriller commemorative deal, (ii) the personal proceeds from the refinancing of the loan on the SONY/ATV music catalog, and (iii) the AEG agreement.

Page 13 - Line 53 of the court document:
Ms. Bain has been directly and actually damaged by Mr. Jackson's conduct in this regard and will continue to be harmed both financially, and in other ways as a result of Mr. Jackson's conduct, in an amount to be proven at trial, but not less than $44,000,000.


So, what Raymone is saying is, as the President/COO of the Michael Jackson Company, she wants:

* 10% of what MJ may be making from Thriller 25
* 10% of what MJ received from the refinancing of the loan on the SONY/ATV music catalog
* 10% of the AEG agreement

But, if we look at the Personal Services Agreement, we will see that she is not entitled to the full amount that she is asking for. Much of what she is asking for falls outside of the agreement.

Page 9 - Line 33 of the court document shows how much MJ received after refinancing his loan on the SONY/ATV catalog with the help of the Financial Advisory Board that consisted of the lawyers and accountants that Raymone brought on board. Keep in mind that the catalog has nothing to do with The Michael Jackson Company. The SONY/ATV catalog is something that MJ had years before Raymone ever worked for him or with him. She was nowhere in his circle when he purchased the catalog.

According to the court document, after the refinancing was completed, MJ received $25,000,000 in cash and $16,000,000 to pay off various debts, including his accounts payables (vendors, travel agents, attorneys, accountants, consultants and other creditors); and, monies to pay agreed upon legal settlements.


What does any of this have to do with The Michael Jackson Company? It has nothing to do with the Michael Jackson Company, or MJ as the CEO of The Michael Jackson Company. So, how can Raymone be entitled to 10% of money that is going toward his bills. Her job was to get his loan refinanced and she did her job. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Under the Business Opportunities section of the Personal Services Agreement (Exhibit A), it says:

a) pursuing new business opportunities on behalf of Michael Jackson and the Michael Jackson Company. As compensation, Bain shall receive 10% Finder's fee of any Agreement(s) entered into by Michael Jackson, or the Michael Jackson Company, generated by, or due to the direct efforts of Bain and/or Bain's contacts.

Refinancing a loan to pay bills, using something that MJ acquired before he met Raymone, does not have anything to do with new business opportunities for The Michael Jackson Company, neither does it have anything to do with pursuing new business for MJ as the CEO of The Michael Jackson Company. A personal loan to pay off bills is a personal loan to pay off bills.

But, since getting together a new accounting team does fall under the Accounting section of the Personal Services Agreement signed by both MJ and Raymone, and since retaining personal legal counsel falls under the Legal Representation section of the agreement, Raymone does deserve to be paid for the work that she performed in these areas. She did form an accounting team and she did bring on legal counsel.

Exhibit A
Page 1 of Personal Services Agreement
(Shows Accounting section of outline and Legal Representation section)

Page 2 of Personal Services Agreement
(Shows signatures)

The first paragraph of the Personal Services Agreement shows MJ authorized Raymone to incorporate his new company, trademark the new logo which will be associated with his new company, and oversee all business associated with establishing said company. Raymone was also responsible for creating a new website.

Under Website, on the agreement, it says the following:

a) authorization to create a website in the best interest of Mr. Jackson.

When we look at the website, what do we see? We see that it is incomplete and that it says the following:

The Michael Jackson Company, Inc. is a company founded by pop icon Michael Jackson on June 27, 2006. Michael Jackson’s Spokesperson Raymone Bain is General Manager of the new entity. It will replace the now defunct MJJ Productions


But, if we look at the back of the CD case for "Thriller 25," we do not see a logo for The Michael Jackson Company. We see logos for Epic, MJJ Productions and Legacy. Where is the logo for The Michael Jackson Company? Can it be that MJJ Productions is the company that is not defunct and The Michael Jackson Company is the one that is?

Also, if we look at the date mentioned in the wording on the website, it says The Michael Jackson Company, Inc. is a company founded by pop icon Michael Jackson on June 27, 2006. Yet, if we look at the agreement (Exhibit A) signed by MJ and Raymone, we see that, as the Founder/Chief Executive Officer of The Michael Jackson Company, MJ signed the Personal Services Agreement on May 30, 2006. The date on the website doesn't even show that he was the Founder back in May. In addition to this, the court document says the name of the company is now The Michael Jackson Company, LLC. How can all of these contradictions or discrepancies on the website be in the best interest of MJ as stated in the Personal Services Agreement?

While looking at the court documents that were filed by Raymone, it doesn't seems like she had found the investors yet either. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't, but it doesn't seem like she did.

Per the court document, she created a Financial Advisory Board. It's the team of people that helped MJ refinance his loan. But, it does not seem like they would also be the ones to invest in the new company.

So, where are the investors, if they do exist? And if there aren’t any as of yet, was MJ the main person she was relying on to fund the start up of the company? Did she put any of her own money into the startup of The Michael Jackson Company? And if she did, did she put in as much as MJ?

Page 8 - Line 29 of the filed court document says the following:

Beginning in January 2007, Ms Bain initiated what became year long negotiations with Anchutz Entertainment Group, Inc. (hereinafter AEG) regarding a comprehensive entertainment deal for Mr. Jackson, which also included, at the time, development of the Neverland Valley Ranch, and recording and film projects. The entertainment deal also included several live performances by Mr. Jackson at the O2 Arena in London, England.


So, the court document does show that Raymone is the one that initially got the ball rolling on the AEG deal, but look at the amount of performances that she was negotiating. It was not 50 performances. It was several performances. The word several means more than two or three but not many.

In addition to this, AEG did not finalize the deal with Raymone or The Michael Jackson Company. They finalized the deal with Dr. Tohme Tohme who was the President of MJJ Productions.

So, if Raymone is going to get anything from the concert series that is scheduled to take place in London this summer, it would be 10% of several performances only, if anything, wouldn't it? And, if she is to get anything from what MJ may have received as an advance, it would be 10% of whatever that calculates out to for several performances, not 50 performances or beyond 50 performances, right?

Also, as far as what she is due for services rendered, it seems like she should be paid for whatever she actually completed up until the last time that she spoke to MJ.

She did do a lot of work and she was working very hard, but did she do $44,000,000 worth? It sure does not seem like it.
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we all know she is entitled to a thing, but if MJ just sits back shes gonna get away with it. I wish someone close to Michael would tell him because i bet he doesnt even know whats going on.
^^I guess he probably doesn't even know he is being sued.
Rockstar, Michael's former manager, Raymone Bain, is saying that he owes her a huge amount of money for work that she did. There was a court date for him to respond to her lawsuit, and his lawyers did not respond. It is hoped that they will respond soon. It remains to be seen if she did the work and is owed any money. OK?
Rockstar, Michael's former manager, Raymone Bain, is saying that he owes her a huge amount of money for work that she did. There was a court date for him to respond to her lawsuit, and his lawyers did not respond. It is hoped that they will respond soon. It remains to be seen if she did the work and is owed any money. OK?

thank you for explain it to me Victoria83

why? everybody in this world think is o.k to blame everything on MJ :yes: for money:2cents::angry: aleve the hell MJ alone :mat::angry:

i'm going to Raymone Bain :puke: on her :yes::yes:
If his lawyers or other people on his staff have neglected to let him know about this lawsuit, they deserve to get fired.
It's expensive company to keep, if you know what I mean. 44 mio. dollars worth.
If he chose not to respond, for one reason or another, then.. Ah well.
I guess, he doesn't need the money?
how about, instead of everyting talking about how unique michael is and how much of a victim he always is, or how the sun seems to shine from his ass, maybe talk about omg, he's in a load of poo right now.

u can spin this however u want, this is his strategy or he doesn't need themoney or whatever u wanna think to help yourselves sleep at night, but fighting amongst each other, hooting and hollering, and bickering to the point of deletion is getting a tad bit wearing on staff....

either address what this thread was made for, or simply skip it th enext time u log in.

he's in default. he has to pay her unless he can get out of default. blame who u want but at the end of the day, the responsibility lies w/ him. that's the end all and save all of this thread.

who cares who advises whom? b/c of someomeone's mistakes, he's gonna have to pay this money and in reality , th ebiggest mistake was his. too trusting or not paying attention or he simply doesn't care. but the heavens won't open up and butterflies won't sing etc... if/when this case goes away, another one will crop up just like it and again we'll bhere discussing it

u don't like how ur business is run? get new staff. we're not famous like him so we can't comment on it? then what's the purpose of a messageboard? or is our sole purpose just to butter up the star we adore? that's neither helpful nor productive

and what started as a thread that actually had some good debating and reasoning has turned into a victory thread about how mj is resilient and how he'll get out of it. purpose lost
I think it's time for this thread to be put to rest. We can post a new one or continue in the original Bain Case thread of Gary's when more information becomes available.
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