MJ Defaults in Raymone Bain Case ($44m)

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It usually turns out that Michael has an Ace in the hole that we all dont know about (and why would we as were on the outside looking in).

Mike is a smart business man and he isnt going to cost himself $44m like that.

I think he's just not playing into Raymone's BS.

We all thought there was something screwy about her when she was in charge didnt we.

i agree. that's what i think, too. thanks.

*god...i admire Michael's personality sooooo much.*
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You shouldnt exclude yourself like that.

It usually turns out that Michael has an Ace in the hole that we all dont know about (and why would we as were on the outside looking in).

Mike is a smart business man and he isnt going to cost himself $44m like that.

I think he's just not playing into Raymone's BS.

We all thought there was something screwy about her when she was in charge didnt we.

he shant need an ace in the hole every time if he kept it on lock and handled it appropriately.

and raymone's bs? the b s is that mj either has a defense or loses $44M in the fastest damn lawsuit against him.
What I keep seeing over and over and over again are some people defending Michael against any and everything. But in so many cases it seems to me that it's not Michael "himself" doing or not doing something in these legal cases, but his team, whomever they may be, that many of us are saying do not appear to be handling things in a timely matter.

No, we don't know the whole story. But, come on, someone should surely be on top of all these BS lawsuits before they even get as far as they do, specifically this one.

There was the attempt to serve papers to Michael at his LA home, his "people" basically told whomever at the gate to get lost. Did it go further? Did it get lost in the commotion r/t everything going on with the O2 thing? Isn't this what Michael pays big bucks to his legal team to handle before they get out of control; is his legal team and/or management team even aware of half of it until it reaches this point? Who is his management team at this point?

I certainly can't sit in judgement of any of it, but I am voicing my concern because I can't totally ignore history. Maybe now something will be handled, but for it to get to this point just astounds me.

Sorry if I offend some members, but come on, it is what it is.
yeah yeah yeah... w/e the intial story gets all the bam, in the end that _itch is still gonna end up with squat. everyone's upset atm cause the inital story. this is not game set match by a long shot.
What I keep seeing over and over and over again are some people defending Michael against any and everything. But in so many cases it seems to me that it's not Michael "himself" doing or not doing something in these legal cases, but his team, whomever they may be, that many of us are saying do not appear to be handling things in a timely matter.

No, we don't know the whole story. But, come on, someone should surely be on top of all these BS lawsuits before they even get as far as they do, specifically this one.

There was the attempt to serve papers to Michael at his LA home, his "people" basically told whomever at the gate to get lost. Did it go further? Did it get lost in the commotion r/t everything going on with the O2 thing? Isn't this what Michael pays big bucks to his legal team to handle before they get out of control; is his legal team and/or management team even aware of half of it until it reaches this point? Who is his management team at this point?

I certainly can't sit in judgement of any of it, but I am voicing my concern because I can't totally ignore history. Maybe now something will be handled, but for it to get to this point just astounds me.

Sorry if I offend some members, but come on, it is what it is.

it's only because if you place yourself in any of the 'crisis' moments in MJ's life, they feel like this one feels to some members. but the end result has always been the same. he came out of it shining.

just because something is dramatic, it doesn't mean it's wrong, or doom, when it comes to MJ. and it's happened this way, numerous times.

let's contrast it to other celebs.

they have what SEEMS like a brilliant life. no reported drama. no reports. no nothing. then, suddenly, they're dead. they've hung themselves. they died from drugs. whatever.

and everybody is understandably shocked. but you know why they are shocked? because they never heard anything bad about that celeb, in the MEDIA.

the contrast with Michael is, bluntly, we always hear stuff from the MEDIA that SOUNDS like something that is perceived as BAD, by some people. and we hear it over and over and over. but Michael is still alive. still driving expensive cars. still living large.

but that's not what some people seem to think about. they just seem to think about the REPORTS that are peceived as BAD. him still moving along strong doesn't ever seem to be considered.

consequently, some people seem to think MJ is constantly headed for doom, based on REPORTS. but he is still alive and thriving.

while people think some other celebs are gunna have a good life, based on NO reports. yet those celebs have ended up dead.

obviously, there was drama in their lives. obviously, they were headed for doom. but how could we be concerned?

We never HEARD about it.

should we have been concerned? obviously, yes.

and this is why snap judgement is never a good thing.
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I think people are over reacting personally.

You have to remember that we only know what has been made public which as far as we know could only be 10% of the big picture.

It always turns out that someone is going to sue Michael for such and such and then a day before court Michael settles. Have we not seen this multiple times in the past?

it's only because if you place yourself in any of the 'crisis' moments in MJ's life, they feel like this one feels to some members. but the end result has always been the same. he came out of it shining.

just because something is dramatic, it doesn't mean it's wrong, or doom, when it comes to MJ. and it's happened this way, numerous times.

let's contrast it to other celebs.

they have what SEEMS like a brilliant life. no reported drama. no reports. no nothing. then, suddenly, they're dead. they've hung themselves. they died from drugs. whatever.

and everybody is understandably shocked. but you know why they are shocked? because they never heard anything bad about that celeb, in the MEDIA.

the contrast with Michael is, bluntly, we always hear stuff from the MEDIA that SOUNDS like something that is perceived as BAD, by some people. and we hear it over and over and over. but Michael is still alive. still driving expensive cars. still living large.

but that's not what some people seem to think about. they just seem to think about the REPORTS that are peceived as BAD. him still moving along strong doesn't ever seem to be considered.

consequently, some people seem to think MJ is constantly headed for doom, based on REPORTS. but he is still alive and thriving.

while people think some other celebs are gunna have a good life, based on NO reports. yet those celebs have ended up dead.

There are simply no words I can use to reply to this, it is up to each member to decide what they choose to accept or deny in this particular situation.
Ah come on mike, handle ya biz!. I willl be too annoyed if that tacky behinded PR wannbe gets one RED CENT! She is really annoying. Knowing good and well that she ain't worth no 44 mill and that she's only doing this because of TII! UGH!

Raymone SIT YO TACKY WIDE BEHIND DOWN!:smilerolleyes:

Yo mike handle it!:timer:
Darnit! I lost my post after pressing the wrong key. :doh: So here's the Cliff Notes version:

Everyone is mentioning him ignoring this. How do you know that Michael really was aware of this if he himself or his attorney was not served personally? I thought that that was important in terms of who got the papers notifying of a lawsuit. Check with the average person. See if they have heard of it. It was not widely reported on so let's not act like there is no reason that no one shouldn't have heard about this.

Simply because people on the fan boards google or whatever else to get info about R. Bain's lawsuit does not mean that Michael is sitting around googling his name to see what is in the news about him any given day. This lawsuit was not made very public. To know that Bain even had a website you would have been having to google her name, been on the fan boards or reading TMZ. Again, who's to say Michael does any of those?

He may be aware or he may not be. It seems, though, that he doesn't have a habit of going into default on lawsuits-large or small or meritless or not-simply by ignoring them. Therefore, I would assume that it is more than Michael just not paying attention to this.

I agree. Even the most ridiculous of claims (stalkers and steel-wire-in-the-chest guy) received a response. There could be other valid reasons:

Lawyers sometimes file things at the very last minute as a strategy thing; One may have filed something and it hadn't been clocked in by the clerk yet. Fedex issues; sent/mailed to wrong courthouse issues (don't ask lol), electronic filing issues; Clerk at the courthouse made a boo-boo. Stuff like that can get cleared up in a day or two and things go on as normal. So, we'll see. Could get cleared up in a couple of days. The Clerk does take into account ppl being human cuz they screw up sometimes, too.

i appreciate your other quote, which proves that snap judgement is not a good idea.

"If her guy was never able to serve those papers to Michael, then her default judgment will not be awarded because a prerequisite is that you have to have served the person."

Good point. The served summons is normally part of the court record. Is it certain that the bodyguard was served? I thought there was a report that the guard told the process server to get lost. lol True or not true? That's strange becuz it's not like Michael has been hiding and couldn't be found...how many pix do we have? So why serve a guard? Very strange unless that process server wasn't trying very hard?

To be perfectly clear, there is no "default judgment" yet, only the notice of default. If no concise action happens soon, then the next step would be the filing of the official judgment against him.

Exactly. So maybe we wait a few days before freaking out and judging? And even then, if nothing happens from his side...he could have his reasons.
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" The served summons is normally part of the court record. Is it certain that the bodyguard was served? I thought there was a report that the guard told the process server to get lost. lol True or not true? That's strange becuz it's not like Michael has been hiding and couldn't be found...how many pix do we have? So why serve a guard? Very strange unless that process server wasn't trying very hard?"

that's right. no proof. i wouldn't put it past Raymone's people to create propaganda against MJ.

we've changed from a society accepting hard evidence , to a society that accepts lesser circumstantial evidence and hearsay. we certainly weren't there.

by the way, the post u gave me credit for, actually belongs to All The Lovely Flowers
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The thing I don't really understand is, How they come up with that kinda amount of money to sue Mike with? I mean Really $44 MIL??? Why not make it $50Mil...Its just really Crazi I tell ya. I bet at the end of this, She wont be Happy about it...she might just come out 12 years later like Jarvis Cocker, and be like I made a Mistake. Thats how it has become. Destroy now, Apologize later. Very sad
I guess the questions are whether or not MJ was properly served and whether the court in DC has personal jurisdiction over MJ. MJ can make a challenge to the personal jurisdiction, and I believe also improper service, when Bain heads to a California court to attempt to obtain enforcement of the DC district court judgment. However, if MJ loses these challenges, he will be responsible for the entire 44 million. It's an unnecessarily risky strategy for one to take, especially one with the resources of Michael Jackson.
It may not end up being bad, but this was pretty stupid.

people usually accuse him of that without seeing every last detail of what really happened and why.

so if looking 'stupid' makes him smart enough to end up shining like he usually does, then, i want some of that 'stupid'.

usually, a lot of people who look smart(from what's reported..[which could leave out stuff]), end up looking stupid when the smoke clears. so, they were stupid, all along.
I agree with most. This was plain stupid. They should have answered her lawsuit, and settled. Now he has to pay. This really wasn't handled at all well.
I guess the questions are whether or not MJ was properly served and whether the court in DC has personal jurisdiction over MJ. MJ can make a challenge to the personal jurisdiction, and I believe also improper service, when Bain heads to a California court to attempt to obtain enforcement of the DC district court judgment. However, if MJ loses these challenges, he will be responsible for the entire 44 million. It's an unnecessarily risky strategy for one to take, especially one with the resources of Michael Jackson.

You bring up some good and valid reasons why he didn't answer.. hadn't thought of jurisdiction and timing...
people usually accuse him of that without seeing every last detail of what really happened and why.

so if looking 'stupid' makes him smart enough to end up shining like he usually does, then, i want some of that 'stupid'.

usually, a lot of people who look smart(from what's reported..[which could leave out stuff]), end up looking stupid when the smoke clears. so, they were stupid, all along.

This has nothing to do with anything other than this lawsuit. His not hiring an attorney to show up to court was not smart. Regardless of what happens he's creating for himself an unnecessary risk of losing 44 million dollars, which Bain had absolutely no chance at getting had someone showed up. No other information is needed.
Well, this is none of my business....

But if Michael wants to default, then its his behind that will have to fork over all those millions. people who don't deserve a darn thing seems to be always walking away with Michael's millions!

I've stopped getting caught up with all things legal-wise in MJland, too stressful.
Umm...it sounds like he has not been properly served to me :scratch:AND,

That may not even be his LEGAL address :tease: LOL! :cheeky:
Im really surprised at this thread.

Usually MJJC is about supporting Michael but all I see is people passing judgment on him and saying his stupid (seriously some of you said that? and by some people I wouldnt expect too) and yet none of you really know anything about this case except what has been made public.

Im sure Michael and his peeps will sort this out if they havent already got it under control.

You really think a little ol ex employee is going to best Michael? This isnt me thinking Mike is perfect and nothing will hurt him blah blah blah, we simply dont know the full story so we should be patient and sit and wait and see how it pans out.

A lot of you are sounding like haters to be honest.
Umm...it sounds like he has not been properly served to me :scratch:AND,

That may not even be his LEGAL address :tease: LOL! :cheeky:

That's the question. I don't know California law on service of summons, so I can't comment on whether or not it appears he would have been properly served under that. Under FRCP Rule 4(e)(2), a service may otherwise be properly delivered by:

(A) delivering a copy of the summons and of the complaint to the individual personally,

(B) leaving a copy at the individual's dwelling or usual place of abode with someone of suitable age and discretion who resides there; or

Usually MJJC is about supporting Michael but all I see is people passing judgment on him and saying his stupid (seriously some of you said that? and by some people I wouldnt expect too) and yet none of you really know anything about this case except what has been made public.

(C) delivering a copy to an ageny authorized by appointment or by law to receive service of process

We're unsure on whether he was served personally, although probably not. Does MJ even have a dwelling or usual place of abode? I don't believe his bodyguards with be authorized to receive service, and I'm not sure who would be.

If none of those apply, Cali law is important. I'm also not positive that improper service of process can negate a default judgment, but I believe it can.

Still, for a menial fee, MJ could have hired a lawyer to just show up on his behalf and answer the complaint. That would have protected him from potential disaster.

Usually MJJC is about supporting Michael but all I see is people passing judgment on him and saying his stupid (seriously some of you said that? and by some people I wouldnt expect too) and yet none of you really know anything about this case except what has been made public.

Well, if a bunch of people that you wouldn't expect to normally say it are saying it, might that mean the criticism has merit? I'm only talking from a legal perspective here. Someone in MJ's position should never allow this to happen. It's far too risky.
I know I'd sound silly if I ask this question but anyway, I'll ask.
Does MJ know about this lawsuit?
Normally, a legal letter will be sent to a defendant, but what if the defendant's address is changed and he didn't receive the letter? :shock:
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